Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan

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Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan

Annual Review 2012/2013

The Telstra Regional and Rural Presence Plan (RRPP) summarises Telstra’s continued commitment to regional, rural and remote customers in line with meeting the Licence Condition, Carrier Licence Conditions (Telstra Corporation Limited) Declaration 1997 (Amendment No. 2 of 2005).
This review reports on how Telstra met the broad commitments included in the RRPP for the 2012/13 financial year and highlights the achievements Telstra has made in serving regional and rural customers. In January 2012, Telstra reaffirmed its commitments to regional and rural Australia and in June 2012, the Minister accepted Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan 2012-2015.
The Regional Telecommunications (Estens) Inquiry 2002 recommendation, upon which the Licence Condition is based, recognised the need for a plan that is “broadly compatible with Telstra’s commercial interests” and that is not “unduly prescriptive or burdensome”.
The RRPP suggested a number of measures and subsequent evidence to demonstrate Telstra’s compliance with the RRPP. This review is consistent with that approach and largely uses information already in the public domain as evidence.
Telstra has the largest and strongest presence in regional and rural Australia of any telecommunications company. The local presence of Telstra management is central to its ability to deliver the services that its customers value. Telstra employees are an integral part of Australian communities and make a significant contribution to their economic and social well-being. Telstra has made a clear business commitment to serving regional, rural and remote Australia now and in the future. Telstra’s local presence helps the company to improve customer service and its business performance.

Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Approach
During 2012/13, Telstra maintained a local management presence through Telstra Country Wide and field service areas of the company.
Telstra Country Wide (TCW) is the management group that focuses on sales and service activities across Australia in metro, outer metro, regional, rural and remote Australia. TCW sits within the expanded remit of Telstra Consumer and Country Wide (TCCW), which has overarching accountability.

Telstra’s strategy recognises that regional, rural and remote customers are best served by integrated technologies and services, bringing together the many elements of Telstra’s organisational capabilities. Telstra continues to maintain a local presence in regional, rural and remote Australia to add to the value of our products and provide a better experience for customers.

The principal measure of the success of this strategy is business growth, reflecting customer choice in the highly competitive and dynamic Australian telecommunications market. Telstra has continued to undertake projects and activities that benefit customers in regional, rural and remote Australia. Regional, rural and remote customers continue to see improvements in world-class telecommunications products and services. Information about projects that Telstra is undertaking will continue to be reported in Telstra’s annual report and through other public announcements.
In 2011, Telstra signed Definitive Agreements with NBN Co and the Commonwealth Government, outlining Telstra’s participation in the roll out of the NBN. As part of this agreement, Telstra has agreed to disconnect, progressively, copper-based Customer Access Network services and broadband services on its HFC cable network (but not Pay TV services on the HFC) that are provided to premises in the NBN fibre footprint, and will migrate services onto NBN-based services as the NBN is rolled out.
Telstra continues to maintain an ongoing local management presence in regional, rural and remote Australia. This local management presence is intended to assist Telstra to better meet the needs of its regional, rural and remote customers, and to maximise business performance in these areas. Telstra has continued to maintain senior level accountability for regional, rural and remote customer operations during 2012/13. Telstra’s regional, rural and remote customers also continue to benefit from having decisions made at the highest level appropriately informed by the knowledge of local conditions.



Measure 1.1: Telstra will continue to maintain a local presence in regional, rural and remote Australia to the extent that this is broadly compatible with its commercial interests and is not unduly prescriptive and does not impose undue financial and administrative burdens on the company.
Telstra continues to maintain a strong local presence in regional, rural and remote Australia with local sales and service employees from a range of Telstra business units. Many of these employees live and work in the communities they serve. Telstra continues to have a strong retail presence in Australia with customers able to visit over 5000 Telstra owned shops, Telstra licensed stores, Telstra partner stores and dealers across metropolitan, regional, rural and remote Australia. Telstra Country Wide Area General Managers are the most senior Telstra representatives in the local market. This approach means a local manager is responsible for all matters affecting customers in their area.

