An-2 1 13 473 20 ? RA-51470 no titles jan09 hulk without wings and tail at Kummolovo
An-2T 1G42-06 ? RA-51472 no titles jan09 wreck sat at Kummolovo
An-2TP 1G88-15 RA-44688 09aug06 wfu at Ozero Kalakrtyrka (Kamtchatka)
An-2P 1G117-34 RA-02423 Barkol VOG 06dec08 in all yellow c/s
An-2P 1G130-06 RA-70705 Krylya Samotlora trf 20dec94 on photo with titles; canx 26feb98
An-2TP 1G146-19 FLARA02058K no titles 18jan09 at Kummolovo; prefix in Cyrillic
An-2P 1G149-41 UR-07337 A.L. Kotov no reports based at Kiev; canx 31dec08
An-2R 1G154-60 UR-07559 20jun08 derelict fuselage-only at Telekendas
An-2T 1G159-56 UR-BDX TSOU/Ukraine AF no reports opb ASK 'Sokol' Vovchansk; canx 31dec08
An-2R 1G175-30 UR-62507 Universal-avia TNL 04oct08 canx 31dec08
An-2R 1G182-23 YR-LCM all white, n/t 17aug08 at Sannicolau Mare; ex UR-56466
An-2R 1G184-50 UR-54843 O.V. Glukhovski no reports based at Machukhi; canx 31dec08
An-2R 1G189-29 CCCP-84562 AFL/Ukraine 22sep08 seen derelict off-airport Oroshaza
An-2R 1G191-25 UR-84647 V Avia VIN 28jun08
An-2T 1G194-40 UR-GLB ATSK 'Sokol' 29jun08 at Tsuniv; canx 31dec08
An-2R 1G211-18 UR-43999 Universal Avia PLV 29jun08 derelict
An-2R 1G215-09 RA-40874 09aug06 wfu at Ozero Kalakrtyrka (Kamtchatka)
An-2R 1G220-11 UR-40221 Mykolayiv-Aero canx 31dec08
An-2R 1G220-56 RA-40266 AOZT im. Kirova MRV 04aug08 seen in ARZ-411 in cream c/s, no titles
An-2R 1G225-53 RA-33334 Aero Tranzit jan09 at Achinsk; ski equipped
An-2R 1G229-18 RA-33526 Aeroflot jan09 hulk without tail ? sat at Kummolovo
An-2TP 1G232-23 RA-01489 TyumenSpetsAvia photo in basic Aeroflot c/s
An-2TP 1G232-25 RA-01491 UTair Cargo Tjp 23aug08 in full c/s
An-2R 1G235-10 UR-02239 O.V. Glukhovski no reports based at Machukhi; canx 31dec08
An-2 --- RA-55411 Aeroflot MRV 04aug08 pres. at ARZ-411 with this fake registration
An-2 --- YR-AOE white, n/t 12sep08 and 22oct08 at Craiova-Balta Verde
An-2 --- YR-AUJ TSR 02sep08 noted airworthy
An-12 1 40 02 06 "33" red Russian Air Force photo apr06 c/n quoted on
An-12B 4 34 17 10 UR-UDD Ukraine Cargo Aw VIE 15nov06 canx 31dec08
An-12BP 4 34 24 09 UR-SVG Volare, no titles MLV 26may02 canx 31dec08
An-12BK 7 34 52 03 UR-CGU Aerovis RWN 25jan09 ex "09" red (was stored at DME may/oct07)
An-12BK 8 34 55 04 ? TN-WHT Natalco Air Lines RWN 25jan09 possibly ex TN-AHD ?
