Musc 0890 – Recital Attendance (crn 20207) Course Syllabus – Spring 2017

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MUSC 0890 – Recital Attendance (CRN 20207)
Course Syllabus – Spring 2017

| Course description | Outcomes | Term | Instructor information | Class meetings | Text | |Evaluation | Mid-term progress report | Course schedule | Course policies | Important dates |

Individuals with disabilities who need to request accommodations should contact 

the Disability Services Coordinator, Edgewater Hall 255, (678) 466-5445,

Course Description:

Number and Title:

MUSC 0890 (CRN 20207)

Recital Attendance

Credit Hours:

0.0 semester credit hours

Catalog Description:

Monitors student attendance at recitals

Course Prerequisites and Co-requisites:

Prerequisite: Admission to B.A. in Performing Arts (Music), B.A. in Performing Arts (Music Education) or Music minor


Attendance and attention at Division of Music recitals and presentations (Wednesdays, 11:00-11:50 a.m.) and evening or weekend recitals and concerts by guest artists and CSU faculty, students, and student ensembles. Various programs presented by CSU faculty and guests. Student-written responses.

Computer Requirement:

Each CSU student is required to have ready access throughout the semester to a notebook computer that meets faculty-approved hardware and software requirements for the student's academic program. Students will sign a statement attesting to such access.  For further information on CSU's Official Notebook Computer Policy, please go to

The policy above is for the entire university and is required to appear in all Clayton State syllabi. Nevertheless, unless specifically requested, computers (as well as phones and all other electronic devices) should NOT be brought to or used at events attended for this course.

Computer Skill Prerequisites:

  • Able to use the WindowsTM operating system

  • Able to use Microsoft WordTM word processing

  • Able to send and receive e-mail using OutlookTM or Outlook Express.TM Use only your CSU e-mail account to communicate academic information with your instructor.

  • Able to attach and retrieve attached files via email

  • Able to use a Web browser.

In-class Use of Student Notebook Computers:

Student notebook computers will not be used in the classroom or any performance space in this course; all electronic devices should be turned off during any music performance. Computers will be required to access course materials and to communicate with your instructor.

Major Student Activities:

Attendance at recitals, concerts, and other presentations

Properly and promptly documenting attendance for credit, including writing reactions

Program Learning Outcomes:

Music outcomes:

MUSC 0890 is a required course in all CSU music curricula. Successful completion of the sequence of this course required for each curriculum will assist students to be able to:

  • Demonstrate competence in artistic performance and interpretation (B.A. in Performing Arts Outcome 1)

  • Demonstrate proficiency in solo and collaborative performance skills, including competency in sight reading and realizing a variety of musical styles (Music Program Outcome 2)

  • Utilize critical thinking and listening skills, communicate effectively (both orally and in writing) about the performing arts (B.A. in Performing Arts Outcome 3)

  • Think, speak, and write clearly and effectively about music (Music Program Outcome 3)

Course Learning Outcomes:

      • Course Outcome 1: Become familiar with expectations for audiences at musical performances.

      • Course Outcome 2: Become familiar with a variety of repertoire for a variety of musical performing media.

      • Course Outcome 3: Learn performance skills in a public recital setting by observation.

      • Course Outcome 4: Gain experience in writing about music and music performance.


Spring Semester 2017

Instructor Information:

Instructor of Record:

Dr. Kurt-Alexander Zeller

phone: (678) 466-4759
fax: (678) 466-4769

Instructor of Record’s Office:

Music Education Building, Room 207

Office hours:

Monday and Wednesday, 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.

