Region 19 Region Council Meeting Agenda
April 2, 2013
Treasurer - Bureau Valley: Larry McBride
Secretary - Eastland: Becky Roethe
SueAnn Bamberg
Freeport EA: Tiffany Kleckler, Carist Koehl, Tim Mangan, Jennifer Slaught
Lena-Winslow TA: Susan Nicholas
Orangeville: Cathy Eberle, Marilyn Meiners
President - River Ridge: Tracey Diestelmeier
Jen Laity
West Carroll EA: Deb Manninen
UniServe director: Scott Rude
Call to Order at 5:37 pm
Guest Introductions
Secretary’s Report (approve minutes of March 6 meeting, as posted on Region 19 website)
Motion to approve by Cathy Eberle; seconded by Marilyn Meiners; motion passed
Treasurer’s Report: $9053 in checking after tonight’s meeting; Motion to accept by Marilyn Eberle; seconded by Tiffany Kleckler; motion passed.
Local Reports:
Bureau Valley: change to insurance deductible to save district money; 3 RIFs
Eastland: no RIF to phys ed; 1 to 1 laptops grades 2-12 next year; working on move to 2 buildings
Freeport EA: nothing new
Lena-Winslow TA: all is quiet; walkthrough tomorrow with Meredith Beyers
Orangeville: superintendent will serve as elementary principal with offices in both buildings; looking a hiring a technology coordinator; opening still posted
River Ridge: association approved new contract, now going to the board; tablets will be 7-12 next school year
West Carroll EA: nothing to report; 6 RIFs; Jim Scaia is to attend town hall meeting in West Carroll on Thursday
GPA Report
The IPACE Executive Committee made a few changes to the GPA program and these changes were presented to the IEA Board of Directors this past weekend. These changes will take effect for the 2013-2014 GPA program year. The following are the three major differences: 1) The GPA goals were replaced by GPA expectations. 2) The Kick-Off meeting is no longer mandatory, but there will be a mandatory webinar to review the Nuts and Bolts of the program. 3) GPAs will be required to submit three reports throughout the year including their activities and updated activists list.
from IEA: The House passed HB1165, commonly known as the Nekritz-Biss (Cross) plan, which passed 66-50, cuts the 3 percent automatic compounded Cost of Living Adjustments on annuities of more than $25,000. It would apply to active and retired participants in all the pension systems except for judges.
The House has previously voted to cap pensionable salaries at $113,700, or the rate of Social Security, and to increase the retirement age by five years for those 35 and younger, increase it by three years for those ages 35-39 and one year for those ages 40-45. There is no change for those 46 and older.
House Speaker Michael Madigan noted at the end of the debate on HB1165 that it’s likely all these changes will be lumped into one omnibus bill and sent to the Senate.
Y Acevedo, Y Durkin, N Lang, Y Roth, Y Arroyo, N Evans, Y Leitch, Y Sacia, N Beiser, Y Farnham, N Lilly, Y Sandack, Y Bellock, Y Feigenholtz, Y Manley, N Scherer, Y Berrios, N Fine, Y Martwick, Y Schmitz, N Bost, Y Flowers, N Mautino, Y Senger, Y Bradley, N Ford, N Mayfield, Y Sente, N Brady, N Fortner, Y McAsey, N Sims, N Brauer, Y Franks, N McAuliffe, N Smiddy, N Brown, Y Gabel, Y McSweeney, N Smith, Y Burke Daniel, NV Golar, N Meier, N Sommer, Y Burke Kelly, Y Gordon-Booth, Y Mell, Y Sosnowski, N Cabello, Y Halbrook, N Mitchell Bill, Y Soto, N Cassidy, N Hammond, Y Mitchell Christian, Y Sullivan, N Cavaletto, N Harms, N Moffitt, Y Tabares, E Chapa LaVia, Y Harris David, Y Morrison, N Thapedi, Y Cloonen, Y Harris Greg, Y Moylan, Y Tracy, Y Conroy, Y Hatcher, Y Mussman, N Tryon, N Costello, N Hays, Y Nekritz, N Turner, Y Crespo, Y Hernandez Y Osmond N Unes Y Cross N Hoffman N Phelps N Verschoore Y Currie Y Hurley Y Pihos, Y Walsh, Y D'Amico, Y Ives, N Poe, N Welch, N Davidsmeyer, N Jackson, Y Pritchard, Y Wheeler, Y Davis Monique, N Jakobsson, N Reboletti, N Williams, Y Davis William, Y Jefferson, N Reis, Y Willis, N DeLuca, Y Jones, N Riley, Y Yingling, Y Demmer, Y Kay, N Rita, Y Zalewski, N Drury, Y Kifowit, N Rosenthal, Y Mr. Speaker, N Dunkin, Y Kosel
SB1 forces current Tier 1 employees to choose to freeze their pensionable salaries as they are today in exchange for keeping a 3 percent compounded COLA in retirement and access to health care. Or, active Tier 1 employees can continue to count salary increases toward their pensions but reduce their COLA in retirement to half of the consumer price index or 3 percent simple COLAs, whichever is less, and still have access to healthcare. The bill includes the establishment of a pension stabilization fund, and the right for TRS members to sue the state if the state doesn't make its future payments.
