Sustainability-related Research Inventory, Emory University, 1-11

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Sustainability-related Research Inventory, Emory University, 1-11



Title/Description of Research:

Faculty Collaborators:

EC: Anthropology

Carla Freeman

Neo-liberalism & Respectability: Gender, Entrepreneurship and the Making of a Caribbean Middle Class


EC: Anthropology

Carla Freeman

Environmental Concerns: How Does "Living Green" at College Matter?


EC: Anthropology

Peggy Barlett

Sustainability narratives: Interviews with faculty and administrative leaders of sustainability in higher education and surveys of faculty development projects around sustainability and curriculum.


EC: Anthropology

Peter Little

Climate Variability, Pastoralism, and Commodity Chains in Semi-Arid and Arid Areas of Ethiopia and Kenya: This one-year project addresses interactions between climate variability, pastoralism, and livestock, marketing from production to final sale.

Peter Little, PI; Uriel Kitron, Carla Roncoli

EC: Art History

Bonna Wescoat

Site Management of the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samnothrace: In conjunction with the 19th Ephoreia of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Komotini, we have engaged in a multi-year project to halt environmental degradation of the site.

Michael Page, Vicki Hertzberg

EC: Biology

Arri Eisen

History and Biology of Addiction and Depression


EC: Biology

Chris Beck

Biocontrol on an invasive pond weed (Hydrilla verticillata): Examining whether the competitive outcomes between Hydrilla and a native pond plant are mediated by a fungal pathogen known to infect Hydrilla.


EC: Biology

Les Real

Multiple projects on the ecology of natural biological systems and the ecology and evolution of diseases


EC: Biology

Pat Marsteller

Reform in science education at K12 and undergraduate levels to foster equity; case studies that address science issues in the context of under-represented groups.


EC: Chemistry

Brian Dyer

EBREC (Emory Bio-inspired Renewal Energy Research Center)


EC: Chemistry

Craig Hill

EBREC (Emory Bio-inspired Renewal Energy Research Center)


EC: Chemistry

David Lynn

EBREC (Emory Bio-inspired Renewal Energy Research Center)


EC: Chemistry

David Lynn

Center for Chemical Evolution: Analysis of the chemical ecology that provided the first sustainable example of evolution

David Lynn and other institutions

EC: Chemistry

David Lynn

Supramolecular Assemblies: A Department of Energy-funded project that has created self-healing structures able to capture and transfer light energy

David Lynn and Vince Conticello

EC: Chemistry

Huw Davies

New chiral catalysts for stereoselective synthesis


EC: Economics

David Frisvold

Expanding Exposure: Can Increasing the Daily Duration of Head Start Reduce Childhood Obesity?


EC: Economics

David Frisvold

Nutrition and Cognitive Achievement: An Evaluation of the School Breakfast Program: Impact of eating breakfast through the School Breakfast Program (SBP) on cognitive achievement.


EC: Economics

Len Carlson

Multiple projects including 1) The economic history of American Indians (as well as other native peoples) and the federal government.  2) Work on the economic history of wellbeing of Indians as measured by anthropometric (height) data.  3) Economic history of the southeastern US, including environmental history.


EC: Economics

Tanya Molodtsova

Real-Time Energy Substitution in the U.S.

Henry Thompson

EC: Economics

Tilman Klumpp

Discrimination and Perceived Discrimination: Examines various aspects of discrimination in labor markets, e.g. based on race, gender, or ethnicity; link between labor market outcomes and the criminal justice system.

Xuejuan Su, Tilman Klumpp, Phil Curry (Simon Fraser University and University of Waterloo)

EC: English

Walter Kalaidjian

Considerations of environmental sustainability, disability narratives, and animal philosophy in the literary representations of contemporary fiction, poetry, and film.


EC: Environmental Studies

Berry Brosi

Managing Varroa Virulence In Honey Bees: Transmission, Virulence, and Gene Expression: Addressing sustainability of agricultural pollination by investigating drivers of honey bee decline.

