Table Aquatic Nuisance Species Fish Pathogens Pathogen Species Viral

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Table 4. Aquatic Nuisance Species – Fish Pathogens

Pathogen Species - Viral Affected CT Fish Likely Host Organisms Most Likely Vectors

Infectious Salmon Anemia ats anadromous ATS and eggs Commercial/Government transfers

Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus rbt,bnt,ats,bkt,np fish and salmonid eggs Commercial/Government transfers

Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus kok,ats,bkt,bnt salmonid fish and eggs Commercial/Government transfers

Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus bkt,bnt,rbt fish/salmonid eggs/crus/moll Commercial/Government transfers

Channel Catfish Virus cc channel catfish Commercial catfish transfers

Herpesvirus salmonis (Type 1 and 2) kok,rbt salmonid fish and eggs Commercial/Government transfers

Largemouth bass virus lmb largemouth bass Commercial transfers/Club tournaments

Salmon Sarcoma Virus ats ats Commercial/Government transfers

Pathogen Species - Bacterial

Edwardsiella tarda cc,lmb,sb,f,rbt fish/aq inverts/marine+fresh Commercial fish transfers

Enteric septicemia (Edwardsiella ictaluri) cc,wc,bb,yb,bkb catfish species/tilapia Commercial catfish transfers

Hitra disease (Vibrio salmonicida) ats,rbt marine ats and rbt Commercial/Government transfers

Bacterial Kidney disease (R. salmoninarum)* all salmonids salmonid fish and eggs Commercial/Government transfers

Enteric Redmouth (Y. ruckeri)* rbt,bkt,bnt,ats,kok,we all salmonids

Pathogen Species - Parasitic

Ceratomyxosis – C. shasta rbt,ats,bnt,bkt salmonid fish Commercial/Government transfers

Asian Tapeworm – B. acheilognathi gc,cyprinids,bass? primarily cyprinids Commercial Grass carp/bait fish transfers

Proliferative Kidney disease rbt,ats,bnt,np salmonid fish Commercial/Government transfers

Hexamitosis young salmonids fish Commercial/Government/Aquarium transfers

Whirling disease (M. cerebralis)* bkt,rbt all salmonids Commercial/Government transfers

Proliferative Gill disease cc channel catfish Commercial transfers

*These pathogens have occurred or do occur in CT but still pose a threat to cultured and wild stocks of fish in the state.

Warm water Cool water Cold water Miscellaneous
cc – channel catfish np – northern pike ats – atlantic salmon crus - crustaceans

bb – brown bullhead we – walleye rbt – rainbow trout moll - molluscs

bkb – black bullhead sb - striped bass bkt – brook trout

yb – yellow bullhead f – flounder bnt – brown trout

wc – white catfish kok – kokanee salmon

lmb – largemouth bass

It must be mentioned that the major route of dissemination of these pathogens is through the movement of fish and/or fish gametes i.e. importation/liberation of fish and/or fish gametes from infected areas/facilities into non-infected areas/facilities. This is accomplished by allowing movement of fish and/or fish gametes into and within the state. Some of the more targeted game species pathogens such as largemouth bass virus could be moved inter-state through contaminated boats i.e. livewells, bilge water etc. Movement of pathogens associated with aquarium species (Hexamitosis) could be accomplished by inadvertent or intentional release of aquarium fish species.

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