Request for Proposals # [Insert rfp number]

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April 26, 2016

Request for Proposals # [Insert RFP number]

[Insert RFP title]

Dear Sir or Madam,
Chemonics International Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Chemonics”), under the Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP), USAID Contract No. AID-391-C-14-00002, is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the provision of technical assistance to Develop an Android Based Mobile Application for Disease Control & Improvement of Farm Practices in Dairy Animals. The attached RFP contains all the necessary information for interested Offerors.
The objective of the proposed activity “Development of Android Based Mobile Application for Disease Control & Improvement of Farm Practices in Dairy Animals” is to empower millions of farmers by increasing their knowledge and skills using ICT tool to use best preventive and curative farm practices to combat diseases of animals effectively and efficiently.

Chemonics is seeking proposals from policy research centers / universities / individuals / consulting firms who can provide technical advisory services. The selected offeror will manage and deliver outputs detailed in the scope of work of this solicitation. Please submit a proposal for the anticipated subcontract to Grants Manager at by 6 PM on May 4, 2016. Chemonics expects to issue one Firm Fixed Price type subcontract for this work, but may elect to issue two separate subcontracts depending on the responses received.

Chemonics realizes that offerors may have additional questions after reading this RFP. Such questions can be emailed to Grants Manager (PEEP) for clarification within five days of issuance of this RFP. If necessary, the answers to such questions will be circulated wihin next three days, by emailing directly to all interested offerors.
This RFP does not obligate Chemonics to execute a subcontract nor does it commit Chemonics to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposals. Furthermore, Chemonics reserves the right to reject any and all offers, if such action is considered to be in the best interest of Chemonics.

Grants Manager

USAID Funded Punjab Enabling Environment Project
Request for Proposals

For the provision of

Development of Android Based Mobile Application for Disease Control & Improvement of Farm Practices in Dairy Animals


Upgradation of existing website of the association

Contracting Entity:

Chemonics International Inc.

House 78-A, Block B-III, Gulberg III, Lahore
Funded by:

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Funded under:

Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP)

Prime Contract Number


Chemonics is committed to integrity in procurement, and only selects suppliers based on objective business criteria such as price and technical merit. Chemonics expects suppliers to comply with our Standards of Business Conduct, available at
Chemonics does not tolerate fraud, collusion among offerors, falsified proposals/bids, bribery, or kickbacks. Any firm or individual violating these standards will be disqualified from this procurement, barred from future procurement opportunities, and may be reported to both USAID and the Office of the Inspector General.
Employees and agents of Chemonics are strictly prohibited from asking for or accepting any money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, object of value or compensation from current or potential vendors or suppliers in exchange for or as a reward for business. Employees and agents engaging in this conduct are subject to termination and will be reported to USAID and the Office of the Inspector General. In addition, Chemonics will inform USAID and the Office of the Inspector General of any supplier offers of money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, object of value or compensation to obtain business.
Offerors responding to this RFP must include the following as part of the proposal submission:

  • Disclose any close, familial, or financial relationships with Chemonics or project staff. For example, if an offeror’s cousin is employed by the project, the offeror must state this.

  • Disclose any family or financial relationship with other offerors submitting proposals. For example, if the offeror’s father owns a company that is submitting another proposal, the offeror must state this.

  • Certify that the prices in the offer have been arrived at independently, without any consultation, communication, or agreement with any other offeror or competitor for the purpose of restricting competition.

  • Certify that all information in the proposal and all supporting documentation are authentic and accurate.

  • Certify understanding and agreement to Chemonics’ prohibitions against fraud, bribery and kickbacks.

Please contact with any questions or concerns regarding the above information or to report any potential violations. Potential violations may also be reported directly to Chemonics at to or by phone/Skype at 888.955.6881.

RFP Table of Contents

List of Acronyms

Section I Instructions to Offerors
I.1 Introduction

I.2 Offer Deadline

I.3 Submission of Offers

I.4 Requirements

I.5 Source of Funding and Geographic Code

I.6 Chronological List of Proposal Events

I.7 Validity Period

I.8 Evaluation and Basis for Award

I.9 Negotiations

I.10 Terms of Subcontract

I.11 Privity
Section II Background, Scope of Work, Deliverables, and Deliverables Schedule

  1. Background

  2. Scope of Work

  3. Deliverables

  4. Deliverables Schedule

Section III Firm Fixed Price Subcontract (Terms and Clauses)

