Qosim lofchi: Ber! deya Qaltiragandan bir kosa suvni toʻkib -toʻkib arang ichdi

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aytsam ishonmaysiz

Qadim oʻtgan zamonda bir qishloqda Qosim lofchi degan odam yashagan ekan.Oʻziyam bir kun yolgʻon gapirmasa oʻn kun kasal boʻlib qolarkan.Ignadek gapni tuyadek qilib gapirib odamlarni laqqilatishni yaxshi koʻrarkan.
Dunyo dunyo boʻlib bunaqa yoʻlgʻonchini koʻrmagan ekan,ana qarang ,yana yolgʻon toʻqiyapti.
Kunlarning birida eshagini minib qishloq tashqarisidagi oʻrmonga ketayotgan edi.Oʻrmon tunda juda qoʻrqinchli holda boʻlar edi.
Qosim lofchi Oʻziga oʻzi qoʻrqqanidan qoʻshiq ayta boshladi.Sal yurgandan keyin esa yaproqlar orasidan shitirlagan ovoz eshitildi . Qosim lofchi qoʻrqqanidan eshagidan yiqilib tushib ,dodlab yubordi va qochib ketti:
-Qosim lofchi: ,,Voydod , qutqaringlar''!? dedi qurqqanidan va uyiga yalang oyoq yugurib ketdi.
Qosim Lofchi Uyiga kelib, toʻshak tagida qaltirab yotganida ayoli bir kosa suv olib kelib
-Doimo bir balolarni boshlab yurasiz, mana buni ichib oling deb aytdi xotinjoni .
Qosim lofchi: Ber! deya Qaltiragandan bir kosa suvni toʻkib -toʻkib arang ichdi.
Ayoli:Nima boʻldi oʻzi sizga ,biron narsadan qoʻrqdingizmi?deb suradi .
Qosim lofchi Oʻrnidan turib yolgʻon toʻqishni boshladi:
-,,Aytsam ishonmaysan xotinjon,boya yoʻlda bahaybat maxluqqa duch keldim,boʻyi terakday,kallasi oʻtovday , koʻzlari chiroqday yonadi,maxluq toʻsattan menga tashlanib qoldi'deb aytdi qaltiragandan Qosim Lofchi. '
Bu gaplarni eshitib ayoli qoʻrqib ketti.
Qosim:,,Lekin men ham boʻsh kelmadim,maxluqni birma bir osmonga chilpirak qilib oʻtaverdim,lekin birini yengsam boshqasi paydo boʻlib qoldi.Olishaverib charchadim,oxiri bore deb uyga joʻnab qoldim"dedi .
Xotini hayratlanib Eshagimizchi,u qayerga ketti? Deb suradi.
-Uni maxluqlar yeb qoʻyishdi,dedi Qosim lofchi dovdiragan holda.
Ayoli boshini ushlab ,yiqilguday boʻlib :
-"Voy,endi nima qilamiz,kunimiz shu jonivor orqasidan oʻtib turuvdi ",-dedi.
Shu payt tashqaridan shovqinli ovoz eshitildi .Qosim lofchi qoʻrqqinidan toʻshagiga berkinib oldi.Buni qarangki eshagi uyini topib kelib,oʻtlab turgan ekan. Shunda ayoli derazaga qarab:
-Iye...dedi hayron bulib Qosim Lofchining xotini
-kim ekan?dedi Qosim Lofchi qurqqanidan
-Eshagimiz,uyingni topib kelibsan-da,-dedi xotini .

Kunlarning birida Qosim lofchi hovlida qoʻshnisi bilan ovqatlanayotib:

-Aytsam ishonmaysiz,yaqinda antiqa tarvuz yetishtirdim,bunaqasini siz yetti uxlab tushingizda koʻrmagansiz,
Kattaligi maxluqday keladi,mazasi asaldan ham shirin.Koʻrganlarning ogʻzi lang ochilib qoldi.Eh tarvuzni soʻyib, tilimlab ulasha boshladm,ulashaverdim,ulashaverdim.Ammo butun qishloq uni yeb tamom qila olmadi.Ulkan tarvuzning bir pallasi zoʻrgʻa yeyildi,qolgani ortib qoldi deb aytdi
Shunda qoʻshnisi hayratlanib suradi :
-Ortib qolgan tarvuzni nima qilding ?deb suradi
-Aravaga yuklab uyga olib keldim dedi Qosim Lofchi
-Oʻsha tarvuzdan biz ham yesak boʻladimi?deb qayta suradi qushnisi
- Eh attang,ozgina kech qoldizda uni boyagina yeb qoʻyuvdik,dedi Qosim Lofchi
Bir kuni Qosim lofchi tunda eshagiga yemish berayotib osmonda yulduz uchganini koʻrib qoldi, hayolida yolgon tuqimoqchi buldi va tezda uyiga kelib xotiniga:
-Xotin,aytsam ishonmaysan! Dedi
Xotini hayratlanib:
,,Nima yana bahaybat maxluq bilan olishdizmi a",-dedi
Qosim lofchi --E yoʻq ,kechqurun daladan qaytayotgan edim,atrof jim -jit edi.Shu payt osmondan bir narsa jaranglab oldimga tushdi.Bunday olib qarasam naqd doshqozonday keladigan oldin tanga, hoziroq borib eshagimni aravaga qoʻshib kelaman dedimu uyga yugurdim dedi.
