Request for a competitive contract proposal for\

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Contact Person: Kathy Arrington, Director

Office of Budget and Purchasing

(609) 343-2316
Mailing Address: Atlantic County Government

Office of Budget and Purchasing

6th Floor

1333 Atlantic Avenue

Atlantic City, NJ 08401
DUE Date: No later than 11:00 AM September 27, 2012

Public Notice is hereby given that SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the Purchasing Agent of the County of Atlantic, New Jersey at 11:00am prevailing time on September 27, 2012 in the Conference Room; 3rd Floor; 1333 Atlantic Avenue; Atlantic City, New Jersey for:


Area Plan 2013 – 2015 Area Plan Contract Services

Atlantic County Area Agency on Aging

Within the Division of Intergenerational Services

Contract Period: January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013

(With up to two (2) one-year renewable options at the discretion of the county, subject to the availability of funds and to the continuing satisfactory performance by the provider)
The Atlantic County Division of Intergenerational Services, Area Agency on Aging, announces the development of the Area Plan Contract for 2013 – 2015 and is accepting proposals for Nutritional Support Services, as outlined, for County residents aged 60+ and for caregivers that may be under sixty years of age, for the 2013 – 2015 calendar years. Services will be funded from and in accordance with rules and regulations implementing Title III C1of the Older Americans Act of 1965 as amended.
Proposals are being sought for services related to the above services to senior residents in Atlantic County, NJ. Funding sources for these services include Older Americans Act (Title III), funds.
Specifications and blank Bid Forms may be obtained online at the following web address
Any questions concerning this specification must be directed to the Office of Budget & Purchasing, in writing to or fax (609) 343-2193
If awarded a contract, your company/firm will be required to comply with requirements of NJSA 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27,
Every bidder must abide by the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act, P.L. 1963, Chapter 150.
The County of Atlantic reserves the right to reject any or all bids
By order of the County Executive of the County of Atlantic
Kathy Arrington; Director,

Budget & Purchasing

County of Atlantic, New Jersey



Instruction to Proposers I

Purpose & Intent

Rating Tool
Insurance INS
Sample Contract CT
Affirmative Action A.A.
Check List
Proposal Form P.F.
Disclosure Statement D.S.

Non-Collusion N.C.
Affirmative Action Information AAI
Recycling Affidavit R-1



Sealed Proposals will be received by the Purchasing Agent of the County of Atlantic, New Jersey, in the,3rd floor Conference Room, 1333 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401, at the time and date as specified in the "Notice to Proposers" at which time and place the proposals shall be publicly opened and read aloud


1. A complete original proposal and one electronic copy (pdf on CD or flash drive) of the completed proposal shall be submitted in a clearly marked sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside as follows: Name and Address of the proposer and the name of the subject of proposal.
Atlantic County will not be held responsible for any erroneous pages or pages missing from this bid document if it is obtained form a source other than the Division of Budget and Purchasing or the Atlantic County Bid Portal. Atlantic County will not be held responsible if bidders (vendors) fail to receive any updates or addenda to the specification, if they haven’t contacted the Purchasing office.

2. The Disclosure Statement (Public Law 1977, Chapter 33) attached to the specifications must be filled in completely and sworn to before a Notary Public. Failure to do so shall result in automatic rejection of proposals.

3. The Non-Collusion Affidavit attached to the specifications must be filled in completely and sworn to before a Notary Public.
4. The Affidavit of Compliance on Contractor's Recycling Program attached to the specifications must be filled in completely and sworn to before a Notary Public.
5. Affirmative Action Bidders are required to comply with the requirement of Public Law 1975, Chapter 127, Affirmative Action Regulations and N.J.A.C. 17:27.

6. This Competitive Contract requires certain documents be provided to the County as required by law. Some of the documents shall REQUIRE original signatures at the time of the Vendor’s submission of its proposal to the County, while other documents shall not. Below is a list of these documents:


  1. Proposal Page.

  1. ORIGINAL SIGNATURES NOT REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF SUBMISSION OF THE VENDOR’S PROPOSAL. These documents shall NOT require original signatures at the time of submission by the Vendor. However, THESE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS WITH THE ORIGINAL SIGNATURES shall be required by the County. This requirement is explained more fully in Section C, below.