Annex 1 Sample Proposal Cover Letter

Annex 2 Guide to Creating Financial Proposal and Sample Budget

Annex 3 Required Certifications

Annex 4 DUNS and SAM Registration Guidance

List of Acronyms

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CO USAID Contracting Officer

COP Chief of Party

COR USAID Contracting Officer’s Representative

CV Curriculum Vitae

FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

NICRA Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement

NGO Nongovernmental organization

RFP Request for Proposals

SAF Strategic Activities Fund

U.S. United States

USAID U.S. Agency for International Development

USAID/Pakistan USAID Mission in Pakistan

USG U.S. Government

VAT Value Added Tax

Section I. Instructions to Offerors

    1. Introduction

Chemonics, the Buyer, acting on behalf of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP), under contract number AID-391-C-14-00002 is soliciting offers from I.T. consulting firms to provide technical expertise in developing Development of Android Based Mobile Application for Disease Control & Improvement of Farm Practices in Dairy Animals. Interested offerors can submit their technical and financial proposal in response to this RFP according to the instructions given in Section I.8. Scope of work is given in Section II.2. Offerors will be evaluated based on defined criteria, given in subsequent sections.

Punjab’s agriculture sector, which includes livestock, dairy, and horticulture has long played a key role as the region’s main economic driver. The province, however, faces many obstacles to growth including power and water shortages, higher cost of inputs, ineffective extension (advisory) services, poor marketing system of agriculture produce, natural disasters, and poor law and order situation – all contribute to what has been a challenging business-enabling environment.
USAID’s Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP) is a five-year effort to support the Government of Punjab in improving business environment for the livestock, dairy, and horticulture sub-sectors. The project is working to build a strong business enabling and policy environment to help boost private sector investment in the three subsectors. The project efforts will contribute towards USAID’s development objective of Increased Incomes and Employment in target sectors.
PEEP’s aim, therefore, is to focus on the following:
a) Accelerate advocacy for policy, regulatory and institutional reforms through the private sector, leading to early adoption and implementation of reforms;

b) Support institutional capacity building to sustain enabling environment reforms;

c) Mobilize major private sector investments in livestock, dairy, and horticulture projects in support of changes in the business environment.
Project interventions are meant to improve the business environment by reducing the cost and time of doing business through influencing policy and regulatory reforms in consultation with sector stakeholders. This will in turn help spur private sector investment leading to increased employment and incomes in the target subsectors. PEEP stakeholders include private sector entrepreneurs, civil society actors, academia, business associations, chambers of commerce, policy research centers, and the various agencies / departments of Government of Punjab. Core advocacy groups have already been established by PEEP with the representation of government sector, academia, civil society and the private sector to work together to help identify and advocate for better designing and implementation of various initiatives to improve Punjab’s business environment in the target subsectors.
One of the mandates of PEEP is to develop the institutional capacity of sector associations, chambers of commerce, universities, government departments and policy research centers by provision of cash and in-kind grants as well as technical assistance.
In this backdrop PEEP intends to develop an android application for the livestock sector. The objective of the proposed activity “Development of Android Based Mobile Application for Disease Control & Improvement of Farm Practices in Dairy Animals” is to empower millions of farmers by increasing their knowledge and skills using ICT tool to use best preventive and curative farm practices to combat diseases of animals effectively and efficiently. Developing the android application, where technical information will be provided by livestock expert. The application will explain the major diseases of the dairy cows and buffalos along with symptoms, effects, preventive and curative measures in Urdu and English with pictures and short video clips for better understanding. The application will have some other features (details given in next section), that will be beneficial for handling of livestock in line with international best practices.

Offerors are invited to submit proposals in response to this RFP in accordance with Section I Instructions to Offerors, which will not be part of the subcontract. The instructions are intended to assist interested Offerors in the preparation of their offer. Any resulting subcontract will be guided by Sections II and III.

This RFP does not obligate Chemonics to execute a subcontract nor does it commit Chemonics to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposals. Furthermore, Chemonics reserves the right to reject any or all offers, if such action is considered to be in the best interest of Chemonics.
Unless otherwise stated, the periods named in the RFP shall be consecutive calendar days.

    1. Offer Deadline

Offerors shall submit their offers (technical and financial) electronically (email) by due date i.e. May 4, 2016 (6 pm). Late offers may be considered at the sole discretion of Chemonics, in case inadequate number of applications are received. Chemonics cannot guarantee that late offers will be considered.

The technical and cost proposals must be submitted in separate electronic files via e-mail to in formats compatible with MS Word, Adobe Acrobat, and MS Excel. The technical proposal must not include any cost information. Faxed offers will not be considered.
Proposals must be received no later than May 04, 2016 (6 pm)
Offerors are responsible for ensuring that their offers are received in accordance with the instructions stated herein.