1.1.1 Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan outlines Telstra’s regional and rural presence at

1.1.2 Local management model of Telstra Country Wide at Appendix 1 and Area General Manager role description at Appendix 2

1.1.3 Information on locations at Appendix 3 and

Measure 1.2: Telstra will continue to undertake a range of projects that will benefit its customers in regional, rural and remote Australia.
Telstra has undertaken a number of initiatives in 2012/13 that benefit regional and rural customers. These include continued investment in infrastructure for regional and rural areas, continued product innovation and simplified pricing packages across the range of product suites. Simultaneously, Telstra continued to make it easier for its customers to access a range of communications services across various channels, including online, by phone or by access to Telstra retail, be it a Telstra owned store, Telstra licensed store, Telstra partner or dealer.

1.2.1 Information in the form of media releases showing examples of how Telstra’s range of projects assisted customers during 2012/13 can be found at Appendix 4.

1.2.2 Examples of Telstra’s community projects across regional and rural Australia

1.2.3 Information on the provision of fibre deployment to new estates

1.2.4 Also see evidence for Measure 2.3
Measure 1.3: Telstra will continue to maintain an ongoing local management presence in regional, rural and remote Australia.
Telstra has continued to maintain senior level accountability for regional, rural and remote customer operations during 2012/13. Telstra’s regional, rural and remote customers continued to benefit from having decisions made at the highest levels appropriately informed by knowledge of local conditions.
Telstra operates over 5000 points of presence across Australia, with a significant proportion in regional, rural and remote Australia, as well as Telstra’s field services divisions.

1.3.1 Details of Telstra County Wide regions, Senior Managers, Area General Managers and locations are included at Appendix 3 and

1.3.2 References to a wide range of Telstra activities in regional and rural Australia during 2012/13 are included in Appendix 4
Measure 1.4: Telstra will continue to maintain a structure of local managers responsible for overall sales and service performance in their regions.
Telstra has in place Area General Managers (AGMs) who are the most senior Telstra Executive for Telstra in their local area.
They report to a Regional Sales and Service Director who in turn reports to the Telstra Country Wide Executive Director. Telstra conducts regular meetings in regional offices with local staff from all departments from sales and customer service to network construction and design. These internal reviews provide valuable local insight into key areas of the business. The objective is to strengthen the local Telstra community, improve local customer service and Telstra’s local performance.

1.4.1 Telstra Country Wide organisational structure at Appendix 1

1.4.2 Telstra Country Wide Area General Manager and Regional Sales and Service Director roles at Appendix 2
Measure 1.5: Telstra will continue to maintain senior level accountability for regional, rural and remote customer operations.
During 2012/2013, Telstra AGMs have continued to report to senior Telstra managers responsible for the sales and service performance across particular regions. The head of Telstra Country Wide, to whom these managers report, represents regional, rural and remote customers’ interests to the Group Managing Director of Telstra Consumer and Country Wide, who in turn represents these at the highest levels within the company.

1.5.1 Biography of Group Managing Director (TCCW)

1.5.2 Vision statement from the head of Telstra Country Wide

1.5.3 Telstra Country Wide organisational structure at Appendix 1

1.5.4 Telstra Country Wide role descriptions at Appendix 2

1.5.5 Telstra Country Wide Directors and Area General Managers details at Appendix 3 and

1.5.6 Telstra senior management team and executives at

Measure 1.6: Telstra will continue to seek the views of its regional, rural and remote customers for the purpose of addressing the telecommunications service interests of its customers.
The principal way in which the interests of regional, rural and remote customers are identified continues to be through feedback from customers during the normal course of sales and service activities. Staff and managers in shops, call centres and on service calls provide information on customer issues and needs.
Telstra also undertakes extensive regular surveys and research into the needs and views of its customers throughout Australia, particularly in relation to the development of new products and services, and service performance.
Telstra AGMs regularly speak to customers, customer representative groups and community organisations in the course of their day to day duties. Telstra also regularly consults with customers via regional visits from Senior Telstra executives.
Telstra also maintained close links with key organisations and stakeholders, including:

