Legion Breakfast

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Legion Breakfast
- The next monthly breakfast will be February 12th. Buffet is $6.00 a plate and worth every penny! Pancakes, waffles and eggs to order are available upon request!

Legion Schedules
American Legion Will revert back to the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 pm.
American Legion Auxiliary: Second Thursday of the Month, 7 pm

Sons of the American Legion meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm.
American Legion Riders First Tuesday of the Month, 7pm
House Committee and Executive Board: Sundays at 8 am.

Special Year in review Issue.
See inside for photos from the various events held here at Post 51!
A huge thank you to all of those who keep the Post working, to those that keep us entertained, and fed, and happy, and involved!!
Looking forward to a great 2012!

Parking Ban

To our valued Members and Guests; In the event of snow, should your vehicle need to be left over night, please have it parked in front of the Bandstand fence.

This will allow for proper removal of snow from the main parking lot and entrances. Vehicles left overnight should be removed promptly the very next morning. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Post 51 Ceremonial Honor Guard

Post 51’s Honor Guard is made up of members from our Legion family at the Post. The Ceremonial Honor Guard performs a variety of functions from the presentation of colors at ceremonies, rendering honors to our fallen comrades and veterans, attending wakes, rendering 21 gun salutes, performing smaller ceremonies, and performing for parades. Our Honor Guard is equipped with flags from all service branches, along with the National Ensign and Post Flags, the M1 Garand Semi-Automatic rifle for salutes, and uniforms for the group.

Currently the CHG is practicing for the Mid-Winter Conference to be held in Lincoln on the 28th of January. This will be our first “Field Trip.” The members of our CHG would like to extend an invitation to any member that may want to join the group, or is interested in more information, to stop by during one of our practices going on this month. Practices are held at 7pm in Bradshaw Hall every Wednesday during the month of January. Practices will continue monthly after that on select dates.
We would like to add to our ranks. Uniforms, instruction, and practices are provided. Please stop by and see what we do! You may contact anyone of the following members for more information as well: Don Reynolds HG Chairman, Paul Franks Asst. HG Chairman, Kevin Murnane Armorer, Eric Gregg Secretary, Joyce Murnane PR, Bob Bushnell, Wayne Wentworth, Bridget Ivey, or Jo-Anne Cooley.

Post 51 HG Veterans Day POW/MIA Ceremony Post 51 HG renders 21 guns on Memorial Day

Nagy Soccer Field Dedication ceremony Lee Speedway Memorial Day observance

Surface Warfare Association Annual Awards Symposium
The Surface Navy Association maintains a dynamic awards program to award our Sailors, Cuttermen, Dependents, future Sailors and Civilian military supporters through a wide spectrum of opportunities to include recognition and monetary awards.  Recognition takes place annually with major awards presented at the Annual Symposium held in Alexandria, VA. These awards recognize some members of our community whose achievements, in a variety of pursuits, have warranted individual recognition for their contribution to the legacy of Surface Warriors. These individuals are not the complete list of those worthy of such recognition. They, in a sense, are representative of all of our heroes, past and present, who have served their Navy and their nation in the surface ships of the Fleet. These awardees have, however, distinguished themselves as being exceptionally worthy representatives of that larger list, and exemplify
the qualities that have marked the Surface Warrior over our history.

Classification: Recognition

Eligibility: Candidates will be junior Surface Warfare Officers (SWO) and junior Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialists (ESWS), United States Navy, and United States Naval Reserve, who have exhibited sustained excellence in the operational art of Surface Warfare as demonstrated on US Navy surface ships completing deployments during the calendar years ending on 30 September. Candidates must be grade E-3 through E-7, W-2 through W-4, or O-1 through O-4. Clearly, this award focuses on and recognizes the superior operational performance by our junior leaders.