    1. Submission of Offers

The proposals must be received through email by due date and time, at given email address.

Instructions for the Submission of Electronic Copies of Proposal
Separate technical and cost proposals must be submitted by email no later than the time and date specified in I.2. The proposals must be submitted to the point of contact designated in I.2.
The offeror must submit the proposal electronically with up to 3 attachments (total 20 MB limit) per email compatible with MX Word, MS Excel, readable format, or Adobe Portable Document (PDF) format in a Microsoft XP environment. Offerors must not submit zipped files. Those pages requiring original manual signatures should be scanned and sent in PDF format as an email attachment.
The technical proposal and cost proposal must be kept separate from each other. Technical proposals must not make reference to pricing data to ensure that technical evaluation can be made strictly on the basis of technical merit.

    1. Requirements

To be determined responsive, an offer must include all of documents and sections included in I.4.A and I.4.B.

  1. General Requirements

Chemonics anticipates issuing a subcontract to one or two individuals or local / international organizations based in Pakistan, and already legally registered and recognized under the Pakistan respective laws and are in compliance with all applicable civil, fiscal, and other applicable regulations. Such a company or organization could include a private firm, non-profit organization, civil society organization, or university.

Companies and organizations that submit proposals in response to this RFP must meet the following requirements:

  1. Companies or organizations, whether for-profit or non-profit, must be legally registered under the laws of Pakistan at the time of submission of application.

  1. Companies or organizations must have a local presence in Pakistan at the time the subcontract is signed.

  1. Firms operated as commercial companies or other organizations or enterprises (including non-profit organizations) in which foreign governments or their agents or agencies have a controlling interest are not eligible.

Offerors may present their proposals as an individual company or as member of a partnership with other companies or organizations. In such cases, the subcontract will be awarded to the lead company in the partnership. The leading company shall be responsible for making all partnership arrangements, including but not limited to division of labor, invoicing, etc., with the other company(s). A legally registered partnership is not necessary for these purposes; however the different organizations must be committed to work together in the fulfillment of the subcontract terms.

  1. Required Proposal Documents

              1. Cover Letter

The offeror’s cover letter shall include the following information:

  1. Name of the individual / company / organization

  2. Type of company or organization

  3. Address

  4. Telephone

  5. Fax

  6. E-mail

  7. Full names of members of the Board of Directors and Legal Representative (as appropriate)

  8. Taxpayer Identification Number

  9. Official bank account information

  10. Other required documents that shall be included as attachments to the cover letter:

    1. Copy of registration or incorporation in the public registry, or equivalent document from the government office where the offeror is registered.

    2. Copy of company tax registration, or equivalent document.

    3. Copy of trade license, or equivalent document.

    4. Evidence of Responsibility Statement, whereby the offeror certifies that it has sufficient financial, technical, and managerial resources to complete the activity described in the scope of work, or the ability to obtain such resources. This statement is required by the Federal Acquisition Regulations in 9.104-1. A template is provided in Annex 3 “Required Certifications”.

    5. Applicable documents listed in I.4.A.

A sample cover letter is provided in Annex 1 of this RFP.

              1. Technical Proposal

The technical proposal shall comprise the following parts. The technical proposal must not exceed 12 (twelve) pages and must include the following sections. The detailed CVs of the experts will not count for this page limit.

  • Part 1: Technical Approach, Methodology and Detailed Work Plan.

In this section the offeror must demonstrate an understanding of the scope of work and also demonstrate solid understanding in relation to various operations and functions of a mobile application livestock and dairy subsectors. In the technical proposal, offeror must demonstrate their expertise of developing and running mobile apps. Furthermore, the offeror will chalk out the detailed work plan comprising of required activities, and timeline.

In this section, the offeror must mention the possible challenges that may come across during inception, setting up of the app and remedial measures to mitigate these.
Offerors must propose a detailed schedule that can be reasonably implemented, which will serve as the draft work plan. The draft work plan for the proposed services shall be submitted in the form of a Gantt chart and shall provide a step by step process for executing every phase of the work in the most efficient manner. The approach should provide Chemonics with a clear understanding of how Offerors intend to achieve the deliverables, best practices that Offerors will utilize in creating the deliverables, and the processes the Offerors will make use of to ensure the deliverables are provided within the required timeline. The draft work plan should articulate the point of contact and responsible person for each task.

This part shall be 5 to 7 pages long.

