Secondary Bibliography a resource of secondary sources for all acpa poets Table of Contents

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Secondary Bibliography

A resource of secondary sources for all ACPA poets
Table of Contents:

Milton Acorn ……………………………………… 2

Shari Andrews ……………………………………. 2-3

Tammy Armstrong ……………………………... 3

Brian Bartlett ……………………………………… 4-5

Bliss Carmen ………………………………………. 5-6

Lesley Choyce …………………………………….. 6

Fred Cogswell …………………………………….. 6-8

Michael Crummey ……………………………… 8-10

Mary Dalton ………………………………………. 10-11

Don Domanski …………………………………… 11

Sheree Fitch ……………………………….…….. 11-12

Judy Gaudet ………………………………….…… 12-13

Robert Gibbs ………………………………….….. 13-14

Susan Gillis ………………………………………... 14-15

Lorri Neilsen Glenn ……………………………. 15

Sue Goyette ………………………………………. 15

Sylvia Hamilton ……………………..………….. 16

Warren Heiti ………………………….………….. 16

Rita Joe …………………………….……………….. 17-18

El Jones …………………………………...………... 18

Tonja Gunvaldsen Klaassen …..…….…….. 18-19

M.Travis Lane……………………..…………….. 19-20

Carole Glasser Langille ……..……………….. 20

Jeanette Lynes …………………………………… 21

Carmelita McGrath …….……………………… 21

Don McKay ……………..…………………………. 22-23

Steve McOrmond ..…………………………….. 23-24

Robert Moore ….………………………………... 24

Neil Murray ……………………………………….. 25

Libby Oughton ………………………….……….. 25

Susan Paddon ……………………….…………… 25-26

Charles G. D. Roberts ……….………………… 26-28

matt robinson ……………..…………………….. 28-29

Elenore Schonmaire .………………………….. 29-30

Anne Simpson …….……………………………... 30

Sue Sinclair …….……………..…………………… 30

Douglas Burnet Smith …..……………………. 31

Kay Smith ……………………..……………………. 31-33

John Steffler ………..…………………………….. 34-35

RM Vaughan ..………………………………….…. 35-36

Milton Acorn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Acorn, Milton. The Edge of Home: Milton Acorn from the Island. Ed. Anne Compton. Charlottetown: Island Studies Press, Institute of Island Studies, 2002. Print.

Doyle, James. “‘For My Own Damn Satisfaction’: the Communist Poetry of Milton Acorn." Canadian Poetry. (1997): 74-87. Print.

Gibbs, Robert. "Whiskey Jack." Journal of Canadian Poetry. 3 (1988): 1-3. Print.

Goldie, Terry. "Milton Acorn: in Love and Anger." University of Toronto Quarterly. 70.1 (2000). Print.

Jewinski, Ed, and John Thurston. "Milton Acorn & His Works." Journal of Canadian Poetry. (1992): 177- 87. Print.

Lemm, Richard. "Milton Acorn: Poet in a Dark Age." Arts Atlantic. 7.3 (1988): 50-1. Print.

Lemm, Richard. Milton Acorn: In Love and Anger. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1999. Print.

O'Grady, Thomas. "Advice from Milton Acorn." Canadian Literature. 97.155 (1997). Print.

O'Grady, Thomas. "(Ap)praising Milton Acorn." Canadian Literature. 98.158 (1998). Print.

Pearce, Jon. "The Idea of a Poem: an Interview with Milton Acorn." Canadian Poetry: Studies, Documents, Reviews. 21 (1987): 93-102. Print.

Richards, David A. "Milton Acorn." Antigonish Review. 2012.171, (2012). Print.

"Singleton, M. "Milton Acorn: the Last Days." Antigonish Review. (1988): 64. Print.

Shari Andrews ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrews, Shari. Interview by Jeanette Lynes. “Shari Andrews, Poet of New Denmark, N.B.” Words Out There: Women Poets in Atlantic Canada. Lockeport: Roseway, 1999. 191-4. Print.

---. "Shari Andrews [Interview Excerpts]." The Pottersfield Portfolio (1998): 31.CBCAComplete. Web. 8 March 2012.

Battis, Jes. "Organic Re-Membering." Rev. of Bones About to Bloom, by Shari Andrews. Canadian Literature 183 (2004): 89-90. CBCA Complete. Web. 8 March 2012.

Hodd, Thomas. “The Stone Cloak.” Rev. of The Stone Cloak, by Shari Andrews. Journal of Canadian Poetry 16 (1999): 11-5. CBCA Complete. Web. 8 March 2012.

New, W. H. "Re-Collecting 1999." Canadian Literature 167 (2000): 176-87. CBCA Complete. Web. 8 March 2012.

Reibetanz, Julia. "Poetry." Rev. of Bones About to Bloom, by Shari Andrews. University of Toronto Quarterly 72.1 (2003): 207-55. CBCA Complete. Web. 8 March 2012.

Tammy Armstrong ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Donaldson, Jeffery. “Poetry.” University of Toronto Quarterly 75.1 (Winter 2005/2006): 39-88. Academic Search Premier. Web, print. 22 Oct 2011.

Ferguson, Jesse. Rev. of Take Us Quietly, by Tammy Armstrong. Antigonish Review 152 (2008): 41- 3. Academic Search Premier. Web, print. 22 Oct 2011.