An-12BK 8 34 56 02 "25" blue Russian Air Force jan09 for sale t/t 7,198 hours and 5,598 cycles
An-12BK 8 34 58 05 UN-11376 (2) all white, n/t RWN 25jan09 looking cannibalized, might be on overhaul
An-12 8 34 61 03 "72" red Russian Air Force jan09 looks ex CCCP-12134; used as GIA by the Technical School at Balashov
An-12BK 9 34 64 05 UR-LIP Volare w/o 07feb02 canx 31dec08
An-12BK 9 34 68 08 UR-CFC bare metal Ksv 27nov07 and 21oct08 under rework, stripped of paint
no reg all white, n/t Ksv 22jan09 has a Sudanese flag behind the cockpit
An-12BK 00 34 69 08 S9-SAO British Gulf Int. w/o 13nov08 cr. shortly after take off from Al Asad base
An-12TBK 00 34 71 07 EY-403 Asia Airways SHJ 23dec08
An-12BP 00 34 73 05 EK-12305 all white, n/t w/o 29jun06 caught fire after lnd Bagram; canx 30jun06
An-12BP --- CCCP-11405 Soviet AF/AFL titles dam 15oct84 while unloading cargo at Khost
An-12 --- CCCP-11429 Soviet AF/AFL titles w/o 18jan84 on a flight from Kandahar
An-12 --- CCCP-11644 Soviet AF/AFL c/s jan09 extant at Khabarovsk-Bolshoi
An-12BP --- CCCP-11987 Soviet AF/AFL titles dbr 23jan89 on a night flight from Kabul to Kandahar
An-12 --- 4L-BKN all white, n/t GML 01sep08 reportedly opb Air West
An-24B 7 73 034 02 UR-46254 Donbassaero DOK 08sep06 canx 31dec08
An-24B 9 73 055 03 UR-46326 Lviv Airlines VKO 05nov06 canx 31dec08
An-24B 0 73 065 04 UP-AN422 SCAT rgd 29feb08 f/n MRV 03sep08
An-24RV 1 73 069 05 RA-49279 Sibaviatrans 17dec08 for sale t/t 35,913 hours
An-24RV 2 73 076 07 RA-49287 Sibaviatrans 17dec08 for sale t/t 31,794 hours
An-24RV 2 73 079 08 RA-46470 Yakutia YKS 17oct06
An-24RV 4 73 094 06 S9-KAS Daallo Airlines photo 13jan09 at Bossaso, landed with nose gear retracted
An-24RV 4 73 096 06 RA-46674 Sibaviatrans 17dec08 for sale t/t 51,124 hours
An-24RT --- "30 red" Russian Air Force Tbv may08 grey c/s
An-26 06 05 RF-56309 Russian MoI/VV IKT 28dec08 opb 10 oae at OVB; had code "04" yellow
An-26RT 26 04 "11" red Russian Air Force apr08 for sale; was l/n Kubinka aug07
An-26 32 07 RF-56301 Russian MoI/VV OVB dec08 opb 10 oae at OVB
An-26 39 07 "07" yellow Ukraine Air Force IEV 04aug08 not "07" blue as previously reported
An-26 45 07 3X-GDP (2) no titles TII 28nov08 ex EK-26442 which was canx 28aug08
An-26 59 01 UR-VIV Veda KGO 14jun07 canx 31dec08
An-26 8 73 072 02 "05" red Russian Air Force Pus 04jan09 reported with this c/n; ex RA-26081 (2)
An-26 130 04 RA-26164 Russian Air Force UUS 19jun06 in basic Aeroflot c/s
An-26 135 07 26155 Turkmen. Brd.Guards GML 26dec08 c/n finally checked
An-26 --- RA-26276P FSB/Border Giards DYR 04aug08 also carried code "50" blue
An-26RT --- "05" Soviet Air Force w/o 22jan85 in Narvan province
An-26M --- "09" Soviet Air Force dbr 22jan89 on a medevac flight from Kandahar
An-26 --- "16" blue Turkm. Brd.Guards GML 26dec08 'Türkmenistanyn Harby Huwa Güycleri' tit.
