SOM PAK: The Self-Organizing Map Program Package - Kohonen, Hynninen, Kangas.. (1996) references, of the SOM and LVQ (Learning Vector Quantization) algorithms can be found in the
SNNS - Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator - Zell, Mache, Hübner, Mamier.. (1993)
: 92 8.6 Dynamic Learning Vector Quantization (DLVQ)
LVQ PAK: The Learning Vector Quantization Program Package - Kohonen, Hynninen.. (1996)
Lvq Pak: The Learning Vector Quantization Program Package Teuvo Kohonen, Jussi
LVQ PAK: A program package for the correct.. - Kohonen, Kangas.. (1992)
package for the correct application of Learning Vector Quantization algorithms Teuvo Kohonen, Jari
StatLog: Comparison of Classification Algorithms on Large .. - King, Feng, Sutherland (1995) gradients, cascade correlation, and learning vector quantization)but included only one symbolic
A New Codebook Training Algorithm For Vq-Based Speaker.. - Jialong He Li (1997) (2 citations)
algorithm. These algorithms are called learning vector quantization (LVQ)Instead of seeking an optimal neuro.informatik.uni-ulm.de/ni/li/ICSSP97_1025he.ps.gz
Learning Population Codes by Minimizing Description Length - Richard Zemel (1995) (5 citations)
the bits) For example, in competitive learning (vector quantization) the code is the identity of the
Neural Network Toolbox - For Use with MATLAB - Demuth, Beale (1993) (13 citations)
8-23 Learning Vector Quantization Networks .8-31 www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/pdf_doc/nnet/nnet.pdf
An Algorithm for Deriving an Articulatory-Phonetic Representation - Jung (1993)
"Radar Target Identification using the Learning Vector Quantization Neural Network, Proceedings of the www.eng.ohio-state.edu/ips/Publications/Phd_dissertation/postscript/Jun93.ps.gz
Trends in Neural Network Research and an Application to Computer .. - Littmann
maps with the extension to learning vector quantization (LVQ) or local linear maps (LLM)3.1
A Software Engineering Approach to Neural Network Specification - Schikuta
Hop .Hopfield Net Lvq .Learning Vector Quantization Abbreviations: Mbpn Cpn Bpn Quickp
NEURAL 2.00: A Program for Neural Net and Statistical Pattern.. - Odorico
i) an improved version of Kohonen's Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ with Training Count)ii)
Áreas e Aplicações de LVQ
6.1. Learning Vector Quantization em Computação
6.1.1. Redes Neurais
Neural Networks and Statistical Models - Sarle (1994) (23 citations)
NN models, such as counterpropagation, learning vector quantization, and self-organizing maps, that have ftp.sas.com/pub/neural/neural1.ps
A statistical neural network for high-dimensional.. - Verleysen, Voz.. (1995) (3 citations)
algorithm is based on a #competitive learning# vector quantization of the data# and on the choice of
The Neural Network Objects - Marcel Kunze, Johannes Steffens (1996) (2 citations)
the following models are offered: Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)Kohonen Feature Map (KFM)
Performance of Digital Neuro-computers - Cornu (1994) (2 citations)
self-organizing feature maps [9] and learning vector quantization [4] are examples of native on-line
Neural Network based Segmentation of Magnetic.. - Alirezaie, Jernigan.. (1997) (1 citation)
study, we present the application of a Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) monet.uwaterloo.ca/~javad/TNS-97.ps.gz
Stock Market Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks - Vengerov (1997) (1 citation)
experts via a clustering algorithm LVQ (Learning Vector Quantization) as an alternative to linear
Iterative Improvement of a Nearest Neighbor Classifier - Yau, Manry (1991) (2 citations)
a neural network, which they have named learning vector quantization (LVQ)They have also suggested a www-ee.uta.edu/eeweb/ip/papers/yau.pdf
An Evidence-Theoretic Neural Network Classifier - Denoeux (1995) (1 citation)
classification scheme as compared to Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) 6] and Radial Basis Functions www.hds.utc.fr/~tdenoeux/congres/SMC95.ps.Z
A VLSI System for Neural Bayesian and LVQ Classification - Thissen, Verleysen.. (1995)
boundaries between classes, and LVQ (Learning Vector Quantization) 3] or 1-NearestNeighbor for its
A Review of Artificial Neural Network Applications in.. - Perry And Pignatiello
(BPN)simulated annealing (SA)learning vector quantization (LVQ)probabilistic neural network
Ensemble Self-Generating Neural Networks for Chaotic Time.. - Inoue, Narihisa (2000)
competitive learning methods such as learning vector quantization (LVQ) 13] and traditional AI methods nari36a.ice.ous.ac.jp/~inoue/papers/ipmu00.ps.gz
T-CombNET - A Neural Network Dedicated to Hand Gesture.. - Lamar, Bhuiyan, Iwata (2000)
The Stem network is composed of a Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) based NN and the Branch Networks www.eletrica.ufpr.br/lamar/public/bmcv2000.ps.gz
A Comparative Study of Conventional and Neural Network.. - Multispectral Data..