  1. Disclosure Statement;

  2. Non-Collusion Affidavit;

  3. Recycling Affidavit;

  4. Plumbing Affidavit;

  5. Subcontractor’s Affidavit;

  6. Bid bond;

  7. Consent of Surety;

  8. Employee Benefits Affidavit.

  1. ORIGINAL SIGNATURES REQUIREMENTS CLARIFICATION. In order for the County to prepare and sign a contract with the Vendor who is being recommended for the award of the contract, the County must have the original signatures on ALL of the documents listed in Sections A and B above, but at various times. The Proposal Page listed in Section A must have the original signature at the time that the Vendor submits his proposal to the County.

At the time of the submission of the proposal to the County, the items listed in Section B may be copies and do not need to have the original signatures. However, the Vendor must submit the originals of all the items in Section B WITHIN FIVE (5) BUSINESS DAYS after the date of the written Notice of the Recommendation of the award by the County to the Vendor. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THESE RULES; FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE REQUIREMENTS SHALL RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC DISQUALIFICATION OF THE VENDOR, and the County shall have the right to award the contract to the next lowest responsible vendor. There will be no negotiation of this requirement.

7. The County is exempt from all taxes including Federal Excise Tax, Transportation Taxes, State Excise and Sales Tax, and local taxes.

8. Proposal prices are to remain firm for a period of not less than sixty (60) days to allow the County to determine the lowest that shall most economically serve the intentions of this proposal.
9. No Proposer shall be allowed to offer more than one price on each item even though he/she may feel that he/she has two or more type or styles that will meet specifications. Bidders must determine for themselves which to offer. If said bidder should submit more than one price on any item, all prices for the item shall be rejected.
10. It is understood and agreed that all prices quoted are firm and not subject to any increase during the life of the contract. Should there be any reduction in successful bidder(s) prices as submitted, vendor agrees that all deliveries made on and after such date of price reduction will be invoiced on the basis of reduced prices.

11. The County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals covered in the RFP request, or any portion(s) thereof, waive informalities, re-advertise and/or take such other actions decreed necessary and in the best interest of the County of Atlantic.

12. All proposals corrections or erasures shall be initialed by the person signing the bid or an authorized representative.
13. All proposals shall be typewritten or printed in ink on the form(s) prepared by the County. All proposals must be signed by officials of the Corporation or Company duly authorized to sign bid proposals.
14. Proposals may be submitted prior to bid date to the Division of Purchasing, 6th floor, 1333 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401.
Proposals delivered the day of the CC opening shall be delivered to the Division of Purchasing, 6th floor, if delivered before 10:30 A.M. If Proposals are delivered after 10:30 A.M., the proposer shall deliver the Proposal to the 4th floor Training Room and wait until the time of the CC opening. PROPOSERS ARE NOTIFIED THAT NO PROPOSAL WILL BE OPENED IF RECEIVED AFTER THE SPECIFIED HOUR.
The County shall not be responsible for late postal or overnight delivery, nor shall postmark dates or overnight dates be considered in honoring of bids. The County shall not be responsible for bidders hand delivering bids who arrive late or to the wrong location
15. The County of Atlantic shall award all contracts to the most advantageous proposal, price and other factors considered, in accordance with the evaluation methodology established in this proposal (see page “RATING SHEET” ). Failure or inability to meet any of the requirements set forth in this proposal will be sufficient reason to disqualify proposer as non responsive.
16. The award of the contract or the rejection of the proposals shall be made within one hundred twenty (120) days of the date of receiving proposals; unless written extensions are requested by the Purchasing Agent and accepted by the proposer(s). The successful proposer(s) to whom the award is to be made shall be notified by receipt of the contract or a written "Notice to Proceed" from the County department for whom the work is being provided.
17. When award of contract is made in one fiscal year with an effective date in the next fiscal year, award shall be contingent upon the availability of appropriation of sufficient funds for that purpose for the year in which said contract takes effect. When a contract shall be awarded for a period in excess of one year, said contract shall be contingent upon the annual availability and appropriation of sufficient funds for that purpose for each year of the contract.
18. Successful bidder(s) specifically and explicitly agrees to indemnify and save and keep harmless and defend the County of Atlantic against any and all losses, cost damage, claim expense or liability whatsoever, because of accident or injury to person or property of others occurring in connection with the operations under the contract including but not limited to employees, agents, servants, contractors and subcontractors of the successful bidder, even if the losses, cost damage, claim expense, or liability stem from negligence of the County of Atlantic.
19. The proposals is irrevocable by the subscriber, or his, their or its personal or legal representatives. Said proposer and award thereunder is made to the subscriber by the County of Atlantic and shall bind the subscriber, his, their or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns.
20. Assignment to any third party of any Moines due or to grow due the contract on any contract based on this proposal is prohibited and will not be recognized by the County.