An-26 --- "18" blue Ukr Border Guards IEV 09jan09
An-26B --- "01" red Uzbekistan Air Force TMJ 23nov06
An-26 --- "09" Uzbekistan Air Force no reports became S9-SVB, see this registration below
An-26 --- 229 Afghan Air Force dbr 17jun80 on landing at Kabul
An-26 --- 235 Afghan Air Force dbr 14jun80 on a cargo flight from Kabul
An-26B --- S9-SVB no titles KHE 03aug08 ex Uzbek flag on tail and overpainted and ex serial "09" readable on fuselage
An-28 1AJ 009-20 RA-28954 Kalakrtyrka Air Ent 09aug06 noted wfu at Ozero Kalakrtyrka
M28 AJE 003-04 P-4202 Indonesian Police 05jan09 at Balikpapan-Sepinggan; c/n now checked
M28 AJE 003-10 N310MV Sierra Nevada Corp. rgd 23jan09 ex SP-DGB
An-30 --- RF-36014 Rus Space Forces Ckl 25dec08 all-grey c/s, Space Forces badge on door
An-32B 32 04 ? 357 (2) Afghan Nat.Army-AC TII 04dec08 ex HK-4240 ?
An-32 --- 356 Afghan Nat.Army-AC TII 11dec08
An-72R 365 720 91 835 not known ASTC Antonov Ksv 25mar07 line # 10-09; a/w, n/t; c/n in factory listing
An-72 --- RF-72015 FSB/Border Guards SVO 19dec08
Il-14 4 34 03 08 "007" Soviet Air Force BEG jun55 in natural metal c/s
Il-14P 6 34 15 04 B-4208 Zhongyuan Airlines l/n may08 at CAAC museum at Jichan Fulu
Avia-14T 913138 "01" Soviet Air Force w/o date ? at Sredniy Island (Sergeya Kirova Islands)
Il-18D 187 0099 03 ER-ICS Grixona, n/t KIV 27dec08 photo interior only, reg worn this date?
Il-62M 22 41 6 4 7 RA-86523 Airstars DME 23dec08 in ex Alpha Airlines c/s, with very small titles
Il-62M 32 42 3 2 1 UP-I6206 Deta Air TLL 24jul08 named 'Dilda'; ex UN-86524
Il-76MD 00234 36064 RA-86906 Russian Air Force Ckl 26dec08 '223 lo' badge and Red Cross on fin
Il-76MD 00634 71150 UR-76704 Volare BUD 20nov02 canx 31dec08
Il-76TD 00634 73187 ex EW-76711 all primer 26oct08 at 'Aviastar' at Ulyanovsk as instr. airframe
Il-76TD 00734 75268 UR-76727 (1) Volare NLV 26may02 canx 31dec08
Il-76TD 10034 03082 EW-78843 Trans Avia Export TOJ 18dec08
Il-76MD 10034 04136 RA-76825 Russian MoI dbr 15jan09 before take-off from Makhachkala
Il-76MD 10034 04151 RA-76827 MoI/Aeroflot c/s dam 15jan09 on landing at Makhachkala, dbr ?