Xotini :xoʻsh,olib keldingizmi oʻsha oltin tangani? deb suradi
Qosim lofchi peshonasini ushlab tang ahvolda :
-,,Shoʻrim qursin,aravani olib borgunimcha kimdir uni oʻgʻirlab ketibti"debdi.
Oradan vaqt oʻtib Qosim lofchi dalada ishlayotgan qoʻshnisiga:
-Nima qilyapsiz qoʻshni?deb suradi
Koʻrmayapsanmi,sholi parvarish qilyapman dedi qushnisi .
-Tunov kuni osmondan guruch yoqqanda men bir yilga yetadigan guruch gʻamlab olganman deya yolgon tuqiy boshladi .
-Hech zamonda osmondan guruch yogʻarkanmi?deb hayron bolib suradi qo`shnisi
-Aytsam ishonmaysiz, qaysidir kun bozorga joʻxori olib chiquvdim,bozorda joʻxori tanqis ekan,uch barobar qimmatga sotib hamyonni toʻldirib qaytayotganimda,toʻsatdan...
Osmondan guruch yogʻa boshlaydi,guruchlar koʻpligidan aravaning gʻildiragi sinib qoladi
Qosim lofchi:Voy tovba,guruchku! Dedi hayratlanib
Kulib kulib osmondan yogʻayotgan guruchlarni qoplarga solib oladi.Qosim lofchi:guruchmisan guruch ekan yesang ogʻzingda erib ketadi,-debdi
Qoʻshnisi:oʻsha guruchingdan menga ham ozgina bersang yaxshi boʻlardi,-debdi
Qosim:Jon deb berardim ,lekin sichqonlar guruchni bitta qoldirmay uyiga tashib ketibti,mayli yaxshi qoling ,-deb ketibti.
Qoʻshnisi:Obbo,Qosim lofchi ,qarab tur hali ,-deb ishini davom etibti
Qosim lofchi bir kuni uyidan chiqib ketguncha xotiniga "hoy qo'zichoqni yashirib qo'y "deb ogohlantiradi
xotin esa "nega?" deb so'radi va Qosim lofchi xotiniga qo'shnilarning ko'zi tegishini aytadi
xotini esa bor kuchi bilan qo'zichoqni yashirib qo'yishga harakat qiladi.
Shundan so'ng Qosim lofchini yo'lidan qo'shnisi chiqib qoladi. "Horma Qosimboy qo'zichoqing kechasi bilan marab chiqdiya"deb aytadi
shunda Qosimboy yana yolg'on to'qishni boshlaydi"marayotgan qo'zichoq emas tuyaku" deb aytadi
qo'shnisi "Hech zamonda tuya ham mararkanmi" deya hayratlanib javob berdi. Qosim lofchi o'zida yuq hayajon bilan "Aytsam ishonmaysiz avvaliga o'zim ham qo'zichoq deb o'ylagandim oldiga bir chimdim o't tashlaganimni bilaman shundan beri yemish tashib ulgurmayapman" deb birin ketin bo'lgan voqealarni aytib berdi va hozir ham o't yo'lib kelish uchun dalaga ketayotganini aytadi.
Shunda bu gaplarga ishonmagan qo'shni "Ana xolos menga ham ko'rsatchi tuyaga aylanib qolgan qo'zichog'ingni" dedi .
shunda yolg'oni fosh bo'lishni istamagan Qosimboy "hech ham iloji yuq begona odamni ko'zi tushsa jonivor avvalgiday kichrayib bahaybayt tuyadan kichkinagina tuyaga aylanib qoladi"deb aytadi.
"Mayli o'zing bilasan oq tuyangni so'ysang meni ham ziyofatga chaqirasan "deb qo'shnisi aytdi.
