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49-3.03A General

49-3.03A(1) Summary

Section 49-3.03 includes specifications for constructing CIP concrete piles consisting of driven steel shells filled with concrete and reinforcement.

Furnish piling includes:

1. Furnishing steel shells at the job site

2. Furnishing concrete

3. Furnishing reinforcement for piles with a diameter of less than 24 inches

4. Splicing steel shells

Driving piles includes:

1. Driving and cutting off the steel shells at the elevations shown

2. Furnishing special driving tips or heavier sections of steel shells

3. Drilling holes or predrilling holes through embankments

4. Cleaning out and disposing of material from open-ended steel shells

5. Placing seal course concrete in open-ended steel shells

6. Dewatering open-ended steel shells

7. Placing reinforcement and concrete

8. Disposing of material resulting from drilling holes, predrilling holes, or cleaning out open-ended steel shells

49-3.03A(2) Definitions


49-3.03A(3) Submittals

Submit a cleanout method for open-ended steel shells as an informational submittal.

49-3.03A(4) Quality Assurance

After the steel shell is driven and before placing reinforcement and concrete, the Engineer examines the steel shell for collapse or a reduced diameter at any point. The Engineer rejects any steel shell that is improperly driven, broken, or shows partial collapse to an extent as to materially decrease its nominal resistance.

49-3.03B Materials

Steel shells must comply with the specifications for steel pipe piles in section 49-2.02.

Steel shells must be sufficiently watertight to exclude water during concrete placement.

49-3.03C Construction

49-3.03C(1) General

Drive steel shells under section 49-2.

Remove and replace rejected steel shells, or drive a new shell adjacent to the rejected shell. Fill rejected shells that cannot be removed with concrete. If a new shell is driven to replace a rejected shell, enlarge the footing.

If the Engineer revises the pile tip elevation, the work involved in furnishing, splicing, and driving the additional length of pile is change order work.

49-3.03C(2) Open-Ended Steel Shells

Section 49-3.03C(2) applies to open-ended steel shells.

Internal plates must not be used.

After driving, clean out the steel shell as follows:

1. Do not disturb the foundation material surrounding the pile when cleaning out the steel shell.

2. Equipment or methods used must not cause quick soil conditions or cause scouring or caving around or below the pile.

3. Steel shells must be free of soil, rock, or other material deleterious to the bond between concrete and steel before placing reinforcement and concrete.

4. Bottom 8 feet of the pile must not be cleaned out.
After the steel shell has been cleaned out, construct the pile expeditiously to prevent deterioration of the surrounding foundation material from the presence of water. Remove deteriorated foundation materials from the bottom of the steel shell, including materials that have softened, swollen, or degraded.

Dispose of material resulting from cleaning out the steel shells.

If conditions render it impossible or inadvisable in the Engineer's opinion to dewater the steel shells before placing reinforcement and concrete, seal the bottom of the steel shell under section 51-1.03D(3). After sealing, dewater and clean out the steel shell.

49-3.03C(3) Close-Ended Steel Shells


49-3.03D Payment

Driven steel shells filled with concrete and reinforcement are paid for as furnish piling and drive pile.


49-4.01 GENERAL

Section 49-4 includes specifications for drilling holes and installing steel soldier piles in the holes.

Steel soldier piles must comply with section 49-2.03.


Concrete anchors must comply with the specifications for studs in clause 7 of AWS D1.1.


49-4.03A General

Clean and prepare piles in heat affected areas before splicing steel piles or welding concrete anchors.

49-4.03B Drilled Holes

Drill holes for steel soldier piles into natural foundation material. Drilled holes must be accurately located, straight, and true.

Plumb and align the pile before placing concrete backfill and lean concrete backfill. The pile must be at least 1 inch clear of the sides of the hole for the full length of the hole to be filled with concrete backfill and lean concrete backfill. Ream or enlarge holes that do not provide the clearance around steel piles.

