Revenge of the Hand: MacDaddy Mike's playthrough topic part 2

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#326 | Big Bear is back | Posted 3/10/2012 4:25:00 PM | message detail | filter | quote

I should really play ToS sometime. In fact, it's top tier in my backloggery, tied with some 15 other games.

#327 | Dead_Knives | Posted 3/10/2012 5:46:48 PM | message detail | filter | quote

Water Dragon's freeze breath on a burnt patch of land at Hermit's Hideaway and then coming back to plant something there...but I forgot what you plant. 

Looks like I've missed that then. I went straight to Mount Pyre after getting the freeze breath. So unless I can still do it when I open the way to Another World again, those steps and recruits are lost to me.

I'm still stranded in Home World, and Starky I've seen run to the side of the screen. But I'm supposed to have some item to make him turn big and attack me.

What's funny is that the "What's your progress?" series of topics was actually started by me back in, like, 2002, and after the first three or so I stopped making them and I think Bri took over since.

I actually posted in a 2003 edition, forgot what 'part' it was, about progress in Tales of Phantasia. I was playing the dejap patched SNES version. 

Getting the bonus stages is tough enough, but beating them AND getting 100% on them is man-making.

It's been so long since I did it, but I clearly remember World 5's Extra being the toughest in the game.

We have to move the island, Jack.
Excuse the gloom..

#328 | MacDaddy Mike (tc) | Posted 3/10/2012 10:26:39 PM | message detail | delete | filter | quote

From: Dead_Knives | #327Looks like I've missed that then. I went straight to Mount Pyre after getting the freeze breath. So unless I can still do it when I open the way to Another World again, those steps and recruits are lost to me.

I'm pretty sure you can do this one at any time, at least when you have access to the right Hermit's Hideaway.

And now I remember about Starky--you need to dive into the El Nido Triangle and retrieve the "Star Fragment" first, but again I'm not sure which El Nido Triangle.
It's been so long since I did it, but I clearly remember World 5's Extra being the toughest in the game.

Is that the one where it's a giant maze in a sewer-like area? I can't even remember if that's in this game or YI:DS, but I remember getting lost in it quite a few times.

Mac plays the games he thought he knew (Current: Super Mario World 2-Yoshi's Island - SNES):

#329 | Shadow_Knives | Posted 3/10/2012 10:48:36 PM | message detail | filter | quote

It's the snowy one. Fits with World 5 being the mostly snowy world. First, baseball mitt guys throwing eggs at you + constant Kamek attack, then a tricky sledding phase that lands directly into Yoshicopter mode, where getting hit in the wrong spots by more baseball guys pretty much means death and restarting the sledding bit.

The sewer maze is World 4's Extra.

Fair Lucrezia could not sate her appetite for lovers.
But I suspect she would be fine, with two or three more brothers.

#330 | UltiMike08 | Posted 3/11/2012 11:06:31 PM | message detail | filter | quote

So, time to smash some ancient statues.

Guardian has a desirable Force Armor steal, but its level is too high for anyone to nab it. It is vulnerable to Slow and cycles through 'Battle Programs' to mimic old bosses the party's fought in the past. Mog, at level 11, got to use the Gem Box to unleash two Ultimas per turn for around 4,800 damage. Guardian didn't survive for much longer than the Ultros Battle Program, but tentacle did kill everyone except Mog.

The fiery Poltrgeist has inherent haste and a slew of attacks but is vulnerable to Stop. Yeah, there's not much else to say here.

Doom isn't very tough either. Slow works, so there's that. She possesses a Safety Bit, but at level 73, no one will be able to steal from her. To get around this, Vanish can be cast on her, which will allow Dischord to halve her level. A little dirty? Maybe. I ended up overdoing it a tad and dropped her level to 5 before checking with Scan. Ah well. Doom uses Ice spells until she takes enough damage. She'll then bust out Forcefield, and Targetting and Demon Rage consecutively. She never used the latter two on me though and fell easily enough.