Guest, Kristen. Rev. of Take Us Quietly, by Tammy Armstrong. Canadian Literature 196 (2008): 148- 50. Academic Search Premier. Web, print. 22 Oct 2011.

Houglum, Brook. Rev. of Bogman's Music, by Tammy Armstrong. Canadian Literature 180 (2004): 131- 3. EBSCO. Web, print. 22 Oct 2011. 

McKay, Don. “The Bushtits' Nest.” Vis à Vis: fieldnotes on poetry & wilderness. Wolfville:  Gaspereau Press, 2001. 83-106. Print.

VanBuskirk, John. "Tammy Lynn Armstrong." New Brunswick Literary Encyclopedia. St. Thomas University, 2011. Web. 31 Mar. 2012.

Brian Bartlett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bushell, Kevin. “The Afterlife of Trees.” Rev. of The Afterlife of Trees, by Brian Bartlett. The Antigonish Review 137 (2004): 113-7. LiteratureOnline. 18 April 2012. Web, print.

Callanan, Mark. “A Loneliness Which Must Be Entered.” Rev. of Wanting the Day: Selected Poems, by Brian Bartlett. Books in Canada 33.6 (2004): 32. WorldCat. 18 April 2012. Web, print.

Compton, Anne. “‘A Many-Veined Leaf’: Minutiae and Multiplicity in Brian Bartlett’s Poetry.” Studies in Canadian Literature 28.2 (2002): 131-51. Literature Online. 18 April 2012. Web. Reprinted in Meetings with Maritime Poets: Interviews, by Anne Compton. Markham: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 181-201.

Donaldson, Jeffrey. Rev. of Wanting the Day: Selected Poems. "Letters in Canada: Poetry." University of Toronto Quarterly 74.1 (2004). Print.

Harris, Maureen Scott. "Time, Space, and Canoes." Rev. of The Watchmaker's TableThe Goose 4.2 (Fall 2008). Web, print.

Inch, Cassandra. “Brian Bartlett.” New Brunswick Literary Encyclopedia. St. Thomas University, 2011. Web. 18 April 2012.

Laird, Darrell. “An Artifical Paradise.” Rev. of Planet Harbor, by Brian Bartlett. Canadian Literature 128 (1991): 189-91. Print.

Leckie, Ross. “Granite Erratics.” Rev. of Granite Erratics, by Brian Bartlett. The Fiddlehead 193 (1997): 138. Print.

MacLaine, Brent. Rev. of The Watchmaker's TableAtlantic Books Today 59 (2008). Print.

MacLeod, Alexander. “‘Having a Conversation With the Place You’re In’: Discussing the Past, Present and Future of Atlantic Canadian Poetry with Brian Bartlett, Ross Leckie, Lindsay Marshall and Anne Simpson.” Dalhousie Review 89.1 (2009): 25-37. LiteratureOnline. 18 April 2012. Web, print.

McCallum, Kirstie. “Some of These Petals: A Review of Brian Bartlett’s The Watchmaker’s Table.” The Antigonish Review 156 (2009): 67-74. LiteratureOnline. 18 April 2012. Web.
Myers, Barbara. Rev. of The Afterlife of TreesArc Poetry Magazine (Winter 2002). Print.

Riegel, Christian. "Granite Erratics." Rev. of Granite Erratics, by Brian Bartlett. The Antigonish Review 124 (2000): 135. Print.

Reibetanz, Julia. "Letters in Canada: Poetry." The University of Toronto Quarterly 73. 1 (2003): 4. Print.

Sinclair, Sue. "The Trace of Their Daily Lives." Rev. of The Afterlife of TreesThe Fiddlehead. Print.

Van Wart, Alice. “Temporary Shelter.” Rev. of Underwater Carpentry, by Brian Bartlett. Quill & Quire 59.7 (1993): 48. Print.
Bliss Carmen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hathaway R. H. “The Poetry of Bliss Carman.” The Sewanee Review 33.4 (1925): 469-83.JSTOR Archival
Collection. Web. 8 March 2013.
Hawthorne, Julian. Bliss Carman: 1861-1929. Palo Alto, CA: 1929. Print.
Kennerly, Mitchell. Bliss Carman. N.d. MS. Special Collections Hathaway, Harriet Irving Library,
Fredericton. Print.
Lynch, Gerald. Bliss Carman: A Reappraisal. Ottawa: Uof Ottawa P, 1990. Print.
MacKendrick, Louis K. “Bliss Carman.” Profiles in Canadian Literature. Ed. Jeffrey M. Heath. Vol 3.

Toronto: Dundern, 1982. 53-6. Print.

Miller, Muriel. Bliss Carman: Quest & Revolt. St. John's: Jesperson Press, 1985. Print.
Roberts, Charles G. D, and Nathaniel A. Benson. Reminiscences of Bliss Carman. Dalhousie Review 10

(1930): 1-9. Print.

Shepard, Odell. Bliss Carman. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1923. Print.
Stephens, Donald. Bliss Carman. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1966. Print.
Stewart, Margaret A. Bliss Carman: Poet, Philosopher, Teacher. Diss. Halifax: Dalhousie U, 1976. Print.
Whalen, Terry. “Bliss Carman.” ECW’s Biographical Guide to Canadian Poets. Toronto: ECW Press, 1993.

55-60. Print.

---. Bliss Carman and His Works. Toronto: ECW Press, 1984. Print.
White, Greenough. “A Pair of Canadian Poets.” The Sewanee Review7.1 (1899): 48-52. JSTOR Archival

Collection. Web. 8 March 2013.