Jacobus de Roode

EC: Environmental Studies

Berry Brosi

Pollinator Diversity and Foraging Specialization: Addresses sustainability of plant pollination (and thus reproduction) by examining the impacts of pollinator species losses--which are ongoing around the world--on plant reproductive fitness.


EC: Environmental Studies

Berry Brosi

Functional pollination networks and the maintenance of species and genetic diversity: Addresses sustainability of pollination (and thus reproduction) of wild plant populations by investigating the effects of environmental change on plant-pollinator networks.


EC: Environmental Studies

Tom Gillespie

Multiple projects relating to environmental health.


EC: Environmental Studies

Tracy Yandle

Ongoing research on the role of property rights in New Zealand fisheries management; Researching and writing a popular press book on small-scale commercial fishing in the United States.


EC: Environmental Studies

Uriel Kitron

Chagas disease in Argentina


EC: Environmental Studies

Uriel Kitron

Polyparasitism in coastal Kenya


EC: French & Italian

Valerie Loichot

Research dealing with issues of environmental concerns and ecological health in the Caribbean (through exploring issues of tourism, deforestation, and interconnectedness between race, slavery and post-slavery memory, and landscape).


EC: French & Italian

Judy Raggi Moore

Piedmont Project: Integrating the medical/social aspects and implications of the Mediterranean Diet into the Italian Studies Summer Program and in particular the course: medicine and compassion

Ruth Parker

EC: German Studies

Caroline Schaumann

Mountains in German Imagination: Essays by scholars from both Europe and North America examine the lure and role of mountains in German literature, philosophy, film, music, and culture from the Middle Ages to the present.

Sean Ireton, University of Missouri

EC: History

Mary Odem

Health and Welfare of Maya & Latina Immigrant Families


EC: History

Mary Odem

Latino Immigrants and the Transformation of the U.S. South


EC: History

Matthew Payne

Soviet Steppe: Genocide and Modernity in Kazakhstan, 1916-1941



Kevin Corrigan

Several projects related to disability discrimination, citizenship in a broader key, environmental concerns-- environmental stewardship or social equity, and social well-being, and ecological health.



Peter Wakefield

Presented paper on concept of place as it relates to sustainability and pedagogy at the Association for Integrative Studies' 2010 conference, which was focused on sustainability.



Oded Borowski

Excavations at Tell Halif (Israel)


EC: Music

Tong Soon Lee

Chinese music and migration in England


EC: Music

Tong Soon Lee

Cultural Transmission and Social Sustainability: Pedagogy in Atlanta's Korean Community Schools


EC: Music

Yayoi Uno Everett

Reconfiguring myths and rituals in the global era.


EC: Philosophy

Cynthia Willett

Social Ethics and Sustainability: Book project (with co-teaching and reading groups): seeking conceptual underpinnings for a broad social ethics that refocuses attention on environmental issues.

Deboleena Roy, and others

EC: Philosophy

John Stuhr

Projects dealing with connections between social justice and ecological sustainability.


EC: Philosophy

Kenneth Anderson

Existential approaches to human disability, especially social perceptions of mental and psychological disability.


EC: Physics

Connie Roth

Structural Relaxation of Polymers in Nanoconfined Geometries: Current research efforts are focused on elucidating the factors that affect the physical aging rate of ultrathin polymer films, frequently used as gas separation membranes.

Connie Roth

EC: Political Science

Michael Rich

Empowerment Zones: Analysis of the effects of the federal government's empowerment zones initiative on high poverty neighborhoods in 6 cities (Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, New York, and Philadelphia). Outcomes examined include poverty, unemployment.


EC: Political Science

Michael Rich

Crime and Public Housing: Analysis of the impacts of public housing revitalization on the destination neighborhoods of tenants given housing choice vouchers.

Michael Leo Owens, Elizabeth Griffiths, Lance Waller

EC: Political Science

Michael Rich

Rethinking Empowerment: Evidence from Local Empowerment Zone Programs: Preliminary results of the effects of the federal government's Empowerment Zone program on urban neighborhoods.

Robert P. Stoker

EC: Political Science

Michael Rich

Evaluation of the effects of the McDaniel Glenn HOPE VI revitalization in Atlanta's Mechanicsville neighborhood. Examines effects on original residents, immediately surrounding neighborhood, and neighborhood schools.

