Report of 9th Steering Committee of apec automotive Dialogue Seoul, Korea, 23rd ~ 25

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Report of 9th Steering Committee of APEC Automotive Dialogue

Seoul, Korea, 23rd ~ 25th October 2002

  1. The 9th Steering Committee Meeting (SCM), Chaired by Mr. Ridwan Gunawan and Mr. Steven Sit as Secretariat, is the organizing body for the APEC Automotive Dialogue, which is the principal APEC forum bringing together senior government officials and industry representatives to discuss key issues and challenges facing the automotive sector. The Dialogue members expressed their appreciation to Indonesia for taking on the role of the Auto Dialogue chair and to Korea for hosting the Steering Committee Meeting.

  1. The SCM adopted the draft agenda unanimously and continued by Business Arrangement reported by Mr. Lee from Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association (KAMA).

  1. The Dialogue noted that economies which have not fulfilled their annual contribution to the Dialogue were encouraged to do so. It was noted that the APEC Secretariat was now holding US$4,763.08. It was agreed that the amount of US$2,974.00 would be forwarded to the KAMA to assist with the administrative expenses incurred while hosting the 9th SCM in accordance with previous practice.

Working Groups Reports:

Harmonization Working Group

  1. The group heard a report from the Japan Automobile Standards Internationalization Center (JASIC) on the activities underway in the APEC Road Transport Harmonization Project (RTHP). It was agreed that the harmonization working group would continue to cooperate with the RTHP. One specific area of cooperation will be in the development of a list of “core regulations.” The chair confirmed that an explanatory letter requesting RTHP assistance on the core regulations proposal will be sent to the RTHP chair shortly.

  1. The working group held a discussion on the concept of an ASEAN Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA). Several industry groups including those from the ASEAN Automotive Federation (AAF), Japan and the United States voiced their support for the concept of an ASEAN MRA. The AAF informed that the subject matter was now in the agenda of its technical committee which is preparing a proposal for submission to the ASEAN Secretariat. Some economies raised potential concerns with the proposal. As such, it was agreed that participants would communicate their concerns in writing to the working group chair, so that a new paper addressing those concerns could be presented at the next working group meeting. At its next session, the working group would seek to agree on a document, with the goal of acquiring Automotive Dialogue support for the proposal to endorse the concept of the MRA, and offer Dialogue support to ASEAN governments and industry.

  1. The working group held a discussion on defining the Bogor Goals in the context of automotive technical regulation harmonization. The group exchanged views on a discussion paper prepared by the United States outlining the concept. Several members offered views on the topic and suggested modifications to the paper. The U.S. agreed to take these comments under advisement and encouraged all economies to express their views to the chair in writing before the next working group session. Many members noted the complex nature of the harmonization process and the importance of beginning the process as soon as possible. It was also noted that the automotive industry requires adequate lead-times to adjust to regulatory changes. It was noted flexibility could be exercised for developing economies. It was agreed that the U.S. would prepare a revised version of the paper with the goal of securing endorsement of the paper by the full Automotive Dialogue.

  1. Under the topic of new business the following points were raised:

  • Japan offered to give a presentation at the next working group session on the impact of future technology on the harmonization process.

  • Economies noted the APEC goal of reducing transaction costs by 5% by 2006 as expressed in Shanghai Accord. It was agreed that harmonization efforts could contribute to meeting this goal.

  • It was noted that activity in automotive-related industries, such as fuels for motor vehicles, can have an impact on automotive harmonization efforts.

  • The U.S. noted that it had reported on Auto Dialogue harmonization activities to the APEC Sub Committee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC). The importance of cooperating with other APEC groups was noted.

  • It was noted that the development of a list of “core regulations” could serve as a useful tool in the development of an ASEAN MRA.

Environmental Issues

  1. The working group received a presentation from Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI) that covered the environmental situation in APEC economies, including the road map of government policies on emission regulations and fuel specifications, the benefits of proper implementation of inspection and maintenance program, and the recommended steps that can be taken to preserve the environment. The working group agreed to develop a comprehensive report, which consisted of all the previous research findings, for a possible endorsement by the Dialogue. Japan in conjunction with the working group coordinator (Thailand) will prepare a draft report for the next working group meeting.

  1. The United States presented a revised paper on the Environment and Automotive Tax Structure that included various types of tax policies on vehicles, registration and fuel found in many APEC economies and the EU. Economies were welcomed to send their comments on this paper to the United States prior to the end of the year. It was agreed that the United States, in consultation with Japan, would revise the paper for the next working group meeting.

  1. The working group received a presentation from the Philippines on trade and environment as they relate to international trade of used vehicles. It was agreed to have a meaningful discussion on the environmental effects of the use and disposal of motor vehicles, and develop a policy position on the international trade of used vehicles. It was also agreed that the topic should be broadened to cover other issues related to used vehicles and parts in general. To facilitate the discussion, the Philippines together with the United States will prepare a draft concept for a possible discussion in the next working group meeting.

