1. Improve the living conditions and the protection of target populations including the most vulnerable people, IDPs, host families and host communities by ensuring access to basic services.
Specific Objective
1.1. Ensure access to adequate shelter for IDP families living in camps/sites under the responsibility of CCCM.
1.1.1. In 2012, 100% of IDPs (men, women and children) living in camps have a shelter that meets international norms and standards.
Activities Distribute or install shelters at the sites in response to identified needs. Assess the condition of shelters in sites and identify beneficiaries by prioritizing single-parent households and people with special needs (unaccompanied children, disabled, elderly, people affected by chronic diseases). Sensitize IDPs on the maintenance and repair of their shelters.
2. Identify and support sustainable solutions for the voluntary return and socio-economic integration of at least 75% of returnees to safe areas of return.
Specific Objective
2.1. Support the reconstruction of houses for the most vulnerable families of returnees and repatriates in the devastated region of western Côte d'Ivoire and in the sub-prefecture of Sago (Bas Sassandra).
2.1.1. 6,000 vulnerable households that have returned to their areas of origin, or are about to do so, have their house reconstructed in 2012 (priority to women heads of households, the elderly and sick people).
Activities Ensure synergy and coordination among the various stakeholders (NGOs, Government, Red Cross, UN agencies, IOM). Conduct community mobilization (village communities, mutual support groups) to get the communities and authorities involved in the activities. Provision of tools and building materials to the most vulnerable repatriates and returnees.
Specific Objective
2.2. Meet the NFI needs of 41,400 poor households, IDPs, displaced people having returned to their home, and host families.
2.2.1. 41,400 households of IDPs, returnees and host families in need have each received an NFI kit.
Activities Assessment/updating of NFI beneficiaries and requirements, NFI purchase and storage. Organization/distribution of NFI kits by involving the beneficiaries while taking into account women’s specific needs (including heads of households).
4.5.2 CCCM Cluster
Cluster leading agencies
International Organization for Migration (IOM) and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Maintain essential services in camps for cases where solutions for voluntary return, reintegration and resettlement have not yet been identified or are still pending.
Support activities enabling voluntary return, reintegration and resettlement in order to gradually close the camps.
Contribute to prevention of risks and/or potential threats, and respond to emergencies in the event of massive movements of populations.