Michael Leo Owens, Elizabeth Griffiths, Moshe Haspel


Ho Wan-Li

Negotiating Eco-Feminism: Environmental Protection and Religious Women in Taiwan


EC: Religion

Barbara (Bobbi) Patterson

Place, Equity, and Sustainability: Critical Reflection and Transformation: Analyzing 6 years of structured portfolio entries for classes in Religion and Ecology, Wilderness Spirituality, and Sustainability Internship.


EC: Religion

Theophus Smith

Religion, Race & Restorative Justice: Truth Commissions as 'Proving Ground'


EC: Religion

Theophus Smith

Undergraduate Research Project for Southern Truth and Reconciliation


EC: Religion

Wendy Farley

Who Do You Say I am: Contemplation, the Gospel and the Underside of Christianity


EC: Russian/Eurasian/East Asia

Juliette Apkarian

Earth Mixed with Water: Ecology and Russian modernism: The research focuses on the interface between ecological issues and the arts in early Russian modernism.


EC: Sociology

Cathryn Johnson

Environmental Concerns: How Does "Living Green" at College Matter?: A naturally occurring field experiment at Emory to compare the attitudes, identities, behaviors, and perceptions of environmental issues of first-year students living in the “green” dorm.

Karen Hegtvedt

EC: Sociology

Hegtvedt, Karen

Environmental Concerns at Emory: Longitudinal, comparative survey study of the impact of "living green" in Few/Evans (or conventional dorms) on environmental attitudes, identity, and behavior. Also, in depth qualitative interviews with students and SAs.

Cathryn Johnson

EC: Sociology

Irene Browne

Projects related to discrimination and related challenges faced by Latino immigrants in Atlanta.


EC: Sociology

Robert Agnew

The Impact of Climate Change on Crime: A Theoretical Model and Research Agenda: Drawing on criminological theory and researh, argues that the physical, biological, economic, and social effects of climate change will likely increase crime.


EC: Sociology

Sam Cherribi

World Values Survey Morocco

Juan Diez Nicholas (Madrid)

EC: Spanish & Portuguese

Tatjana Gajic

Environment and Bio-politics in the HIspanic World


EC: Spanish & Portuguese

Tatjana Gajic

Water and Bio-politics in Spain


EC: Theater and Dance

Vincent Murphy

Ecology plays


EC: Theater Studies

Sally Radell

The impact of mirrors on body image and performance in college level ballet dancers: I have an ongoing research agenda which is looking at how the use of the mirror either positively or negatively affects ballet dancers’ body image.

Daniel Adame, Steven P. Cole

School of Nursing

Linda McCauley

Pregnancy Health Among Florida Farmworkers: How female farmworkers in nursery and fernery operations in Florida assess their risks for work-related hazards, specifically those that may impact pregnancy outcomes.

Dean Linda McCauley, Dr. Maureen Kelley

School of Nursing

Linda McCauley

Prevent and Reduce Adverse Health Effects of Pesticides on Indigenous Farmworkers: A 4-year community-based participatory collaboration with Oregon Law Center focused on the priorities of indigenous farmworkers re occupational health and safety.

Dean Linda McCauley

School of Nursing

Maeve Howett

Moultrie- foot washing: Annual trip to migrant worker's farms and fields where we teach students how to care for them- two articles about teaching touch to nursing students came from this experience.

Elizabeth Downes, Judy Wold, Ann Connor, Maeve Howett

School of Nursing

Maeve Howett

Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit- Region 4: Monitoring pediatric environmental health concerns in EPA Region 4 and proving education and research opportunities.

Bob Geller, Michele Marcus, Maeve Howett

Oxford College

Patricia Owen-Smith

Research on economic disparities as they intersect with female development. 


School of Business

Steve Walton

Current research interests include uses of electronic commerce technologies for environmental and supply chain management, environmental impacts of supply chain management and applications of qualitative research methods.


School of Law

Ani Satz

multiple projects pertaining to access to health care and disability discrimination; vulnerability of nonhuman animals.


