Research and teaching areas

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SHAHEEN SHARIFF, PH.D., Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, McGill University.
Email: Telephone: 514-398-5396 CURRICULUM VITAE


Intersection of Law, Education and Technologies: Leadership, policy and curriculum pedagogy relating to the intersection of law, education and technologies. Research on cyberbullying; youth social networking, digital citizenship; media literacy; constitutional law (free expression, privacy; discrimination); tort law (cyber-libel; privacy; defamation and negligence); human rights law (cyber-harassment); criminal law (sexting and threats). Policy development includes student engagement; public legal literacy; youth rights and due process.

Diversity and pluralism: Legal, social, political, religious, cultural, educational and organizational contexts


2008— Present, Associate Professor, Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada.

2003—2008 Assistant Professor, Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada.

1999—2002 Research Associate, Instructor and Teaching Assistant, Centre for Education, Law and Society, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.

2001 Research Assistant, SSHRC Girl-Child Project, The FREDA Centre for Violence Against Women, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.


2010—2016 Affiliate Scholar, CIS - Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), Stanford University Law School, California, U.S.A. (renewed x 2 under new applications)

2013 ongoing Associate Member, McGill Faculty of Law.

2006 ongoing Associate Member, Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, McGill University, Faculty of Law.

1996—2002 Research Associate, Center for Education, Law and Society, Simon Fraser University.


Ph.D. – Leadership and Policy. Simon Fraser University, 2003.
Supervisor, Professor Roland Case. Dissertation Title: A System on Trial: Identifying Legal Standards for Ethical and Legally Defensible Approaches to Bullying in Schools.

M.A. Education. Curriculum Theory in Education, Simon Fraser University, 1999. Supervisors: Professors Michael Manley-Casimir and Roland Case. Thesis Title: Managing the Dilemma of Competing Rights: The Case of the Three Books.

Bachelor of General Studies, Simon Fraser University, 1996.


Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for scholarship and service to Canada (November, 2012)

Facebook’s Inaugural Award on Digital Citizenship (May, 2012).


Government Policy Briefs and Expert Witness Presentations

Shariff, S. (Appointed December 2014-September, 2015) Expert Panelist, Premier Coullard’s Comité d’experts sur la cyberintimidation, Government of Quebec.

Shariff, S. (June 3, 2014).
Expert witness to House of Commons Committee on Bill C-13, the “Cyberbullying” Bill, Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act. Invited by Liberal Member of Parliament, Sean Casey.

Shariff, S. (November, 2013).

Expert background evidence to support Defence counsel of Laval youth arrested on charges of possession and distribution of child pornography. Trial in March, 2014.

Shariff, S., Mishna, F., MacKay, A.W., Bailey, J., Steeves, V., Roher, E., Slane, A. (October, 2013).

Policy brief for consideration by Federal Minister of Justice Peter MacKay prior to Bill C-13, Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act.

Shariff, S. (December, 2012).

Expert witness to House of Commons Committee on Bill C-273
Private Members Bill to amend the Criminal Code to include online bullying and hate crimes. Invited by NDP Member of Parliament, Dany Morin.

Shariff, S. (April 30, 2012).

Expert Witness submission to Canadian Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights on Canada’s obligations under Article 19 of the International Convention of the Rights of the Child on addressing cyberbullying. Invited by the Honourable Senator Salma Attaulahjan

Shariff, S. (November, 2011).

Expert Witness submission to Nova Scotia Task Force on Cyberbullying
Invited by A. Wayne MacKay, Chair of Task Force on Cyberbullying.

Shariff, S. (2011, Affidavit).

Expert Witness Affidavit
Invited by Counsel for Plaintiff, Jane O’Neill, resulting in successful leave to appeal to Supreme Court of Canada in landmark case of A.B. v. Bragg Communications, Inc.

Shariff, S. (2011). Invited written submission to former Australian Parliamentary Committee on Cyberbullying (5 pages).

Shariff, S. (June 12, 2009). Invited Advisory Panelist.
Cyber-hate: Danger in Cyber-space. 2009 United Nations Unlearning, Intolerance Seminar. United Nations Headquarters, New York. USA. Chaired by United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon.


Refereed Books (Sole Authored)

Shariff, S. (2015). Sexting and Cyberbullying: Defining the Line for Digitally Empowered Kids. New York: Cambridge University Press. Law Department.