  • Farming organisations;

  • The Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association (ICPA) and state chapters;

  • Local Government;

  • Regional Development Boards;

  • Local MPs, Federal and State;

  • Disability advocacy groups via our Telstra Disability Forum and Disability Equipment Program Consumer Advisory Group;

  • Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (which has a range of rural and regional organisational members); and

  • A wide range of rural and regional community welfare organisations that provide assistance to low income customers through Telstra’s Access for Everyone programs.

Connecting Indigenous customers and communities

Communication technologies enhance remote healthcare and education, are critical in times of disaster and are fundamental for full participation in economic and community life. There are huge social benefits for those who are connected. But not everyone has the access or the skills to enjoy these benefits – there remains a digital divide.

At Telstra, ‘digital inclusion’ means ensuring all Australians can enjoy the everyday benefits of being connected to communications technologies – irrespective of age, income, ability, location or disadvantage.
Telstra’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) defines our commitment to connect Indigenous customers and communities, in particular in remote Australia, to affordable, innovative and accessible products and services. As Australia’s largest telecommunications company, we have a unique opportunity to make a real difference.
The Telstra Indigenous Directorate was established in 2005 to improve telecommunications services for remote Indigenous communities across Australia. Its accountabilities include:

  • Championing the availability of culturally appropriate products and services for Indigenous people living in remote communities;

  • Supporting the rollout of new infrastructure and services to remote Indigenous communities, with support of government agencies where investment would otherwise be uneconomic;

  • Representing Telstra to governments and stakeholder groups in the delivery of appropriate telecommunications infrastructure and services to Indigenous people;

The Indigenous Directorate also collaborates closely with the Telstra Foundation to create digital inclusion opportunities for Indigenous communities. During 2012/13, they were actively involved in many activities. Some examples are provided below.

  • Telstra became one of the first corporations in Australia to formally recognise the Traditional Owners of land and country, by installing signs of acknowledgment in every branded Telstra store (365 stores) and business centre (88) across Australia.

  • We announced a $5.76 million joint investment with the NT Government, to deliver mobile coverage to eight remote communities and fixed broadband services to six remote communities in the NT by the end of 2013. This will reach more than 8,000 people.

  • The Telstra Foundation partnered with the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE) to explore digital inclusion opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders – we’re calling it the Indigenous Digital Excellence Agenda or the ‘IDEA’. We launched a wide-reaching consultation initiative that engaged thinkers and leaders across Australia.

  • On 1 July 2013, Telstra announced a new $5 million, multi-year partnership with the NCIE to create an Indigenous Digital Excellence Hub that will develop platforms, apps, programs and events to improve community wellbeing. The partnership will support Indigenous people to take their next ‘digital’ step – whether it’s enjoying the strength of online connections through purpose-built online networks and apps, learning digital literacy skills, running an online business or building leadership skills.

Customer Facing Events

As part of familiarising customers with the ongoing development of networks and services including Next G, BigPond, HomeLine etc, Telstra conducted customer facing events throughout regional areas during 2012/13.