the use of clustering approaches :the Learning Vector Quantization 2 (LVQ2) Kohonen,1989]the Kohonen
Studies on the Experimental Construction of a Neural.. - Pesonen (1998)
algorithms, backpropagation (BP) and learning vector quantization (LVQ)classified patient cases with a
Neural Network Systems, Techniques and Applications in.. - Lampinen, Laaksonen, Oja (1997)
. 27 4.4.2 Learning Vector Quantization .www.lce.hut.fi/publications/ps/b1_nnsystems.ps
Competitive Neural Trees for Vector Quantization - Behnke, Karayiannis
that employed by the (unlabeled data) learning vector quantization (LVQ)an unsupervised learning
Interactive and Incremental Learning via a Mixture of.. - Qiong Liu Stephen
as SOM (Self-Organizing Map) with LVQ (Learning Vector Quantization) 5, 6]GNG (Growing Neural Gas) with www.ifp.uiuc.edu/~yingwu/papers/JCIS00.ps
Recognizing Local Weather Patterns with Traditional and Neural .. - Driesse, al.
Feature Map and its enhancement, Learning Vector Quantization. A detailed discussion of the
Median Radial Basis Functions Neural Network - Bors, Pitas
learning stage and it is based on the learning vector quantization algorithm and its second order
Comparison of Statistical and Neural Classifiers and Their.. - Alpaydin, Gürgen (1996)
(a special case of which is the Learning Vector Quantization) As neural classifiers, we include
Neural Networks from Similarity Based Perspective - Duch, Adamczak (2000)
or other localized functions, or the Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) method based on optimization of www.phys.uni.torun.pl/publications/kmk/00nn-sbm.pdf
Floating Gaussian Mapping: a New Model of Adaptive Systems - Wlodzislaw Duch Adaptive (1994)
as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) and self-organizing mappings www.phys.uni.torun.pl/publications/kmk/94fgm.pdf
Alternative Neural Network Approaches to Corporate Bond Rating - Ravipim Chaveesuk Chat
radial basis function and learning vector quantization for the task of rating U.S. corporate
NeuNIDA: Reasoning on Neural Net Algorithms as Basis for.. - Encarnacão (1993)
LMS Backpropagation Reinforcement learning Vector Quantization Self-organizing maps Competitive
Design of neural classifiers using variable-length.. - Merelo, Prieto.. (1995)
and a vectorial fitness to optimize Learning Vector Quantization (lvq )neural networks. The procedure
Comparison of Neural and Statistical Classifiers.. - Holmström.. (1996)
neural network classifiers included Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) www.cis.hut.fi/~jorma/papers/rnia13.ps
Signal Clustering Using Self-Organizing Neural Networks with.. - Chin-Der Wann
processing problems for years. The learning vector quantization algorithm (Makhoul et al.1985) and
Combining Neural and Statistical Classifiers Via Perceptron - Lee
tree, projection pursuit regression, learning vector quantization. Introduction The recent decade has
Artificial neural networks and statistical approaches to . . . - Suurmond, Bergkvist (1996)
6 4. Learning Vector Quantization
Neural Network Based Cloud Classifier - Visa, Iivarinen, Valkealahti..
