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Russia War Defense

Zero probability of Russia war – economic interdependence, political and military stability prevent war

Graham 7 (Thomas, senior advisor on Russia in the US National Security Council, “The Dialectics of Strength and Weakness,” Russia in Global Affairs, September 2007. )
An astute historian of Russia, Martin Malia, wrote several years ago that “Russia has at different times been demonized or divinized by Western opinion less because of her real role in Europe than because of the fears and frustrations, or hopes and aspirations, generated within European society by its own domestic problems.” Such is the case today. To be sure, mounting Western concerns about Russia are a consequence of Russian policies that appear to undermine Western interests, but they are also a reflection of declining confidence in our own abilities and the efficacy of our own policies. Ironically, this growing fear and distrust of Russia come at a time when Russia is arguably less threatening to the West, and the United States in particular, than it has been at any time since the end of the Second World War. Russia does not champion a totalitarian ideology intent on our destruction, its military poses no threat to sweep across Europe, its economic growth depends on constructive commercial relations with Europe, and its strategic arsenal – while still capable of annihilating the United States – is under more reliable control than it has been in the past fifteen years and the threat of a strategic strike approaches zero probability. Political gridlock in key Western countries, however, precludes the creativity, risk-taking, and subtlety needed to advance our interests on issues over which we are at odds with Russia while laying the basis for more constructive long-term relations with Russia.

***Warming Advantage***


SBSP solves Warming

SSP solves warming and gives us a crucial advantage on the battlefield and rural areas

Lemonick 09 (Michael, senior writer at Climate Central, Yale Environment 360, Solar Power from Space: Moving Beyond Science Fiction,, JG)
A number of factors are driving the renewed interest in space-based solar power, including the push to cut greenhouse-gas emissions and growing interest from the military. But neither of these forces would mean much if the technology was outrageously expensive or too impractical. It was a little bit of both when SBSP was first proposed in 1968 by an engineer named Peter Glaser, who worked for the consulting firm Arthur D. Little on a variety of space-related projects. The basic components — solar cells and microwave transmitters and receivers — already existed, and as the Apollo program began to wind down, NASA was trying to figure out what to do next. In particular, says John Mankins, who became the manager for advanced concepts for NASA during the 1990s, “They were trying to figure out what to do with the space shuttle.” One idea was to begin launching space habitats — to get large numbers of people living and working in space. “These people would need something to do,” says Mankins, “so one idea was that they’d build solar-power satellites.” Studies showed that it was a feasible, but daunting, proposition. “This was in the days before PCs, microelectronics, robotics,” says Mankins. “The idea of something like the shuttle’s robotic arm was unimaginable. So you’d need these big crews to bolt the things together — and the satellites themselves would have had to be physically enormous. We’d need a new launch system that would dwarf the space shuttle.” The bottom line, he says, was that it could be done, but it would have cost At 22,000 miles up, a geostationary satellite is in full sunlight virtually all the time. the equivalent of a trillion of today’s dollars to get the first kilowatt of power, and it would have taken 20 years. “The National Research Council and the Office of Technology Assessment looked at it,” recalled Mankins. “One of them said, ‘Let’s revisit this in ten years.’ The other said, ‘Let’s never consider this again.’” In the mid-1990s, NASA did revisit the concept. Under Mankins’ direction, a team of engineers was assembled to see whether advances in technology made space-based solar power more feasible. “The basic answer,” he says, “was ‘yes.’” In the past decade two other factors have emerged to boost the prospects of SBSP: climate change and interest from the military. There is a growing recognition that non-carbon energy sources will be crucial if the world is going to avoid the worst effects of climate change. It’s almost inevitable that carbon emissions will end up being taxed one way or another, and when they are, renewables like SBSP will immediately become more competitive economically. That’s what motivates Solaren and PG&E. Although it is cloaking its work in secrecy, Solaren has said it will cost roughly $2 billion to launch a handful of satellites carrying the equipment that will be robotically assembled into a single, large solar station. One way the company plans to boost efficiency is to use parabolic reflectors to concentrate sunlight onto the solar cells. “The biggest expense,” says Cal Boerman, Solaren’s director of energy services, “is the cost of getting into space, and we’re convinced we can get the weight down to the point where we can… …By being an early customer, the government can rapidly accelerate development of the technology. we’re also interested in weaning ourselves off fossil fuels because climate change could pose national security risks.” But there would also be a tactical advantage to space-based solar, Damphousse noted. When the military is operating in remote regions of countries like Iraq or Afghanistan, it uses diesel generators to supply forward bases with power. “We have a significant footprint getting energy in,” says Damphousse, noting the need for frequent convoys of oil tankers, the soldiers to protect them, and air support — all of which is expensive and dangerous. Being able to tap into power beamed directly down from space would clearly have a lot of appeal, says Damphousse, even if it were relatively costly. And it’s not just useful for the battlefield, he says, but also for areas affected by natural disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina. For those reasons, Damphousse supports the idea of coordinated studies by the Pentagon and other agencies — such as NASA and the Department of Energy — that would have a stake in space-based power. “We might, for example, do some experiments on the International Space Station, which is already up there and generating 110 kilowatts of power from its own solar cells,” he says, “rather than having to send up a dedicated test satellite.” Such cooperation might appeal to NASA. “I suspect that NASA will start working on energy and on more advanced technology and less on, ‘Let’s get to the moon by 2018,’” says Mankins. By undertaking some of the research and being an early customer for SBSP, the government could rapidly accelerate development of the technology. Historians of aviation agree that the government’s decision to back air mail played a major role in developing the aircraft industry, leading to technological innovations and economies of scale. The same phenomenon could take an emerging but outlandish-sounding technology and push it into the energy mainstream.