Furnish and place temporary casings or tremie seals where necessary to control water or to prevent caving of the hole.

Before placing the steel soldier pile, remove loose materials existing at the bottom of the hole after drilling operations have been completed.

Do not allow surface water to enter the hole. Remove all water in the hole before placing concrete.

If temporary casings are used, they must comply with section 49-3.02C(3).

Maintain alignment of the pile in the hole while placing backfill material.

49-4.04 PAYMENT

Not Used





49-7–49-10 RESERVED


50-1.01 GENERAL

50-1.01A Summary

Section 50 includes specifications for prestressing concrete.

50-1.01B Definitions


50-1.01C Submittals

50-1.01C(1) General

Submit test samples to METS. Notify the Engineer of each submittal. Include in the notification the date and contents of the submittal.

50-1.01C(2) Certifications

Submit the certifications specified in the following to METS:

1. ASTM A416/A416M for uncoated seven-wire steel strand

2. ASTM A722/A722M for uncoated HS-steel bars

3. ASTM A882/A882M for filled epoxy-coated seven-wire prestressing steel strand

Include with each certification:

1. Representative load-elongation curve for each size and grade of strand and for each size of bar

2. Copy of the QC tests performed by the manufacturer

50-1.01C(3) Shop Drawings

Submit shop drawings for the proposed prestressing system to OSD, Documents Unit. Notify the Engineer of the submittal. Include in the notification the date and list of contents of the submittal.

For initial review, submit:

1. 6 copies for railroad bridges unless the project includes a BNSF Railway underpass

2. 8 copies for railroad bridges if the project includes a BNSF Railway underpass

3. 4 copies for structures other than railroad bridges
After initial review, submit from 6 to 12 copies to OSD, Documents Unit, if requested.

The shop drawings must show complete details and substantiating calculations of the method and materials proposed for use in the prestressing activities, including the addition or rearrangement of reinforcing steel.

The details must outline the method and sequence of stressing and include:

1. Complete specifications and details of the prestressing steel and anchorage system.

2. Jacking stresses.

3. Type of ducts.

4. Proposed arrangement of the prestressing steel in the members.

5. Exact location of anchorage system components, ducts, and other related elements. Show duct location data, including elevations, at least every 1/8th point of the span for each span.

6. Elongation calculations.

7. All other data pertaining to the prestressing.

Each shop drawing submittal must consist of drawings for a single bridge or portion of a bridge. For multi-frame bridges, each frame must have a separate shop drawing submittal.

Allow the following time for review of the shop drawings:

1. 60 days for railroad bridges

2. 45 days for structures other than railroad bridges

For railroad bridges, comply with the requirements of the railroad company involved.

Include a grouting plan with your shop drawing submittal. If you propose an alternative prestressing system for a CIP PS box girder bridge, submit shop drawings, including all details and checked calculations.

50-1.01C(4) Alternative Prestressing Systems for Cast-In-Place Prestressed Box Girder Bridges

The details shown for CIP PS box girder bridges are based on a bonded full-length draped tendon prestressing system.You may submit a VECP for an alternative prestressing system using bonded partial-length tendons. The proposed system and associated details must comply with the following requirements:

1. Moment and shear resistances must be at least equal to those used for the design of the structure shown.

2. Concrete strength must be at least that shown.

3. Not less than 35 percent of the total prestressing force at any section must be provided by full-length draped tendons.

4. Anchorage blocks for partial-length tendons must be located such that the blocks will not interfere with the placement of the utility facilities shown or any future utilities to be placed through openings shown.

5. Any temporary prestressing tendons must be detensioned, and the temporary ducts must be filled with grout before completion of the work. Temporary tendons must be either removed or fully encased in grout before completion of the work.

At your request, the Department furnishes you with the demand moments and shears used in the design shown.