1) Upon return of the deploying group from extended deployment of 120 days or longer, is requested to identify one SWO officer and one ESWS Sailor from the deployed ships' crews who displayed exceptional execution of Surface Warfare Operations during the deployment. Every aspect of Operational Surface Warfare should be taken into account when considering selectees. These aspects are not limited to, but include the following: Deck Seamanship, Shiphandling, Weapons Control, Engineering, Maintenance, Damage Control, Navigation, Welldeck & Flightdeck performance, Fiscal Management, Leadership, Training, Command & Control, Communications, Food Service, and Administration. Selectees should have demonstrated superior action or commendable results in one or more of these significant Surface Warfare disciplines.

2) Selectees' accomplishments will be reviewed by the SNA Awards Committee during October of each year. One officer and one enlisted member each from Atlantic and Pacific commands deemed by the Awards Committee to be especially worthy of further recognition will be proposed to the Executive Committee for invitation to attend the annual SNA Symposium in order to receive a special award.

3) While no truly worthy SWO or ESWS member should be overlooked in the nomination processes, the target recipients for these awards are Enlisted Members, E-3 to E-7 and Officers, W-2 to W-4, O-1 to O-
4) The focus of this award is on the junior leaders of our community.

Congratulations to BMC(SW) (Boatswains Mate, Chief Petty Officer, Surface Warfare) Kevin McCreevan, USS Ramage (DDG 61). Chief McCreevan is the son of Kevin Murnane, Commander Post 51. Congratulations Commander on the selection of your son for this distinguished award!
Well Done Chief!!

2011 memories….

Cornholio! Post 51 IS the center of the center of the Universe! Baaaad Santa! The Halloween Partae! It’s good when it’s free! Foxwoods, “Ticket Machine’s not doin’ so good”. Kids Karaoke, Ace of Hearts, The Lobster Outing, The Kids Christmas Party, 2011 Department Convention, OOOH New Deck! EYAA Dance? Emergency Hall re-stock, please! Kowboy Rick Karaoke! Elvis lives at Post 51! A.L.R. is a program! It’s not nice to dump Santa on the floor Diana –na –na!! TURKEY SHOOT! I AM a Member of the Grand Hall of the Golden Cornholio, Post 51 Bartenders Rule, Really! Lobster and Steak Dinner..Dammit! Get in, sit down, shut up, and hold on! Family Feud, Diana-na-na-na-na, 7 am Memorial Day morning at the Post, One bottle, Two bottles, Three bottles, Sheesh!. Monday Night Horseshoes! Canteen Commando, Santa Likes Ford Diesels! Large Sam, please! A Field Of Flags, Okay Kenny, put your hand down! Sheila STILL needs a Brass Pole, “Oh, Post 51 Honor Guard, by the way, you did such a good job at the Veterans Day ceremony, you available for the Mid-Winter Conference? How about a Testamonial? Convention? Sunday Morning Breakfast! Did someone say Prime Rib Dinner!? Ted, We’ll miss you…

Morning Chief,
Here is a picture of me and my squad on a captured Iraqi tank in 2004 and the other is another Company of NH soldiers in Afghanistan in 2011.  Let's not forget we still have thousands of our men and women in harms way that need our prayers.

Jon "Chief" Worrall, SFC USA Retired

TSGLI/CRSC Ambassador

Soldiers Helping Soldiers


January 21, Saturday – 8 P.M. Beat the Winter Blues DANCE with DJ JEFF BRADLEY

  • This dance is just for YOU!! Yes... that’s what we’re saying. This is YOUR dance!!

  • DJ Jeff will be taking requests for all kinds of dance music ... Elvis, Country, Beatles, Rock.... whatever he has he’ll play at YOUR request.

  • AND to help liven up YOUR party, we’ll be playing some fun games for PRIZES ... musical chairs anyone??

  • The cost is $6/person at the door. A cash bar will be open. The event will be held in the non-smoking Harry Bradshaw Memorial Hall of the Epping American Legion.

  • Members, guests, and singles are all welcome !!!!!!!!!!!!

  • For more information please call Darlene at 603-793-6090 or Janet at 603-944-3288.