Qosimboy "Ziyofatdan umid qilmang uni so'yish niyatim yo'q " deb aytadi.
Qosim lofchining xotini yashirib qo'ygan qo'zichog'i uydan chiqib ko'chada yurganda tusatdan qo'shnisi qo'zichoqni ko'rib qoladi " ehhee Qosim lofchining bahaybayt oq tuyasiku, adashib qolibdida attang " deb kulib quyadi.
Bir kun kechqurun Qosim lofchi deraza oldida turganda burniga juda mazali hid keladi va to'g'risidagi qo'shnisi " qo'shni qani uyga kiramiz "deb aytadi.
Qosimboy esa mazali ovqat hididan mast bo'lib" oh oh oh anchadan beri bunaqa mazali taom yemagandim dedi
shunda Qosimboy qo'shnisini uyiga mehmonga o'tdi va qo'shnisi ham yolg`on tuqib bugun unga omad kelganini birin ketin aytib berdi " Bugun omadim chopib qoldi baribir aytganim bilan ishonmaysan "dedi
shunda Qosimboy "Aytavering siz ham menga o'xshagan rostgo'y odamsiz" deb aytadi.
Qo'shnisi esa "dalada qaytayotsam uyimizdi oldida bitta oppoq qo'zichoq turibdi"dedi
shunda Qosimboy xafa bo'lib ko'zini oldiga qo'zichoqi keldi Qo'shni esa qo'zichoqni hamma qo'shnilardan kimniki ekanligini so'rab chiqganligini hech kim qo'zichoqning egasini bilmasligini va Qosimboyning uyiga kirmaganini chunki uning qo'zichoqi allaqachon tuyaga aylanganini aytib berdi va bu taomlar o'sha qo'zichoqning go'shtidan ekanligini aytib beradi.
shunda Qosimboy hungrab yig'lab yubordi. Qo'shnisi esa deb kuldi
Qosimboy uyiga xafa bo'lib ming pushaymon bilan qaytadi ertalabgacha yig'lab chiqdi.
Ertalab esa qo'shnisi qo'zichoq bilan Qosimboyning uyiga keladi shunda Qosimboy qo'zichoqni ovozini eshitib xursand bo'lib ketadi .
Qo'shnisi esa "Bundan keyin yolg'on gapirishni bas qil" deb maslahat beradi va yolg'on hech qachon hech kimga foyda bermasligini aytadi.
Qosimboy esa "kechiring meni marhamatli afandi qilmishimdan pushaymonman" deb aytadi Qosimboy qo'zichoqni bag'riga bosib xotiniga "xotinn qo'zichoqimiz topildi’’ dedi hursandligidan .’’ Aytsam ishonmaysan" qo'shnisi esa kulib "Ana yana boshlandi " deb aytadi
Once upon a time, there lived a man named Kasim Lofchi in a village. If he didn't tell a lie for a day, he would be sick for ten days.
The world has never seen such a liar, look, he is making lies again.
One day he was riding his donkey to the forest outside the village. The forest was very scary at night.
Kasim Lofchi: "ohh my godd, save me!" he said dryly and ran home barefoot.
When Kasim Lofchi came home and was shivering under the bed, his wife brought him a cup of water
"You are always causing trouble, drink this," said the woman.
Kasim Lofchi: Give! he said, pouring out a cup of water and barely drinking it.
The woman asks: What happened to you, were you afraid of something?
Kasim Lofchi got up and started telling lies:
"You won't believe me, lady, I met a huge creature on the road, as tall as a poplar, with a head like a weed, and eyes burning like a lamp. The creature suddenly threw itself at me," said Kasim Lofchi, trembling. '
Hearing these words, the woman was afraid.
Kasim said: "But I didn't come empty-handed either, I kept flying the creature into the sky, but when I defeated one, another one appeared. I got tired of carrying it, and finally went home."
His wife was surprised. Donkey, where did he go? He asks.
"Creatures ate him," said Qasim, bewildered.
The woman is holding her head and falling down:
- "Oh, what are we going to do now, our day has passed behind this animal," he said.
At that moment, a loud noise was heard from outside. Kasim was afraid and hid in his bed. Look at this, his donkey has found his house and is grazing. Then the woman looked at the window:
- Yes... Kasim Lofchi's wife said in surprise
"Who is it?" said Kasim Lofchi dryly
"Our donkey, you have found your home," said his wife.