50-1.01C(5) Test Samples

Submit test samples for the materials to be used in the work as shown in the following table:


Number of test samples

Test sample description

Uncoated stranda


4-foot-long sample from each reel or pack

Epoxy-coated strand:

Uncoated stranda


4-foot-long sample of uncoated strand removed from each reel or pack before coating

Coated stranda


5-foot-long sample from each reel or pack of coated strand

Epoxy powder


8-ounce sample from each batchb

Epoxy patching material


8-ounce sample from each batchb



7-foot-long sample of each size for each heat

Bar couplera


Coupler from each lot of couplers with two 4-foot-long barsc

Anchorage assembliesa


Anchorage assembly from each lot of anchorage assemblies

aRandomly selected by the Engineer.

bPackaged in an airtight container and identified with the manufacturer's name and batch number.

cSubmit coupler and bar samples assembled. The bars must be from the same bar heats to be used in the work.

Sampling must comply with the requirements of the ASTM to be used for testing the sample.

With each bar or strand test sample, include a certificate from the manufacturer stating the minimum guaranteed ultimate tensile strength of each sample.

Identify each test sample by location and Contract number with weatherproof markings.

Allow 45 days for the Department's testing.

Obtain the Department's authorization of the material before incorporating it into the work.

50-1.01C(6) Grouting Plan

The grouting plan must include:

1. Detailed grouting procedures

2. Type, quantity, and brand of materials to be used

3. Type of equipment to be used and provisions for backup equipment

4. Types and locations of grout inlets, outlets, and vents

5. Methods to clean ducts before grouting

6. Methods to control the rate of flow within ducts

7. Theoretical grout volume calculations for each duct

8. Duct repair procedures for an air pressure test failure

9. Mixing and pumping procedures

10. Direction of grouting

11. Sequence of use of inlets and outlets

12. Procedure for handling blockages

13. Forms for recording grouting information

14. Procedure for secondary grouting

15. Names of people who will perform grouting activities and their relevant experience and certifications

50-1.01C(7) Daily Grouting Report

Submit a daily grouting report for each day grouting is performed. Submit the report within 3 business days after grouting. The report must be signed by the technician supervising the grouting activity. The report must include:

1. Identification of each tendon

2. Date the grouting occurred

3. Time the grouting started and ended

4. Date of placing the prestressing steel in each duct

5. Date of stressing

6. Type of grout used

7. Injection end and applied grouting pressure

8. Actual and theoretical quantities of grout used to fill each duct

9. Ratio of actual to theoretical grout quantity

10. Records of air, grout, and structure surface temperatures during grouting

11. Summary of tests performed and the results

12. Names of personnel performing the grouting activity

13. Summary of problems encountered and corrective actions taken

14. Summary of void investigation and repairs made

50-1.01D Quality Assurance

50-1.01D(1) General

For accurate identification, assign an individual lot number and tag each lot of the following items to be shipped to the job site or casting site:

1. Bars of each size from each heat

2. Strand from each reel or pack

3. Anchorage assemblies

4. Bar couplers
The Department rejects any unidentified prestressing steel, anchorage assemblies, or bar couplers received at the job site or casting site.

50-1.01D(2) Quality Control

50-1.01D(2)(a) General

50-1.01D(2)(b) Equipment and Calibration

Equip each hydraulic jack used to tension prestressing steel with 2 pressure gauges or 1 pressure gauge and a load cell.

Each jack body must be permanently marked with the ram area.

Each pressure gauge must be fully functional and have an accurate reading, clearly visible dial or display. The dial must be at least 6 inches in diameter and graduated in 100 psi increments or less.

Each load cell must be calibrated and have an indicator that can be used to determine the force in the prestressing steel.

The range of each load cell must be such that the lower 10 percent of the manufacturer's rated capacity is not used in determining the jacking force.

Each jack and its gauges must be calibrated as a unit.