  • Part 2: Management, Key Personnel, and Staffing Plan.

The offerors shall propose one or more experts, who will implement the scope of work. The expert must meet the academic, general and specific work experience, skills and qualifications given in this document. The offeror should highlight how the qualifications and competence possessed by this technical expert are relevant to the SOW.

  • Part 3: Corporate Applicant / Individual Applicant Capabilities, Experience, and Past Performance.

The offerors must demonstrate past experience implementing similar activities as those set forth in the SOW for the program area(s) for which they are submitting a proposal. Especially, the experience of developing android cellphone applications must be highlighted.

The offerors shall also provide a minimum of 3 organizational references they worked with for the past 5 years (name and organizational contact information) indicating the relevant services carried out that best illustrate your organization’s qualifications (please see Annex 4). Chemonics reserves the right to contact other references in addition to those provided by the offeror.
This part shall be 2 to 3 pages long.

Offerors must not exceed the page limitations for each of the sections above. However, detailed CVs do not count for the page limits.

The sections of the technical proposal stated above must respond to the detailed information set out in Section II of this RFP, which provides the background, states the scope of work, describes the deliverables, and provides a deliverables schedule.
The offeror shall complete and sign all the forms and certifications provided in Annex 3 of this RFP and include them in their cost proposal submission.
The offeror is required to submit its proposal for the entire scope of the project given in this document. Partial proposal for any specific deliverable will not be acceptable.

              1. Cost Proposal

The cost proposal must be in Pakistani Rupees and include the following sections that can help the evaluators to examine the realism, reasonableness and completeness of an offferor’s cost. The cost proposal is used to determine best value and it will also serve as a basis of negotiation before award of a subcontract.

A fixed price sub-contract (all inclusive) will be issued to the selected offeror, including time and material, against the deliverable given in this document. The fixed price contract is not subject to any adjustment, thereby placing full responsibility for all costs, irrespective of its nature.
The price of the subcontract to be awarded will be an all-inclusive fixed price. No profit, fees, taxes, or additional costs can be added after award. Nevertheless, for the purpose of the proposal, Offerors must provide a detailed budget showing major line items, e.g. salaries, allowances, travel costs, other direct costs, indirect rates, etc., as well as individual line items, e.g. salaries or rates for individuals, different types of allowances, rent, utilities, insurance, etc. Offers must show unit prices, quantities, and total price. All items, services, etc. must be clearly labeled and included in the total offered price. All cost information must be expressed in Pakistani Rupees. See Annex 2 for a sample cost structure.
Because PEEP is a USAID funded project and is implemented under a bilateral agreement between the Pakistan and the U.S. Government, Offerors must not include VAT and customs duties in their cost proposal.
The cost proposal shall also include a budget narrative that explains the basis for the estimate of every cost element or line item. Supporting information must be provided in sufficient detail to allow for a complete analysis of each cost element or line item. Chemonics reserves the right to request additional cost information if the evaluation committee has concerns of the reasonableness, realism, or completeness of an Offeror’s proposed cost.
If it is an Offeror’s regular practice to budget indirect rates, e.g. overhead, fringe, G&A, administrative, or other rate, Offerors must explain the rates and the rates’ base of application in the budget narrative. Chemonics reserves the right to request additional information to substantiate an Offeror’s indirect rates.
Under no circumstances may cost information be included in the technical proposal. No cost information or any prices, whether for deliverables or line items, may be included in the technical proposal. Cost information must only be shown in the cost proposal.

    1. Source of Funding, Authorized Geographic Code, and Source and Origin

Any subcontract resulting from this RFP will be financed by USAID funding and will be subject to U.S. Government and USAID regulations.

All goods and services offered in response to this RFP or supplied under any resulting award must meet USAID Geographic Code 937 in accordance with the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 22 CFR §228, available at:
The cooperating country for this RFP is Pakistan.
Offerors may not offer or supply any products, commodities or related services that are manufactured or assembled in, shipped from, transported through, or otherwise involving any of the following countries: Burma (Myanmar), Cuba, Iran, North Korea, (North) Sudan, Syria. Related services include incidental services pertaining to any/all aspects of this work to be performed under a resulting contract (including transportation, fuel, lodging, meals, and communications expenses).

    1. Chronological List of Proposal Events

The following calendar summarizes important dates in the solicitation process. Offerors must strictly follow these deadlines.

RFP announcement 25/3/16

RFP published 25/3/16

Deadline for written questions 30/3/16

Answers provided to questions/clarifications 4/4/16

Proposal due date 8/4/16

Subcontract award (estimated) 15/4/16

The dates above may be modified at the sole discretion of Chemonics. Any changes will be published in an amendment to this RFP.

