Regular Meeting September 10, 2013

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Regular Meeting September 10, 2013

The Regular Meeting of the North Hanover Township Board of Education was held in the multi media center (library) in the Upper Elementary School located at 351Monmouth Road in North Hanover Township.

The Following Members Were Present: William C. Sullivan, Sr., Vice President Janet Bruder

Paulinea Johnson

Megan Geibel

Lt. Col Ken Black, Base Liaison, ex-officio Helen E. Payne, Superintendent

Peggy A. Ianoale Interim Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Absent: Charles M. Schroeder, President

The Vice President called the meeting to order at approximately 7:55 PM and read the following Open Public Meetings Act announcement:

  1. Posting written notice on the official bulletin boards at Discovery School, Atlantis School, Joint Base (MDL), NJ; Upper Elementary School, Secretary of the Board’s Office, Superintendent of Schools’ Office, Wrightstown, NJ; Principal’s Office, Clarence B. Lamb Elementary School, Jacobstown, NJ on January 4, 2013.

  1. Electronically forwarded written notice to the Register News and the Burlington County Times on January 4, 2013.

  1. Filing written notice with the Clerk of North Hanover Township on January 4, 2013.

  1. Filing written notice with the members and the secretary of this body.

  1. Mailing written notice to each person who has requested copies of the Regular Meeting Schedule and who has prepaid any charge fixed for such service.

The President led a salute to the flag and a moment of silence.

Based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, Mrs. Geibel moved that the following consent agenda action(s) be approved:
1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of August 14, 2013

2. Report of Appropriations/Transfers

3. Board Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Reports for August 2013

4. Bills
Mrs. Johnson seconded.

Roll Call Vote - Ayes: Sullivan, Bruder, Johnson, Geibel

Noes: None

Absent: Schroeder

Motion Carried

There were no members of the public present, so no public comment was made.
Based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, Mrs. Geibel moved that the following Board and District goals be approved:
I. Community Access/Communication

a. To better facilitate district communication through multiple forums.

II. Common Vision, Culture and Professional Growth

a. To cultivate a professional learning community culture of collaboration, innovation and teacher leadership.

III. Program Growth

a. Revise and expand curricular programs and practices to meet the needs of ALL 21st Century Learners.

IV. Student Achievement

a. To raise the level of student achievement so that ALL students are prepared for college, career and citizenship in the 21st century.

V. Facilities / Finance

a. To maintain/renovate/construct all facilities to meet the needs of 21st Century Learners. To develop and administer a budget that meets the needs of students, and is fiscally sound for taxpayers.

North Hanover Board of Education Goals 2013 – 2014
1. Submit policy manual to NJSBA for a “Wellness Check.”

2. Investigate additional training through NJSBA.

3. Receive training from our Business Administrator on reading the financial reports.

4. Develop budget priorities in preparation for sequestration.

District goals are the same as last year’s but the action plan will be different. It will be presented on October 15.
Board goals are those discussed with MaryAnn Friedman from New Jersey School Boards Association.
Mrs. Johnson seconded.

Roll Call Vote - Ayes: Sullivan, Bruder, Johnson, Geibel

Noes: None

Absent: Schroeder

Motion Carried


Based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, Mrs. Geibel moved that the following personnel action(s) be approved:
a. Approve the revised long term medical leave for Mr. Matthew Ernandes with a return to work date of December 1, 2013.
b. Extend contract of Interim Business Administrator, Mrs. Peggy Ianoale, through November 30, 2013 at a rate of $50 per hour for up to 40 hours per week.
c. Substitutes - 2013-2014 School Year
Teachers Educational Assistants

Demirijian, Tony Edwards, Carrie

Edwards, Carrie Miller, Zachary

Forsyth, Ashley Tobin, Lesa

Kolb, Robin Reed, Christy

Labrum, Julia Labrum, Julia

Reed, Christy Hughes, Jennifer

Rodriquez-Lipski, Susana Brown, Elaine

Tobin, Lesa

Bus Aide

Secretary/Clerk/Hourly Guillen, Gabriela
Tobin Lesa

Seibert, Toni

d. Resignation/Retirement

Carole Bergevin, Teacher - effective November 1, 2013 (retirement)

Susan Chiarello, Educational Assistant – effective September 1, 2013 (resignation)
e. Employment – 2013-2014 School Year

Susan Chiarello, Interim Teacher, Discovery School, effective September 3, 2013 to November 1, 2013 in accordance with Board Policy 3125, B, Step 1

Approval of Colleen Welling, Physical Therapist (P/T .4 FTE) at an annual salary of $28,547.20 M Step 17 ($71,368 pro-rated for period of employment) effective September 1, 2013
Approval of Mary Sharpe, Bus Driver, at a rate of $17.44/hr. effective September 5, 2013
f. Revised Salaries

Sarah Humble, SPED Teacher, Discovery School from B Step 8 to B+15 Step 8 at an annual salary of $56,947 effective September 1, 2013.