Lesley Choyce -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Campbell, Wanda. “’Every Sea-Surounded Hour’: The Margin in Maritime Poetry.” Studies in Canadian Literature 33.2 (2008) 151-70. LiteratureOnline. Web. 7 March 2012.

Choyce, Lesley. Interview. “The Ending Cannot Be East. It Can Be Upbeat, But Not Too Tidy.” School Libraries in Canada 29.2 (2011): 36-9. Academic Search Premiere. Web. 7 March 2012.

Creelman, David. “Swept Under: Reading the Stories of Two Undervalued Maritime Writers.” Studies in Canadian Literature 33.2 (2008): 60-79. MLAIB. Web, print. 7 March 2012.

DeMont, John. “The Surfer Poet.” Maclean’s 107.33(1994): 44. Academic Search Premiere.Web. 7 March 2012.

Staines, David. “The Coastline of Forgetting.” Rev. of The Coastline of Forgetting, by Lesley Choyce. Journal of Canadian Poetry: the Poetry Review for the Year 1995 12 (1997). Print.
Fred Cogswell -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Davies, Gwendolyn. “Fred Cogswell.” Dictionary of Literary Biography. Vol. 60. Ed. W.H. New. Detroit:

Gale, 1987. 33-41. Print.

---. “Fred Cogswell.” Canadian Writers Since 1960. 2nd ed. Ed. W.H. New. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 1989.
33-41. Print.
---. “The Three Wise Men of Maritime Literature: A Personal Tribute.” Acadiensis 30.1 (Autumn 2000):
31-37. Print.
Forsythe, Kathleen, ed. The Vision of Fred: The Friend of Poets/Ami de Poètes [Conversations with Fred
Cogswell on the Nature and Function of Poetry]. Ottawa: Borealis, 2004. Print.
Galloway, David. “SCL Interviews: Fred Cogswell.” Studies in Canadian Literature/Études en littérature
canadienne 10.1-2 (1985): 208-25. Print.
Gibbs, Robert. “Three Decades and a Bit Under the Elms: A Fragmentary Memoir.” Essays on Canadian
Writing: Literature of Atlantic Canada. Ed. Terry Whalen. 31 (Summer 1985): 231-9. Print.
Hatt, Blaine E. “Fred Cogswell: ‘A Well-Placed Candle.’” The Atlantic Advocate 81.4 (December 1990):
38-40. Print.
Hawkes, Robert. “Fred Cogswell: A Tribute.” The Antigonish Review 141-2 (Spring-Summer 2005): 161-
64. Print.
Hurley, Clarissa. “Unfurling the Fern.” Books in Canada 27.5 (Summer 1998): 5-6. Print.
Lemm, Richard. “Aging With Style and Passion.” Rev. of When the Right Light Shines, and In Praise of Old
Music, by Fred Cogswell. Dalhousie Review 74 (Spring 1994): 125-8. Print.
Moore, Andrew. “The Fiddlehead.” The New Brunswick Literary Encyclopedia. Ed. Tony Tremblay.
Fredericton: New Brunswick Studies Centre, 2011. Print.
Mullen, Vernon. “University of New Brunswick.” Them Lions Will Eat Them Up. Richmond: Voyager
Publishing, 1999. 27-42. Print.
Nowlan, Alden. “Something to Write About.” Canadian Literature 68-69 (Spring/Summer 1976): 7-12.
Trueman, A.W. “Foreward.” The Fiddlehead 18 (1953): 2. Print.
Rossignol, Pierre. “Theme and Form in the Poetry of Fred Cogswell.” MA thesis. Laval University, 1975.
Scott, Virginia. Rev. of The Best Notes Merge, by Fred Cogswell. American Review of Canadian Studies
20.4 (Winter 1990): 447-57. Print.
Snyder, J.K. Rev. of Black and White Tapestry, by Fred Cogswell. The Antigonish Review 84 (Winter
1991): 155-65. Print.
Tremblay, Tony. “‘Words I write are the best of me’: Fred Cogswell, Poet, at 80.” The Fiddlehead 193
(Autumn 1997): 78-81. Print.
---. “‘I write upon the wall, Good Will to Men’: Locating the Dialectic of Art and Editing in the Early
Poetry of Fred Cogswell.” Ellipse 68 (Autumn 2002): 47-57. Print.
Ware, Tracey. “Is Fred Cogswell Beyond Criticism?” Essays on Canadian Writing 47 (Fall 1992): 105-15.
Williamson, Margie. “Four Maritime Poets: A Survey of the Works of Alden Nowlan, Fred Cogswell,
Raymond Fraser and Al Pittman, As They Reflect the Spirit and Culture of the Maritime People.”
MA thesis. Dalhousie University, 1973. Print.