The aptly, if unoriginally, named Goddess is the toughest of the three. The only even remotely looking female of the bunch calls down the thunder and can charm teammates onto her side, which sucks. After taking damage enough times, she'll use Overcast, which sets Condemned on the entire party. What makes this especially troublesome is that when the timer reaches 0, the characters turn into zombies, so Life3 doesn't work! This is why that second Safety Bit from Doom and the Memento Rings for Shadow and Relm are so important. Goddess has the least HP of the three goddesses, which is nice for Overcast-related reasons. After taking enough damage, Goddess can start using Quasar, another Lore for Strago (but not unique to Goddess, like ForceField is to Doom) that will kill everyone. Luckily, I only saw it once.

With that, the goddesses have been defeated, but magic still exists. Looks like its time to give Kefka our regards...

The party for the final fight will be Terra, Celes, Edgar and Sabin in that order. 

*Terra gets the Illumina, Aegis Shield, Minerva, Mystery Veil, Economizer, and White Cape for 127% magic block. 
*Celes gets an Enhancer, Force Shield, Force Armor, Mystery Veil, Economizer, and White Cape for 129% magic block.
*Edgar gets an Enhancer, Paladin Shield, Force Armor, Bard's Hat, Economizer, and White Cape for 111% magic block.
*Sabin gets the Magus Rod, Force Shield, Force Armor, Bard's Hat, White Cape, and Merit Award for 134% magic block.

(Having Sabin in the fourth slot with that set up turned out to be kind of stupid for Kefka)

Kefka gives his speech (a monument to non-existence? Really?) and it begins...

First Tier: Long Arm, Short Arm, Face
Nothing too special here. Long Arm is vulnerable to instant death, so it can easily be taken out first. If Face is defeated last, it'll use Quake as a death counter, so don't do that unless the party has Float.

Second Tier: Magic, Tools, Hit, Tiger
Tools is also susceptible to instant death, so do that. Magic can be muted to turn it into just a mound of HP. Hit just uses physical attacks and can be dealt with at leisure. Tiger's the heavy hitter in this tier and should be dealt with quickly. It's weak to Ice and can be poisoned for some extra damage. Once Tiger's down, target whatever. Hit's death counter is 10 Hits, a strong special followed by 9 regular attacks. Magic's death counter is casting two Dispels, which will trigger even if previously muted. I took the Dispels.
We just don't have any use for [classy head shots] and also, as people on Fark love to point out, we look exactly like Beaker and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew. - Gabe

#331 | UltiMike08 | Posted 3/11/2012 11:13:47 PM | message detail | filter | quote

Bastard Tier: Girl, Sleep
Girl has 9,999 HP and 10,000 MP. Sleep has 40,000 HP and 10,000 MP. Girl is both weak to and absorbs all elements, so no Debilitating her with Edgar's Tools. There are no status ailments to abuse in this fight. Girl's entire purpose in this fight is to keep Sleep in the fight with Pearl Wind and Life2, which is bad since Sleep is one tough customer. Sleep's repetoire of attacks include Merton (Fire/Wind elemental attack that hits everyone on the battlefield) which will always kill Celes and Sabin, hurt Sleep a bit, heal Edgar and Girl, and do nothing to Terra; Condemned, which no one is immune to; W Wind, which takes a percentage based chunk of HP and means he wasted a turn; and Calmness, which simply sets Wound if it hits. It bypasses death protection but not magic block, thankfully. After it loses 3/4 of it's HP, Sleep will ignore all that other stuff and just use Meteo to attack with. I'd rather not deal with that. He'll also pick up a counter to everything where he'll either use Meteo, Train, or nothing. Train sets Dark and Mute on everyone. In addition to 10% magic block, White Capes also prevent Mute, so Train just makes everyone look cool.

The biggest problem in this fight are the pair healing each other. It's really tough to lay much permanent damage on one or the other while Pearl Wind and Merton are able to be cast. The two have a weakness in that neither of them brought any tinctures or ethers or elixers (or know Osmose) so if they don't have enough MP to cast their spells, taking them down becomes much easier. Train doesn't require MP apparently, by the way.