Il-86 51483208071 RA-86103 Aeroflot Russian Al SVO 15jan09 moved to Moscow Technical University of Civil Aviation (MGTU GA) at SVO
Ka-26 72 028 08 YR-EKN Aviatia Utilitara 19jan09 derelict at Pitesti-Geamana
Ka-26 74 042 01 UR-19495 Kiev City Governm. IEV 08aug08 canx 31dec08
Ka-26 74 044 09 YR-LGT West Copter rgd 30jun03 f/n Becicherecu Mic 17aug08
Ka-26 75 048 16 UR-19569 Spets-Avia no reports canx 31dec08
Ka-26 75 049 14 YR-CYB West Copter rgd 26may00 f/n Becicherecu Mic 17aug08
Ka-26 77 062 03 YR-RGN Aviatia Utilitara 19jan09 derelict at Pitesti-Geamana
Ka-32A 6004 HL9289 Chang-Woon Avn. UTP 10dec08 in blue and white
L-410UVP 84 12 31 CCCP-67466 AFL/Kazakhstan unknown preserved in front of the terminal Kustanay
L-410UVP 84 13 17 UR-67492 Universal-avia WAW 26oct05 canx 31dec08
L-410UVP 85 14 39 HH-NAT National Air PAP 18apr07 damaged; ex HI-693CT
L-410UVP-E3 87 19 30 HH-TOR all white, n/t PAP aug06 ex S9-BAO
L-410UVP-E13 89 23 21 E7-AAK dec08 ex T9-AAK
L-410UVP-E8A 90 25 17 LZ-RMW ex Farner c/s, n/t SOF 24dec08 ex HA-LAE
L-410UVP-E20 08 26 30 ZS-DIH Intern. Red Cross rgd 17dec08 GVA 07jan09 on delivery; ex CCCP-67679
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3437 GVF 1942 opb Moskovskaya agon GVF; flew supplies to Sevastopol 29jun/01jul42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3465 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 24jun/01jul42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3475 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 26jun/01jul42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3947 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 21jun/01jul42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3954 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 24/30jun42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3959 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 21/23jun42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3965 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 23jun/01jul42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3966 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 22jun/01jul42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3974 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 22jun/01jul42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3976 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 22jun/01jul42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3988 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 22jun/01jul42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3990 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 30jun/01jul42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3991 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 21/30jun42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3996 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 21jun/01jul42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3997 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 23/29jun42
PS-84 --- CCCP-L3998 GVF 1942 same as CCCP-L3437 but on 24jun/01jul42
Li-2 --- 324 Civ Avn Adm China 24jan07 to the CAAC museum at Jichan Fulu
Mi-1 --- CCCP-68164 Aeroflot PKV ca 1975 in dark green c/s with add.l large 'GAI' titles
Mi-2 53 1140 099 CCCP-23836 AFL/Belarus 2008 ? with a private collector Cohocton, NY, USA
Mi-2 53 1244 119 ex 1244 Polish Air Force nov08 at Skleczki, wearing false serial '1136'
Mi-2 54 2005 081 "78" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 3 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 54 2015 081 "05" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 1 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 54 2020 081 "57" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 2 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 54 2049 091 "09" red Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 5 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 54 2217 012 "12" red Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 5 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2333 042 "06" red Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 5 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2334 042 "03" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 1 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2336 042 "66" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 3 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2337 042 "81" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 4 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2338 042 "74" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 3 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2342 042 "34" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 2 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2343 042 "39" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 2 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2344 042 "21" red Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 5 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2346 042 "40" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 2 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2406 052 "15" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 1 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2412 052 "19" red Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 5 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2414 052 "24" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 1 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2419 052 "36" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 2 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2420 052 "41" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 2 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2425 052 "42" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 2 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2428 062 "52" red Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 4 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2435 062 "70" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 3 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 2436 062 "08" red Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 5 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 51 2727 013 "21" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 1 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 54 2908 043 "56" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 2 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 54 2909 043 "22" red Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 5 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 54 3631 064 "25" red Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 5 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 54 3634 074 "27" red Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 4 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 54 4111 045 "48" red Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 4 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
"40" yellow Russian Air Force Che 26aug02
wfu at MARZ ROSTO, l/n 25aug03/23jul07
Mi-2 54 4113 045 "43" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 2 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 54 4121 045 "48" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 2 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 54 4125 045 "20" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 1 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 4531 125 SP-SDO ZEUS 28apr07 der. with Border Guard Unit at Nowy Sacz
Mi-2 54 5004 106 "19" white Belarus Air Force Msb late'97 not sure if still wearing Red Stars
Mi-2 54 5009 116 "55" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 2 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 5837 108 SP-SLM ZEUS/Heliseco GRO 11jan09 yellow c/s plus large red cheatline
Mi-2 52 6330 109 RF-23499 photo 23aug08 photo cockpit only, no other details visible
Mi-2 54 7930 122 UR-BVC Kremen-Avia no reports based at Kremenchug; canx 13aug08
Mi-2 54 7931 122 "58" yellow Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 2 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 54 7946 122 "28" red Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 5 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 54 7950 122 RA-15677 (2) Avialift Vladivostok ? 08sep08 in MARZ ROSTO 08sep08, titles not rep.