One day, Kasim was eating with his neighbor in the loft yard:
- If I tell you, you won't believe me, I recently grew an antique watermelon, which you have not seen in your dreams for seven days.
It is as big as a creature, and its taste is sweeter than honey. The mouths of those who saw it just fell open. Oh, I cut the watermelon and started to share it, I was sharing it, I was sharing it. But the whole village couldn't finish eating it. He said that one part of the huge watermelon was barely eaten, and the rest was left over.
Then the neighbor asked in surprise:
- What did you do with the leftover watermelon?
- I loaded it on the cart and brought it home, said Kasim Lofchi
"Can we eat that watermelon too?" asked the bird again
- Well, we just ate it a little late, Kasim Lofchi said.
One day, while feeding his donkey at night, Kasim saw a star flying in the sky.
- Wife, you won't believe me! Said
Surprised his wife:
"What else did you do with a giant creature?" he said
Kasim Lofchi said, "No, I was returning from the field in the evening, it was quiet. At that moment, something sounded from the sky. I looked at it and said, "I will go and add my donkey to the cart right now."
Wife: Well, did you bring that gold coin? he asks
Kasim Lofchi is holding his forehead in the same situation:
"I'm sorry, someone stole the cart before I took it," he said.
After some time, Kasim, a farmer, said to his neighbor who was working in the field:
"What are you doing, neighbor?" he asks
Don't you see, I am tending rice, said the bird.
- When rice fell from the sky on Tunov day, he started telling lies that I had packed enough rice for a year.
"Has it ever rained rice from the sky?" asked the neighbor
- You won't believe me, one day I took corn to the market, there was a shortage of corn in the market, I bought it for three times the price and when I was returning to fill my wallet, suddenly...
Rice starts raining from the sky, the wheel of the cart breaks due to the abundance of rice
Kasim Lofchi: Oh sorry, rice! He said in surprise
He laughs and puts the rice raining down from the sky into sacks.
The neighbor said: "It would be better if you gave me some of that rice."
Kasim: I would have said that he was dead, but the mice carried the rice home without leaving a single one, he said, "Okay, stay well."
The neighbor said, "Obbo, Qasim, look, wait," he continued his work
Kasim, the lofchi, began to sing to himself because he was afraid. After walking for a while, a rustling sound was heard from among the leaves. Kasim Lofchi got scared, fell off his donkey, screamed and ran away:
Kasim warns his wife before leaving the house one day, "Hide the lamb" and the wife says "Why?" asked Kasim,
and Kasim tells his wife that she will keep an eye on the neighbors, and she tries to hide the lamb with all her might.
After that, Kasim Lofchini's neighbor gets out of his way. Heyy Kasimboy says, "Your lamb is coming out at night" and then Kasimboy starts telling lies again, "It's not a lamb that is coming out, but a camel,"
and the neighbor replied, "Did you ever come out with a camel?"
Kasim Lofchi, with great excitement, told the stories of what happened once, "You won't believe me, at first I thought it was a lamb, I know I threw a pinch of grass in front of it, and since then I haven't been able to carry food." 't says that he is going to the field to come.
Then the neighbor, who did not believe these words, said, "Just show me your lamb that has turned into a camel."
Then Kasimboy, who did not want to be exposed, said, "There is no way that if he sees a stranger, the animal will become smaller than a giant camel." it will turn into a small camel" he says.
"Well, you know that if you slaughter a white camel, you will invite me to a party too."
Kasimboy says, "Don't expect a party, I have no intention of slaughtering it.
" When Kasim Lofchi's wife hid the lamb, he left the house and walked down the street, suddenly his neighbor saw the lamb, "hehe, Kasim Lofchi's huge white camel, you got lost in it."
He laughed Kasim was standing in front of the window, he smelled a very delicious smell, and his neighbor said to him, "Where are we going to enter the neighbor's house?"
And Kasimboy was intoxicated by the smell of delicious food." oh oh oh I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time,
so Kasimboy visited his neighbor's house and the neighbor told him that he was lucky today.
Then Kasimboy said, "Tell me, you are an honest person like me." came, and the neighbor told that he had asked all the neighbors who the lamb belonged to, that no one knew the owner of the lamb, and that he had not entered Kasimboy's house because his lamb had already turned into a camel, and that the food was the meat of that lamb.
Kasimboy started crying, and his neighbor laughed and asked Kasimboy, "Wouldn't you eat the lamb meat?"
and Kasimboy returned home with a thousand regrets and cried until the morning.
In the morning, the neighbor comes to Kasimboy's house with a lamb, and Kasimboy is happy to hear the sound of the lamb


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