So welcome to this long, tedious as hell fight. Each volley of Rasps from Terra, Celes, Edgar, and Sabin will take about 230 MP from Sleep and 180 MP from Girl. I'd recommend Rasping Sleep first since he will be killing people and you won't be doing any physical damage to get angry at Girl for erasing anyway. Once the 20,000 collective MP is gone, kill Sleep first since his Calmness can still kill those without 128% magic block.

Kefka gets his own section because character limit.

We just don't have any use for [classy head shots] and also, as people on Fark love to point out, we look exactly like Beaker and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew. - Gabe

#332 | UltiMike08 | Posted 3/11/2012 11:26:23 PM | message detail | filter | quote

Kefka Tier: Kefka
All this information came from Djibriel's guide on this site. Again, it's very helpful.

Kefka has 62,000 HP and 38,000 MP. He can't heal himself (THANK YOU) so draining his MP isn't a concern. Keeping track of his HP is essential, since he'll be changing up his battle pattern considerably as he loses health. In the first phase, he'll use a physical attack, Havoc Wing (single target special attack for 2,000 damage or so), the level 3 elemental spells, Train (wasted turn), and Fallen One (reduces each party member's HP to 1; equates to a wasted turn). All but Fallen One and Train can be blocked.

Once Kefka has 32,640 HP left, he'll start using the Goner pattern, the staple for the rest of the fight. Goner roasts everyone for about 1,000 HP, simple as that. After everyone is revived with Life3 (Sabin first, due to me putting him last in the party), Kefka will spend two turns using either two attacks consistenting of Havoc Wing, Train, or Revenger, which removes positive statuses, namely Life3. Since Sabin gets resurrected first and doesn't have an Economizer equipped, he can't cast Life3. After those two turns have past, he'll start charging up for Goner again. There's a narrow window to get Life3 back up and attack Kefka there before he kills everyone again is the point to take away from that. A late Revenger can really throw a wrench in things there and made me forfeit several attacking opportunities in order to keep everyone alive after Goner. Train causing Mute in this situation is really THE reason to have White Capes equipped for this.

At 30,080 HP, Kefka will gain the ability to employ counters every time he takes damage. He'll use either a physical attack or HyperDrive, which can't be blocked and will kill whoever triggered its wrath. Once Kefka hits 10,240 HP the Hyperdrive counter changes to an Ultima one, which will kill everyone. You could make a case for draining his MP because of this, but come on! 38,000. The saving grace to this madness is that Kefka won't counter while charging up for Goner so that's the only safe time there is to damage him.

The final phase Kefka will enter happens at 7,680 HP. It's simply Goner (will kill everyone) -> Meteor (will kill everyone) -> Goner (everyone's probably really dead from Meteor). Yeah, gonna want to avoid this phase. No defense for Meteor except being airborne and no one has Jump.

After whittling and chipping away at Kefka's HP with Ultimas and Bum Rush, I got him down to a little over 8,200 HP. After an excruciating number of times of him using Revenger to blow up my attack window, I finally got the opening I wanted. I had Terra morph (I think that's the first time all game I had her do that) and cast Ultima for 1,9xx damage, the same as unmorphed.


Well, now or never, as they say. I had Sabin throw a Super Ball for 3,0xx damage. Kefka had around 3,300 HP left at this point, so victory was within reach. I had Celes throw a second Super Ball and it hit for 3,8xx damage for victory! Kefka crumbles to dust (no farewell curses? Just stunned silence, I guess) and then a good 20 minutes of epilogue and credits. Ahh, took a long time getting here (mostly on the Veldt or hunting Cactrots, I think), over 45 hours worth of playtime, including leaving the game idling for at least several hours of that, I think. Beating the game this way felt pretty good, actually. Levels don't mean crap here with all the powerful equipment and abilities you get.

I'm never going to do it again though. **** those rats in the Opera House.
We just don't have any use for [classy head shots] and also, as people on Fark love to point out, we look exactly like Beaker and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew. - Gabe

#333 | Big Bear is back | Posted 3/12/2012 3:44:24 AM | message detail | filter | quote

^this stuff is so interesting to read, even though I am unlikely to ever do such a challenge myself. 45 hours doesn't sound too bad, but frustration factor feels high.