Wednesday, 10:00-11:00 a.m. and Tuesday, 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Other times by advance appointment

Class Meetings:

Classroom and Class times:

See the Music Handbook and this syllabus for Music Convo times. Meeting times and locations for many other events which can be used for this course are TBD by the department and the student, as students may select among many options at Clayton State University and the Spivey Hall Subscription Series and Young People’s Concerts for recital attendance. Students also may elect to attend any subscription-season performance by the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Atlanta Opera, Peach State Opera, Atlanta Baroque Orchestra, or New Trinity Baroque to receive credit toward their performance-attendance requirements; performances by these organizations will require off-campus travel and extra expense. Students also may arrange to receive credit for other performances by professional soloists and ensembles by prior arrangement with the instructor of record. Credit for other concerts cannot be arranged after the student has already attended the concert; permission must be obtained before the concert takes place. Credit will not be granted for non-professional performances that take place off the CSU campus.

Class times:

11:00-11:50 a.m., Wednesdays

Textbook Information:

Text: Herbert, Trevor. Music in Words: A Guide to Research and Writing about Music. Oxford University Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-19-537373-8.

Coverage: Students will find Chapters 1, 6, 7 & 10 most germane to this course.

Evaluation and Grading:

This zero-credit course is graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory and does show on the student’s permanent transcript. To receive a Satisfactory grade, the student must attend, in their entirety, a minimum of 14 events drawn from A) the Division of Music Convo events scheduled during the Wednesday 11:00 a.m. recital hour, and/or concerts on the Spivey Hall series or other professional performances that have been approved in advance. Performances by certain professional Atlanta-area organizations (the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, the Atlanta Opera, the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra, and New Trinity Baroque, the professional music series at the Schwartz and Rialto Centers) also are always acceptable. Division of Music faculty, guest artist, and ensemble concerts may be used. Student degree recitals may not be used.

Students may NOT count Clayton State concerts in which they perform towards their totals. This is a change in policy from earlier years, but the music faculty has determined that a primary goal for the course is for students to give their full attention to listening attentively, actively, and critically as audience members to performances by professional musicians. This simply cannot occur at any level if the students themselves are the performers.

To receive credit for Division of Music Convo events, students must do two things: A) sign in on the sign-in sheet provided by the Division at the top of the event (and removed once it has begun, so be on time!) and B) respond in writing to the prompt provided by the presenter during the course of the Convo and submit your signed written reaction to Ms. Jones before the next Convo occurs. (If you are performing on that Convo event, you cannot receive attendance credit.) All students must turn in a written reaction in order to receive Convo attendance credit.

Students must ensure that they receive credit for attendance at events other than Convo events by signing and turning in programs to the VPA Department Administrative Assistant within a week of the event or before the first day of exam week, whichever is sooner. Events that occur after exams have started will not be counted. If the student has documented attendance at 14 or more events from among the Division of Music Convos and/or allowable professional events, a course grade of Satisfactory will be awarded. If the student has documented attendance (including written reactions to Convos) at fewer than 14 events drawn from the Division of Music Convos and/or the allowable professional events, a course grade of Unsatisfactory will be awarded.

All Clayton State Music students must complete a specified number of semesters of MUSC 0890 with a grade of Satisfactory. Transfer students need one semester of Recital Attendance for each 20 hours (or fraction thereof—so any transfer student must register for at least one semester of Recital Attendance) of remaining coursework.

Mid-term Progress Report:

The mid-term grade in this course, which will be issued on 27 February, reflects approximately 35% of the entire course grade.  Students who have properly documented at least 5 events by 27 February will receive a mid-term grade of S. Based on this grade, students may choose to withdraw from the course and receive a grade of "W."  Students pursuing this option must fill out an official withdrawal form, available in the Office of the Registrar, or withdraw on-line using the Swan by mid-term, which occurs on 3 March 2017. Instructions for withdrawing are provided at this link.

The last day to withdraw without academic accountability is Friday 3 March 2017.

Health and Safety for Musicians
Health and safety concerns for musicians apply to all music faculty and staff, to all music majors and minors, and to any student enrolled in music classes, particularly applied music and ensembles. Hearing concerns, vocal health, and tissue injury are an everyday part of the music profession. Musicians must take an active role in making informed decisions to help maintain their own health and safety.
The Division of Music at Clayton State University provides for the benefit of our students, faculty, and staff information regarding best practices in health and safety for musicians. Information and a list of resources are linked from the Division of Music webpage (, and additional information will be presented periodically each academic year as part of the MUSC 0890 (Recital Attendance) course. If you have specific questions of concerns regarding injuries or other music-related health issues, ask your applied instructor or ensemble director for assistance and additional resources.