21. The contractor shall not transfer or sublet any portion of the work covered by these specifications without written consent of the County of Atlantic.

22. The parties to any County contract resulting from this proposal do hereby agree that the provisions of N.J.S.A. 10:2-1 through 10:2-4, dealing with discrimination in employment on public contracts, and the Rules and Regulations promulgated pursuant thereunto, are hereby made a part of such contract and are binding upon them.
23. A written request for the withdrawal of the proposal, or any party thereof, will be granted if the request is received by the County Purchasing Agent prior to the specified time of the proposal opening.
24. Every successful contractor shall be required to sign the standard County form contract, a copy of which attached to this proposal specification under APPENDIX . If proposer desires to make any modifications to the contract language, or if bidder has another contract form that he/she desires to sign in lieu of or in addition to the County contract form, a sample copy of the proposer's proposed contract language or form must be submitted with the proposal as a separate attachment. If no attachment is given it will be presumed that the contract documents will consist exclusively of the County's form contract. Any proposed language or form changes which in any way modifies the contractor's responsibilities as set forth in the RFP specifications will not be acceptable and will be deemed to constitute a RFP exception.
25. Safety: The Contractor hereby covenants and agrees to take, use provide and make all proper, necessary and sufficient precautions, safeguards and protections against the occurrence of happenings, accidents, injuries, damages or hurt to any person or property during the progress of the work herein covered, and be responsible for any indemnity and save harmless the County of Atlantic, its officers, agent, servants and employees from payment of all sums of money by reason of all or any such happenings, accidents, injuries, damages, hurt to person or property that may happen or occur upon or about such work, and all fines, penalties and loss incurred for or by reason of violations or any Federal, State, City or Borough ordinance or regulations while said work is in progress.

26. The successful proposer will be required to comply with all applicable provisions of the N.J. Public Employees Occupational Safety and Health Act, (N.J.A.C. 34:6A-25), when providing any materials, supplies or services as part of this contract.

27. Oral Instructions Neither the County of Atlantic or their authorized representatives will be responsible in any way for oral answers unconfirmed in writing to any inquires regarding the intent or meaning of these specifications
28. To Request a reasonable accommodation of a disability, contact the ADA coordinator at: 343-2389 (phone); 348-5551 (TTD); 345-4295 (FAX) at least five (5) business days prior to the event.
29. MULTIPLE PROPOSALS NOT ALLOWED: No proposer shall be allowed to submit more than one proposal from an individual, firm, partnership, corporation or association under the same or different name, this will be cause for automatic rejection of your proposal.
30. QUESTIONS: Questions must be directed in writing to Kathy Arrington, Director of Budget & Purchasing by fax at (609) 343-2193 . No firm intending to submit a proposal or any employee of any firm intending to submit a proposal shall contact any County employee for any reason either directly or indirectly related to this Request for Proposal for Competitive Contract. Any firm found violating this policy may be cause for disqualified from submitting a proposal.
Section 1 of P.L. 2001,c.134 is amended to read as follows:
An act concerning business registration for providers of goods and services to the State, State colleges and universities , county colleges, local contracting units, boards of educations, water and wastewater contractors and casinos, supplementing Title 54 of the revised Statues and amending P.L.1977,c.110.
No contract shall be entered into by any contracting agency unless the contractor provides a copy of its business registration
All non governmental entities SHOULD submit a copy of their Business Registration Certificate or a copy of their 501(c) designation with their proposal. Proposer must submit a copy of their NJ Business Registration or 501( c ) designation prior to award of the contract.
All proposals must comply with the provisions mandated by applicable Federal Law and New Jersey Statutes.

Any provision in the RFP which may be in conflict with any New Jersey statute are amended to conform to the minimum requirement of such statute.

