Request for expressions of interest (REoI) For

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Technical Assistance for NSP Training and Capacity Building
Reference # MRRD/NSP III/CN/298-II

Country: Afghanistan

Ministry: Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation & Development (MRRD)

Type: Individual (International) Consultant

Project: National Solidarity Programme Phase Three (NSP III)

Project ID: 117103

Grant #: IDA/ARTF (and/or other grants as may be available)

Issue Date: 26 April 2011

Closing Date: 21 May 2011

Proc. Ref #: 91-a

  1. General Introduction:

The National Solidarity Program is the largest of the Afghanistan Government’s national priority programmes and is the second largest development programme in the world. The Program is implemented by the Afghanistan Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) and currently is into its 7th year and 2nd phase. NSP consists of four core elements:

  • Facilitation at the community level to assist communities establish inclusive community institutions through secret ballot and democratic elections; reach consensus on priorities and corresponding subproject activities; develop eligible subproject proposals that comply with NSP appraisal criteria; and implement approved subprojects;.

  • Building the capacities of CDC and community members (both men and women) in participation, consensus-building, accounting, procurement and contract management, operations and maintenance, and monitoring;

  • Providing direct block grant transfers to fund approved subprojects; and

  • Linking CDCs to government agencies, NGOs, and donors to improve access to services and resources.

NSP proposes to cover an estimated 33,500 rural communities to achieve full national coverage. The NSP Phase III is to start shortly and will involve the rollout to over 10,000 new communities for the first round of block grants and rollout to around 17,500 existing communities for the second round of block grants.

In addition to its core structure comprising over 800 national employees, the NSP contracts an international firm to serve as its Financial Management Agent (FMA) and other individual international and national consultants to provide technical assistance to its various departments. The NSP also contracts 28 firms (including 1 UN agencies and NGOs) to serve as Facilitating Partners (FPs).

  1. Introduction to the NSP Training & Capacity Building:

As stated above, capacity building is one of NSP’s 4 core elements. The NSP Phase Three (NSP III) incorporates three focus areas for training and capacity building:

  • Training of NSP Core Structure Staff:

The NSP Core Structure includes 1 HQ, 6 Regional Coordination and 34 Provincial Units. The training for staff in the core structure may be categorized in 3 tiers: general office skills and language related trainings, management and leadership type trainings, and specific job area type trainings. It is proposed that to the extent possible, all such trainings are provided in-house. Some level of outsourced trainings and exposure visits will also be included but will be for a limited number of staff.

  • Training of FP Master Trainers: All designed master trainers among NSP FPs will be provided standardized trainings in the following packages: 5 phases of NSP field implementation, CDC office-bearer trainings, basic rural appraisal/assessment and community development planning skills/techniques, conflict mitigation/resolution, NSP community accounting & financial management, NSP community procurement management, basic project proposal preparation, basic project implementation and monitoring, community participatory monitoring and social audit, gender mainstreaming, and linkages to other development & governance actors. Other standardized trainings may be added to the list depending on the final mandate decided for the village councils of Afghanistan. These trainings will be in the form of training of trainers (ToT) and is meant to follow a cascade down from the master trainers to FP social organizers and from the latter to the communities/CDC members

  • Training of Community/CDC Members: Select group of CDC members, community project/procurement committee members and other non-CDC community members will be trained in a variety of packages as stated above. Unlike in NSP Phases I and II, the training packages will be standardized across the country, and will be monitored and evaluated more systematically. The capacity building of the communities/CDC members will also form a key qualitative indicator within NSP.
  1. Specific Roles/ Responsibilities Expected of the Consultant Position:

  • Review and revise training packages within the NSP for those topics where training materials are already available. The revision should include the best practices from the field and the vision for standardization in NSP III. The materials and the training tools and techniques should be appropriate for the Afghanistan rural community context and take into consideration limitations of literacy levels.

  • Prepare new training manuals for the newly introduced topics in NSP in consultation with the relevant departments within the NSP core structure and the NSP FPs.

  • Conduct one round of each of the standard trainings specified for the NSP FP Master Trainings. Compile trainees’ evaluation and feedback of the pilot trainings, and incorporate changes as required in the materials.

  • Compile all finally approved training packages into 1 NSP Community Training Manual and follow up with relevant units for quality translation into Dari and Pastho.

  • Conduct 3-tier training needs assessments of NSP staff (especially in the field offices) and ensure proper budgeting and implementation of NSP training plans.

  • Train a group of core-trainers within the NSP HQ and Regional Units to serve as trainers for the training of trainers (ToTs) offered to FP Master Trainers.

  • Coordinate with the NSP HQ Engineering Department for the parallel implementation of the training plans for engineering related trainings to NSP PMU and FP engineers.

  • Prepare Terms of Reference (ToRs) and support the NSP Procurement Department in contracting consultancy services for specialized trainings that need to be out-sourced.

  • Work with the NSP M&E Department to formulate indicators, both qualitative and quantitative, for NSP capacity buildings and trainings. Ensure data collection and reporting on the same is gender-segregated.

  • Work with NSP management and FPs to promote participation and equal opportunities for training of female staff and especially female CDC/community members.

  • Conduct spot checks on FP trainings for communities (on a partially random selection basis such that each FP and each province is covered) to evaluate the training cascade.

  • Advise the NSP senior management on key issues (--trends, impacts, opportunities and threats--) related to NSP capacity building.

  • Any other tasks as may be required by the NSP senior management related to the NSP capacity building.

  1. Time Schedule:

The assignment is expected to start in June 2011 and is for a period of eighteen (18) months, with an additional possible extension of 6 months.

  1. Qualification Requirements:

Academic Qualifications

A master’s or post-graduate degree in community development or related field is required.

Work Experience

A minimum of 3 years of direct experience in holistic capacity building of rural communities of which at least 1 year is outside the consultant’s native country is required. At least 1 year’s experience in planning, designing and implementing training plans and/or evaluating training programmes and their impacts is preferred.

Other Requirements

  • Direct experience in training curriculum design and planning.

  • Direct experience in training implementation and evaluation.

  • Hands-on experience in Training of Trainers (TOTs).

  • Working knowledge of personal computers including word processing, database, and spreadsheet applications.

  • Fluency in English (listening, reading, writing, speaking).

  • Ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing.

  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees, other departments, vendors and the public.

  1. Duty Station and Reporting Requirement:

Duty Station: The duty station shall be the NSP HQ Offices located within the MRRD Compound in Darul Aman, Kabul, Afghanistan. The position will include occasional travel to the field as may be required to fulfill the ToRs stated above.
Reporting Requirements: The consultant reports to the NSP Director of Operations (DoO) on all work related issues, including HR issues (such as leave days, time sheets etc) of his/her contract.

  1. Submission of Expression of Interest:

The NSP/MRRD now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested eligible candidates must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services and are invited to submit their CV (Curriculum Vitae), including employment records, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills, previous remunerations, etc. A consultant will be selected in accordance with Section V Selection of Individual Consultants procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, version May 2010. Interested consultants may obtain further information

  1. from the website indicated below or

  2. by email to the contact person indicated below.

Expressions of interest (EoI) must be delivered to the address below or by E-Mail to the ID shown below no later than 16:00 Hours on 21 May 2011. The subject line (of the email or the cover letter if submitted in person) should refer to the position being applied both by title and by the reference number stated in this document. Note: No telephone inquires will be entertained. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews. Address of Focal Person for Enquires and Submission of EoIs:

Mr Nabiullah Azimi, Head, Procurement Department, National Solidarity Program (NSP),

Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD), Afghanistan

Tashkilat Street, Darul Aman Road, Kabul, Afghanistan

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