Course Schedule:

W 11 Jan 11:00 a.m.: Division of Music meeting (Dr. Zeller), MEB 157

W 18 Jan 11:00 a.m.: The International Phonetic Alphabet (Dr. Zeller), MEB 157

W 25 Jan 11:00 a.m.: Performance Anxiety (Nan Kemberling, guest), MEB 157

W 01 Feb 11:00 a.m.: Performance/Audition Attire (Howell/Conley), MEB 157
W 08 Feb 11:00 a.m.: Stage Management (Prof. Vanmeter), venue TBA

W 15 Feb 11:00 a.m.: Listening to Music Historically (Dr. Zeller), MEB 157

W 22 Feb 11:00 a.m.: Proper Production Ps and Qs (Prof. Kelly), MEB 157

W 01 Mar 11:00 a.m.: Auditions in the Performing Arts (Panel), MEB 157

W 15 Mar 11:00 a.m.: Division of Music Student Recital, MEB 157

W 22 Mar 11:00 a.m.: Breathing for a Living (Dr. Zeller), MEB 157

W 29 Mar 11:00 a.m.: Division of Music Student Recital, MEB 157

W 05 Apr 11:00 a.m.: Legacy of U.S. Musical/Fosse (Gary Flannery, guest), MEB 157

W 12 Apr 11:00 a.m.: Division of Music Student Recital, MEB 157

W 19 Apr 11:00 a.m.: NO MUSIC CONVO TODAY!!!

W 26 Apr 11:00 a.m.: Curated Division of Music Student Recital, Spivey Hall

M 01 May 5:00 p.m.: Last chance to turn in programs for credit!

Course Policies:

General Policy

Students must abide by the policies in the Clayton State University Student Resource Handbook, and in the Basic Undergraduate Student Responsibilities and in the Music Major Handbook.

University Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend and participate in every class meeting. Instructors establish specific policies relating to absences in their courses and communicate these policies to the students through the course syllabi. Individual instructors, based upon the nature of the course, determine what effect excused and unexcused absences have in determining grades and upon students’ ability to remain enrolled in their courses. The university reserves the right to determine that excessive absences, whether justified or not, are sufficient cause for institutional withdrawals or failing grades.

Course Attendance Policy
Students attend at least 14 events from the Wednesday morning Division of Music events, plus an approved list of recitals and concerts at various other times, and document their attendance by turning in documentation (including written reactions) to the VPA Department’s Administrative Assistant in order to receive a “Satisfactory” grade before the last day of classes for the semester.

Missed Work
Since students self-select events to attend, they have many opportunities or methods available to them to meet the requirement. Missed concerts and events cannot be made up.

Academic Dishonesty

Any type of activity that is considered dishonest by reasonable standards may constitute academic misconduct. The most common forms of academic misconduct are cheating and plagiarism. All instances of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero for the work involved. All instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Office of Community Standards. Judicial procedures are described beginning on page 19 of the Academic Catalog and Student Handbook, in the section titled, Procedures for Adjudicating Alleged Academic Conduct Infractions. It is academic dishonesty to claim to have attended a program you did not attend, and it is academic dishonesty to assist a fellow student to claim to have attended a program s/he did not attend.

Disruption of the Learning Environment

Behavior which disrupts the teaching-learning process during class activities will not be tolerated. While a variety of behaviors can be disruptive in a classroom setting, more serious examples include belligerent, abusive, profane, and/or threatening behavior. A student who fails to respond to reasonable faculty direction regarding classroom behavior and/or behavior while participating in classroom activities may be dismissed from class. A student who is dismissed is entitled to due process and will be afforded such rights as soon as possible following dismissal. If found in violation, a student may be administratively withdrawn and may receive a grade of WF.