The successful bidder must maintain and submit to Atlantic County a list of subcontractors and their addresses that may be updated from time to time during the course of contract performance. A complete and accurate list shall be submitted before final payment is made for goods provided or services rendered or for construction of a construction project under this contract
A subcontractor shall provide a copy of its business registration to any contractor who shall forward it to the County. No contract with a subcontractor shall be entered into by any contractor under any contract with Atlantic County unless the subcontractor first provides proof of valid business registration.
The successful bidder as well as their subcontractors and each of their affiliates shall collect and remit to the Director of the Division of Taxation in the Department of the Treasury the use tax due Pursuant to the “Sales and Use Tax Act” P.L.1966,c.30(C.54:32B-1et seq.) On all their sales of tangible personal property delivered into the state of New Jersey.


Public Notice
County of Atlantic

Request for Proposals
Senior Center Site Manager Services
Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the County of Atlantic, State of New Jersey, at the 3th floor Conference Room, 1333 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401, at the time and date as specified in the "Notice to Proposers" at which time and place the proposals shall be publicly opened and read aloud
Area Plan 2013 – 2015 Area Plan Contract Services

Atlantic County Area Agency on Aging

Within the Division of Intergenerational Services

Contract Period: January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013

(With up to two (2) one-year renewable options at the discretion of the county, subject to the availability of funds and to the continuing satisfactory performance by the provider)

The Atlantic County Division of Intergenerational Services, Area Agency on Aging, announces the development of the Area Plan Contract for 2013 – 2015 and is accepting proposals for Nutritional Support Services, as outlined, for County residents aged 60+ and for caregivers that may be under sixty years of age, for the 2013 – 2015 calendar years. Services will be funded from and in accordance with rules and regulations implementing Title III C1of the Older Americans Act of 1965 as amended.
Senior Center Site Manager Services


Proposals are being sought for services related to the above services to senior residents in Atlantic County, NJ. Funding sources for these services include Older Americans Act (Title III), funds.

Proposal packets for the funding period commencing January 1, 2013 are available for download from the Atlantic County bid portal

The resulting contracts for Older Americans Act (Title III), C1 Nutritional Congregate Senior Center Site Manager Services funding will be for the period commencing January 1, 2013,with two (2) one-year renewable options at the discretion of the County, subject to the availability of funds and to the continuing satisfactory performance by the provider of service.

The Sealed proposals must be received by 11:00AM September 27, 2012 at which time the proposals will be opened and contents publicly announced.
A proposal review panel will be chosen. The role of the proposal review panel is to provide recommendations for funding to the Atlantic County Division of Intergenerational Services Executive Director.
The review panel will evaluate proposals based on the Evaluation form at the back of this

R.F.P. packet.

The review panel will then provide its recommendations to the Atlantic County Division of Intergenerational Services Executive Director.

The Older Americans Act was originally signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 14, 1965. Later amendments to the Act added grants to Area Agencies on Aging for local needs identification, planning, and funding of services, including but not limited to nutrition programs in the community as well as for those who are homebound; services targeted at low-income minority elders; health promotion and disease prevention activities; in-home services for frail elders and those services which protect the rights of older persons.
The Atlantic County Division of Intergenerational Services was designated by the State as the Area Agency on Aging for Atlantic County. The Office serves the growing population of adults age 60 and over and their caregivers. It develops programs and partnerships to deliver essential services to senior citizens of Atlantic County.
The Older Americans Act intends that the area agency on aging shall be the leader relative to all aging issues on behalf of all older persons in the planning and service area. As mandated under the Older Americans Act, the Atlantic County Division of Intergenerational Services must prepare, develop and carry out an Area Plan Contract which is submitted to and approved by the State Division of Aging and Community Services. The plan is to develop a comprehensive and coordinated system for supportive services, nutrition services and caregiver services. This plan is designed to lead to the development or enhancement of comprehensive and coordinated community based systems in, or serving, each community in the planning and service area. These systems shall be designed to assist older persons in leading independent, meaningful and dignified lives in their own homes and communities as long as possible.
In order to fulfill its requirements under the Older Americans Act, the Atlantic County Division of Intergenerational Services must grant out federal and state funding to a large number of agencies to ensure a wide range of services are available for county seniors. Specific areas to be contracted for are:
Senior Center Site Manager