Michael Crummey -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Michael Crummey - Biography.” Waterfront Views: Contemporary Writing of Atlantic Canada. Web. 3 Dec. 2013.  
“Michael Crummey: Biography.” University of Toronto Libraries. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. 
Chafe, Paul. "Lament For A Notion: Loss And The Beothuk In Michael Crummey's River Thieves." Essays On Canadian Writing 82 (2004): 93-117. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.
---. "Newfoundland Poetry As 'Ethnographic Salvage': Time, Place, And Voice In The      Poetry Of Michael Crummey And Mary Dalton." Studies In Canadian  Literature/Etudes En Littérature Canadienne 32.2 (2007): 132-147. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.
Draper, Gary. "Fairly Ordinary Lives: A Conversation With Michael Crummey." New Quarterly: New Directions In Canadian Writing 19.1 (1999): 25-39. MLA  International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.
Furey, Leo. "Interview With Michael Crummey (May 8, '02)." Antigonish   Review 131.(2002): 111- 24. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.
Goldie, Terry. "Is Galore 'Our' Story?." Journal Of Canadian Studies/Revue D'etudes Canadiennes 46.2 (2012): 83-98. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.
Mercer, Janine. "Outlet For An Inlet: Cultural Folklore Of Newfoundland." The Quint: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly From The North 5.3 (2013): 38-55. MLA   International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.
Pyper, Andrew. "Water, Sex And The Rock: Michael Crummey's Flesh & Blood As ARepublic Of Dreams." New Quarterly: New Directions In Canadian Writing 21.2-3 (2001): 80-6. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.
Sugars, Cynthia. "Genetic Phantoms: Geography, History, And Ancestral Inheritance In  Kenneth Harvey's The Town That Forgot How To Breathe And Michael Crummey's Galore." Newfoundland And Labrador Studies 25.1 (2010): 7-36. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.
---. "Original Sin, Or, The Last Of The First Ancestors: Michael Crummey's River Thieves." English Studies In Canada 31.4 (2005): 147-75. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.
---. "'Our Symbiotic Relationship With The Stories That We Tell': An Interview With Michael Crummey." Canadian Literature 212.(2012): 105-19. MLA   International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.
Uebel, Anke. "Imaginary Restraints: Michael Crummey's River Thieves And The  Beothuk Of Newfoundland." Local Natures, Global Responsibilities: Ecocritical Perspectives on the New English Literatures. 137-50. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2010. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.
Wyile, Herb. "Beothuk Gothic: Michael Crummey's River Thieves." Unsettled Remains:    Canadian Literature and the Postcolonial Gothic. 229-49. Waterloo: Wilfrid   Laurier UP, 2009. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.
---. "Beothuk Gothic: Michael Crummey's River Thieves." Australasian Canadian Studies 24.2 (2006): 171-95. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.
Mary Dalton -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Boxer, Asa. “Among the Maggots.” Rev. of Merrybegot by Mary Dalton, UN by Dennis Lee, and The

Difficulties of Modernism by Leonard Diepeveen. Books in Canada (April/May 2004): n.p. Print.

Carey, Barbara. "Fifty Giant Black Kettles: Newfie Mary Dalton Honours Her Island's Ear- Pleasing Ways
Coolly Sinister Poems May Not be Likeable but Sure are Compelling." Rev. of Merrybegot by
Mary Dalton. Toronto Star 16 Nov 2003: n.p.. ProQuest. Web. 24 Mar 2013.

---. “Trust a Newf to Know How.” Rev. of Red Ledger by Mary Dalton. Toronto Star 14 Jan 2007: n.p. Web.

Chafe, Paul. "Newfoundland Poetry as 'Ethnographic Salvage': Time, Place, and Voice in the Poetry of
Michael Crummey and Mary Dalton." Studies in Canadian Literature/Études En Littérature
Canadienne 32.2 (2007): 132-47. Web. 27 Feb. 2013.

Dragland, Stan. “Mary Dalton.” Mary Dalton: Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage. Newfoundland and
Labrador Heritage, 2002. Web. 9 Jul 2013.

Forbes, Alexander M. "Eyes & Letters." Canadian Literature 151 (1996): 142-4. ProQuest. Web. 24 Mar

Kavanagh, Patrick. "Eavesdropping on Nunny-Fudgers." Books in Canada 2006: 35-6. ProQuest. Web. 24
Mar 2013.

MacDonald, Tanis. "Not for the Faint of Heart." Books in Canada (2007): 32. ProQuest. Web. 24 Mar.
2013 .

MacFarlane, Susan. "Complex Yet Closed—The Time of Icicles by Mary Dalton / No Greater Love by
Torono Sheila Martindale /Winter by Patrick Lane." Rev. of The Time of Icicles by Mary Dalton.
Canadian Literature 129 (1991): 158. ProQuest. Web. 24 Mar. 2013.

Nickel, Barbara. “There’s a Carnival for You: Interview with Mary Dalton.” Books in Canada(2002): 27-8.
Proquest. Web. 27 Feb. 2013.

Vryenhoek, Leslie. “Mary Dalton’s Poetry: Exploration and Accolades.” Gazette: A Memorial University of
Newfoundland Publication 39.13 (2007): n. p. Web. 27 Feb. 2013.

Don Domanski ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Almon, Bert. "From Nova Scotia to The Cosmos." Canadian Literature 198 (2008): 118-9. Academic Search Premier. Web.

Bartlett, Brian. “Introduction: The Trees are Full of Rings”. Earthly Pages: The Poetry of Don Domanski. Ed. Brian Bartlett. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2007. Print.

Milton, Paul. "Wonder and The Sacred." Canadian Literature 198 (2008): 123-4. Academic Search Premier. Web.

“Poets in Profile: Don Domanski”. Poets in Profile. By Open Book Ontario. Toronto: Open Book Ontario, 2013. Web.