February 11, Saturday - Valentine’s Prime Rib Dinner Dance with ‘This Old Band”

  • Epping Post 51 is hosting a Valentine’s Prime Rib Dinner Dance featuring “This Old Band” on Saturday, February 11. It will be a prime rib dinner with all the fixings.

  • ONLY 100 Tickets will be sold for the dinner that will be served between 6:30 pm & 7:30 pm. The tickets MUST BE purchased in advance for $15/person or $25/couple. Please see the bartender in the Canteen to purchase tickets. The tickets will be sold until they run out or until the cutoff date of February 5!!

  • The ticket does include entrance to the dance that will begin at 8 pm. “This Old Band” will be playing classic Rock’n Roll so grab your honey and come on down for a delicious dinner and a rock’n good time.

  • If you miss out on the dinner tickets or you just want to attend the dance which starts at 8 pm, the cost is $7/person at the door.

  • Members, guests, and singles are welcome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • For more information please call Darlene at 603-793-6090 or Janet at 603-944-3288.

Samsung American Legion Scholarship

Samsung, a worldwide leader in electronics, endowed a scholarship fund of five million dollars to be administered by The American Legion. The endowment was made to show appreciation to U.S. veterans who came to the aid of Korea during its struggle against communist forces during the Korean War. “The Samsung American Legion Scholarship Program” established a series of scholarships derived from interest and other income from the $5,000,000 principal amount. In 2003, seven $20,000 scholarships and 91 $1,000 scholarships were awarded. For additional information and contests available from Samsung.

High school juniors who participate in and complete either an American Legion Boys State or American Legion Auxiliary Girls State Program and be a direct descendant, i.e. child, grandchild, great grandchild, etc. or a legally adopted child, of a U.S. wartime veteran who served on active duty during one or more of the periods of war officially designated as eligibility dates for membership in The American Legion by the United States government: WW I -- April 6, 1917 - November 11, 1918; WW II -- December 7, 1941 - December 31, 1946; Korean War -- June 25, 1950 - January 31, 1955; Vietnam War -- February

28, 1961 - May 7, 1975; Lebanon and Grenada -- August 24, 1982 - July 31, 1984; Panama -- December 20, 1989 - January 31, 1990 and Persian Gulf War -- August 2, 1990 to cessation of hostilities as determined by the United States government.

The scholarship is for undergraduate study only and may be used for: tuition, books, fees, and room and board. The selection of the scholarship winners will be based, in part, upon the following criteria: academic record; involvement in school activities; involvement in community activities; community service; financial need and additional bonus points in the selection process will be awarded to descendants of U.S. veterans of the Korean War.

The application is available as a PDF file in Adobe Acrobat. Download here. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the file.

American Legacy Scholarship

Eligibility: Child/Children, or legally adopted child/children, of active duty United States military and Guard, and Reserve personnel who were federalized and died on active duty on or after September 11, 2001. Must be a high school senior or high school graduate to apply for the scholarship. Scholarship is for undergraduate study at a U.S. school of higher education.
Aid Offered: The amount and number of awards depends upon the income derived from the trust. Scholarship recipients may reapply for the award.

To obtain an application click here. Or See a Post Officer if you do not have internet access.
Deadline: Application must be post marked not later than April 15th. For information about additional American Legion scholarships and college financial aid click here.
Vocational Education Scholarship
This is a $1000.00 Scholarship for applicant entering first year of an accredited

two (2) year college or university leading to an Associates Degree and

Has been a resident of New Hampshire for at least three (3) years.
Albert T. Marcoux Field of Education Scholarship

This is a $1000.00 Scholarship for applicant who’s father or mother are a current member

of the American Legion or Auxiliary or who’s parent is deceased and was a member of

the American Legion or Auxiliary and is entering first year of an accredited four (4)

year college or university leading to an Bachelors Degree in the field of education.
Christa McAuliffe Field of Education Scholarship

This is a $1000.00 Scholarship for applicant entering first year of an accredited

four (4) year college or university leading to an Bachelors Degree in the field

of education and has been a resident of New Hampshire for at least three (3) years.