Written Questions and Clarifications. All questions or clarifications regarding this RFP must be in writing and submitted to Grant Manager at no later than May 04 2016. Questions and requests for clarification, and the responses thereto, will be circulated to all RFP recipients who have indicated an interest in this RFP.
Only written answers from Chemonics will be considered official and carry weight in the RFP process and subsequent evaluation. Any answers received outside the official channel, whether received verbally or in writing, from employees or representatives of Chemonics International, the PEEP project, or any other party, will not be considered official responses regarding this RFP.
Proposal Submission Date. All proposals must be received by 4/5/16. Late offers will be considered at the discretion of Chemonics.
Oral Presentations. Chemonics reserves the option to have select offerors participate in oral presentations with the technical evaluation committee. Interviews may consist of oral presentations of offerors’ proposed activities and approaches. Offerors should be prepared to give presentations to the technical evaluation committee at the PEEP office in Lahore (Pakistan) within 2 days of receiving notification.
Subcontract Award (estimated). Chemonics will select the proposal that offers the best value based upon the evaluation criteria stated in this RFP.

    1. Validity Period

Offerors’ proposals must remain valid for 90 calendar days after the proposal deadline.

    1. Evaluation and Basis for Award

An award will be made to the offeror whose proposal is determined to be responsive to this solicitation document, meets the eligibility criteria stated in this RFP, meets the technical, management/personnel, and corporate capability requirements, and is determined to represent the best value to Chemonics. Best value will be decided using the “tradeoff process” as described below.

This RFP will use the tradeoff process to determine best value. That means that each proposal will be evaluated and scored against the evaluation criteria and evaluation sub-criteria, which are stated in the table below. Cost proposals are not assigned points, but for overall evaluation purposes of this RFP, technical evaluation factors other than cost, when combined, are considered significantly more important than cost factors. If technical scores are determined to be equal or nearly equal, cost will become the determining factor.
In evaluating proposals, Chemonics will use the following evaluation criteria and sub-criteria:

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Sub-criteria

Maximum Points

Technical Approach, Methodology, and Detailed Work Plan

Technical know-how – Does the proposal clearly explain, understand and respond to the objectives of the project as stated in the Scope of Work?

20 points

Approach and Methodology – Does the proposed program approach and detailed activities and timeline fulfill the requirements of executing the Scope of Work effectively and efficiently?

30 points

Sector Knowledge – Does the proposal demonstrate the offeror’s knowledge related to technical sectors required by the SOW?

20 points

Total Points – Technical Approach

70 points

Management, Key Personnel, and Staffing Plan

Personnel Qualifications – Do the proposed team members have necessary experience and capabilities to carry out the Scope of Work?

10 points

Total Points – Management

10 points

Corporate Capabilities, Experience, and Past Performance

Company Background and Experience – Does the company have experience relevant to the project Scope of Work?

20 points

Total Points – Corporate Capabilities

20 points

Total Points

100 points

Evaluation points will not be awarded for cost. Cost will primarily be evaluated for realism and reasonableness. If technical scores are determined to be nearly equal, cost will become the determining factor.

This RFP utilizes the tradeoff process set forth in FAR 15.101-1. Chemonics will award a subcontract to the offeror whose proposal represents the best value to Chemonics and the PEEP project. Chemonics may award to a higher priced offeror if a determination is made that the higher technical evaluation of that offeror merits the additional cost/price.

    1. Negotiations

Best offer proposals are requested. It is anticipated that a subcontract will be awarded solely on the basis of the original offers received. However, Chemonics reserves the right to conduct discussions, negotiations and/or request clarifications prior to awarding a subcontract. Furthermore, Chemonics reserves the right to conduct a competitive range and to limit the number of offerors in the competitive range to permit an efficient evaluation environment among the most highly-rated proposals. Highest-rated offerors, as determined by the technical evaluation committee, may be asked to submit their best prices or technical responses during a competitive range. At the sole discretion of Chemonics, offerors may be requested to conduct oral presentations. If deemed an opportunity, Chemonics reserves the right to make separate awards per component or to make no award at all.

    1. Terms of Subcontract

This is a request for proposals only and in no way obligates Chemonics to award a subcontract. In the event of subcontract negotiations, any resulting subcontract will be subject to and governed by the terms and clauses detailed in Section III. Chemonics will use the template shown in section III to finalize the subcontract. Terms and clauses are not subject to negotiation. By submitting a proposal, offerors certify that they understand and agree to all of the terms and clauses contained in section III.