SSP Key to wane off of non-renewable energy – Most Feasable

Snead 09 (James M, The Space Review, The End of Easy Energy and What to Do About It, pdf, JG)
Finally, a key point to recognize about a U.S. commitment to pursue space solar power is that this inherently will involve the emergence of the United States as a true spacefaring nation with substantial spacefaring industrial and operational capabilities supporting growing U.S. commercial operations throughout the central solar system—as predicted by O’Neill over four decades ago. These circumstances are not unlike those at the beginning of the 1800’s. Then, the United States was a small coastal nation of about 5 million with territorial claims, obtained through treaty and purchase, to lands extending over two thousand miles to the west. Muscle, wind, and moving water powered its agrarian economy. Yet, at the end of the 1800’s, the United States emerged as a continental nation of 70 million. It was linked by over 200,000 miles of rail; was increasingly mechanically-powered using coal, oil, and natural gas; was developing local and regional electrical power and telephone communication networks; was building the first steel-framed skyscrapers; and, was beginning the scientific investigations of wireless communications and heavier-than-air powered flight that would further transform the world in the following century. When pushed forward by necessity and ambition, both in the 19th and 20th centuries, Americans have repeatedly demonstrated that substantial technological and societal progress is achievable within a century. Absent a breakthrough in affordable and safe advanced nuclear energy and/or the industrial-scale development of undersea methane hydrates, space solar power appears to be the new 21st century energy source that must be developed to alleviate the pending substantial U.S. and world shortfall in sustainable energy. The United States is, indeed, fortunate to have a capable aerospace industry around which this critical effort can be organized and to have a public that still has strong ambitions to see the United States become a true spacefaring nation. With the clear need for space solar power, space industrialization will become the primary “space race” of the 21st century.

SSP Good – Solves Climate Change & Resource Wars

Sofge 09 (Eric, Popular Mechanics, Space-Based Solar Power Beams Become Next Energy Frontier,, JG)
The idea of using satellites to beam solar power down from space is nothing new--the Department of Energy first studied it in the 1970s, and NASA took another look in the '90s. The stumbling block has been less the engineering challenge than the cost. A Pentagon report released in October could mean the stars are finally aligning for space-based solar power, or SBSP. According to the report, SBSP is becoming more feasible, and eventually could help head off crises such as climate change and wars over diminishing energy supplies. "The challenge is one of perception," says John Mankins, president of the Space Power Association and the leader of NASA's mid-1990s SBSP study. "There are people in senior leadership positions who believe everything in space has to cost trillions." The new report imagines a market-based approach. Eventually, SBSP may become enormously profitable--9. The government would fund launches to place initial arrays in orbit by 2016, 9. This plan could limit government costs to about $10 billion. As envisioned, massive orbiting solar arrays, situated to remain in sunlight nearly continuously, will beam multiple megawatts of energy to Earth via microwave beams. The energy will be transmitted to mesh receivers placed over open farmland and in strategic remote locations, then fed into the nation's electrical grid. The goal: To provide 10 percent of the United States' base-load power supply by 2050. Ultimately, the report estimates, a single kilometer-wide array could collect enough power in one year to rival the energy locked in the world's oil reserves. While most of the technology required for SBSP already exists, questions such as potential environmental impacts will take years to work out.