Each jack used to tension prestressing steel permanently anchored at 25 percent or more of its specified minimum ultimate tensile strength must be calibrated by METS within 1 year of use and after each repair. You must:

1. Schedule the calibration of the jacking equipment with METS

2. Mechanically calibrate the gauges with a dead weight tester or other authorized means before calibration of the jacking equipment by METS

3. Verify that the jack and supporting systems are complete, with proper components, and are in good operating condition

4. Provide labor, equipment, and material to (1) install and support the jacking and calibration equipment and (2) remove the equipment after the calibration is complete

5. Plot the calibration results

Each jack used to tension prestressing steel permanently anchored at less than 25 percent of its specified minimum ultimate tensile strength must be calibrated by an authorized laboratory within 180 days of use and after each repair.
50-1.01D(2)(c) Pressure Testing Ducts

For post-tensioned concrete bridges, pressure test each duct with compressed air after stressing. To pressure test the ducts:

1. Seal all inlets, outlets, and grout caps.

2. Open all inlets and outlets on adjacent ducts.

3. Attach an air compressor to an inlet at 1 end of the duct. The attachment must include a valve that separates the duct from the air source.

4. Attach a pressure gauge to the inlet at the end of the duct.

5. Pressurize the duct to 50 psi.

6. Lock-off the air source.

7. Record the pressure loss after 1 minute.

8. Repair the leaks with authorized methods and retest if a pressure loss exceeds 25 psi.
Compressed air used to clear and test the ducts must be clean, dry, and free from oil or contaminants.

50-1.01D(2)(d) Duct Demonstrations for Post-Tensioned Members

Before placing forms for deck slabs of box girder bridges, demonstrate that any prestressing steel placed in the ducts is free and unbonded. If no prestressing steel is in the ducts, demonstrate that the ducts are unobstructed.

If prestressing steel is installed after the concrete is placed, demonstrate that the ducts are free of water and debris immediately before installing the steel.

Before post-tensioning any member, demonstrate that the prestressing steel is free and unbonded in the duct.

Demonstrations must be performed in the presence of the Engineer.

50-1.01D(2)(e) Void Investigation

In the presence of the Engineer, investigate the ducts for voids between 24 and 72 hours after grouting. As a minimum, inspect the inlet and outlet ports at the anchorages and at high points in the tendons for voids after removal of the inlet and outlet pipes. Completely fill any voids found with secondary grout.
50-1.01D(2)(f) Personnel Qualifications

Perform post-tensioning field activities, including grouting, under the direct supervision of a technician certified as a Level 2 Bonded PT Field Specialist through the Post-Tensioning Institute. Grouting activities may be performed under the direct supervision of a technician certified as a Grouting Technician through the American Segmental Bridge Institute.

Perform vacuum grouting under the direct supervision of a person who has been trained and has experience in the use of vacuum grouting equipment and procedures.

50-1.01D(3) Department Acceptance

The Department tests the prestressing steel test samples for compliance with section 50-1.02B.

The Department tests the efflux time of grout under California Test 541.

The Department may verify the prestressing force using the Department's load cells.

The Department determines the reduction of area of each test sample bar with the deformations removed. The deformations are removed by machining the bar no more than necessary to remove the deformations over a length of 12 inches.

If couplers are used to extend bars, the Department rejects the heat of bars and lot of couplers represented by the assembled unit test sample if the sample does not have a tensile strength of at least the manufacturer's minimum guaranteed ultimate tensile strength of the bars.

Prestressing steel that sustained physical damage is rejected.

Prestressing steel is rejected if surface rust either (1) cannot be removed by hand-cleaning with a fine steel wool pad or (2) leaves pits visible to the unaided eye after hand-cleaning.

If non-epoxy-coated prestressing steel is installed in the ducts of post-tensioned members after completion of concrete curing and if tensioning and grouting are completed within 10 days after the installation, then (1) rust that may form during this period is not cause for rejection of the steel and (2) the use of a corrosion inhibitor in the duct is not required after installation.

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