School of Law

David Bederman

Globalization and International Law


School of Law

Johan van der Vyver

Protection of the environment in international humanitarian law.


School of Law

Jonathan Nash

Several projects involving the optimal design of environmental regulatory instruments.  These design questions have implications for society-at-large, and arise in particular in the context of climate change.


School of Law

Robert Schapiro

Federalism and Climate Change: Examination of role of federalism in addressing issues of climate change. Research culminated in chapter, "The Varieties of Federalisms" in "Navigating Climate Change Policy in a Federal System"


School of Law

William Buzbee

Multiple projects relating to environmental protection, greenhouse gas and climate change legislation, and intergenerational equity.


School of Nursing

Sara Edwards

Sustainability issues in Feeding Choice of Infants


School of Theology

Jacob Wright

War and Society in Ancient Israel


School of Theology

Thomas Frank

Atlanta Beltline Religious Buildings


School of Theology

Thomas Frank

Historic Houses of Worship in Peril


SOM: Pharmacology

Heather Kimmel

Project on increasing sustainability in biomedical research through lab practices.


SOM:Emergency Medicine

Jeremy Hess

Liquid fuel use in Emergency Medical Services: Inventory the petroleum based fuel use in Grady EMS, a large hospital based EMS organization, to determine vulnerability to petroleum scarcity.

Jeremy Hess, Eric Ossmann

SOM:Emergency Medicine

Jeremy Hess

Sustainable Health Care in Academic Medical Centers: Review of strategies for promoting sustainability in health care via academic medical centers.

Jeremy Hess, Ciannat Howett

SOM:Emergency Medicine

Jeremy Hess

Impact of Telemedicine on Fuel Usage: Evaluate the impact of a telemedicine intervention on fuel use in a community in New York state.

Jeremy Hess

SOM:Hematology & Medical Oncology

Omer Kucuk

Soy isoflavones in prevention and treatment of prostate cancer: Soy isoflavones may be incorporated in human diet or may be taken as supplements with potential preventive effects such as prostate cancer, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis and skeletal fractures.

Carlos Moreno, Viraj Master, Adeboye Osunkaya, Peter Rossi, Wayne Harris

SOM:Hematology & Medical Oncology

Omer Kucuk

lycopene in prevention and treatment of prostate, renal and hepatic cancers and uterine leiomyoma: Tomato lycopene may be incorporated in human diet or may be taken as a supplement with potential preventive effects such as renal cancer, prostate cancer.

Carlos Moreno, Adeboye Osunkaya, Viraj Master, Wayne Harris, Peter Rossi


Vincent Marconi

South Africa HIV Drug Resistance: Prevalence, outcomes and risk factors for HIV drug resistance after virological failure on anti-retroviral therapy in Kwa-Zulu Natal South Africa, beginning 2004.

Carlos del Rio


Vincent Marconi

HIV Palliative Care Project: To improve access to care for patients with severe HIV/AIDS through palliative care services.

Carlos del Rio, Rachel Friedman, Wendy Armstrong, Nicholas Vogenthaler, Richard Pittman, Maura George


Vincent Marconi

Understanding Medication Adherence among HIV Patients: This project is attempting to modify maladaptive adherence behavior using micro-payments to encourage clinic attendance and adherence to anti-retroviral therapy.

Carlos del Rio


Vincent Marconi

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of HIV Treatment in the DoD and VA: Impact of patient demographics and socioeconomic characteristics on HIV treatment in a program with universal care without expense to patient.

David Rimland and Jodie Guest


Timothy Olsen

Recycling program within the department of ophthalmology

Mallard Benton


Ken Walker

Nursing and Emergency Education in the Republic of Georgia: Introducing the specialty of emergency medicine to a transitional country; upgrading the clinical skills of 2000 practicing nurses; starting a 4 year baccalaureate degree nursing school.

Judy Wold; Laura Hurt; Kate Heilpern; Scott Sasser; Christy Keyes; Alex Isakov; Steve Lanski; David Goo;


Grace S. Rozycki, MD, MBA

The Right Type of Helmet Makes All the Difference: An Injury Prevention Initiative to Decrease Traumatic Brain Injury in Motorcyclists.