Shariff, S. (2012). Ciberbullying: questoes e solcoes para a escola, a sala de aula e a familia. Porto Alegre, Brazil: Artmed. [Translation of Cyber-bullying: Issues and solutions for the school, the classroom, and the home, for distribution to schools across Brazil].

Shariff, S. (2009). Confronting Cyberbullying: What schools need to know to control misconduct and avoid legal consequences. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Shariff, S. (2008). Cyberbullying: Issues and solutions for the school, the classroom, and the home. Abington, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge (Taylor & Frances Group).

Refereed Books (Co-authored and/or Co-Edited) [* indicates student mentorship]

Shariff, S. and *Churchill, A. (Eds.) (2009). Truths and myths of cyber-bullying: International perspectives on stakeholder responsibility and children’s safety. New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Shariff, S., & *Johnny, L. (2007). Censorship! . . . or . . . selection?: Confronting a curriculum of orthodoxy through pluralistic models. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing.

Refereed Book Chapters (Sole authored)

Shariff, S. (2013). Courting Digital Citizenship: Keeping kids out of court. In (Ria Hanewald, Deakin University, Ed, 2013). From Cyber Bullying to Cyber Safety: Issues and approaches in educational contexts. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NSW: Australia, Ch. 10:169-191.

Shariff, S. (2012). Defining the Line: From Cyber-bullying to Digital Citizenship. In J. Beheshti & A. Large (Eds.), Children’s Information Behaviour. Scarecrow Press. Ch. 9: 195-212.

Refereed Journal Articles (Sole Authored)

Shariff, S. (under review). Defining the Lines on Children’s Online Communication: Impact of Bill C-13: Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act. Submitted to: Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights.

Shariff, S. (2006). Balancing competing rights: A stakeholder model for democratic schools. [Special issue: Democracy and Education]. Canadian Journal of Education, 29 (2), 476-496.

Shariff, S. (2006). Cyber-dilemmas: Balancing free expression and learning in the virtual school environment. International Journal of Learning, 12 (4), 269-278. [Electronic version at].

Shariff, S. (2005). Cyber-dilemmas in the new millennium: Balancing free expression and student safety in cyber-space. [Special Issue: Schools and courts: Competing rights in the new millennium]. McGill Journal of Education, 40 (3), 467-487.

Shariff, S. (2004). Travel and terror: Re-allocating, minimizing and managing risks of foreign excursions and out-door education field trips. Education & Law Journal, 14, 137-165.

Shariff, S. (2004, April). Keeping schools out of court: Legally defensible models of leadership. The Educational Forum, 68 (3), 222-233.

Refereed Journal Articles (Co-Authored) [*indicates graduate student mentorship]

Talwar, V., Gomez-Garibello, C., and Shariff, S. (2014). Adolescents’ Moral Evaluations and Ratings of Cyber-bullying: The effect of veracity and Intentionality behind the event. Computers in Human Behaviour. CHB2630. 36C (2014), pp.122-128 DOI information: 10.1016/j.chb.2014.03.046

*Gomez-Garibello, C., Shariff, S., McConnell, M., Talwar, V. (2012). Adolescents’ Evaluation of Cyberbullying Events. Alberta Journal of Educational Research. Alberta Journal of Educational Research. North America, 58, Nov. 2012.

Shariff, S., *Wiseman, A., and *Crestohl, L. (2012). Defining the Lines between Children’s Vulnerability to Cyberbullying and the Open Court Principle: Implications of A.B. v. Bragg Communications Inc. Education & Law Journal. Vol. 21.3, 231 – 262. Carswell.

*Retter, C. and Shariff, S. (2012). A Delicate Balance: Defining the Line Between Open Civil Proceedings and the Protection of Children in the Online Digital Era. Canadian Journal of Law & Technology, Vol. 10, No. 2., 232-262. Carswell.

Beran T., Stanton L, Hetherington R, Mishna F, Shariff S. (2012). Development of the Bullying and Health Experiences Scale Interact. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR). J. Med Res 2012; 1(2):e13.

Shariff, S., & Hoff, D. L. (2007, January). Cyber-bullying: Clarifying legal boundaries for school supervision in cyberspace. International Journal of Cyber Criminology,

Shariff, S., & *Johnny, L. (2007). Cyber-libel and cyber-bullying: Can schools protect student reputations and free-expression in virtual environments? Education & Law Journal, 16 (3), 307-342.

Shariff, S., & *Gouin, R. (2006). Cyber-dilemmas: Gendered hierarchies, new technologies and cyber-safety in schools. Atlantis - A Women’s Studies Journal, 31 (1), 26-36.