SPS solves for climate change, water quality and air quality

Lark 09 (Eva-Jane, Vice-President and Investment Advisor with BMO Nesbitt Burns, POLICY AND FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND PROSPECTS FOR SPACE SOLAR POWER, Political Incentives,, JG)
Until the onset of the recent international economic crisis, the effects of climate change and global warming were some of the leading public concerns for many nations. The financial crises of 2008 and worldwide recession have shifted most governments’ short term focus back to their economies but these issues are not forgotten, just moved to the back burner. Climate change, air quality and water quality are of major concern to policymakers and environmental policy is designed to address these issues. It is heavily related to energy policy as the burning of fossil fuels or anthropogenic causes are considered responsible for global warming. Environmental policy focuses primarily on encouraging favorable practices, limiting damage and ensuring the safety and health of that nation’s population. Policy initiatives may include: Greenhouse gas emissions levels Monitoring and regulating greenhouse gases Air and water pollution abatement strategies Waste management Nuclear or hazardous waste issues Endangered species Biodiversity Natural resource management Wildlife and ecosystem sustainability Government involvement in the environment is important because of the “tragedy of the commons”. The tragedy of the commons describes the problem that, because no one person owns the commons, each individual has an incentive to utilize common resources as much as possible, and care for it not at all. Without governmental involvement, the commons is overused50 and under cared for. The two general government approaches to environmental policy are usually forms of either “command and control”: regulations, restrictions, limits or mandates to use specified technology; or economic incentives: recognition for excellence, fines for poor results, tradable emissions/carbon credits, fees etc.51 Space Solar Power relates to environmental policy in that it is a clean, renewable, sustainable source of energy which does not add greenhouse gas emission or heat to Earth’s environment though the beaming and receiving processes.52 Research efforts to date suggest that not only are there less emissions but the safety and health concerns are minimal and the land below the rectenna can be used.

SPS solve warming – Green energy production

Komerath 05 (Nayaranan, Professor School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, An Evolutionary Model for Space Solar Power, Introduction,, JG)
The key feature is to use the potential of the space-based infrastructure to boost terrestrial “green” energy production and thus benefit from the concerns about global warming and energy shortage. In this first paper on the concept, the scope of the project, possible benefits and the obstacles to success are considered. It is seen that the inefficiency of conversion to and from microwave poses the largest obstacle, and prevents favorable comparison with terrestrial high-voltage transmission lines. However, competitive revenue generation can come from the nonlinearity of cost with demand at various places on earth. Point delivery to small portable, mobile receivers during times of emergencies. The benefits to ‘green’ energy generation make the concept attractive for public support as a strategic asset. This also sets a market context for concepts to convert solar power directly to beamed energy – a prospect with many applications.

SSP is THE solution for climate change

Snead 09 (James M, The Space Review, The Vital Need For America to Develop Space Solar Power,, JG)
We are left with SSP. Unless the US federal government is willing to forego addressing the very real possibility of energy scarcity in dispatchable electrical power generation, SSP is the one renewable energy solution capable of beginning engineering development and, as such, being incorporated into such a rational sustainable energy transition plan. Hence, beginning the engineering development of SSP now becomes a necessity.

Of course, rapid advancements in advanced nuclear energy or methane hydrate recovery or the emergence of a new industrial-scale sustainable energy source may change the current circumstances favoring the start of the development of SSP. But not knowing how long affordable easy energy supplies will remain available and not knowing to what extent terrestrial nuclear fission and renewable energy production can be practically and politically expanded, reasonableness dictates that the serious engineering development of SSP be started now.

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