Sheree Fitch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Babinski, Bob. “Sheree Fitch: Reaching for the Moon.” The Atlantic Advocate 81.6 (1991): 9-11. Print.
Boyle, Catherine. "Sheree Fitch." New Brunswick Literary Encyclopedia. St. Thomas University, 2011. Web. 13 Nov 2011.

Catto, Susan. “Fitch Goes after the Grown-Ups.” Quill & Quire (2008): 8-9. Print.
Dyer, Hadley. “Nonsense Poet Explores New Forms.” Quill & Quire (1997): 61-2. Print.
Fitch, Sheree. Interview with Dave Jenkinson. “Sheree Fitch: Prize Winning Writers of ‘Utterature.” Emergency Librarian 21.1 (1993): 66. Academic Search Premiere. Web. 14 March 2012.
Jones, Raymond E. and Jon C. Stott. “Sheree Fitch.” Canadian Children’s Books: A Critical Guide to Authors and Illustrators. Don Mills: Oxford UP, 2000. 126-9. Print.
Kroop, Paul. “Sheree Fitch: Poetess in Motion.” Today’s Parent (2000): 22. Print.
Lynes, Jeanette. “‘A Purple Sort of Girl’: Sheree Fitch’s Tales of Emergence.” Canadian Children’s Literature 90 (1998): 28-37. Print.
Judy Gaudet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Almost taking it in by Judy Gaudet”. Sunday@6 mag. Magazine for the literary arts, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.

Bell, Roger. Henry’s Creature: An Anthology of Poems and Stories About the Automobile. Toronto: Black Moss Press, 2000. Print.

“Judy Gaudet”. The Prince Edward Island Poet Laureate., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.

“Judy Gaudet”. Windsor Review. University of Windsor, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.

MacDonald, Hugh. A Bountiful Harvest: 15 Year of the Island Literary Awards. Charlottetown: Acorn Press, 2002. Print.

MacDonald, Hugh. Landmarks: An Anthology of new Atlantic Canadian Poetry of the Land. Ed. Brent MacLaine. Charlottetown: Acorn Press, 2001. Print.

“Poetry: Judy Gaudet”. Famous Reporter. Walleah Press, 2009/2010. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.

“Semaphore: Judy Gaudet”. National Poetry Month. League of Poets, April 2013. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.

Wright, Wayne. The Poets of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown: Ragweed Press, 1980. Print.

Robert Gibbs -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bauer, Nancy. “‘Coming Up True.’ Review of Driving to Our Edge, by Robert Gibbs.” Fiddlehead 222 (2004): 109-12. ProQuest. Web. March 7, 2012. 
Colford, Ian. “Round and Round We Go: Review of Kindly Light by Robert Gibbs.” Fiddlehead 237 (2008): 104-5. Print.
Dorscht, Susan Rudy. “A Space to Play In; Or, Telling the Whole Story: The Recent Poetry of Robert Gibbs.” Canadian Literature 116 (1988): 87-93. Literature Online. Web. March 7, 2012.
Epstein, Ronald Charles “Review of ‘Kindly Light’, by Robert Gibbs.” Prairie Fire Review of Books. 8 June 2009. Prairie Fire. Web. March 7, 2012. 
Engel, Marian. “Be Grateful for Pompman and Hutchie: Review of I’ve Always Felt Sorry for Decimals by Robert Gibbs.” The Globe and Mail 7 Oct. 1978: 43. Print.
Lane, M. Travis. “The ‘Night’ Voices of Robert Gibbs.” Fiddlehead 220 (2004): 149-51.Literature Online. Web. March 7, 2013. 
Lane, M. Travis “Roads Round About Here: The Poetry of Robert Gibbs.” The Humanities Association Bulletin 23.4 (1972): 47-54. MLA International Bibliography. Web. March 7, 2013.
Mundy, Mary-Ruth. “Review of All This Night Long, by Robert Gibbs” Canadian Book Review Annual (1978): 111. Literature Online. Web. 7 Mar 2013. 
Nowlan, Alden. “Review of ‘I’ve Always Felt Sorry for Decimals’, by Robert Gibbs.” Telegraph- Journal (Saint John, NB) 2 Dec. 1978: 7. ProQuest. Web. March 7, 2013. 
Nowlan, Alden, and Robert J. Gibbs. An Exchange of Gifts: Poems New and Selected. Toronto, Canada: Irwin Pub, 1985. Print.
“Robert Gibbs.” The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature. 2nd ed. Ed. Eugene Benson and William Toye. Toronto: Oxford UP, 1997. 460. Print. 
Susan Gillis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Colford, Ian. "Swimming among the Ruins / Volta." Rev. of Swimming Among the Ruins and Volta by Susan Gillis. Dalhousie Review 82.2 (2002): 309-11. Print. 