Table of Contents

Site Locations

  • Buena Senior Center

  • Egg Harbor City Senior Center

  • Hammonton Senior Center

  • Jeffries Towers Senior Center

  • Dr. Arthur Leinweber Center

  • Ventnor Senior Center

Site Manager Responsibilities

Janitorial Services

Target Population

Proposal Questions 1 -15

Reporting Requirements

Budget per Site

  • Buena Senior Center

  • Egg Harbor City Senior Center

  • Hammonton Senior Center

  • Jeffries Towers Senior Center

  • Dr. Arthur Leinweber Center

  • Ventnor Senior Center

Proposal Form

Evaluation Form

Example Grant/Contract Agreement

Service List and Definitions
Senior Center Site Manager
The Atlantic County Area Agency on Aging has received funding under the Older Americans Act, for the provision of Congregate Nutritional Services to elderly residents, 60 and older, along with other eligible individuals as outlined, who attend the congregate feeding program in one or all of the following nine municipalities:
The AAA is soliciting proposals from agencies which can provide the service outlined in the scope of Services and specifications to one or more than one SITE.

The intent of these specifications is to outline the requirements of providing a Site Manager to run the Senior Nutrition Site, including Janitorial Services, where appropriate.
Respondent may include a Proposal for Site Manager to one Senior Center Site, or more than one Senior Center Site.
Bid Opportunity Associated for each Site Location:

  • Respondent to include Proposal for Site Manager, who will be responsible for:

  • The Day to Day running of Site.

  • The recruiting and assigning of volunteers to assist in the kitchen as kitchen aides. Volunteer kitchen Aides will participate in the serving of food, etc.

  • To include all arrangements for janitorial services, for ONLY the following Senior Sites, (costs must include all paper, trash liners, soap, etc.)

  • Ventnor Site

The janitorial services for the remaining sites will not be the responsibility of the successful vendor.

  • Buena Site

  • Egg Harbor City Site

  • Hammonton Site

  • Jeffries Towers Site

  • Dr. Leinweber Site

  • Social Activities: Atlantic County will coordinate and arrange, along with or in partnership with the successful vendor, daily social activities.

  • Bank Deposits: The Site manager will be responsible to deposit client contributions into a County maintained bank account.

Site Locations and Areas Served with approximate daily participants

  1. Buena Senior Center Congregate Nutrition Site - 45 approximate daily participants

located at Central Avenue Buena. Open (5) Weekdays.

  1. Egg Harbor City Senior Center Congregate Nutrition Site – 20 approximate daily participants

located at 341-351 Cincinnati Avenue, Egg Harbor City. Open (2) Weekdays.

  1. Hammonton Senior Center Congregate Nutrition Site – 35 approximate daily participants

located at 310 Bellevue Avenue, Hammonton. Open (5) Weekdays.

  1. Jeffries Towers Senior Center Nutrition Site (Includes Weekends also) – 75 approximate daily participants … located at 227 N. Vermont Avenue, Atlantic City. Open (7) Days per week.

  1. Dr. Arthur Leinweber Center – 40 approximate daily participants

located at 235 Dolphin Avenue, Northfield. Open (5) Weekdays

  1. Ventnor Senior Center Nutrition Site – 40 approximate daily participants

Located at 6500 Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor, NJ. Open (5) Weekdays.


New Years Day

Martin Luther King’s Birthday

Washington’s Birthday

Lincoln’s Birthday

Good Friday

Memorial Day

Fourth of July

Labor Day

Columbus Day

Election Day

Veteran’s Day
Also any other day which is mutually agreed upon by the contractor and the project
If for any reason the Contractor’s holiday scheduled conflicts with the County’s schedule of closing days, the contractor shall be permitted to assign these days, with the prior written approval of the County, to a subcontractor who will be provide meals at the same unit costs as the existing contract
Areas primarily served per nutrition site: Participants may come from various municipalities within ATLANTIC COUNTY ONLY.
Buena Senior Center Site: Buena Borough, Buena Vista Township, Mizpah, Weymouth, Collings Lakes, and as far as Corbin City, North Vineland, part of Millville, Richland.
Egg Harbor City Nutrition Site: Egg Harbor City, Galloway as far as Route 9,

Mays Landing and Mullica, and parts of Hamilton Township.