Mi-2 54 8012 013 "58" red Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 4 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 54 8014 013 "59" red Soviet Air Force 1986 opb 4 uve 484 uvp SVVAUL at Syzran
Mi-2 52 9046 025 UR-23277 Universal-avia SIP 23jun01 based at Simferopol; canx 31dec08
Mi-2 52 9706 036 RA-20981 Konvers-Avia w/o 12jan09 on a pipeline inspection flight
Mi-2 52 9707 036 HL9480 Sky Airlines rgd 29dec08 ex RA-20982
Mi-2 5210831 029 UR-14120 Aeroflot c/s, n/t TNL 11jul07 canx 31dec08
Mi-2 5411037 119 HL9479 Apache Airlines rgd 24dec08 ex-Soviet Air Force
Mi-4 16 186 CCCP-01840 AFL/Far East-Korf w/o 17aug72 when crashed while attempting to land
Mi-4A --- CCCP-31487 Aeroflot no reports in movie 'Ot snega do snega' shot in 1968
Mi-6 --- "42" Soviet Air Force dbr 19mar88 on a flight from Kunduz to Faizabad
Mi-8T 78 37 "08" blue Ukraine Border Guards photo opb Odesskaya ae GPSU at ODS-Shkolny
Mi-8 80 15 RA-22630 Uraiavia Eng 22aug08 in orange/blue c/s;
Mi-8T 81 61 RA-06117 Kumertau APP Eng 12sep08 awaiting rework
Mi-8PS 84 34 RA-27196 Gazpromavia Eng 18jul08 with additional external tanks; in full c/s
Mi-8T 9 82 06224 RA-25335 Abakan Avia Eng 21jul08 with US weather radar
Mi-8T 9 82 06749 YA-KAA Kabul Air Eng 24sep08 ex RA-25351
Mi-8T 9 82 08134 RA-25384 UTair 28may08 force-landed nr Tarko-Sale, engine failure
Mi-8T 9 83 11918 RA-22785 Gazpromavia Eng 18dec08 in full c/s
Mi-8T 9 83 15077 RA-22792 Dauriya trf late07?
Mi-8T 9 84 20050 UR-24749 United Nations WFP RKT 06jan09 stored, still marked 'UN94W'
Mi-8T 9 85 22951 RA-24554 Aeroflot DYR 04aug08 in orange/blue c/s, derelict
Mi-8T 9 87 30395 UR-24218 United Nations WFP RKT 06jan09 stored, still marked 'UN93W'
Mi-8 9 87 30521 UR-24225 Ukrainian Helicopters RKT 06jan09 stored, marked 'UN35W'
Mi-8T 9 90 47124 RA-25150 Yamal Eng 23jan09 in full c/s
Mi-8T 9 90 47236 "04" blue Ukraine Border Guards IEV 20oct07 c/n now known
Mi-8T 9 90 47863 4K-25157 Silk Way Eng 20oct08 in blue/grey c/s, no titles yet
Mi-8T 9 92 57292 B-7828 Xinjiang Gen.Avn CofA 25oct04 current on register jan09
Mi-8T 9 92 57317 B-7829 Xinjiang Gen.Avn CofA 25oct04 current on register jan09
Mi-8T 9 92 57324 B-7830 Xinjiang Gen.Avn CofA 06aug04 current on register jan09
Mi-8MT 9 3204 not known Strat.Rocket Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-8MT 9 3364 not known Russian Air Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-8MT 9 3366 not known Russian Air Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-8MT 9 3375 not known Russian Air Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-8MT 9 3381 "05" blue Ukraine Border Guards IEV 06nov07 c/n now known
Mi-8MT 9 3387 not known Russian Air Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-8MT 9 3506 "06" blue Ukraine Border Guards photo opb at Odessa-Shkolny; c/n now known