Shariff, S., Case, R., & LaRocque, L. (2001).Begging the questions: The Court of Appeal decision in the Surrey school board controversy. Education & Law Journal, 11 (1), 85-111.

Shariff, S., Case, R., & Manley-Casimir, M. E. (2000, January).Balancing rights in education: Surrey school board's book ban. Education & Law Journal, 10 (1), 47-105.

Edited Journals

Shariff, S. (Ed.) (In Progress) Theme Journal for Center for Internet and Society:

Defining the Lines in an Internet Society. CIS Stanford Law School. Journal to be determined.

Refereed Book Chapters (Co-Authored) [*indicates student mentorship]

Shariff, S., Wiseman, A., Zaver, A., and Sheikh, N. (in press). Defining the Lines on Cyberbullying and Digital Citizenship: Kids’ perspectives on texting and sexting. (David Young, Ed.). Education Law in Canada: A Guide for Teachers and Administrators. Irwin Law, ONT: Toronto.

Shariff, S. and DeMartini, A.* (in press) Defining the Lines on E-Girls and Intimate Images. (Jane Bailey and Valerie Steeves, University of Ottawa, Eds.), E-Girls and E-Citizens. (Routledge).

Shariff, S., and DeMartini, A.,* (in press). Defining the Legal Lines on Cyberbullying Among University Students. (Helen Cowie (University of Surrey, UK, and Carrie-Anne Myers, City University London, UK, Eds.) Bullying Amongst University Students. Prospectus submitted to Routledge (Taylor & Francis), UK., Ch.13.

Shariff, S., & *Johnny, L. (2008). Child rights in cyberspace: Protection, participation and privacy. In T. O'Neill & D. Zinga (Eds.), Children's rights: Theory, policy and practice. Toronto: ONT: University of Toronto Press, (pp. 219-244).

Jaishankar, K. & Shariff, S. (2007). Cyber-bullying: A transnational perspective. In F. Schmallager and M. Pittaro (Eds.) Crimes of the Internet. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 66-83.

Shariff, S. & L. *Johnny. (2007). Critical Media Literacy to Counter Muslim Stereotypes. In D.Macedo and S. Steinberg (Eds.), Handbook of Critical Media Literacy. Ch. 52, (pp.603-635), New York: Peter Lang.

Shariff, S., & *Gouin, R. (2006). Cyber-hierarchies: A new arsenal of weapons for gendered violence in schools. In F. Leach & C. Mitchell (Eds.), Combating gender violence in and around schools, (pp. 33-41), Stoke-on-Trent, UK: Trentham Books.

Shariff, S., & Strong-Wilson, T. (2005). Bullying and new technologies: What can teachers do to foster socially responsible discourse in the physical and virtual school environments? In J. Kincheloe (Ed.), Classroom teaching: An introduction (pp. 219-240), New York: Peter Lang.

Shariff, S. & Manley-Casimir, M.E. (1999). Censorship in schools: Orthodoxy, diversity & cultural coherence. In A. Hutchinson & K. Petersen (Eds.), Interpreting censorship in Canada Toronto, ONT: University of Toronto Press, (pp.157-181).

Book Reviews in Peer Reviewed Journals

Shariff, S. (2013). Review of Patchin, J.W. and Hinduja, S. (Eds. 2012), Cyberbullying Prevention and Response: Expert Perspectives. New York and London: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group). New Media and Society. February 2013 vol. 15 no. 1 154-156.

Shariff, S. (2005). Review of Paul Anisef’s Managing two worlds: The experiences and concerns of immigrant youth in Ontario]. Journal of International Migration, 5 (4), 515-517.

Selected Invited Articles, Op-Eds., Blogs and Encyclopaedia Contributions

Shariff, S. and Chan, K. (Tuesday, November 19, 2013). Canada needs a sweeping strategy to fight cyberbullying. The Globe and Mail.

Shariff, S. and Retter, C. (2012). Confronting Cyberbullying: Defining the Lines between Ethical Choices and Jail Terms. Cambridge University Press Legal Department. *Selected best blog by Columbia University Press see

Shariff, S. (2011). Defining the Lines on Cyberbullying: Navigating a balance between child protection, privacy, autonomy and informed policy. Commentary, Research Watch, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florence, Italy:

Shariff, S. (2008). Cyber-bullying and girl culture. In C. Mitchell C. & J. Reid-Walsh (Eds.), Girl Culture: An encyclopaedia. Westport, CT. USA: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Shariff, S. (2006, October). Report on Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS) and McGill Institute of Islamic Studies Summer Institute held at McGill University, August 2006.

