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We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people, it is your duty to die .... “ - Augustin Cebada, head of the U.S. -based Marxist Chicano revolutionary army, Brown Berets de AZTLAN, as interviewed by Barbara Coe and recorded in the film, Reconquista. (Officer Jack McLamb confronted racist rebel leader, Cebada, and many of the other l,OOO-plus, well-trained Brown Beret para-military troops in Los Angles in 1997.)

• “California is going to be a Mexican state; we are going to control all the institutions. If people don’t like it, they should leave.” - Marxist, Mario Obledo, 1998, (recipient of [comrade] President Clinton’s Presidential Medal of Freedom, and former head of the leftist Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF).

• “We have an aging white America. They are dying. They are shitting in their pants with fear!...1 love it!” - Prof. Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas, Arlington, January, 1995. (Yes, such hate-filled [not to mention crude] racists in colleges across America, are creating brainwashed revolutionaries out of our own children!)

XX * “We shall overcome you (Americans) by vote if possible and violence if necessary .... AZTLAN belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops, and not to foreign Europeans.” - Text from El Plan de AZTLAN, University of California.

• “American southwest is no longer part of the United States.” - MEChA Group, San Diego City college (The MEChA organization on campus lowered the American flag and ran up the AZTLAN flag.)

XX• Marxist revolutionary and Cal State Northridge, MEChA representative, Miguel Perez, when asked what the

Chicano revolutionaries would choose as their form of government in their newly captured AZTLAN homeland responded, “COMMUNISM! ... Non-Chicanos would have to be expelled; opposition groups would be quashed, because we (communists) have to keep the power.”

• “You white boys had better keep affirmative action; you’re going to need it. Proposition 187 (the measure to cut public benefits to illegal aliens) was the last gasp of White America in California.” - Marxist racist, Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party, January, 1995.

• “We’re here today to show Los Angeles, show the ‘minority’ people, the Anglo Saxons, that we are HERE, and we are the majority; we’re here to stay! We do the work in this city; we take care of the spoiled brat children (of the Anglos). We are the majority here and we are not going to be pushed around!” - Communist, Augustin Cebada, Head of the Brown Berets, U.S.-based Mexican army of violent revolutionaries, at a July 4th, 1996 anti-American rally in Los Angeles.

• “I think we are practicing la Reconquista in California.” - Jose Angel Pescador, Mexico’s Consul General, 1998.

(NOTE: This terrorist war of occupation against America, called “Aztlan” by some of these Marxist Mexican revolutionary forces, is also called “La Reconquista” [the re-conquered] by others.)

• “The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot.” - Mexican newspaper, Excelsior. (As this was way back in 1982, think what the demographics are today in 2002.)

• “These population dynamics will result in the ‘browning’ of America, the Hispanization of America. It is already happening and it is inescapable.” - Marxist Mexican, Henry Cisneros (Bill Clinton’s Secretary ofHUD)

• “I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders.”

• Marxist Mexican President Zedillo, June 23, 1997 in Chicago. (George Bush, Jr’s. “brother-in-crime”, current Mexican President, Vicente Fox, has made similar-type statements.)

[So, are our “doubting Tomaso” readers still sure that the overthrow of the sovereign states of our American southwest is not a reality? .... and that the Godly, pro-American families living in these targeted areas are safe and secure?]

AID & ABET Police & Military Newsletter Summer Issue, 2002 (208) 935-7852

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