Shirley Carter, SPED Teacher, Discovery School from B+15 Step 3 to M Step 3 at an annual salary of $57,311 effective September 1, 2013.
Kaitlin Taft, Teacher, C.B. Lamb School, from B Step 4 to B+15 Step 4 at an annual salary of $54,822 effective September 1, 2013.
James Kevin Deakins, Paraprofessional Aide, BCSSSD, at an annual salary of $16,421 (which includes $400 college credits) plus a $2,000 stipend effective September 1, 2013.
Luisa Fletcher, from Educational Assistant to Paraprofessional Aide, $2,000 stipend effective September 1, 2013
g. Transfer of Personnel - 2013-2014 School Year
Name From To

Ray Zirilli, Teacher ($50 stipend) Grade 5/UES Grade 4/C.B. Lamb

Karen Krusen, SW Discovery Discovery/Atlantis

Neil Steinert, SW Atlantis C.B. Lamb/UES

Megan, Thompson, Psychologist C.B. Lamb C.B. Lamb/UES

Wendy Tilghman, Custodian UES Discovery

Judy Hagar, Custodian UES C.B. Lamb

Brian Jones, Custodian UES C.B. Lamb

Alex Karpinski, Custodian Discovery Atlantis

Kim Haluska, Custodian Discovery UES

Dan Osier, Custodian C.B. Lamb Atlantis

Brenton Hutson, Custodian C.B. Lamb Discovery

Tim Hagar, Custodian C.B. Lamb UES

Gail Svatik, Custodian Atlantis UES

Jarrod Foster, Custodian Atlantis C.B. Lamb

Yolanda Shorey Para/Atlantis EA/RC/UES

Melanie Muller EA/RC/C.B. Lamb EA/K5 Discovery

Paula Hessinger EA/RC/Discovery EA/K5 Discovery

Debbie Eldridge, Food Serv Worker Atlantis Discovery/Atlantis
h. Extra-Pay
Bus Duty/Breakfast Program @ $12/hr.

C.B. Lamb – Suzanne Stokes, Courtney Blackwell (bus duty)

Atlantis – Connie Cavalli, Debbie Moore (breakfast program)
Morning Supervision for Special Needs Students - Atlantis - 7:30 am- 8:00 am @ $12/hr.

Luisa Fletcher, Terry Rose (sub)

Mrs. Bruder seconded.

Roll Call Vote - Ayes: Sullivan, Bruder, Johnson, Geibel

Noes: None

Absent: Schroeder

Motion Carried


Based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, Mrs. Bruder moved that the following instructional action(s) be approved:
a. Approval for evaluation of K.S. at The Dyslexia Center of Princeton, approximate cost of $950.
b. Approval for two students, E.P. and L.P. for out-of-district placement at Tabernacle School District during the 2013-2014 school year. Tuition - $12,473.00 each
Mrs. Geibel seconded.

Roll Call Vote - Ayes: Sullivan, Bruder, Johnson, Geibel

Noes: None

Absent: Schroeder

Motion Carried


Based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, Mrs. Johnson moved that the following financial action(s) be approved:
a. Motion to accept Board Secretary’s monthly Certification: Budgetary Line Item Status and Budgetary Major Account Fund Status for August 2013.
b. Approval of June 30, 2013 Board Secretary Report to be submitted to County Office.
c. Approval of June 30, 2013 Treasurer’s Report to be submitted to County Office.
d. Approval of June 30, 2013 Monthly Report of Transfers to be submitted to County Office.
e. Authorization for the filing of an application and acceptance of funds for the IDEA grant for the 2013/2014 (FY14) in the amounts so indicated:

Preschool (ages 3-5) $ 14,897

Basic (ages 3-21) $277,057

Grant was submitted on August 28, 2013 and funds can be obligated as of that date.

f. Authorization for the filing of an application and acceptance of funds for the NCLB grant for the 2013/2014 (FY 14) fiscal year in the amounts so indicated:

Title I A $133,976

Title II A $ 49,138

Title III $ 3,352

g. Authorization to enter into a Consortium with Bordentown Regional School District for the management of Title III funds in the amount of $3,352. Bordentown will process purchase orders and request reimbursement for expenditures. This consortium is necessary because North Hanover Township Schools does not receive at least $10,000 in Title III funds.
h. Authorization to transfer $240,264 of unreserved fund balance into the fund for Compensated Absences. This fund is used for payment of sick leave and vacation time due to employees upon retirement.
i. Authorization to transfer $265,708 from unreserved fund balance into the Reserve for Impact Aid.
j. Approval of Resolution Supporting NJ Bill #A4084 - Establishment of a Federal Impact Aid Reserve Account.

Mrs. Geibel seconded.