Maps (SOM)which are fine-tuned by the Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)The classification is done in www.cis.hut.fi/~jucca/cloud/icann95.ps.Z
Signal Clustering Using Self-Organizing Neural Networks with.. - Chin-Der Wann
processing problems for years. The learning vector quantization algorithm (Makhoul et al.1985) and
Combining Neural and Statistical Classifiers Via Perceptron - Lee
tree, projection pursuit regression, learning vector quantization. Introduction The recent decade has
Artificial neural networks and statistical approaches to . . . - Suurmond, Bergkvist (1996)
6 4. Learning Vector Quantization www.iiasa.ac.at/Publications/Documents/WP-96-131.ps
Neural Network Based Cloud Classifier - Visa, Iivarinen, Valkealahti..
Maps (SOM)which are fine-tuned by the Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)The classification is done in www.cis.hut.fi/~jucca/cloud/icann95.ps.Z
Adaptive Signal Clustering Using Self-Organizing Neural Networks - Chin-Der Wann
processing problems for years. The learning vector quantization algorithm (Makhoul et al.1985) and
Pattern Recognition via Neural Networks - Ripley
also not probabilistic 2 Kohonen's learning vector quantization (LVQ) methods [18, 19, 20] are
6.1.2. Fuzzy Sets
Neuro-Fuzzy Systems In Control - Ojala (1994)
system is based on a modified Kohonen's Learning Vector Quantization. The FSOM can be used as neuro-fuzzy www.cs.tut.fi/~tpo/dtyo_valm.ps.Z
....concepts they determine the negative or positive effect of one concept on the others, with a fuzzy degree of causation. The determination of the degree of casual relationship among concepts can be improved by the application of learning rules for choosing appropriate weights for the FCM [8]. In this way, an expert decodes his own knowledge on the behavioral model of the system and transforms this knowledge in a weighted graph. 4 2.2.1.Assigning numerical weights Knowledge on the behaviour of a system is rather subjective and in order to construct a model of the system it is ....
....among concepts. This methodology may lead to a distorted model of the system because human factor is not always reliable. In order to refine the model of the system, learning rules are used to adjust weights of FCM interconnections. The Differential Hebbian learning rule has been proposed [8] to be used in the training of a specific type of FCMs. The Differential Hebbian learning law adjusts the weights of the interconnection between concepts It grows a positive edge between two concepts if they both increase or both decrease and it grows a negative edge if values of concepts move in ....
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the training of radial basis function classifiers - Musavi, Ahmed et al. - 1992
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On fuzzy modeling using fuzzy neural networks with the backp.. - Horikawa, Furahashi et al. - 1992
Fuzzy logic Controllers - Berenji - 1992
A gaussian potential function network with hierarchically se.. - Lee, Kil - 1991
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A reinforcement learning-based architecture for fuzzy logic .. - Berenji - 1992
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the principles of fuzzy neural networks - Gupta, Rao - 1994
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Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems: A Dynamical Approach to M.. - Kosko - 1992 Book Details from Barnes & Noble
Neural networks designed on approximate reasoning architectu.. - Takagi, Suzuki et al. - 1992
Combining neural networks and fuzzy controllers - Nauck, Klawonn et al. - 1993
Back-propagation neural networks for nonlinear self-tuning a.. - Chen - 1990
Fuzzy neural networks - Lee, Lee - 1975
Parallel self-organizing feature maps for unsupervised patte.. - Huntsberger, Ajjimarangsee - 1990
Neural networks for nonlinear internal model control - Hunt, Sbarbaro - 1991
Correlation based model validity tests for nonlinear model - Billings, Voon - 1986
Reinforcement structure/parameter learning for neuralnetwork.. - Lin, Lee - 1994
Multilayer perceptron, fuzzy sets, and classification - Pal, Mitra - 1992
An alternative approach for generation of membership functio.. - Halgamuge, Poechmueller et al. - 1994
Learning control using fuzzified self-organizing radial basi.. - Nie, Linkens - 1993