Mi-8MT 9 4011 not known Russian Air Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-8MT 9 4373 not known Strat.Rocket Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-8MTKO 9 4649 "205" red Russian Air Force w/o 17aug08 hit on a helipad Abkhazia by a landing Mi-8
Mi-8MT 9 4684 not known Strat.Rocket Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-8MT 9 4757 not known Russian Air Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-8MT 9 4987 "72" yellow Russian Air Force Eng 22aug08 in green/khaki c/s with light blue undersides
Mi-8MTV 9 5127 UR-HLA United Nations PMI 05oct03 canx 31dec08
Mi-8MTV-2 9 5211 not known Russian Air Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-8MTV-2 9 5570 not known Russian Air Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-8MTV-1 9 5717 RA-25101 Norilski Nikel dec08 in fleet list
Mi-8MTV-1 9 5840 N52173 RJ Harroff Bus.Assn. rgd 06may04 canx 15jan09, no reason given
Mi-8MTV-1 9 5930 95930 KBL 15jul06 serial/c/n painted on tail
Mi-8MTV-1 9 6134 "41" blue Russian Air Force dbr 18aug05 on a flight to drop 8 parachutists
Mi-8MTV-1 9 6563 RA-25580 Kolskaya GMK MMK may07 c/n confirmed
Mi-171P 156 2406U B-7801 (2) Jiangsu Huayu G.A. rgd 16jan06 full c/n '171P 0005 156 2406U'
Mi-171 --- RA-22463(3) Gazpromavia w/o 09jan09 on a poaching tour
Mi-8MTV-2 --- RF-28533 FSB/Border Guards UUS 29dec08 with weather radar
Mi-171 --- "070" grey Irkut photo 30oct07 at Shumak; Mi-8MTV-1' painted on !
Mi-8MT --- "37" KGB/Border Guards w/o 19jan89 on a flight near the Afghan border
Mi-8 9 82 33440 RA-22470(2) UTair Eng 01sep08 in yellow/black/orange c/s; ex "28" yellow
Mi-8 9 83 33755 RA-25556(2) Yamal Eng 12sep08 in full c/s, but no titles yet; ex "29" blue
Mi-8MTV-1 --- 002 Afghan Nat.Army-AF KBL 14may08 VIP version, used by President Karzai
Mi-8T --- 276 Afghan Air Force dbr 11apr80 when the collective pitch control failed
Mi-8MT --- 582 Afghan Nat.Army-AF TII 04dec08
Mi-8MT --- 583 Afghan Nat.Army-AF TII 15nov08
Mi-171 --- SM-18 Algerian Air Force photo
Mi-8T --- 1029 Egyptian Air Force photo 01oct70 used in the funeral of Gamal Abdel Nasser
Mi-8MT --- 3270 Egyptian Air Force photo in sand c/s with light grey undersides
Mi-8P 51501 8R-GDH Guyana Def. Force d/d 06dec85 scrapped Tehmeri 2008
Mi-8P 51502 8R-GGC Guyana Def. Force d/d 06dec85 scrapped Tehmeri 2008
Mi-8P 51503 8R-GGD Guyana Def. Force d/d 06dec85 scrapped Tehmeri 2008
Mi-17 --- 5U-MHA Niger Air Force photo only carried 'HA' (or MA)
Mi-17-IV --- CH593 Sri Lanka AF photo ex Indian AF Z2905
Mi-8PPA --- 32 Syrian Air Force photo mid-90s wfu at 419 ARZ at Gorelovo, l/n mid 2008
Mi-17V-5 004M164 N7038S RJ Harroff Bus.Assn. rgd 19may06 canx 15jan09, no reason given
Mi-17V-5 004C165 N70308 RJ Harroff Bus.Assn. rgd 19may06 canx 15jan09, no reason given