There is no 2 percent increase in member contribution in SB 1 and there also is no shifting of the cost of pensions from the state to local school districts. It does not include any current TRS retirees or anyone who has already declared through irrevocable letters of retirement that they are leaving the profession.
This bill has been passed by the Senate. It still would have to be heard and passed by the House in order to be considered by the governor for passage. The bill needed 30 votes to pass and was heard twice. The first time it failed by one vote 29 Yes, 22 No, 4 Present. Cullerton asked that it be put on postponed consideration and it was heard again about 15 minutes later and it passed 30 Yes, 22 No
Lobby members of the Illinois General Assembly while they are home on spring break the week of April 1-5.
UniServ Director’s Report
Re GPA: Lobby Day on May 15, 2013. Bus should be paid for by IEA. Keep looking at IEA website for updates on legislation. Bills are moving quickly in congress.
Dixon ratified contract in March. Been to Freeport, Stockton, Prophetstown, West Carroll, Lena-Winslow for meetings regarding issues.
Chair Report and Information Sharing
Legislative Platform (BoD approved) proposed changes:
- Throughout the document the word “certification” has been replaced by the word “licensure”.
- Other changes are noted in the document on lines 260-264 (page 13); 435, 438 (page 19) and 1010-1012 (page 37.)
- An additional change was made, not in the current printed copy of the legislative platform, on line 629 (page 25) adding the word “funded” to the platform language. It reads “The Association will strive to maintain and enhance all funded mandates, including those in all areas of special education.”
Budget Update!
- The savings from nine IEA staff members taking advantage of a one-time retirement incentive, assuming that each will be filled, along with delaying the hiring of an HR Director until October 1, 2013 and moving $30,000 out of our contingency fund, has modified our proposed dues increase.
- The Budget Committees moves the budget for 2013-2014, including the staffing changes presented at the budget open hearings, with a maximum increase of $2 for a full time certified member or $1 for a full time ESP (instead of the proposed $6 dues increase). The motion passed with 79 Yes, 1 No, 0 Abstained and 10 absent.
- The budget (BoD approved) will be presented and debated with action taken by the delegates at the IEA-RA in April.
Living Library
-Please encourage your members to use and share teaching artifacts with the Living Library. (
-Please make sure all members view the 15 minute webinar to better understand what is happening as ISBE changes our certificates to a license. This can be found at Currently there is a link to the webinar on the main page of IEA’s website. (
- A list of locals who have not yet paid the required dues (50%) to be seated at the IEA-RA was provided. These locals have been contacted individually (Freeport)
- approval of disaffiliation of Neponset Education, formally of Region 19, (annexed with Kewanee EA) and New Hope Education Association (now independent)
- the IEA BOD directed the Executive Director and President to use appropriate staff and governance to make a proposal to the board regarding a two-year budget.
The link for submitting comments on the new CAEP standards (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation):
For the RA, Cinda is collecting examples of what locals are doing that
- have developed a real community connection to the local - a relationship with a community group, a project geared to the parents or community etc.
- are engaged in teaching and learning progressive ideas: peer review, revised salary schedules, full mentoring programs, etc.
To contact your national legislators you can go to - click on Issues and Action and then Legislative Action Center. Scroll down to an issue of concern, click on Email Congress and then the Elected Officials tab to be connected with your legislator by entering zip code. You may also call NEA Educator Connector Line 1-866-293-7278 and give your zip code to connect with your Representative or Senator. Go to to get involved and stay informed.
Upcoming events
- April 11-13 – IEA Representative Assembly, Chicago, IL
Thank you Susan Nicholas for collecting donations for a basket for the scholarship fund: AJ’s or Lena Maid Meats two types of summer sausage, Torkelson Cheese three varieties of cheese, Red Barn/Rafters two packages of pretzels,…also Rocky Waters bottle of wine. Thank you Jen Laity for assembling this basket and delivering it to the scholarship table in Grand Ballroom 2nd floor of Hilton Thursday, April 11.
- April 26-27 – IEA-Retired Conference, Oak Brook, IL
- May 7 – National Teachers Day
- May 15 - Lobby Day, Springfield, IL
- May 17-18 – IEA Board of Directors, Springfield, IL
-July 1-6 – NEA-RA in Atlanta, GA,
election results: Bureau Valley EA* - Larry McBride, Freeport EA* - Tiffany Kleckler & Carist Koehl, Cluster 19 - Susan Nicholas and Jen Laity (Congratulations everyone, *responsible for sending info to Springfield)
-Early June, Outreach to Teach volunteering from Region 19 members too (Lena?) & will be looking for volunteers
-July 23-26, 2013—SLA @ ISU
-October 18-19, 2013—CORE Conferences
Motion to adjourn at 6:20 pm by SueAnn Bamberg; Second by Carist Koehl; motion passed.
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