"Congratulations to Susan Gillis and Her Book The Rapids a Finalist for the A.M. Klein Prize for Poetry!!" Congratulations to Susan Gillis. Brick Books, n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2013.
Craig, Heather. " First Review for 
The Rapids by Susan Gillis." Brick Books. Brick Books, 2 Oct 2012. Web. 13 Mar. 2013. 
Good, Graham. “Freezing and Burning in Ice: Two New Collections by Nancy Holmes and Susan Gillis.” Rev. of 
The Adultery Poems by Nancy Holmes and Volta by Susan Gillis. Books in Canada (2003): 34-5. Print. 
Latimer, Joanne. "Desperately Seeking Susans." 
Maclean's Mar 12 2012: 80. Web. 13 Mar. 2013. 
Lavorato, Mark. "A Place Dark Enough to See: Susan Gillis's The Rapids." 
Arc Poetry. N.p., 7 Feb. 2013. Web. 13 Mar. 2013.
MacDonald, Tanis. "Art of Translation." 
Canadian Literature 182 (2004): 131-2. ProQuest. Web. 13 Mar 2013.
McLennan, Rob. "
Swimming among the Ruins." Rev. of Swimming Among the Ruins by Susan Gillis. Montreal Review of Books (2001): 21. Web. 13 Mar 2013. 
Munro, Stacey. “
Volta.” Rev. of Volta by Susan Gillis. Stacey Munro. Arc (2003): 131-2. Print. 
"Montreal Writers: A Gallery of Montreal Writers - Susan Gillis."
Montreal Writers: A Gallery of Montreal Writers-Susan Gillis. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2013. 
Paige, Abby. “Mining Moments of Purposeful Dislocation.” Rev. of 
The Rapids by Susan Gillis.Montreal Review of Books 40 (Spring 2013): n.p. Montreal Review of Books. Web. 10 Jul 2013.
Pearson, Miranda. “Refer to the Poem and it Refers Back: Three New Collections by Canadian Women.” Rev. of 
The Adultery Poems by Nancy Holmes, A Secret Envy of the Unsaved by Rebecca Frederickson, and Volta by Susan Gillis. Event (2003): 114-7. Print. 
Starnino, Carmine. "The Poetry of Second Thoughts: Susan Gillis Articulates in-Betweenness in Volta." Rev. of 
Volta by Susan Gillis. Montreal Review of Books (2003): 16-7. Web. 13 Mar. 2013. 
Thurston, Meaghan. "What the Tide Brings In." Rev. of 
The Rapids by Susan Gillis. The Rover. The Rover, n.p. 12 Feb 2012. Web. 
Walker, Anne F. "The Void Looks Back." 
Canadian Literature 175 (2002): 131-2. Print. 
Lorri Neilsen Glenn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cunningham, John Herbert. “Lost Gospels by Lorri Neilsen Glenn.” Rev. of Lost Gospels by Lorri Neilsen Glenn. Prairie Fire 10.3 (2010): n.p. Print. 
Sue Goyette -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Glenn, Lorri Neilsen. “Rev. of Undone, by Sue Goyette.” Antigonish Review 141/142 (Spring 2005): 179- 185. Literature Online. Web, print. 6 Jul 2011.
Jackson, Lorna. “Rev. Of Lures by Sue Goyette.” Quill & Quire (January 2002). Web, print.
Kruck, Laurie. “Rev. of Lures, by Sue Goyette. “ Canadian Literature 181 (Summer 2004): 138- 40. EBSCO. Web, print. 6 Jul 2011.
Lane, M. Travis. "Haligonian Charm: review of Outskirts by Sue Goyette and Open Air Bindery by David

Hickey." The Fiddlehead. 251. Spring 2012. 103-6. Print.

Sylvia Hamilton ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beckford, Sharon. "‘We're Here, Standing at the Shoreline’: Sylvia Hamilton's Intervention in the Nova Scotian Discourse on Belonging and Multicultural Citizenship." Canadian Woman Studies. 27 (2009): 114-20. Print.

Howard, Brianne, and Sarah E. K. Smith. "‘The Little Black School House’: Revealing the Histories of Canada's Segregated Schools— a Conversation with Sylvia Hamilton." Canadian Review of American Studies. 41.1 (2011): 63-73. Print.

Melnyk, George, and Brenda Austin-Smith. The Gendered Screen: Canadian Women Filmmakers. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2010. Print.

Notar, Clea. "Events - Black Mother, Black Daughter Directed by Sylvia Hamilton." Cinema

Canada. (1989): 8. Print.
Warren Heiti ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Addonizio, Kim, and Jeb Livingood. Best New Poets 2009. Charlottesville: Samovar, 2009. Print.

Crozier, Lorna, and Molly Peacock, eds. The Best Canadian Poetry in English 2010. Toronto: Tightrope Books Inc., 2010. Print.

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Rita Joe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alba, Virgine. “Re-writing Cultures and Communities: Canadian Aboriginal Women and the

Example of Slash.” Canadian Issues 21 (1999): 190-212. Print.

Andrews Miller, Heather. “Rita Joe—Footprints.” AMMSA. n.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2013.

Armstrong, Jeannette C. and Lalage Grauer. “Rita Joe.” Native poetry in Canada: a

contemporary anthology. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2001. 13-23. Print.

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1997. Print.

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Lawrencetown: Pottersfield Press, 2011. Print.

Doran, Gregory Killen and George Ryga. “From the twilight to the ecstasy: the death and life of

Rita Joe.” Diss. University of New Brunswick, 1998. Print.

Fiske, J. A. “Song of Rita Joe: Autobiography of a Mi’kmaq Poet. By Rita Joe, with the

assistance of Lynn Henry.” American Indian and Cultural Research Journal. 21.2 (1997): 321-3. Print.

Grant, Agnes. “Rita Joe.” Finding my talk: how fourteen Native women reclaimed their lives

after residential school. Calgary: Fifth House, 2004. 36-50. Print.

Harjo, Joy, and Gloria Bird. “Rita Joe.” Reinventing the enemy's language: contemporary native

women's writing of North America. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1997. 220-1. Print.