Fuzzy competitive learning - Chung, Lee - 1994
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Analysis of flexible structured fuzzy logic controllers - Yager, Filev et al. - 1990
DVQ: Dynamic vector quantization-- an incremental LVQ - Poirier, Ferrieux - 1991
A fuzzy neural network model and its hardware implementation - Kuo, Kao et al. - 1993
Stochastic competitive learning - Kosko - 1991
A neuro-fuzzy system for chemical agent detection - Vuorimaa, Jukarainen - 1994
Use of the fuzzy self-organizing map in pattern recognition - Vuorimaa - 1994
A model-based neuro-fuzzy controller - Vuorimaa - 1994
Gas recognition using fuzzy self-organizing map - Jukarainen, Vuorimaa - 1994
Takaisinkytketty neuraaliverkkosäätäj - Ruoppila - 1992
A human vigilance analysis system using neural networks and .. - Tervonen, Vuorimaa et al. - 1994
Fuzzy rule generation based on a neural network approach - Thaler - 1993
Modelling of non-linear systems using radial basis function .. - Suontausta, Ruoppila et al. - 1994
Neural Network Approach to Fault Diagnosis - Sorsa - 1993
A self-organizing KNN fuzzy controller and its neural networ.. - Kwon, Zervakis - 1994
Fuzzy self-organizing map using Sugeno's fuzzy rules - Ojala, Vuorimaa - 1994
Prentice-Hall International - Ganong, Medical - 1987
Use of the default rule in fuzzy self-organizing map - Vuorimaa - 1994
Self-generating fuzzy self-organizing map - Vuorimaa
Livros na Área:
Fuzzy Cognitive Map In Modeling Supervisory Control Systems - Styrios, Groumpos
....concepts they determine the negative or positive effect of one concept on the others, with a fuzzy degree of causation. The determination of the degree of casual relationship among concepts can be improved by the application of learning rules for choosing appropriate weights for the FCM [8]. In this way, an expert decodes his own knowledge on the behavioral model of the system and transforms this knowledge in a weighted graph. 4 2.2.1.Assigning numerical weights Knowledge on the behaviour of a system is rather subjective and in order to construct a model of the system it is ....
....among concepts. This methodology may lead to a distorted model of the system because human factor is not always reliable. In order to refine the model of the system, learning rules are used to adjust weights of FCM interconnections. The Differential Hebbian learning rule has been proposed [8] to be used in the training of a specific type of FCMs. The Differential Hebbian learning law adjusts the weights of the interconnection between concepts It grows a positive edge between two concepts if they both increase or both decrease and it grows a negative edge if values of concepts move in ....
B. Kosko, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Neural Fuzzy Preference Integration using Neural Preference Moore .. - Wermter (2000)
....order in [0, 1] TM and have to find a useful partiaJ order 1 in [0, 1] TM. A simple generaJization of the order from [0, 1] to [0, 1] TM is possible with the dominance order. This m dimensionaJ order has already been widely used, for instance for certain applications in fuzzy reasoning [Kosko, 1992]. Therefore, we will consider this dominance order as a first alternative and will explain why the common dominance order is not yet sufficient for our preferences. Definition 3 (Dominance Order)Let a (al, am) b (bl, bm) be two m dimensional preferences from [0, 1] TM. Then the ....
Kosko, B. (1992). Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems. Prentice-Hall, Engle- wood Cliffs, NJ.
Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems to Behavioral.. - Gary George Raytheon
....in the solution space which result in creation of the fuzzy sets. The ANN learns these clusters based on actual human behavior test data. A further advantage is that the solution space rather than being represented point by point as some expert systems clumps the space as described by Kosko [2,3]. This results in fewer rules and lower computer resources. The experiment to build and validate the model includes a compensatory task performed by several human subjects to develop a training and test set of data in this human behavior. In the compensatory tracking task the subject attempts to ....
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