The 71st armored field artillery battalion in europe 1944 1945 Personal Journal of Major Herman R. Smith Jr

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IN EUROPE 1944 - 1945

Personal Journal of Major Herman R. Smith Jr.

5 Feb 44

Left Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, Pa. by train for staging area.

Arrived at Camp Kilmer, NJ the same day.

10 Feb 44

Left Camp Kilmer by train for New York Port of Embarkation. Transferred to ferry for trip to the pier. Bn received coffee and do-nuts from the Red Cross at shipside. Boarded the U.S.Army Transport Edmund B. Alexander. This ship was taken from the Germans after WW 1 and renamed the America, later the West Point and finally taken over by the U.S.Army Transportation Corps and given its present name.

11 Feb 44

At 2030 our ship joined the remainder of the convoy in NY harbor. At 2115 the convoy sailed for the ETO.

23 Feb 44

Arrived in harbor at Liverpool, England

24 Feb 44

Disembarked from ship, marched to the train shed at Central Depot where the Bn again received coffee and do-nuts from the American Red Cross. Loaded aboard trains for trip to Perham Downs Camp, Tidsworth, Hants.

25 Feb 44

Detrained at Lugershaw, Hants; entrucked and transported by the 3rd Armored Div. to Perham Downs Camp. The 3rd AD had cleaned and prepared this camp for our entry.

1 Mar 44

Received all our vehicles and equipment except our 18 105mm M-7 Howitzers.

2 Mar. to 11 Apr. 44

This period spent in cleaning up, breaking in and modifying our motor vehicles; conditioning the troops physically, and small arms firing; inspection and check of clothing and equipment.

11 Apr 44

Departed by truck from Perham Downs for Camp Blairick, Cornwall, Eng. For this march all our armored vehicles were put in storage at Camp Ogbourne St. George, Hants. Arrived at Camp Blairick after a 177 mile road march.

12 Apr. to 23 May 44

This period was spent mainly in establishing and organizing one base Camp (Camp Blairick) and 21 smaller camps; 7 in K area and 14 in J area. This was quite a job as there were many small details to attend to in the organization of each camp. Major Atkinson, the S-3, was in command of J area with Capt. Smithers, A Btry CO, and Capt. Blackburn, C Btry CO, as sub commanders. Capt. Crowell, B Btry CO, commanded K area and Capt Wilcox, Hq Btry CO, commanded the base camp.

24 May to 3 Jun 44

The D-Day assault troops arrived in the Camps. This unit was to get them fed, supplied and equipped with all of their shortages.Units of the 1st and 29th Inf. Divs were marshalled by this unit.

4 Jun 44

Assault troops left the camps for their embarkation areas.

6 Jun 44

D-Day, the great sea and air assault of the Nazi has begun. Initial landings were quite successful

7 Jun to 15 Jun 44

This period was spent in turning over the property and custodianship of such, and the camps, to another American unit.

15 Jun 44

Unit departed by truck from Camp Blairick, Cornwall and marched to West Downs Camp, Tilshead, Wilts. Arrived early evening. Marched 159 miles.

16 Jun to 22 July 44

Bn is bivouaced on the Salsbury Plain. This time was spent in thorough training of the unit in its primary weapon. Bn conducted service practice on the range with an ample amount of ammo. The remainder of the time was spent in classes on languages, customs, intelligence, aircraft and vehicle identification, physical conditioning, inspection of personnel and equipment and additional modifications of vehicles.

22 Jul 44

At 1640 the Bn moved out of bivouac area l mile East of West Downs Camp, Tiltshead, Wilts and arrived at Camp C-3 SE in the marshalling area near Southhammpton, Wilts. at 2045

23 Jul 44

Made final preparations for Short Sea Voyage. Buzz bombs passed over and landed near our area.

24 Jul 44

Departed Camp C-3 at 0645 and arrived at the Southhampton docks at 0750.

The remainder of the day was spent loading ship.

26 Jul 44

After a lot of trouble with the booms and blocks, the Bn. was finally loaded onto 2 1/2 Liberty ships. Unit boarded ship at 1930 and at 2020 moved from the dock area. Remained in harbor overnight.

