Nigeria Internet Group (NIG) Nigeria Internet Group (NIG), established in 1995, is a non profit, non governmental organization, promoting the internet group. The activities of the group have led to the increase in awareness about the internet within Nigeria. In the largest online community of youth interested in global issues and creating positive changes.
Objectives To advance the development of local internet content through the adoption of online services such as government, e-health, learning, commerce.
To promote the formulation of appropriate policies and legislation that ensures the growth and development of the internet in Nigeria.
To promote the internet as a tool for personal and national development.
GENERAL EVALUATION State five computer Professionals bodies.
State two functions each of four professionals bodies.
READING ASSIGNMENT Understanding Data Processing for senior secondary schools by Dinehin Victoria pages 303 –305
WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT ____ the institute for the management of information system exists to promote and support the professional use, application, and management of information system.
(a) IMIS(b) NIG(c) ITAN(d) CPN
ITAN was founded in ……. to promote IT literacy and penetration in Nigeria and to promote interest of the members in the area of policy formulation and negotiations with
government on IT policy matters. (a) 1890 (b)1891(c) 1991 (d)1990
____ is a corporate entity charged with the control and supervision of computing profession in the country. (a) CPRCN (b) IMIS (c) NCS (d) NIG
____ is a non profit, non governmental organization, promoting the internet group.
(a) NIG(b) IMIS(c) CPN(d) ITAN
____ is a place where people interested in Computing Technology within Nigeria gather to share ideas and knowledge.(a) IMIS(b) NCS (c) ITAN (d) CPN
THEORY State five computer Professionals bodies.
State two functions each of four professionals bodies.