Syllabus for stat 350, Spring 2012

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SYLLABUS for STAT 350, Spring 2012

STAT 350: Introduction to Statistics, Course website:

Prerequisite for STAT 350: One year of calculus

Purpose: This is a data-oriented introduction to the fundamental concepts and methods of applied statistics, including: data and distributions, mean, standard deviation, correlation, sampling, estimation, inference, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, regression, etc. STAT 350 is intended primarily for majors in the mathematical sciences (Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Mathematics Education, or Statistics). It covers materials similar to that of STAT 511 (for engineering and physical sciences). Students from these majors may take STAT 350 if space is available. STAT 350 is more software-intensive and covers more data-analytic material than STAT 511, but does less formal probability.

Time and Location: Section 010 (the lab code is 011): 9:30 - 10:20 am. M/W/F(reg): REC 225 and W (Lab): SC 231

Section 040 (the lab code is 041): 1:30 -2:20 pm. M/W/F (reg): REC 122 and W(Lab): ENAD 135

Section 050 (the lab code is 051): 2:30 -3:20 pm. M/W/F(reg): REC 123 and W (Lab): ENAD 135

Instructor: Xuanyao He Email:

Office: HAAS 116 Office Hours: Mon 3:30-4:30 PM Wed 4-5 PM

You are welcome to ask questions during the office hours. Otherwise please be specific when emailing me (NO open-ended ones like “how to solve Hw1 Question #8?” please), although that is less efficient than Office Hour.

Textbook (Required) “Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists” (with CD-Rom) by Devore & Farnum, 2nd /2005 Edition.

Optional: Cody & Smith, Applied Statistics and SAS Programming Language, 5th Edition

Grade: Final course grades are determined by the following weights:

HW 20%

Labs 10%

Class participation 5%

Exam 1 20%

Exam 2 20%

Final Exam 25%

Total 100%

At the end of the semester, one lowest homework score and one lowest lab score will be dropped.

The final grade will be calculated according to this formula for all the students:

Semester grade = Hw% * 20% + Labs% * 10% + Class Participation * 5% + Mid1 * 20% + Mid2 *20% + Final * 25%

Do not count on a curve to help you. You should assume that the letter-grade cutoffs for this course are the typical 90-100 for A- to A (A+ might be given for extremely high scores like 98.5), 80-89 for B-to B+, etc. Please note that minus and plus grades will be given for A, B, C and D (A+ may be given as well, only for rare cases like mentioned before). Grades will be posted on Blackboard. I reserve the right to change the grading scheme and course layout should unusual circumstances demand it.

STAT 350 uses the application on Blackboard, which will give you an idea of how you are doing in the class. You will see a traffic light symbol with either the green, yellow, or red light depending on how you are doing. We will offer some suggestions by e-mail if your grade is not where you would like it to be. The signal will not be updated every week, but it will be updated after the two mid-term exams during the semester.

In the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances. Here are ways to get information about changes in this course: course webpage, Blackboard, or by e-mail from your instructor. General information about a campus emergency can be found on the Purdue website: Students with extended illnesses should contact their instructor as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made for keeping up with the course.

Resources: All course materials are available at Here you will find all Lecture Notes or other Handouts, Hw Assignments, Lab materials, SAS resources. Grades are posted via Blackboard Vista, and announcements are made through Purdue course maillist. You will need to learn how to use Blackboard if you have not already. It is available at

Computing: We will use the SAS statistical software on Windows personal computers to complete most in-class labs. You are not required to learn SAS coding from scratch but you are expected to be able to use the code and examples I provide to complete your labs in class. In most cases you may just need to make slight adjustments to the code to complete the lab problems.

Homework Assignments:

  • Unless specified in the posted assignments (on course website), usually Hw will be due by 5pm on the following Monday. Please put it into the dropbox beside my office door, HAAS116.

  • No Late Homework. You should start every Hw as early as it is posted. If completing assignments is a problem to you, then you are recommended to take the course at another semester as the assignments comprise a fair amount of your grade.

  • One Hw score will be dropped at the end of the semester. If you have an excused HW, this is the one which will be dropped. If you have two excused HWs (very rare, for emergencies or official reasons), then these two will be dropped. You do not get to drop an additional low HW score just because you have one excused absence. You are encouraged to start the homework early in the week .

  • You can discuss the homework with people, but it should be done on your own. Once caught, copying other’s work or solutions will be reported as cheating and all your hw points will be cancelled as a penalty.


  • Each lab material will be posted at least one week ahead of time. labs will consist of a computer assignment related to the topics we currently cover in class. Labs will go more smoothly if you try the template code (included in posted labs), consider the Lab questions and reviewed the notes ahead of time.

  • Most labs will involve SAS as the main instrument, see some useful links and instructions at Practice on “How to open SAS” before your first Lab.

  • Labs are on Wednesday, and will be due at the beginning of Friday’s class. Labs should be typed and submitted as a hard-copy. DO NOT spam me with unnecessary SAS output! When you are handing in an assignment which involves the use of SAS, you should include ONLY output that is relevant and it should be included in a logical order. Attaching SAS output or anything else not required by the questions as an appendix is not acceptable and you will be marked off for doing so. In other words, cut and paste ONLY the parts you need to your lab assignment, leave the rest in SAS.

  • Arrive on time to lab so that you can start immediately. Try to debug on your own, open-ended questions like “how to edit the code for this question” is not welcome in this class. One or two lab exams may be given to test your independent SAS-coding ability.

