Customer Value Conversation is a module of the Secure Identities and Access Workshop, delivered during the Workshop Day phase of the engagement, in which you will provide a presentation of the Microsoft Entra platform capabilities, providing customers with a better understanding of the end-to-end value of the Microsoft Entra platform.
Demos is a standalone module of the Secure Identities and Access Workshop, delivered during the Workshop Day phase of the engagement, in which you can demonstrate how Microsoft Entra solutions work, going through key scenarios that will help you land product value and key differentiators.
Engagement phases
On a high level, the activities for the Secure Identities and Access Workshop engagement can be grouped into the following phases that are delivered over a four-week period:
The illustration below provides a high-level overview of all activities that are part of the Secure Identities and Access Workshop engagement.
The Pre-engagement phase includes the Pre-engagement Call, which is typically an online meeting organized as the first step of the engagement. During this online meeting, the delivery resource will introduce the customer to the Secure Identities and Access Workshop engagement, discuss the upcoming activities, align expectations, and establish timelines. After the Pre-engagement Call, the customer will be provided with the Secure Identities and Access Workshop questionnaire and asked to respond to the questions in the week following the call.
The Pre-engagement phase includes the following activities:
Pre-engagement Call – Use this activity to introduce the customer to the Secure Identities and Access Workshop engagement, discuss the upcoming activities, align expectations, and establish timelines.
Prepare and send Secure Identities and Access Workshop Questionnaire – Use this activity to prepare and send the Secure Identities and Access Workshop Questionnaire which will help you gain an understanding of the customer’s environment as preparation for the engagement activities.
The Pre-engagement phase is delivered in week 1 of the Secure Identities and Access Workshop engagement.
More details about the Pre-engagement phase can be found in section 9 Pre-Engagement of this document.