    1. Privity

By submitting a response to this request for proposals, offerors understand that USAID is NOT a party to this solicitation.

Section II Background, Scope of Work, Deliverables, and Deliverables Schedule

  1. Background

The application will help increase the awareness in terms of knowledge and skills about the major diseases of cows and buffalos. It will also help adopt best farm practices and preventive measures that will decrease the incidence of disease and in turn will improve the overall health of animal, leading to improved milk yield and income of farmers.

The application will have inbuilt function to prepare databases of farmers who download this application. This database will help association to keep in touch with farmers for communicating necessary information regarding livestock farming and advocacy. Such database will help in a great way for advocacy and opinion formation about the government policies and reforms.
The objective of the consultancy is to design and develop an IT application for android phones based on the technical information (primarily, but not limited to) provided by the livestock expert. The livestock expert will forward the information to the IT firm in an acceptable format. The IT firm in designing the application with assistance of the livestock expert arranging the flow of information and its presentation in the app.

  1. Scope of Work

The application will explain the major diseases of the dairy cows and buffalos along with symptoms, effects, preventive and curative measures in Urdu and English with pictures and short video clips for better understanding. The application will have some other features (details given in next section), that will be beneficial for handling of livestock in line with international best practices.

The IT firm will be hired to develop an android application on data related to the curative and preventive actions of diseases along with best farming practices.
For this assignment, the I.T. Firm will work in close coordination with the livestock expert in developing a user-friendly software application for android phones that fulfills the objective of the grant.
The firm will be required to accomplish the following:

  1. Develop the application that is user friendly – having an easy to understand format along with respect to the flow information and its display.

  2. Identify and ensure the backend support required to launch the application.

  3. Uploading the android application on the Google store (free for downloading for every farmer) as well as on the website of association.

  4. Necessary precautions to keep the application save from virus attacks.

  1. Deliverables

The successful offeror shall deliver to Chemonics the following deliverables, in accordance with the schedule set forth in II.4 below.

Deliverable No. 1: Application Design and Development/Uploading/Server Configuration.

The I.T. firm will be hired to develop an android application on data related to the curative and preventive actions of diseases along with best farming practices. The android application will include the following:

    • Understand the data provided by the livestock expert and design an application in Urdu/English which is easy to navigate by the farmers

    • The application should be able to display pictures and video clips along with written information on the subject.

    • System for sending periodically 400 messages over the year to the farmers.

    • Step-wise and easy to understand procedural display for the best farm practices and the disease control of livestock.

    • Upgrading the existing website of the association in line with international standards with features that support video clips hosting and display.

Deliverable No. 2: Upgradation of existing website of the association, uploading relevant video clips, developing social media page.

Upgrading the existing website of the association in line with international standards with features that support video clips hosting and display. The site should be easy to navigate, especially for the livestock farmers.

  1. Deliverables Schedule

The successful offeror shall submit the deliverables described above in accordance with the following deliverables schedule:

Deliverable Number

Deliverable Name

Due Date


Application Design and Development/Uploading/Server Configuration/ initial maintanence.

12 weeks after subcontract signing


Upgradation of existing website of the association, uploading relevant video clips, developing social media page

4 weeks after subcontract signing

*Deliverable numbers and names refer to those fully described in II.3 above.

Annex 1 Cover Letter

[Offeror: Insert date]

[Insert name of point of contact for RFP]

[Insert designation of point of contact for RFP]

[Insert project name]

[Insert "Chemonics International Inc." or if there is a locally registered entity, use that name]

[Insert project office address]

Reference: Request for Proposals [Insert RFP name and number]

Subject: [Offeror: Insert name of your organization]’s technical and cost proposals
Dear Mr./Mrs. [Insert name of point of contact for RFP]:
[Offeror: Insert name of your organization] is pleased to submit its proposal in regard to the above- referenced request for proposals. For this purpose, we are pleased to provide the information furnished below:
Name of Organization’s Representative ___________________________

Name of Offeror ___________________________

Type of Organization ___________________________

Taxpayer Identification Number ___________________________

DUNS Number ___________________________

Address ___________________________

Address ___________________________

Telephone ___________________________

Fax ___________________________

E-mail ___________________________

As required by section I, I.7, we confirm that our proposal, including the cost proposal will remain valid for [insert number of days, usually 60 or 90] calendar days after the proposal deadline.
We are further pleased to provide the following annexes containing the information requested in the RFP.:
[Offerors: It is incumbent on each offeror to clearly review the RFP and its requirements. It is each offeror's responsibility to identify all required annexes and include them]

  1. Copy of registration or incorporation in the public registry, or equivalent document from the government office where the offeror is registered.