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Contemporary Authors.” Books in Canada 23.5 (1994): 12. Print.

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Authors. Ed. Hartmut Lutz. Saskatoon: Fifth House, 1991. 241-64. Print.

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El Jones -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Barnard, Elissa. “El Jones chosen as Halifax's new poet laureate.” The Chronicle Herald 27 June 2013. Web.

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Tonja Gunvaldsen Klaassen -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Anonymous. “Clay birds”. Books in Canada. 11 (1996): 6-8. ProQuest. Web. 9 Sept. 2014.

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M.Travis Lane -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1995/96 Anthology of Magazine Verse & Yearbook of American Poetry. Beverly Hills: Monitor Book Co., 1996. Print.
Bartlett, Brian. “Back to the Basket of Small Things: Size in the Poems of M. Travis Lane.” The Antigonish Review 147 (Autumn 2006): 121-36. Print.
Compton, Anne, et al., eds. Coastlines: The Poetry of Atlantic Canada. Fredericton: Goose Lane, 2002.
Crocker, Elaine, ed. Choice Atlantic: Writers of Newfoundland and the Maritimes. St. John’s: Breakwater, 1990. Print.
Elder, Jo-Anne and Colin O’Connell, eds. Voices and Echoes. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 1997. Print.
Lynes, Jeanette, ed. The Crisp Day Closing on My Hand: The Poetry of M. Travis Lane. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2007. Print.                                                                          
---. “Introduction.” The Crisp Day Closing on My Hand: The Poetry of M. Travis Lane. Ed. Jeanette Lynes. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2007. ix-xvi. Print.
---. “M. Travis Lane and the Art of Layers.” Words Out There: Women Poets in Atlantic Canada. Ed. Jeanette Lynes. Lockeport, NS: Roseway 1999. 96-101. Print.
Meyer, Bruce. “The Fine Art of Adapting: The Poetry of M. Travis Lane.” Fiddlehead 236 (2008): 159- 62. Literature Online. Web, print. 26 Jul 2011. Print.
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New, W.H., ed. “M. Travis Lane.” The Dictionary of Literary Biography: Canadian Writers Since 1960.

Carole Glasser Langille ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Compton, Anne, et al., eds. Coastlines: The Poetry of Atlantic Canada. Fredericton: Gooselane, 2002. Print.
Lynes, Jeanette, ed. Words Out There: Women Poets in Atlantic Canada. Halifax: Roseway, 1999. Print.
Langille, Carole. Interview by Anne Compton. “Several Windows of Seperation: Carole Langille’s Poetry and Background.” Meetings with Maritime Poets: interviews. Markham: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2006. 67-79. Print.
Staines, David. "In Cannon Cave." Rev. of In Cannon Cave, by Carole Glasser Langille. Journal of Canadian Poetry The Poetry Review for the Year of 1997 14 (1999). Print.
---. "Late in a Slow Time." Rev. of Late in a Slow Time, by Carole Glasser Langille. Journal of Canadian Poetry: The Poetry Review for the Year of 2003 20 (2006). Print.

Jeanette Lynes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
L'Abbé, Sonnet. “Zoom In, Zoom Out.” Rev. of Clouds Without Heaven by Mary Cameron, all you expect of the road by Sue Nevill, A Woman Alone on the Atikokan Highway by Jeanette Lynes, and Facts by Bruce Taylor. Canadian Literature 176 (Spring 2003): 127-8. Print. 
Luhring, Holly. “Jeanette Lynes.” Christian Riegel, ed. 
Twenty-First Century Canadian Writers. Detroit: Gale Cengage, 2007. 142-7. Print. Dictionary of Literary Biography. 
Riess, Kelly-Anne. “The Problem with Beauty.” Rev. of 
The Aging Cheerleader's Alphabet by Jeanette Lynes. Canadian Literature 202 (2009): 119-20. Print.
Robertson, Michael. “From Blood to Ideas.” Rev. of 
By Word of Mouth: The Poetry of Dennis Cooley by Dennis Cooley, ed. Nicole Markotic, The Crisp Day Closing on My Hand: The Poetry of M. Travis Lane by M. Travis Lane, ed. Jeanette Lynes, and All These Roads: The Poetry of Louis Dudek by Louis Dudek, ed. Karis Shearer. Canadian Literature 201 (Summer 2009): 150- 4. LiteratureOnline. Web, print. 11 Jul 2013. 
Carmelita McGrath ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Delisk, Jennifer. “Diverse Voices.” A Rev. of Weather's Edge: A Compendium. Canadian  Literature (192): Spring 2007, 162-4. Literature Online. Web, print. 11 Aug 2011.
Porter, Marilyn. "A Conversation with Four Newfoundland Women Writers." Atlantis: a Women's Studies Journal (22.2): 1998, 39-46. Literature Online. Web, print. 11 Aug 2011.
McGrath, Carmelita. Interview by Jeanette Lynes. “Carmelita McGrath's New World.” Words Out There: Women Poets in Atlantic Canada. Lockeport, NS: Roseway, 1999. 139-43. Print.

Don McKay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Babstock, Ken. "The Appropriate Gesture, Or Regular Dumb-Ass Guy Looks At Bird: An Interview With Don Mckay." Don McKay: Essays on His Works. 167-187. Toronto: Guernica, 2006. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.