#334 | MacDaddy Mike (tc) | Posted 3/12/2012 10:31:18 AM | message detail | delete | filter | quote

Oh sure, Fixed Dice gets flak but you go around STOPPING and MUTING everyone!

For serious, though, that all sounds really freakin' awesome. I had to be damage counting when I fought the final boss in my Chrono Trigger challenge playthrough and it was one of the most exhilarating fights I've ever had, especially when you're so close to the end. Lol at Terra being no different when Morphed--I never really understood how to utilize that correctly. Every time I used Morph it'd run out after maybe getting one attack in and the attack didn't do any noticeably extra damage. Terra's still awesome for magic, but Morph never did anything for me.

Congrats, though, and no more rats in the Opera House! What was your average party level (with or without Gau)?
Mac plays the games he thought he knew (Current: Super Mario World 2-Yoshi's Island - SNES):

#335 | UltiMike08 | Posted 3/12/2012 6:28:10 PM | message detail | filter | quote

Final levels:
Terra Lv 6
Locke Lv 7
Edgar Lv 6
Sabin Lv 6
Celes Lv 6
Cyan Lv 7
Shadow Lv 6
Setzer Lv 6
Strago Lv 8
Relm Lv 6
Mog Lv 11
Gau Lv 18 (3 or 4 higher than ideal due to me opting to kill Gigantos with him)
Gogo Lv 8
Umaro Lv 6

Average: 7.64 (6.85 without Gau)

Espers not collected: Raiden, Ragnarok. Never bothered equipping Crusader either because lol Merton.

Terra's Morph builds duration from magic points won from battles, exactly the same as how spells are learned. She'll gain magic points towards morphing even if no one has any Espers or magic-teaching items equipped. It takes 256 magic points to max it out. While morphed, her physical and magical damage is doubled (except for Ultima. Maybe other barrier piercing spells get the same treatment?) so it might have been better to give Kefka an elemental weakness with the Debilitator and hit that with a level 3 spell?

Speaking of doing things better, I rewatched your video on the final fights and noticed your characters could block Meteo (it gets confusing between it and Meteor. Why not Comet or something?) so rasping away Sleep's 10,000 MP isn't necessary. It's still a bastard fight to slog through. Sleep had some infatuation with casting Condemned on Celes as often as he could, even when she already had it. Sometimes Sabin, rarely Terra, and never Edgar. Hmm...
We just don't have any use for [classy head shots] and also, as people on Fark love to point out, we look exactly like Beaker and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew. - Gabe

#336 | DeadDuel | Posted 3/12/2012 10:49:36 PM | message detail | filter | quote

Your scolding, and then apology in video 12 made me have a pretty good laugh. lol.
We are the ZSB and F*** YOU!!!
{aB} {aB}

#337 | MacDaddy Mike (tc) | Posted 3/12/2012 11:33:47 PM | message detail | delete | filter | quote

Soak it in, James. Everybody gets one (1) apology from me.
Attractive people love Mac's playthrough videos ~ Reliable Internet Personality

#338 | Shadow_Knives | Posted 3/13/2012 12:49:30 AM | message detail | filter | quote

Could've POW item'd en enemy for that one last star. D:

Nyx0805 10 hours ago

^ That was me.

I wanted to say something about you misremembering World 4 as the snowy one when it's World 5, but I figured you've realized it by now.

Fair Lucrezia could not sate her appetite for lovers.
But I suspect she would be fine, with two or three more brothers.

#339 | MacDaddy Mike (tc) | Posted 3/15/2012 5:18:16 PM | message detail | delete | filter | quote

And I finally made it to the snow world!

I seriously love these levels. It's a shame there aren't more.

Attractive people love Mac's playthrough videos ~ Reliable Internet Personality

#340 | DeadDuel | Posted 3/16/2012 2:31:23 AM | message detail | filter | quote

In the beginning of your favorite Ride The Ski Lifts stage, the way up that first high platform isn't by penguin. There is a small snowball at the very beginning that you have to push, and it gets larger and larger and kills everything in your path for you. Then you just jump on top of it to make the jump. Your method worked too, but you got hit a couple times on the way there because of those spikey jumping guys.
We are the ZSB and F*** YOU!!!
{aB} {aB}

#341 | MacDaddy Mike (tc) | Posted 3/16/2012 9:43:19 AM | message detail | delete | filter | quote

...well ****, I didn't even see the boulder the first time but looking over the video there it is, just rolling along.