  2. Copy of company tax registration, or equivalent document.

  3. Copy of trade license, or equivalent document.

  4. Evidence of Responsibility Statement.

Sincerely yours,



[Offeror: Insert name of your organization's representative]

[Offeror: Insert name of your organization]

Annex 2 Guide to Creating a Financial Proposal for a Fixed Price Subcontract
The purpose of this annex is to guide offerors in creating a budget for their cost proposal. Because the subcontract will be funded under a United States government-funded project, it is important that all offerors’ budgets conform to this standard format. It is thus recommended that offerors follow the steps described below.
Step 1: Design the technical proposal. Offerors should examine the market for the proposed activity and realistically assess how they can meet the needs as described in this RFP, specifically in section II. Offerors should present and describe this assessment in their technical proposals.
Step 2: Determine the basic costs associated with each deliverable. The cost proposal should provide the best estimate of the costs associated with each deliverable, which should include labor and all non-labor costs, e.g. other direct costs, such as fringe, allowances, travel and transport, etc.
Other direct costs, i.e. non-labor, include for example the following:

  1. Local travel and transportation, and associated travel expenses, if applicable,

  2. Lodging and per diem expenses associated with travel, if applicable,

  3. Rent

  4. Utilities

  5. Communications

  6. Office supplies

Under no circumstances may cost information be included in the technical proposal. No cost information or any prices, whether for deliverables or line items, may be included in the technical proposal. Cost information must only be shown in the cost proposal.

Step 3: Create a budget for the cost proposal. Each offeror must create a budget using a spreadsheet program compatible with MS Excel. The budget period should follow the technical proposal period. A sample budget is shown on the following page.
Step 4: Write Cost Notes. The spreadsheets shall be accompanied by written notes in MS Word that explain each cost line item and the assumption why a cost is being budgeted as well as how the amount is reasonable.
Sample Budget
Offerors should revise the budget line items accordingly in response to the technical and cost requirements of this RFP.

[Instructions: Remember to insert any specific cost guidance or requirements. Reference any applicable sections in the RFP that include cost instructions. For example, "customs duties or VAT may not be included in the cost proposal"]

Annex 3 Required Certifications

Annex 4

DUNS and SAM Registration Guidance

What is DUNS?

The Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) is a system developed and regulated by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) - a company that provides information on corporations for use in credit decisions - that assigns a unique numeric identifier, referred to as a DUNS number, to a single business entity. The DUNS database contains over 100 million entries for businesses throughout the world, and is used by the United States Government, the United Nations, and the European Commission to identify companies. The DUNS number is widely used by both commercial and federal entities and was adopted as the standard business identifier for federal electronic commerce in October 1994. The DUNS number was also incorporated into the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in April 1998 as the Federal Government's contractor identification code for all procurement-related activities.

Why am I being requested to obtain a DUNS number?

U.S. law – in particular the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109-282), as amended by section 6202 of the Government Funding Transparency Act of 2008 (Pub.L. 110-252) - make it a requirement for all entities doing business with the U.S. Government to be registered, currently through the System for Award Management, a single, free, publicly- searchable website that includes information on each federal award. As part of this reporting requirement, prime contractors such as Chemonics must report information on qualifying subawards as outlined in FAR 52.204-10 and 2CFR Part 170. Chemonics is required to report subcontracts with an award valued at greater than or equal to $30,000 under a prime contract and subawards under prime grants or prime cooperative agreements obligating funds of $25,000 or more, whether U.S. or locally-based. Because the U.S. Government uses DUNS numbers to uniquely identify businesses and organizations, Chemonics is required to enter subaward data with a corresponding DUNS number.

Is there a charge for obtaining a DUNS number?

No. Obtaining a DUNS number is absolutely free for all entities doing business with the Federal government. This includes current and prospective contractors, grantees, and loan recipients.

How do I obtain a DUNS number?

DUNS numbers can be obtained online at or by phone at 1-800-234-3867 (for US, Puerto Rico and Virgin Island requests only).

What information will I need to obtain a DUNS number?

To request a DUNS number, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Legal name and structure

  • Tradestyle, Doing Business As (DBA), or other name by which your organization is commonly recognized

  • Physical address, city, state and Zip Code

  • Mailing address (if separate)

  • Telephone number

  • Contact name

  • Number of employees at your location

  • Description of operations and associated code (SIC code found at

  • Annual sales and revenue information

  • Headquarters name and address (if there is a reporting relationship to a parent corporate entity)

How long does it take to obtain a DUNS number?