Mi-24V 520869 ? not known Afghan Nat.Army-AF KBL 29may08 c/n possibly 520963 or 9 as well
Mi-24P 3532433420564 not known Russian Air Force no reports tender for rework issued 17oct08
Mi-24P 3532434420614 not known Russian Air Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-24P 3532434420827 not known Russian Air Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-24P 3532433522176 not known Russian Air Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-24P 3532431926642 not known Russian Air Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-24P 3532432927204 not known Russian Air Force 17oct08 tender for rework issued
Mi-25 --- 318 Afghan Air Force dbr 28mar81 when made a forced landing and rolled
Mi-25 --- 327 Afghan Air Force w/o 23apr81 while attacking Mujahedeen
SM-92T --- RF-92985 no titles Sms 02may06 registration without dash
Tu-124Sh 6 35 05 06 "65" blue Soviet AF/PVO BTK 13jul97 was opb 350 iap at Bratsk
Tu-134A-3 49987 RA-65074 KavMinVody Avia MRV 21aug08 partially dismantled; gone by 03sep08
Tu-134A 60915 RA-65139 KavMinVody Avia MRV 21aug08 tail and wings removed; gone by 03sep08
Tu-134A 63950 ? RA-63950 Russian Air Force Ckl 08nov08 "03" blue; named 'Yekaterinburg'
Tu-134AK 66198 RA-65927 Russian Customs no reports too expensive for them, so sold on ??
RA-65927 Russian Air Force no reports VIP aircraft; opb 8 adon at Chkalovski
Tu-134Sh-2 9 35 50990 "08" red Russian Air Force Csh 22may08 l/n sep08, c/n given in photo caption
Tu-134B-3M --- RA-65733(2) Russian Air Force MHP 19dec08 converted Tu-134UBL; basic Rossiya c/s without titles; opb 8 adon at Chkalovski
Tu-154B-2 80A393 RA-85393 KavMinVody Avia MRV jan08 wfu; scrapped at MRV in summer 2008
Tu-154M 87A754 UP-T5407 Skybus n/t UTP 26dec08 l/n UTP 05jan09
Tu-154M 87A755 RA-85829 Taban Air DXB 05jan09 in basic 'S7' colours, l/n THR 09jan09
Tu-154M 87A761 RA-85632 Kolavia OVB 15jan09 in white c/s
Tu-154M 89A815 RA-85849 Atlant-Soyuz VKO 17jan09 in white/blue c/s
Tu-154M 90A858 RA-85841 Atlant-Soyuz VKO 06dec08 in all-white c/s with titles and logo
Tu-154M 93A977 EP-MCU Iran Air Tour no reports ex RA-85793
Tu-204-100 64049 RA-64049 Red Wings Ule 18jan09 left the paintshop this day
Yak-18T 22202034044 HA-CBG Kobo-Coop '96 Kft. 03jan09 at White Waltham; ex LZ-YUL
Yak-40 9 51 18 39 UK-87349 Uzbekistan Airways TAS 08may95 b/u ? cockpit section as simulator at KGO
Yak-42 4520424711396 RA-42353 Tsentr-Avia SZG 10jan09 all white, small titles on fuselage only
Yak-42D 4520423914323 UR-CER Fars Air Qeshm THR 29dec08 in basic Tavrey c/s Fars Air Qeshm titles
Yak-42D 4520424309017 EK-42447 Armavia n/t VOZ 27dec08 small Armenian flag; canx 31dec08
MA60 07 04 RP-C8893 ZestAir dbr 11jan09 undershot runway 06 at Caticlan
Y12 --- B-979L Air Vanuatu CAN 16jan09 on delivery