You're pretty damn good at this game, James. You may not beat me at SMW, but its sequel you've got in the bag.

Attractive people love Mac's playthrough videos ~ Reliable Internet Personality

#342 | DeadDuel | Posted 3/17/2012 5:22:13 AM | message detail | filter | quote

The sequel is better anyway.
We are the ZSB and F*** YOU!!!
{aB} {aB}

#343 | DeadDuel | Posted 3/17/2012 6:31:07 AM | message detail | filter | quote

I normally dislike ice levels, but World 5 of Yoshi's Island is masterfully done and tons of fun to play. The ski section is one of my favorite sequences in the entire game.
We are the ZSB and F*** YOU!!!
{aB} {aB}

#344 | Tithenion | Posted 3/17/2012 9:43:28 AM | message detail | filter | quote

I can definitely agree to that. Ice levels in pretty much every game are usually very annoying to me. I can think of a few exceptions to that rule, and Yoshi's Island is one of them. Water worlds will always be worse, however.
"Chick-fil-A makes me so horny." ~ McGray

#345 | MacDaddy Mike (tc) | Posted 3/17/2012 10:02:36 AM | message detail | delete | filter | quote

The only water level I can really recall enjoying is Hydrocity Zone from Sonic 3. And just about any water stage in a Mega Man game, but those games kind of take the opposite approach of any other by making your mobility greater in water than it is outside.
Mac plays the games he thought he knew (Current: Super Mario World 2-Yoshi's Island - SNES):

#346 | Big Bear is back | Posted 3/17/2012 10:58:53 AM | message detail | filter | quote

I was pleased with the water levels in recent Rayman Origins, as opposed to water levels in general which I tend to detest. Starting from the very beginning, Super Mario Bros. Terrible.

#347 | Shadow_Knives | Posted 3/17/2012 11:16:10 AM | message detail | filter | quote

Whenever I played Super Mario Brothers 3, I couldn't wait until I got to Ice World.
Fair Lucrezia could not sate her appetite for lovers.
But I suspect she would be fine, with two or three more brothers.

#348 | MacDaddy Mike (tc) | Posted 3/17/2012 11:41:10 AM | message detail | delete | filter | quote

Mac: But I thought I was the only one who liked the Ice World!
SK: A pain I know all too well.
Mac: So this is what it feels like...when doves cry.


Mac plays the games he thought he knew (Current: Super Mario World 2-Yoshi's Island - SNES):

#349 | Tithenion | Posted 3/17/2012 8:54:41 PM | message detail | filter | quote

Yeah, SMB3 Ice World was fun, though I remember always skipping the water world if I could.
"Chick-fil-A makes me so horny." ~ McGray

#350 | MacDaddy Mike (tc) | Posted 3/20/2012 2:31:06 PM | message detail | delete | filter | quote

I had myself a rather embarrassing recording session the other day that'll be giving the next three videos, and then after that it's going to be just the bonus stages and the finale, which should put a wrap to things here. Sigh.

Otherwise I've been tag-teaming Diablo II with the guys and Tales of Symphonia for my counter to the "No Lloyd" playthrough, where I am now maining Regal. Regal's an interesting character, in that he's kind of crappy to have in your party but a lot of fun to play as, as he has a completely different tech structure than any other character. Instead of lvls 1-2-3, you have Ground, Anti-Air and Mid-Air attacks that you can chain in any order. It takes a lot more strategy and quicker thinking, especially chaining Anti-Air to Mid-Air because you have to be super fast in doing so or you'll miss your window. I feel more like I'm playing MvC2 when I'm playing as Regal. He also has a purely movement-based skill called "Mirage" that just flips him to the other side of your opponent, which I'm putting off to the side until I unlock all of his techs, but am going to have so much fun with once I do start implementing it.


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