Under normal circumstances the DUNS is issued within 1-2 business days when using the D&B web form process. If requested by phone, a DUNS can usually be provided immediately.

Are there exemptions to the DUNS number requirement?
There may be exemptions under specific prime contracts, based on an organization’s previous fiscal year income when selected for a subcontract award, or Chemonics may agree that registration using the D&B web form process is impractical in certain situations. Organizations may discuss these options with the Chemonics representative.

What is CCR/SAM?

Central Contractor Registration (CCR)—which collected, validated, stored and disseminated data in support of agency acquisition and award missions—was consolidated with other federal systems into the System for Award Management (SAM). SAM is an official, free, U.S. government-operated website. There is NO charge to register or maintain your entity registration record in SAM.

When should I register in SAM?

While registration in SAM is not required for organizations receiving a grant under contract, subcontract or cooperative agreement from Chemonics, Chemonics requests that partners register in SAM if the organization meets the following criteria requiring executive compensation reporting in accordance with the FFATA regulations referenced above. registration allows an organization to directly report information and manage their organizational data instead of providing it to Chemonics. Reporting on executive compensation for the five highest paid executives is required for a qualifying subaward if in your business or organization's preceding completed fiscal year, your business or organization (the legal entity to which the DUNS number belongs):

(1) received 80 percent or more of its annual gross revenues in U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, grants, subgrants, and/or cooperative agreements; and

(2) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, grants, subgrants, and/or cooperative agreements; and,

(3) The public have does not have access to information about the compensation of the executives in your business or organization (the legal entity to which the DUNS number it provided belongs) through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the US Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

If your organization meets the criteria to report executive compensation, the following sections of this document outline the benefits of and process for registration in Registration may be initiated at There is NO fee to register for this site.

Why should I register in SAM?

Chemonics recommends that partners register in SAM to facilitate their management of organizational data and certifications related to any U.S. federal funding, including required executive compensation reporting. Executive compensation reporting for the five highest paid executives is required in connection with the reporting of a qualifying subaward if:

  1. In your business or organization's preceding completed fiscal year, your business or organization (the legal entity to which the DUNS number belongs) received (1) 80 percent or more of its annual gross revenues in U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, grants, subgrants, and/or cooperative agreements; and (2) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, grants, subgrants, and/or cooperative agreements; and,

  2. The public have does not have access to information about the compensation of the executives in your business or organization (the legal entity to which the DUNS number it provided belongs) through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

What benefits do I receive from registering in SAM?

By registering in SAM, you gain the ability to bid on federal government contracts. Your registration does not guarantee your winning a government contract or increasing your level of business. Registration is simply a prerequisite before bidding on a contract. SAM also provides a central storage location for the registrant to supply its information, rather than with each federal agency or prime contractor separately. When information about your business changes, you only need to document the change in one place for every federal government agency to have the most up-to-date information.

How do I register in SAM?

Follow the step-by-step guidance for registering in SAM for assistance awards (under grants/cooperative agreements) at:

Follow the step-by-step guidance for contracts registrations at:

You must have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number in order to begin either registration process.

If you already have the necessary information on hand (see below), the online registration takes approximately one hour to complete, depending upon the size and complexity of your business or organization.

What data is needed to register in SAM?

SAM registrants are required to submit detailed information on their company in various categories. Additional, non-mandatory information is also requested. Categories of required and requested information include:

* General Information - Includes, but is not limited to, DUNS number, CAGE Code, company name, Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN), location, receipts, employee numbers, and web site address.

* Corporate Information - Includes, but is not limited to, organization or business type and SBA-defined socioeconomic characteristics.

* Goods and Services Information - Includes, but is not limited to, NAICS code, SIC code, Product Service (PSC) code, and Federal Supply Classification (FSC) code.

* Financial Information - Includes, but is not limited to, financial institution, American Banking Association (ABA) routing number, account number, remittance address, lock box number, automated clearing house (ACH) information, and credit card information.

* Point of Contact (POC) Information - Includes, but is not limited to, the primary and alternate points of contact and the electronic business, past performance, and government points of contact. * Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Information* - Includes, but is not limited to, the EDI point of contact and his or her telephone, e-mail, and physical address. (*Note: EDI Information is optional and may be provided only for businesses interested in conducting transactions through EDI.)

PART.FT.039, Rev.008, 23 December223 221 2015


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