Examples include:

  • The Sepparton Bush Market

  • Peter Blasina Connected Seniors

  • Vision Australia Presentation of Disability Products

  • Rodney Park Retirement Village Presentation of Disability Products and IPAD

  • Everyone connected Workshops with Peter Blasina

  • Farmworld 2013

  • Community Town visits

  • Connected Home on Wheels

  • Gippsland Business Community Breakfast Network

  • East Gippsland Field Days

  • Bendigo Bank Gippsland Business Awards, Telstra Finalist Breakfast

  • Deniliquin Farming Expo

  • Seymour Field Days

  • Elmore Field Days

  • Victorian Farmer’s Federation Conferences

  • Temporary store in South Hobart for NBN


1.6.1 AGMs are accessible and accountable for gathering local intelligence on customer’s needs and views. See details at Appendix 3

1.6.2 Information on Telstra Indigenous Directorate

1.6.3 Telstra Indigenous hotline

1.6.4 Telstra Reconciliation Action Plan 2011-2014

1.6.5 The Access for Everyone package provides a range of programs for customers on a low income or in crisis.

1.6.6 Telstra Foundation commits $5 million to create digital opportunity with the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence$5%20million%20to%20create%20digital%20opportunity%20with%20the%20National%20Centre%20of%20Indigenous%20Excellence

1.6.7 Telstra acknowledges traditional owners across Australia

1.6.8 New communications technologies for the Northern Territory

1.6.9 We work to enhance the accessibility of our products and services for people with disability.

1.6.10 Telstra Disability Action Plan

Measure 1.7: Telstra will continue to maintain senior level accountability for representing the telecommunications service interests of its regional, rural and remote customers at senior levels within the company.
The Group Managing Director for Telstra Consumer and Country Wide (TCCW) reports directly to Telstra’s Chief Executive Officer. Telstra’s regional, rural and remote customers benefit from having decisions made at senior levels appropriately informed by knowledge of local conditions.

1.7.1 Telstra Consumer and Country Wide Group Managing Director
1.7.2 Telstra Country Wide Executive Director vision statement

1.7.3 Telstra Country Wide Directors and AGMs at Appendix 3

1.7.4 Telstra Country Wide organisational structure at Appendix 1.
Measure 2.1: Telstra will continue to maintain a formal complaint management process available to customers in regional, rural and remote areas, including publication of complaint handling areas and contact details.
Telstra maintains a formal complaint management process to ensure that each customer complaint is addressed at an appropriate level. It applies to all Telstra customers no matter where they live, including those living or working in regional, rural and remote Australia. Complaints can be lodged online, by phone or by letter.
From 1 July 2012, the Net Promoter System (NPS) has been deployed to measure customer satisfaction and advocacy. At the end of every online, phone call or face-to-face interaction, Telstra asks our customer to give us a score between 0 and 10 and provide written or verbal feedback. Currently, there have been over 10 million customer surveys. A NPS report is sent daily to the executive team summarising the previous day’s performance.
Simplification remains a priority for Telstra

Telstra’s business improvement program remained on track and delivered benefits in fiscal 2013 of $1 billion, enabling reinvestment in customer service initiatives. These benefits included improvements in productivity, growth in online customer interactions and simplifying Telstra’s operating model.

TIO complaints continued to decline

TIO Level 1complaints continue to decrease, with a further 8% reduction of complaints from last year. Customer service improvements introduced over the last year include the introduction of the Thanks Loyalty Program, mobile customer data alerts when customers exceed 80% of their data plan, Post-paid mobile no lock in plans and many other operational improvements.
An improved online presence

In 2012/2013, Telstra continued to improve its online presence with 40% of transactions now completed online. This has increased from last year by 10 percentage points. This has been achieved by having 2 million regular users on My Account, increased use of the 24x7 App with over 2.5 million customers downloading the app and doubling the Live Chat volumes this year with more than 5,000 sessions per day.


2.1.1 Telstra’s Customer Service Charter

2.1.2 Telstra’s vision is to know its customers and meet their needs better than anyone else

2.1.3 Complaints policy at

2.1.4 Complaint contact details at

2.1.5 Contact details for complaints about fixed phones see

2.1.6 TIO complaint reduction

2.1. 7 Putting Our Customers at the Centre,
2.1.8 Media Release, Telstra delivers industry-first customer services app via Facebook,, 31 Jul 2012

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