Bartlett, Brian. "A Dog's Nose Of Receptiveness: A Calvinoesque Reading Of Don Mckay." Don McKay: Essays on His Works. 145-66. Toronto: Guernica, 2006. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.

---. “Don Mckay: Essays On His Works.” Toronto: Guernica, 2006. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.

Bushell, Kevin. "Don Mckay And Metaphor: Stretching Language Toward Wilderness." Don McKay: Essays on His Works. 59-80. Toronto: Guernica, 2006. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.

Cook, Méira, and Don McKay. "Field Marks: The Poetry Of Don Mckay." (2006). MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.

Dickinson, Adam. Don McKay: Essays on His Works (review). Project Muse 79.1 (2010): n. pag. Web. 13 Nov, 2013.

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“Don McKay”. The Canadian Encyclopaedia. 2012. Web. 13 Nov, 2013.

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Draper, Gary. "Don Mckay." Twenty-First-Century Canadian Writers. 179-186. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2007. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.

Dunkerley, Hugh. "Translating Wilderness: Negative Ecopoetics And The Poetry Of Don Mckay." Poetry and Voice: A Book of Essays. 210-9. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2012. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.

Elmslie, Susan. "Got To Meander If You Want To Get To Town: Excursion And Excursionist Figures In Don Mckay." Don McKay: Essays on His Works. 81-103. Toronto: Guernica, 2006. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.

Ferguson, Jesse Patrick. "Rocking Cosmopolitanism: Don Mckay, Strike/Slip, And The Implications Of Geology." English Studies In Canada 35.2-3 (2009): 165-87. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.

Leckie, Ross. "Don Mckay's 'Twinflower': Poetry's Far Cry And Close Call." Don McKay: Essays on His Works. 126-44. Toronto: Guernica, 2006. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.

Mason, Travis Vincent. Ornithologies Of Desire: Ecocritical Essays, Avian Poetics, And Don Mckay. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2013. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.

---. "Ornithology Of Desire: Birding In The Ecotone And The Poetry Of Don Mckay." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities And Social Sciences 68.10 (2008): 4304. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.

Wood, Brent. "The Rhythmic Dynamics Of Don Mckay And Christian Bök." Canadian Poetry: Studies, Documents, Reviews 69 (2011): 9-39. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 11 May 2015.

Steve McOrmond ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Crozier, Lorna, and Patrick Lane, eds. Breathing Fire 2: Canada’s New Poets. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour

Publishing, 2004. Print.

MacDonald, Hugh, and Brent MacLaine, eds. Landmarks: An Anthology of New Atlantic Canadian Poetry
of the Land. Charlottetown: Acorn Press, 2001. Print.
---. “’Hi, this is Glenn and I feel like talking.’” and “The Superintendent.” Antigonish Review 137: 2004,
95-6. Print.
---. “Karen’s Cat.” Antigonish Review 146: 2006, 82. Print.
---. Lean Days. Hamilton, Ontario: Wolsak and Wynn, 2004. Print.
---. Primer on the Hereafter. Hamilton, Ontario: Wolsak and Wynn, 2006. Print.
Rotstein, Jason. Rev. of Primer on the Hereafter, by Steve McOrmond. Vallum
Contemporary Poetry. (2006). Print, web.
Wells, Zachariah. Rev. of The Good News about Armageddon, by Steve McOrmond.
Quill and Quire. (June 2010). Print, web.
Wolff, Elana. Implicate Me. Toronto: U of T Press, 2011. Print.

Robert Moore -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Harold Pinter: Biography.” Contemporary Writers. British Council. 20 Nov 2009. Print.

“Leonard Cohen: Biography.” Leonard Cohen. 2009. Sony Music Entertainment Canada Inc. 20 Nov. 2009. Print.

Compton, Anne, et. al., eds. Coastlines: The Poetry of Atlantic Canada. Fredericton, NB: Goose Lane Editions, 2002. Print.

Craig, Heather. “Images to Amuse and Move.” Telegraph Journal [Saint John] 4 Apr 2009: G6. Print. 
Nowlan, Michael O. “Moore Excels with Imagination.” Rev. of Figuring Ground by Robert Moore. The Daily Gleaner [Fredericton] 1 Aug. 2009. D4. Print. 

Davies, Paul. "Samuel Beckett". The Literary Encyclopaedia. 8 Jan 2001. 20 Nov 2009. Print.

Neil Murray --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Best, Anita. “Neil Murray, 1943-1988.” The Broadside. July 2003. Print.
Paddock, Harold J. “Neil Murray: Two Poems and a Tribute.” 
Newfoundland Lifestyle. 6.6 (1988):11. Print.

Libby Oughton ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fiamengo, Marya. “getting the housework done for the dance.” Rev. of getting the housework done for the dance, by Libby Oughton. Journal of Canadian Poetry: The Poetry Review for the Year of 1988 5(1990). Print.
Morrissey, Stephen. "Getting the Housework done for the Dance // Review." Rev. of getting the housework done for the dance, by Libby Oughton. Poetry Canada (1989): 90- 94.CBCAComplete. Web. 8 March 2012.
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Susan Paddon -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dennis, Michael. “Review: Two Tragedies in 429 Breaths by Susan Paddon.” Today’s Book of Poetry, 2015. Web.

Lahey, Anita. “On Writing: The Making of a Graphic Novel.” “Whose Reading What for Issue 133?.” The New Quarterly: Canadian Writers and Writing, 2015. Web.

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