Department of New Hampshire Scholarship

This is a $1000.00 Scholarship for applicant entering first year of an accredited

four (4) year college or university leading to an Bachelors Degree and has

been a resident of New Hampshire for at least three (3) years.
John A. High Child Welfare Scholarship

This is a $1000.00 Scholarship for boys whose father or mother have been a member of the American Legion or American Legion Auxiliary continuously for three years immediately preceding the date of application or are the son of a deceased veteran who is in their senior year of high school and are in actual need of financial assistance.

Raymond K. Conley Memorial Scholarship

This is a $500.00 Scholarship for applicant entering first year of a four (4) year collage or

a two (2) year vocational school in the Physical or Mental Rehabilitation area

And has been a resident of New Hampshire for at least three (3) years.

Post 51 info can be found on the World Wide Web: www.post51.net on Facebook: http://facebook.com/pages/american-legion-post-51-epping-nh and on Photobucket (search CommanderALPost51) and this monthly newsletter. If you are a Historian and need access to post photos and stories on any of these sites please contact me!

What’s happening at the Post tonight?

Mondays: Cornhole tournaments. 6:30pm, Bradshaw Hall. See Rob Hollman, Ron Follansbee or Jen the Bartender for info!
Tuesdays: Meeting Night. Attend the American Legion Riders meeting the First Tuesday of the month or the American Legion Post 51 meeting on the Second Tuesday of the month. Your involvement in your Post makes Post 51 strong and vibrant! Be part of the process or stop in to see what is happening behind the scenes.
Wednesdays: Card game of 45. See Jerome Jean if you’d like to play. 45 rules on line Click here!
Thursdays: Meeting Night. Attend the American Legion Auxiliary meeting on the 2nd Thursday or the Sons of the American Legion on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Your involvement in your Post makes Post 51 strong and vibrant! Be part of the process or stop in to see what is happening behind the scenes
Fridays: Better get here early! The canteen fills up fast! Turkey Shoot at 6:30 pm and Kowboy Rick Karaoke! at 8:30 pm.
Saturdays: If you thought Friday was busy, check out Saturday! Turkey Shoot at 6:30 pm. Come on Down! Have some fun! Karaoke! Charlie and Sheila are your hosts!



Teams will be drawn at 6:30 pm Sharp

$5/person at Epping Legion in Bradshaw Hall

Two people per team – Names drawn out of hat.

Double Elimination


Beat the Winter Blues Dance


January 21, Saturday at 8 p.m.

American Legion in Epping

This Dance is for You & You & You!!!
Yes... that’s what we’re saying.
This is YOUR dance!!
DJ Jeff will be taking requests for all kinds of dance music ... Elvis, Country, Beatles, Rock....

whatever he has he’ll play at YOUR request.

AND to help liven up YOUR party, we’ll be playing some fun games for PRIZES ...... musical chairs anyone??

Members, guests, and singles are all welcome!!!

The cost is $6/person at the door.

A cash bar will be open.

For more information please call

Darlene at 793-6090 or Janet at 944-3288.



The R.A. Mitchell Post 51 American Legion Flyer is available electronically and in the Post monthly. Send your e-mail address to egregg57@yahoo.com to be added to the distribution list. Through the e-mail list you will also receive notifications of upcoming events and functions. Additionally this list includes key people in the Post and provides a means of contact and exchange of information. Junk, Political, Racist, and non Veteran/Legion related information will not be passed. Additionally if you wish to have your e-mail address placed in the Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) section of the address, please let me know.
The Post 51 Flyer:

Created By: Paul Franks

Monthly Publishing: Eric J. Gregg

Editing: Paul Franks

If you have comments, pictures and submissions, they are requested before the last full week of the month prior to the Flyers publication. Stories, reports and information are welcomed and encouraged from the American Legion Family and local veterans organizations such as The Blue and Gold Star Mothers, Granite State Vets and Rolling Thunder.

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