  1. Economies that have not yet submitted government policies related to automotive waste disposal were encouraged to submit them as soon as possible.

  1. The working group noted Singapore's experience that alternative fuels, such as natural gas, could be a cost effective option in the cases where more stringent emission regulations require a costly upgrade of fuel specifications.

Ecotech Working Group

  1. Report was rendered on the first enlisted APEC-ECOTECH project: The Adoption of Quality Management System (QMS) for the auto parts and components industry.

  1. Economy participants to the project are Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand with 15 SME’s each as beneficiaries who are first tier auto parts makers. The project is being funded by APEC.

  1. The Philippines and Malaysia started the project in March 2002. The Philippines has completed to date 40% of the project phase. Thailand and Indonesia however are still undertaking the first phase pending completion of requirements, to wit: the approval by the APEC secretariat of their Program drafts. Malaysia needs the approval on total funding allocation despite having only 9 SME’s as beneficiaries because they are incurring cost that exceeded what the APEC fund can provide. Malaysia is awaiting the advice of the APEC secretariat.

  1. Each country beneficiary was advised to communicate directly to the APEC Secretariat in Singapore to standardize implementation set up, i.e.: forms, requirements for consultant and resource speaker, procedures as well as funding release schedule and reporting.

  1. A letter dated August 2002 was brought to the attention of Automotive Trade Policy Council (ATPC) regarding the expiration of QS 9000 and the recognition of ISO/ITS 16949: 2002, as the new QMS. The letter was sent independently by ATPC member companies to supplier firms. The WG is asking the advice of the ATPC on whether to use the new QMS in the ECOTECH program or retain the present QS 9000. Advice will be given by ATPC upon return to the US.

  1. With regards to the project on Mapping of Engineering Capabilities in ASEAN, Indonesia will report its status in the next Steering Committee meeting.

  1. The WG-Chairman enjoined APEC member economies to submit additional proposals on other ECOTECH programs, which the WG may endorse for implementation in line with the objectives of ECOTECH cooperation to promote competitiveness.

Customs Working Group

  1. The Chair reviewed in some detail the processes and associated costs related to the movement of goods across the border from the perspectives of the exporter and the importer. It was agreed that the customs area provides considerable opportunity to achieve APEC’s target for a 5% reduction in transaction costs. The Working Group then tabled three proposals for the work program for 2003, as follows:

  1. Customs Best Practices: It was agreed that it would be useful to develop a set of customs best practices for the automobile industry. Some of the examples discussed during the meeting include importer self-assessment and expedited clearance, monthly or periodic filings versus item-by-item filings, intellectual property rights, increased utilization of electronic commerce, and the Australian experience with multi-port clearance through a single port. The ATPC volunteered to undertake the initial best practices draft, which the Auto Dialogue members would comment upon and also circulate among their economy’s customs officials for further input. This paper will be further discussed at the next working group meeting.

  1. Transparency Exercise: A transparency exercise was proposed to identify fees, taxes, and other customs procedures in each economy to establish a baseline for the 5% transaction cost reduction effort. It was agreed that the Chair would contact the APEC Sub Committee on Customs Procedures (SCCP) to determine whether such an effort has already been undertaken and determine what support is available from SCCP on this effort.

  1. Customs Workshops: It was agreed that the customs workshop that was conducted in Thailand was useful and should be repeated in Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The goal is to complete these workshops by the end of 2003. Topics suggested for the workshops include a focus on customs valuation and rules of origin. Customs authorities in each of these economies would be asked what topics should be covered. Representatives from each of these economies should determine what level of financial and logistics support that will be provided by their governments and communicate that information to the Chair.

Information Technology Working Group

  1. The working group reviewed the progress realized by Japan and Thailand in the establishment of ASEAN auto-parts portal system. The Thailand Automotive Institute made a detailed presentation of its system and function to the Working Group. The Working Group welcomed it as a concrete example.

  1. Japan proposed to utilize the existing installed system for the use of the suppliers from the ASEAN member industries. The Working Group discussed how it could be achieved, including the subject of the sharing of maintenance cost. Further discussions will take place between Japan and the ASEAN countries to realize the extension and will be further discussed at next working group meeting.

  1. Japan proposed the linkage between existing portals. The Philippines announced its plans to build a supplier portal and will coordinate with Thailand and Japan for linkage and the harmonization of the content. The Working Group stressed the importance of adopting a common structure for the content of the portals in order to allow information exchange and interoperability. This linkage will be further discussed at the next steering committee.

  1. Japan reported the connection between Japan Network Exchange (JNX) and Automotive Network Exchange (ANX) will be available in November 2002.