Shariff, S. (2006, March). Cyber-bullying: Emerging trend. The Asian Outlook, 1 (2),14.

Shariff, S. (2004, March). A call for academics: Globalization and retirement create opportunities for new educational paradigms. The Ismaili Canada, 24-25.

Shariff, S. (2001). The Charter of Rights and Freedoms: The case of school censorship. [Special Issue: Legal issues in education]. Orbit, 32 (2), 7-10.

Commissioned Research Papers

Shariff, S. (unpublished, 2012). Mapping Global Perspectives on Cyberbullying. A global review of emerging research relating to on-line peer violence and digital communication among youth. [Commissioned research paper UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florence, Italy].


Grants Received as Principal Investigator

2012—2017 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 5 Year Insight Grant,

Shaheen Shariff, Principal Investigator. Co-Investigators, Jamshid Beheshti (Information Systems), Victoria Talwar (Educational Psychology),Shauna Van Praagh (Faculty of Law), Franco Carneval, School of Nursing (all from McGill University), Tanya Beran (School of Medicine (University of Calgary), Michael Manley Casimir (Brock University). Defining the lines on cyberbullying: Keeping kids out of court by comparing legal responses with motivation, moral development and legal literacy of digital natives. ($498,000)

2012—2013 Facebook’s Digital Citizenship Grant, Shaheen Shariff, Principal Investigator.

Defining the Line on Cyberbullying: Keeping Kids Out of Court by Comparing Legal Responses with Motivation, Moral Development and Legal Literacy of Digital Natives. One of 4 applicants who received this award globally. ($50,000)

2009—2012 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Standard Research Grant, Shaheen Shariff, Principal Investigator. Co-Investigators: Tanya Beran, University of Calgary; Dawn Zinga, Brock University; France Bouthillier, McGill University, for the project: Developing an interactive virtual forum to study children’s on-line interactions and stakeholder responsibilities to promote cyber-safety for Canada’s youngest technology users. ($280,000).

2009—2011 Quebec Ministry of Education, Shaheen Shariff, Principal Investigator, for the project, Engaging Educators with Quebec’s Kids Through Teacher Education and Professional Development on E-Q-Kids Website to reduce Cyber-violence. Awarded under the programme de soutien a la formation continue du personnel scolaire. ($93,000).

2006—2008, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC),

Shaheen Shariff, Principal Investigator, International Opportunities Fund as Principal Investigator for an inter-university collaborative project involving 8 countries, for the project: Cyber-bullying: A project to address the policy vacuum & develop international guidelines for schools. Ranked 4th overall. ($147,000)

2005—2008 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Standard Research Grant, Shaheen Shariff, Principal Investigator, with Co-investigators, Margaret Jackson, Wanda Cassidy, Simon Fraser University, Colleen Shepard McGill Faculty of Law, for the project: Cyber-bullying: Are schools obliged to prevent bullying in a virtual school environment? ($93,000).

2005—2007 Montréal Centre for Immigration et Métropolis (IM), as Principal Investigator, for the project: Exploring legally defensible policy standards for Quebec educators: Safety, equality and citizenship through reasonable accommodation of students from diverse backgrounds. ($14,000).

2004—2005 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Strategic Multicultural Initiative, Shaheen Shariff, Principal Investigator, with Co-Investigators: Mela Sarkar, Michelle Hartman, McGill Faculty of Education and Institute of Islamic Studies, for the project: Investigating inclusion: From educational policies to practices. ($50,000).

As Co-Investigator

2013—2018 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

Advancing interdisciplinary research in childhood ethics: An ethnographic examination of best interests and moral agency. Insight Grant. Principal Investigator: Franco Carnevale, McGill University, ($439,231).

2013–2015 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

Insight Development Grant. Youth On-Line: Children’s conceptions of on-line behaviour, cyberbullying and public versus private access. Principal Investigator: Victoria Talwar, McGill University. ($50,000).

2014–2019 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and International Development Fund (IDRC) Networks for Change and Well-being: Girl-led “from the ground up” policy-making: Addressing sexual violence. Claudia Mitchell, Principal Investigator. Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Grant with South Africa. ($2.5 million).