  • You must leave the lab in 10 minutes after the class. It is unfair to the t.a. or students from other classes if you stay late.

  • For each of the labs, you are allowed to use your online SAS manual and other course materials such as lecture notes and your textbook and information from the course website. You are allowed to discuss the lab assignment with the instructor (although your instructor will not DO the lab for you) and other students, however you are expected to print out and turn in your own independent work. Conversation in lab should be limited to only the lab assignments and course material. Copying other’s work will result in a score of 0 for all your labs.

  • There are no make-up or late labs. If you are on athletic team or have a job interview or have some other valid documentable reason for missing multiple labs, contact me in advance for a discussion of your options.

  • One lab score will be dropped at the end of the semester. We may have a test on SAS programming in the last week of class.

  • On several occasions we will not have a formal lab for certain topics, in these situations I will use the lab time to continue normal lectures. You should go to Regular Wednesday classroom then.

For both Hw and Lab: Computer difficulties are not a valid excuse for having late HW/lab. It is your responsibility to start right away, so that they can be finished on time even if computer difficulties arise. BE SURE TO PUT YOUR NAME, CLASS SECTION # and TIME, AND THE Hw# or LAB # ON YOUR SUBMISSION. BE SURE TO LABEL EACH PART WITH THE PROBLEM NUMBER AND PUT THEM IN LOGICAL ORDER. Finally, Staple all the pages together. 1 POINT WILL BE CUT OFF FOR NOT DOING SO.

Class Participation:

  • You are expected to attend each class and to participate in the discussion and activities.

  • Class participation is worth 5% of your final grade.

  • If you are absent due to illness or other documentable emergency, it may be possible to work out a way to make up class participation points. Timely documentation for your absence is necessary. Do not wait until the end of the semester to turn in documentation for your absence.


  • The exams will be closed book/closed notes exams.

  • You will be allowed to bring pencils, a calculator, and ONE one-page cheat sheet (8 ½” by 11”, handwritten, both sides) to each exam. This one-page handwritten cheatsheet will be worth 1 point on the exam. Any violations, e.g. extra page(s)/printed documents, will result in a score of 0 points for the exam and be reported as cheating, .

  • Exam 1 and 2 will last exactly one hour, with all STAT 350 students taking the exam together in the evening.

  • The Final Exam lasts two hours, with the date and time announced later.

  • When the exam day is approaching, see the course website for review problems and other exam information.

Make-up Exams:

  • Valid reasons for missing an exam include university documented absence, illness, and /or a death in your family. Work is not a valid excuse.

  • If you must miss an exam due to a class conflict or school trip, you need to print off a “Make-up Exam Form” from the course website, complete the form, and turn it in to your instructor at least one week in advance with appropriate documentation stapled to the make-up exam form.

  • If you are missing the exam due to an emergency, you must email your instructor with details of your situation and the information requested on the Make-up Exam Form from the course website no later than 9am the day after the scheduled exam.

  • Your instructor will need to approve your documentation (university or doctor’s note, obituary, etc.) before your exam grade will be recorded.

  • Failure to meet these deadlines and absence from the regular exam will result in a score of 0 points.

  • I make every effort to accommodate student schedules while also protecting the integrity and security of the exam. The make-up exam time will be determined based on the schedules turned in to me by the students sometime early in the week of the exam. If you turn in your form after the make-up exam has been scheduled, then you will have to adjust your schedule to the time that has already been chosen. Usually only one make-up exam time will be scheduled following each regular exam.

  • No mid-term make-up exam will be given earlier than the scheduled time.


  • Make sure you can get access to SAS during the first week of classes. Difficulty in having access to SAS will not excuse you from getting the work done. The first lab, due in the second week, requires you to use SAS.

Special Needs:

  • If you have been certified by the Office of the Dean of Students as someone needing acourse adaption or accommodation because of a disability OR if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please contact our instructor during the first week of classes.

  • If you have a letter from ODOS stating that you may have extra time on the exams or use the testing center, you will also need to turn in a Make-up Exam Form from the course website at least a week before each scheduled exam to let me know your situation. We cannot accommodate the extra time during the regularly scheduled exams, so you will have to take the exam with the other make-up exam students or in the ODOS testing center.

Section Changes: In the first week of classes, all section changes and adds should be done through the Banner system on your own. If you change sections, it is YOUR responsibility to print off your grades from your old Blackboard site and give them to your new instructor within a week of the section change.

Grades on Blackboard: It is your responsibility to make sure the grades recorded on Blackboard are correct. You should also let your instructor know if you thing something was graded incorrectly. However, all of this should be done in a timely manner. DON’T wait until finals week to let me know that you need more points on HW#1. All grades in Blackboard (other than the Final Exam) should be finalized by the end of Dead Week. Any mistakes or omissions in Blackboard need to be shown to the instructor before then.

Course Evaluation: During the last two weeks of the semester, you will be provided an opportunity to evaluate this course and your instructor using an online evaluation. On Monday of the fifteenth week of classes, you will receive an official email from evaluation administrators with a link to the online evaluation site. You will have two weeks to complete this evaluation. Your participation in this evaluation is an integral part of this course. Your feedback is vital to improving education at Purdue University. I strongly urge you to participate in the evaluation system.

*Anything and everything stated above is subject to change thru in-class/mailing-list announcement.*
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