Roll Call Vote - Ayes: Sullivan, Bruder, Johnson, Geibel

Noes: None

Absent: Schroeder

Motion Carried


Based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, Mr. Sullivan moved that the following travel action(s) be approved:

a. Authorizing the following travel items.
Name Conference Date Total
W. Sullivan Burlington County Fall Mtg 10/1/2013 $10.00

Mt. Holly, NJ

P. Ianoale New Jersey School Boards 10/22-24/13 $695.00

(Replacing Matt E.) Convention, AC, NJ

P. Ianoale How to Prepare Bid Specs 11/12/2013 $50.00

(Required to Maintain QPA Status)

Mt. Laurel, NJ

P. Ianoale Ethics in Business Law & Purchasing 12/12/2013 $50.00

(Required to Maintain QPA Status)

Mt. Laurel, NJ

Mrs. Bruder seconded.

Roll Call Vote - Ayes: Sullivan, Bruder, Johnson, Geibel

Noes: None

Abstain: Sullivan on himself

Absent: Schroeder

Motion Carried


a. First reading of Board Policy 2415.04 - Title I - District-Wide Parental Involvement

1. Financial Committee 5. Buildings and Grounds Committee

2. Personnel Committee 6. Curriculum/Instructional Committee

3. Transportation Committee 7. Legislative Update

4. Cafeteria Committee

Mr. Sullivan read the following report:
A meeting with the Assemblyman scheduled by Sharon Seyler of the New Jersey School Boards Association staff was held on Wednesday, August 28th.    Those in attendance were the Assemblyman, Dr. Richard Carson our N.A.F.I.S. consultant, Dr. James Sarruda Supt. of Northern Burlington, Sharon Seyler of NJSBA, and myself a Board Member from North Hanover.
The Meeting began at 9:30 A.M. and ended at 11:00 A.M.  The following Items were discussed.  Assembly Bill 1184 establishing Impact Aid Reserve Accounts for Federally Impacted Schools.  Assemblyman Dancer stated removing a retroactive clause was making the Bill more palatable to those in the Legislature.  He stated that the N.J. Department of Education was in full support.  Further he stated
that the Legislature Education Chairmen would post the Bill in the Lame Duck Session.  He went on to state they are looking for Democratic Support. They also are looking for Co-Sponsors in the Legislature from all Impacted Districts.  He said the Bill should be ready to move in November.  Dr. Sarruda said he had a sample Resolution for School Boards to post.  Dr. Carson expressed a concern about the Pemberton issue.  Pemberton Schools had lost State Transportation Aid because of Impact Aid.  He wanted something inserted in the bill to prevent a similar thing from happening.  However, Mr. Dancer felt that it would be a mistake to change the bill now but said perhaps something could be inserted later. 
The next thing discussed was the dyslexia bill.  It was felt that not all children needed to be screened but just those who displayed some sort of a problematic issue.  It would cost 4.8 million to test every student and it was felt that that was not necessary.
There was a discussion about Teacher evaluation.  Dr. Carson, Dr. Sarruda and myself all expressed concerns about this and the amount of time and efforts taken to fulfill this mandate.
The caps on superintendents salaries was discussed.  It was stated we are losing many good Superintendents over this issue.  Also the fact that many interim Superintendents were filling these open slots.  Dr. Carson mentioned that there was a loss of pension revenue from this.  Also it was stated that in some cases School Boards could look upon using interims as a cost saving measure.
The meeting was a healthy exchange of views in which we thanked the Assemblyman for his assistance and also made him aware of some of our educational concerns.
Mr. Sullivan commented on dyslexia screening. Mrs. Payne said she wasn’t sure what the legislator who proposed this meant by testing. It would cost our district approximately $1 million the first year and $500,000 additional year if rigorous testing was involved.


a. Enrollment - 2013-2014 School Year
Atlantis: 226

C.B. Lamb: 418

Discovery: 339

UES: 296

Out of district 10

Totals: 1289

b. Non-School Use - 2013-2014
Discovery - September 10 & October 10 (6:30-7:30 pm); November 14 (9:00-10:00 am); December 5 (6:30-7:30 pm); January 2 (9:00-10:00 am); February 6 (6:30-7:30 pm); March 6 (9:00-10:00 am); April 3 (6:30-7:30 pm); May 1 (9:00-10:00 am) - Discovery PTO

September 23 - October 31 (6-7:45 pm - Tuesdays & Thursdays) - NB Jr. Greyhound Cheering practice

c. We have been selected as a pilot district for the PARCC test (replaces NJASK)
d. Convocation went very well
e. Teacher evaluation—Mrs. Payne is very concerned about our principals’ ability to handle all of the evaluations.
Hearing no further business, on a motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mrs. Bruder, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.

Signed: ____________________________________________

Peggy A. Ianoale

Interim Business Administrator/Board Secretary

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