2012–2013 McGill Collaborative Research Grant as Co-Applicant. Claudia Mitchell, Principal Investigator. Social Policy ‘from the ground up’ through digital media: Youth, Participation and Social Change (South Africa and Canada) ($15,000).

2012 Canada-India Center of Excellence for u-Health Research and Education (CuRE), Education Axis, as Co-Applicant. Principal Investigator, Antonia Arnaert. Letter of Intent Approved ($30,000).

2007–2010 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), as Co-investigator. Principal Investigator: Tanya Beran, University of Calgary, Co-investigators, Faye Mishna, University of Toronto, Ross Heatherington, Toronto Hospital for Sick Children, for the project: The impact of cyber-bullying. ($183,000).

Grant Applications Submitted As Project Director (Under Review)

2015 – 2017 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Partnership Grant Letter of Intent, Shaheen Shariff, Project Director Defining the Lines on Rape Culture in Universities…(Potential amount of grant $2,490,000). Partners include Universities (and Faculties of Law, Education, Social Work, Communications, Media and Law Sector representatives, Centres, Institutes and Women’s Advocacy Groups. International Academic Co-Applicants and Collaborators.

Grant Applications as Theme Leader, LOI Approved

2013–2014 Canadian Networks for Excellence (NCE), as Invited Theme Co-Lead on Electronic Bullying, with Co-Leads, A. Wayne MacKay, Law Faculty, Dalhousie University and Faye Mishna, Dean of Social Work, University of Toronto. Letter of Intent Approved, Invited Final Application in progress. Theme 3: Cyberbullying Information and Communications Technologies. PREVNet. Research Plan, Building Healthy Relationships. Directors and Principal Applicants, Wendy Craig, Queens University and Debra Peplar, York University.

Funding Received as Graduate Student

2003–2004 Fellowship, McGill Centre for Teaching & Research on Women, for the project, Pedagogical models for inclusion, equity & student retention in diverse school communities.

2002–2003 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Doctoral Fellowship, for the project: A system on trial: Legal obligations of schools

2002–2003 Simon Fraser University President’s (SFU) Ph.D. research stipend: Legal obligations of schools to prevent bullying. Graduate Research Project

2001–2002 Education Research Fellowship, SFU. A system on trial: Educators’ obligations to prevent bullying.

2000–2001 Justice Canada and Youth Justice Education Partnerships, as Co-Investigator,Principal Investigator, David Oborne, Coquitlam School District, for the project: Identifying successful school & community programs for youth.

2000–2001 British Columbia Ministry of Education as Co-Investigator with Linda LaRocque, Simon Fraser University, for the project: Analysis of anti-violence policies in British Columbia schools.

Invited Policy Advisory Committees and Task Forces,

2013 Cyber-Safety Week, October, 2013. Advisory Committee on development of resources. Partnership of Quebec Ministry of Education, Ensemble contre la violence, Institut Pacifique and Tel-jeunnes.

2012 Roundtable Task Force on Implications of Bill 56 (Law 19) Tolerance Foundation (Anne Lagace Dowson), Ministry of Education, Member of Parliament, Dany Morin; Various consultants and community groups

2009 Shariff, S. and Mitchell, C. International Advisory Committee on Drafting a Toolkit for Global Teacher Code of Conduct with representatives from CIDA, UNESCO and Institute for Educational Planning, France.

2009 Quebec Ministry of Education and Commission Scolaire Task Force (by invitation): Groupe-relais montréalais en prévention et traitement de la violence à l’école.

2009 Shariff, S. (March, 2009). Panelist and written contribution. Cyber-bullying and the Policy Vacuum. Online symposium with the First Amendment Center. Washington, D.C.

2008 Invited policy advisor Australian Safety Authority in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia on cyberbullying and cybersafety.

2008 Quebec English School Boards Association Task Force on Cyber-bullying (by invitation).

2007 Policy Advisory Committee, PREVNet: Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network: Networks of Centres of Excellence/ Réseaux de centres d’excellence.

2006 Member of consulting committee with European granting agencies NORFACE, during visit to Montreal, November, 2006.

2005 Contributed to North American United Nations Secretary-General’s Global Consultations on Violence against Children;

2005 McGill représentative on comité de coordination, Immigration et Métropolis, Université de Montréal.

2011 Shariff, S., & LaRocque, (2011). L. Analysis of anti-violence policies and programs in British Columbia schools. Unpublished report commissioned by B.C. Ministry of Education, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

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