Hammonton Nutrition Site: Hammonton, Folsom and Mullica Township.
Jeffries Towers Senior Center: Atlantic City. Ventnor, Brigantine
Dr. Leinweber Senior Center: Northfield, Somers Point, Linwood.
Ventnor Senior Center: Ventnor City, Margate City, Longport City.
The Site Manager will be responsible for the following minimum services

1. Oversee daily operation of nutrition site with respect to meals

  1. Orders within 5% of the site contracted meal count

  2. Organize a minimum of 5 volunteers per day to assist in serving and clean up

  3. Maintains a reservation sheet daily and orders meals 2 days in advance

  4. Checks food temperatures and completes food checklist daily

  5. Orders supplies weekly with one emergency request per year

  6. No more than 5% deviation in meals ordered vs. actual participants monthly

2. Keep Records and reports concerning meal distribution

  1. Maintains complete and current participation information cards

  2. Sign in sheets kept daily

  3. Daily/Weekly submitted weekly

  4. Monthly report submitted by 5th working day

  5. Donations deposited daily, deposit sheets and money sheets

  6. Meals accounted for on a daily basis

3. Oversee non meal site operations

  1. Coordinate site transportation for percentage of participants

  2. Coordinate/provide at least 1 non meal activity per day

  3. Complete monthly schedule of activities

  4. Interact with and maintain positive relationships with senior participants

  5. Monitor maintenance and submit sheets

4. Insures site meets all federal, state and local policies

  1. Receives a satisfactory rating on the annual AAA monitoring (at a minimum)

  2. Receives a satisfactory rating on the health inspection in those areas directly under the site manager’s purview

Persons eligible for congregate meals include those individuals:

  • Age 60 or over;

  • Spouses of participants, regardless of age;

  • Disabled who reside at home with older eligible individuals

  • Individuals providing volunteer services during the meal hours,

  • Individuals with disabilities, who are not older individuals but who reside in housing facilities occupied primarily by older individuals at which congregate nutrition services are provided


These nutrition sites are non denominational and shall not be limited to restricted menus

Term of Contract

This contract is for the Period (January 1, 2013- December 31, 2013) with an option by the County to renew for (2) additional one-year periods. The County reserves the right to extend or not extend at any anniversary date the contract for the first thirty days of any option period. If the County chooses to exercise this option, it will give the Contractor written notice of its intent at lease sixty (60) days prior to the end of the contract period.
The Contractor does not have an option to withdraw from the contract, if the County chooses to exercise its right to extend or not extend the contract on the first thirty days of any option period.
On the First and second anniversary of this agreement, the price per meal and personnel for the new year shall be increased or decreased based on the percent (%) change of the twelve (12) month average for the year ended the previous December 31, in the Consumer Price Index.

The County or the Contractor may at any time during the life of this agreement or any extension thereof terminate the agreement with respect to the serving of meals, by giving sixty (60) days notice in writing to the other party of its intention to do so.

The County may terminate this agreement, with respect to the serving of meals and conditions herein stated if the terms and conditions thereof are not fully complied with by the Contractor, by giving ten (10) days notice in writing of its intention to do so.


This contract is contingent upon Federal funding. Should this funding cease or should the County decide not to sponsor such a County. The County will give five (5) days notice in writing of termination of said contract.


Award of this contract will be made to the responder providing the best proposal for Site Management/Janitorial Services, price and other factors included, for each Nutrition Site


The successful vendor shall mail invoices and a completed County Standard Invoice to the County on a monthly basis. These invoices should be in the Project's Main Office no later than 5 days after the end of the month in which the meals were served. The vendor should be paid by the end of the following month after services were rendered.



Site manager to include ordering of meals, distribution of meals, Senior Activities and janitorial services for site, AS OUTLINED

Education Requirement:

Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor’s degree.
Note: Applicants who do not meet the above education requirement MUST have at least (2) years experience working with the aged, with some time focused on developing activities specific to health and wellness and recreation.
This person will be responsible for managing the meal site and performing the duties as outlined on the attached “Personnel Addendum”. Site Manager is required to be on job site any and all days that meals are being served. Required Hours for Site Manager are 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. daily.
The County will monitor and evaluate the site manager’s performance, as outlined on the Attached “Personnel Addendum”. The County reserves the right to require the Contractor to make staffing changes they deem necessary to ensure job performance is satisfactory.