Amy Wyrzykowski, MD, Sanjay Dhall, MD

SPH:Behavioral Sciences and Health Education

Cam Escoffery

Research on smoke-free homes among low income households, and projects on poverty and sustainability and rural health environment.



Lance Waller

Research projects that address health impacts of environmental and ecological aspects of human and animal disease.


SPH:Environmental Health

Juan Leon

Research leading to improvements in health and economic prosperity of individuals and nations by focusing on those in poverty and addressing several social, economic, and environmental challenges.


SPH:Environmental Health

Justin Remais

Climate benefits of sustainable sanitation in China


SPH:Environmental Health

Justin Remais

Long-term control of environmentally-mediated parasites


SPH:Environmental Health

Justin Remais

Climate-mediated disease in the Eastern US


SPH:Environmental Health

Karen Levy

Measures of Distribution System Water Quality and Their Relation to Health Outcomes in Atlanta: An integrative approach for characterizing health risks associated with microbial contamination of drinking water distribution systems.

Christine Moe, Paige Tolbert, Stefanie Sarnat, Mitch Klein

SPH:Environmental Health

Karen Levy

An Examination of the Climatic Drivers of Enteric Disease: The goal of the proposed research is to examine the current and potential future impacts of climate on the incidence of diarrheal disease under differing social conditions in a variety of settings.

Karen Levy

SPH:Environmental Health

Karen Levy

Environmental Change & Diarrheal Disease: A Natural Experiment: How changes in the social and natural environment, mediated by road construction, affect the epidemiology of pathogens causing diarrheal diseases, and the spread of antibiotic resistance in E.coli.

Karen Levy

SPH:Environmental Health

Matt Strickland

Relationships between air pollutants and asthma exacerbations in a birth cohort: Investigation of associations between urban air pollutants and emergency department visits for pediatric asthma exacerbations in Atlanta.

Strickland, Tolbert, Schechter, Klein, Fitzpatrick

SPH:Environmental Health

Ryan Barry

Children's Exposure to Environmental Pesticides


SPH:Environmental Health

Ryan Barry

Massport/CDM AIr Toxics Study


SPH:Environmental Health

Ryan Barry

Retrospective Exposure Assessment for Perfluorooctanoic Acid



Michele Marcus

Racial disparities in pubertal development: African American girls reach puberty a full year earlier than Caucasian girls.

Paige Tolbert, Matt Strickland, Lyndsey Darrow

SPH:Global Health

Amy Webb Girard

Sustainable Environments and Health through Urban Agriculture: Improve the health and food security of HIV-affected households through sustainable urban agriculture activities including goat rearing and gardening of indigenous vegetables in Nakuru, Kenya.

Donald Cole &Daniel Sellen,Toronto, Fiona Yeudall, Ryerson, Samwel Mbugua Egerton; Nancy Karanja, Itl Potato Center &Nairobi

SPH:Global Health

Amy Webb Girard

Orange Flesh Sweet Potato to improve maternal and infant nutrition: Integrate support of vitamin A rich orange flesh sweet potato (OFSP) by providing vouchers and nutrition education to women during antenatal care visits.

Donald Cole,Toronto; Jan Low and Hermann Oudraguou Intl Potato Center; Mary Onyango Ayunga Kenyarn Agrl Res Institute; Carol Levin PATH

SPH:Global Health

Christine Moe

Assessment of enteric viruses in sewage water at Gwinnett County: Reuse of water from F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center at Lake Lanier for non-potable purposes would help ease seasonal water shortages experienced in Metro Atlanta.

Christine Moe, Pengbo Liu, Marina Fernandez

SPH:Global Health

Deborah McFarland

Poverty alleviation through control/elimination of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)


SPH:Global Health

Deborah McFarland

Health systems performance and contribution to equity of religious health assets in sub-Saharan Africa


SPH:Global Health

Deborah McFarland

Economic impact of malaria on households and health systems


SPH:Global Health

K.M. Venkat Narayan

Disparity in health, diabetes and globalization


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