Market Access Working Group

  1. PECC Study: The Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) sought the Working Group’s support for a proposed study on the measurement of transaction costs in the automotive sectors. The primary purpose of the project is to generate a baseline measure of costs that could be used to help achieve the goal of a five percent reduction in transaction costs established by APEC Leaders in Shanghai. The PECC advised the group that it had contacted the CTI/Market Access Group regarding funding for the first stage of the project.

  1. It was agreed that the PECC would revise the proposal to take into account suggestions from the group including, in particular, coverage of parts manufacturers in the study. The working group agreed to consider the revised proposal at its next Steering Committee meeting.

  1. WTO Doha Round: The group considered ways that the Dialogue could contribute to the WTO negotiations.

  1. The group also discussed a draft paper prepared by the Automotive Trade Policy Council of the USA, which identified possible areas of automotive interest in the Doha Round. The ATPC also proposed a possible strategy to meet the Dialogue’s goal of supporting the Doha Round.

  1. As a result of comments made by some economies, namely the appropriateness of presenting an APEC Automotive Dialogue position paper that could affect individual economy’s position in WTO negotiation, the U.S. agreed to take these concerns into account, and ask for further comments in writing. The U.S. will prepare a revised paper for discussion at the next working group meeting.

  1. WTO Doha Round Presentation: The working group received a presentation by Mrs. Carmen Luz Guarda, Market Access Director, World Trade Organization, on the market access negotiation and trade facilitation in the WTO Doha Round. Following Ms. Guarda’s presentation, the group held an open discussion on WTO issues. Some points raised by economies included:

  • The importance of non-tariff barriers to the round.

  • The importance of defining special and differential treatment, and the linkage of this topic to capacity building.

  • Clarification regarding the modalities and timeframe for non-agriculture products and the ability of economies to change offers after defined deadlines.

  • The accuracy of the automotive statistics in the WTO database.

  • The time frame required for unbound tariff rates to be bound.

  • The ability of economies to negotiate as trading blocks (such as ASEAN), as opposed to negotiating as individual economies.

  1. Ms. Guarda gave responses to the questions. She indicated:

    • With regards to the questions about the ability of economies to negotiate as trading blocks, Ms. Guarda noted that only trading blocks that have common external MFN tariff rates can negotiate as a block in the WTO. Other groups may coordinate strategies.

    • Changes to the WTO database must be communicated directly by WTO member economies.

    • Ministers have set enforced deadlines in some areas. However, in some areas, such as country input for modalities, deadlines were not set by Ministers, and therefore have greater flexibility. It was also noted that rules of origin are complex, and in WTO, it will require additional time to implement through national procedures.

    • The areas of technical assistance and capacity building will be important elements of the Doha round. However, these terms are not yet defined, and will require further consideration in the WTO. Some important elements will include seminars and training to aid participation in the round.

    • The WTO is also going to give further consideration to the definition and consideration of Non Tariff Measures in the Doha round, and is open to input.

  1. Industry Profiles: The chair urged those economies, which had not yet done so, to submit their industry profiles to the APEC web site by the end of the year.

Peer Discussions

  1. To increase understanding and transparency, the Automotive Dialogue continued its peer review process. At this session, Japan and Korea presented Peer Discussion sessions on their automotive policies and development. Volunteers were sought from other economies for future meetings and it was agreed that members would contact the Steering Committee Chair expressing their interest.

  1. It was agreed to work through the secretariat to invite India, Russia and Mexico to give presentations on developments in their auto policies and markets at upcoming Steering Committee or Dialogue meetings.

New Working Group Proposal

  1. The group discussed a proposal from Indonesia on the formation of a new working group to cover motorcycles and components activity. It was agreed that Indonesia would consider the comments made at the meeting, and present a revised proposal at the next steering committee meeting.

Cooperation with other APEC Fora

  1. The group discussed the importance of continued cooperation with other APEC fora such as the RTHP, the SCSC, SCCP, and the Market Access Group (MAG).

Chair’s Summary

  1. The chair introduced the Chairman of APEC Automotive Dialogue, Mr. Agus Tjahajana Wirakusumah, to the group. Mr. Wirakusumah closed the meeting by summarizing the results and indicating key points for future works. Some points for future consideration included:

    • Completion of work agreed upon at the Fourth Dialogue meeting, including pending issues that were not being covered in this meeting. One example included the submission of member economy’s policy relating to automotive waste disposal.

    • A standard procedure for changing the chairman or key members of working group as the need arises (such as when vacancies occur), so as to not affect the performance of working groups when changes occur.

Next Meeting

  1. Participants noted China’s offer to host a Dialogue meeting in the report of the Fourth Automotive Dialogue. Indonesia has also express interest in hosting the next dialogue. Both locations were also discussed as a possible location for the next steering committee meeting. The chair agreed to contact China to discuss venue planning, and will communicate back to the Steering Committee members on the outcome of this discussion.

  1. Participants adopted unanimously date for 10th Steering Committee will be 25th to 28th February 2003 and 5th Dialogue on 22nd to 25th April, 2003. Location will be informed later.

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