The site manager will also be responsible to

  1. Assist participants in taking advantage of benefits under other programs.

  • Providing information and assistance with completing applications for entitlement and other benefits available to older citizens.

  • Disseminate information through brochures, group presentations, and/or newsletters.

  1. Provide a variety of recreational, informational, and/or health-related programs and activities at each site monthly in cooperation with the AAA.

  • Education: discussion groups and approved speakers that promote personal enrichment and knowledge, such as health, consumerism, retirement planning, the aging process, music, art, literacy, finances, and intergenerational, educational programs.

  • Physical Activity: planned and structured activities aimed at improving or maintaining a person’s physical health. All instructors must possess the necessary credentials, either through education, experience or training.

  1. Ensure that the nutrition site complies with all applicable licensing laws and ordinances relating to food service operations, including Chapter XII of the State Sanitary Code.

With the signing and submission of this proposal, the Site Manager agrees to arrange for the janitorial services required to maintain the congregate nutrition center including the dining area, kitchen and bathrooms, per the following descriptions.

The Site Manager shall be responsible to arrange for janitorial services and to maintain a clean sanitized facility including the dining area, kitchen and bathrooms.
If the site manager desires to subcontract the janitorial portion, they must name the subcontract in their bid proposal and all subcontractors must maintain the required insurance described on page INS-3

Daily Maintenance:

  1. Wash table tops

  2. Dust desk tops

  3. Clean All Rest rooms:

a. Wet map floors

b. Wet wipe walls and partitions stalls

c. Clean and deodorize toilets and urinals

d. Provide and re-supply toilet paper and hand towels

e. Clean sinks and provide and re-supply liquid soap

f. Clean all mirrors

  1. Wipe all counter tops in kitchen and dining areas

  2. Wash and wipe window sills and clean walls when needed

  3. Sweep all floors

  4. Pick up and remove all trash from building

  5. Wet mop all floors including offices

  6. Sweep and wet mop kitchen floor

  7. Clean all drinking fountains

  8. Spray buff to maintain constant polywax finish

Weekly Maintenance:

  1. Completely wet mop all floor areas

  2. High speed spray buff all vinyl floors to maintain constant polywax finish

  3. Scrub clean and deodorize all trash receptacles

  4. Clean steam table

  5. Contractor must maintain a highly buffed polywax finish between the quarterly service

Biweekly Maintenance:

  1. Clean stove

  2. Clean oven

Monthly Maintenance:

  1. Wipe down refrigerator and clean completely inside and outside

  2. Wipe down kitchen cabinets

QUARTERLY Maintenance:

  1. Empty and clean all kitchen cabinets and store room

  1. All hard surface flooring:

a. Strip

b. Neutralize

c. Seal

d. Wax - to be accomplished with 3 coats of polywax such as Butcher’s, Johnson’s or Franklin.

Yearly Maintenance:
Windows interior and exterior must be completely cleaned

NOTE: VENDOR MUST PROVIDE ALL CLEANING MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT AND ALL PAPER AND SOAP PRODUCTS AS STATED ABOVE FOR THIS SITE. Only the pre- approved brands of toilet paper and C fold towels can be used ( i.e. Fort Howard Envision #159-90, Scott #150, Georgia Pacific GB538, or James River # 825)


The County may impose financial penalties for any of the following reasons:


Work that is not performed according to the daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly maintenance schedule shall result in liquidated damages to the vendor. Upon notification of nonperformance the Site Manager will be accessed liquidated damages of $50.00 per day. After failure to perform has been reported four (4) times the contract will automatically be considered canceled
Over Ordering of meals

The County will penalize the Site Manager the cost of each meal ordered which exceed 5% of the actual participants.

In order to assure preference to individuals with the greatest social and economic needs, the State

Division has identified four general target population groups based on target populations outlined in the Older Americans Act.

Below is a list of these four groups followed by a brief definition for each. Please note that these groups are not listed in priority order.
Minority Persons aged 60+ of African American, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaskan Native, or two or more races
Impoverished Persons aged 60+ with incomes at or below 100 percent of the poverty level as defined in the Federal Register by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (attached)
Frail Persons aged 60+ having a physical or mental disability, including Alzheimer’s disease or a neurological or organic brain disorder of the Alzheimer’s type, that restricts the ability of an individual to perform normal daily tasks or which threatens the capacity of an individual to live independently

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