More detailed descriptions of examples of disruptive behavior are provided in the Clayton State University Academic Catalog and Student Handbook, starting on page 14.
Failure to turn off any and all electronic media during concerts certainly constitutes “disruptive behavior.” Texting, cell phone use or computer use during concerts are both disruptive and serious violations of social expectations for concert etiquette. If a CSU Division of Music faculty member observes such behavior, affected students will not receive credit for that event.
Students are requested to be mindful and respectful of the respiratory allergies and sensitivities of their colleagues and of audience members in their use of scented products; excessive scents, even those considered pleasant by many people, can severely disrupt the learning or concert environment for individuals with respiratory sensitivities.

Writing Assistance
The Writers’ Studio 224 is located in the A&S building, room 224.  There you can talk with trained writing consultants about your writing projects.  They are available to work with you at any stage of your paper, from generating ideas to organizing your paper to understanding how to format it correctly.  The service is free; you may drop in and wait for a consultant or sign up for a regular appointment.  But remember: you, not your consultant, are ultimately responsible for the quality and content of the papers you submit.
Aside from meeting with consultants one-with-one, you can also participate in consultant-led writing workshops. In these workshops, consultants will guide you in discussions and activities important to academic writing topics. Consultants and student-writers will collaborate on ways to apply writing concepts and strategies to specific writing situations. You will be identify, analyze, integrate, and synthesize writing principles through a series of writing exercises.

Remember that we are here to collaborate with you as you develop your own experiences as a student-writer. Visit our website:

Other Policies
Division of Music Curated Student Recital

Once each semester, the Division of Music presents in Spivey Hall a Curated Student Recital of student performances selected by the Music faculty from the most outstanding performances on Music Convo student recitals that semester. To be eligible to be considered to perform on the Curated Student Recital, students must have received a rating of 90 or higher as a mean average of all faculty evaluators using a standard form of 100 points. Should the number of eligible performances exceed the 50 minutes available for the Curated Student Recital, the highest-scoring student performances among those eligible will be selected for the Curated Student Recital, up to a total of 50 minutes of performance time.

Students whose performances on a Music Convo recital achieve a rating of 90 or better from the mean average of all faculty evaluations will be notified within a few days of their performance that they are eligible for consideration for the Curated Student Recital and should be prepared in the event that they are selected. Those students who definitely will perform on the Curated Student Recital will be notified within two days of the final Music Convo student recital that they have been selected for the Curated Student Recital.
Teacher Education Policy: The content of this course syllabus correlates to education standards established by national and state education governing agencies, accrediting agencies and learned society/ professional education associations.  Please refer to the course correlation matrices located at the following web site

Operation Study
At Clayton State University, we expect and support high motivation and academic achievement. Look for Operation Study activities and programs this semester that are designed to enhance your academic success such as study sessions, study breaks, workshops, and opportunities to earn Study Bucks (for use in the University Bookstore) and other items

Hardship Withdrawal Policy (University):

Students who experience an unexpected event or circumstance beyond their control that directly interferes with their ability to continue to make satisfactory progress in classes, such as serious illnesses or unexpected major life events, may petition the Dean of their major for a hardship withdrawal from all classes. In order to be considered for a hardship withdrawal, the student must have been passing all courses at the time that the emergency or other hardship arose and notify his or her instructors of other University officials about the hardship situation as soon as possible after it arose (per University and Board of Regents policy, “passing” is defined as a grade of D or above). Hardship requests that are not filed in a timely manner are subject to denial even if the student was passing and the hardship was legitimate. Students who attend any classes through the end of a term and complete all course requirements (i.e., final project or exam) are not eligible for hardship withdrawal. If a student has taken a final exam in any course, that student may not request a hardship withdrawal that semester. For more information, go to

Important dates:

Last day to withdraw without academic penalty: Friday, 3 March 2017.

Last update: 8 January 2017

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