Secondary Subject: Fine Arts-Music Prepared By: Elizabeth Cobbins

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Lesson Plan

Week of November 12, 2012

Grade Level:



Fine Arts-Music

Prepared By:

Elizabeth Cobbins

CHAPTER 17: Creating with Technology
Technology is the place where art meets science. Today, music technology is advancing rapidly, expanding the possibilities of musical expression beyond anything ever dreamed of just a decade or two ago. Music technology has opened a new world of sound. It has already made a major impact on the way it has already made a major impact on the way we her and on the way we express and interpret our world. It has given musical creativity a new reach, allowing ordinary people to make music in new ways. It allow us to do with ease what was previously impossible.

Education Standards AddressedM-AP-H1

Benchmark 4 Explore and express basic elements of

music through voice, musical

instruments, electronic technology, or

available media (3)

Recognize and demonstrate elements of

music, using voice, musical instruments,

electronic technology, or other available

media (3, 4)

Distinguish unique characteristics of

music as it reflects concepts of beauty

and qualify of life in various cultures (1, 4, 5)

M-AP-H3 Analyze and express the impact of

music on intellect and emotions (1, 4, 5)


Compare and contrast traditional and

technological options available for

artistic expression in music (1, 4)


Question/weigh evidence and

information, examine intuitive

reactions, and articulate personal

attitudes toward musical works (1, 2, 5)


Evaluate and discuss appropriateness of

behavior for different types of musical

environments (2, 4, 5)

Teacher Guide

Student Guide


(Specify skills/information that will be learned.)

By completing Chapter 17, the students will:
Students will learn how to compose a song.

Students will learn how to use computers when creating music.

Students will be introduced to terms that are related to music.

Students will learn about the many ways to create different sounds by using computers.

How to manipulate sound to create music will be illustrated.

Students will become familiar with terms that relate to music and to computers.

Observe and describing the interactions of light and matter (reflection, refraction, absorption, transmission, scattering)

Identify other types of energy produced through the use of electricity (e.g., heat, light, mechanical).

Describe the reflection/absorption properties of various colored objects.

Explain the relationship between frequency (rate of vibration) and pitch.

Materials Needed

  • Paper

  • Pencil

  • Music Its Role and Importance in Our Lives (Glencoe; Copyright 2000)


(Give and/or demonstrate necessary information)


I. Introduction to Chapter 17

   A. Chapter Overview

   B. Written Assignment:  Vocabulary Terms

        1. drum machine A machine with the sounds of a whole range of percussion 

           instruments stored in its memory.

        2. hyperinstruments Instruments that, with the help of computers, respond to live 


        3. MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface

        4. musique concrete A system of electronic composition in which natural sounds 

            are taped, edited, and shaped into a composition recorded on magnetic tape. 

        5. sampling A recording process that begins with real sounds.

        6.sequencer An electronic system that stores data about music.  

        7. synthesizer A machine that produces sound electronically.

        8. telharmonium An early machine that used electrical current to produce sound.

 II. Computers in Music: Composing Made Easy

    Adding music to technology creates a powerful combination that opens the door to endless creative possibilities for young people. Ray Dretske introduces students to the art of composing. Open a creative young mind today!

  1. Written Assignment

  2. Study Guide


   I. the History of Music Technology (notes)

As early as 1900 in the United States, Thaddeus Cahill invented the telharmonium (also known as the Dynamophone), a machine that used electrical current to produce sound

In 1923 the Russian Leon Theremin introduced the aetherophone (better known as a theremin), an electric instrument that a number of composers incorporated into their music. It had a haunting, vocal-like sound, similar to a musical saw.  

The most sophisticated of the early electric instruments was the Hammond organ, which appeared in 1934. 

Leo Fender began mass producing electric guitars in the 1940's, making them affordable to musicians. Country and jazz artists were the first to popularize electric guitars. 

In 1948, the first electronic music studio was established in Paris by a group of experimenters. They called their work musique concrete, a system of electronic composition in which natural sounds are taped, edited, and shaped   into a composition recorded on magnetic tape.

II. Written Assignment

     A. Music Technology Timeline

B. Written Assignment

C. Directions: Use the information in the paragraph above to create a timeline to depict the developments in music technology from the year 1900.

  III. Supplemental Activity

A. Music Composition/Song Writing (Third Period Only)

        1. projects

       2. group-collaboration

B.The History of Music Technoloty (Seventh Period Only)

1. Video: Electronic Music

2. Written Assignment (review)


I. Introduction to Music and Computers

Musical technology can open up a wealth of creativity in young people. Ray Dretske shares topics from his acclaimed All-School Assembly Program. Live footage of his performance for school children is included.

A.Written Assignment

B.Study Guide

II. Supplemental Activity

A. Music Composition/Song Writing (Third Period Only)

        1. projects

       2. group-collaboration


I. Chapter 17 Discussion Questions

A. What is a theremin?

B. What electronic device was used by the composers of musique concrete? 

C. When did rock musicians begin to use electric guitars?

D. What is a DX-7?

E .How are computers used as additional performers in live concerts?

II. Video: The Magic School bus In the Haunted House

The class is thrilled about its upcoming concert at the Sound Museum — until they discover the spooky mansion is more of a thrill than they bargained for. With Carol Channing as Cornelia C. Contralto.


  1. Enrichment

  2. Video

  3. Les Miserable (Staged Concert)


(Steps to check for student understanding)

  1. Timeline (written)

  2. Written Assessments

  1. Introduction to Music and Computers (Study Guide\
  2. Composing With Computers Made Easy of his performance for school children is included. (Study Guide)

Other Resources

Collaborative Activity

(Describe the independent activity to reinforce this lesson)

The students will write compositions/songs using technology tools and their own creativity.

(Read More)


Technology is not meant to relieve us from doing the work of imagining, thinking, creating, and learning. It can facilitate these tasks, and it can provide us with tools that shape and amplify. It is an external resource. It permits us to reach for new worlds. Of understanding and ability. It provides new says for us to see and hear who and what we are.
Electronic tools are extensions of ourselves. They are not replacements. Wee are using technology to make new expressions possible, but people are still in control and central to the process. Musical performance remains a living art involving live performers. Just as electronic tools provide music with new possibilities, they also pose new problems.

Some performers who use conventional instruments believe they are being put out of work by synthesizers. Will the keyboard synthesizer simulate? Or will the synthesizer/computer assume its own independent music-making role, much as it has for composer Tod Machover? Technology opens the door to a vast and previously inaccessible world of musical expression. That is justification enough for whatever adjustments must be made to accommodate it.

Additional Notes

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