27 Jul 44

Sailed on Short Sea Voyage at 0715 and arrived at anchorage on Utah Beach, near Cherbourg, at 1830. Witnessed our second air raid. Both of them were at night with the first being at Camp Blairick near Plymouth.

28 Jul 44

Started unloading Bn. at 0730. Bn. arrived complete in bivouac area 5 miles N.W. of St. Saviour Le Vecompte; S.E. of Cherbourg, France.

29 Jul 44

Maj. Gen. Lunsford E. Oliver, the Div. Commander visited the Bn and spoke to the troops at 1515.

30 Jul to 1 Aug 44

Normal camp duties of maintenance and organization of equipment. Btrys made three 10 mile conditioning hikes.

1 Aug 44

Bn moved out at 1945 in the order A,Hq,B,C, and Svc. At 2330 closed in position 2 miles S.W. of Periers. We are now in the 3rd Army which is commanded by Lt. Gen Patton.

2 Aug 44

Btry B, 387 AAAW attached to the Bn. This unit consists of 6 officers and 140 EM. It is organized into two platoons of 4 sections each. Each section consists of 2 armored half-tracks; one armed with two 50 Cal. machine guns and a 37mm cannon. The other half-track is armed with a multiple mount of four 50 cal. machine guns. The mission of this unit is to protect our Bn against enemy aircraft. Stored our duffle bags in a field. Bn moved out at 1715 in the order of B,Hq,C,A,Sv.

3 Aug 44

Bn Closed in position area at St. Hilair Du Harcourt at 0615. The march was made under extremely trying conditions as the road was in a bad state of repair and we were floodlighted by aircraft flares that were dropped by 14 JU88’s as they bombed Avranches and St Hilair. Div. now in XV Corps, 3rd Army. 22 German FW190’s passed over the position area at 1600. They strafed as they passed but caused no casualties in our Bn. Our attached AAAW fired at them and probably damaged 4 as they were smoking badly as they passed out of our sight. At 2020 A Btry took the Bn’s first prisoner, a paratrooper.

4 Aug 44

Our position area was strafed by six FW190’s at 0945 but caused no casualties or damage. Our AA damaged one and at 1300 our AA fired on two P-51’s.

5 Aug 44

At 0100 the Germans bombed our general area but it is believed that they were again attempting to bomb Avranches. We had no damage but Pvt Bolen, of Sv Btry was hit in the knee by a spent 37mm AA shell as he lay in his slit trench. At 1720 our position area was strafed by two ME109s and 14 FW190s. They caused no damage to us and our AA probably damaged 9 of them with 4 of them smoking badly. Bn moved out at 1900 in the order A,Hq,B,C,Sv and closed in a tempory bivouac 1 mile S. of Lecousse, France.

6 Aug 44

At 0600 the Bn moved out in the order B,Hq,C,A,Sv and at 0845 closed in a temporary position 2 miles N. of Entremmes to await orders. This Bn is to support CCB which is now organized into 2 task forces. We are to follow TF Wintermute. Bn moved out at 1330 in the order of C,Hq,A,B, Sv and closed in bivouac 2 miles N.E. of St. Saviour and supporting CCB’s road blocks.

7 Aug 44

C Btry fired our first fire mission in combat at 0230 hrs. They fired 9 rounds of WP; neutralized one SP 88mm gun, destroyed one 88mm SP gun and two unarmored vehicles. Lt Martin adjusted the Btry, Lt Page was the Exec and Capt Roueche, our FDC officer, commputed the initial data. This was excellent shooting as the only maps available were 1/250,000 scale road maps.

Bn moved out at 0800 in the order A,B,Hq,C,Sv. We follow TF Wintermute and the probable route is Chemere, Ballee, Epineaux, Poille, Chatenay, Maigne, Chemere, and St. Georges. The objective of the Div. is Le Mans.

At 1730 Hq and C Btrys were fired on by snipers on both sides of the road just short of Maigne. At 1945 the Bn cleared Maigne which held many snipers and bazooka-men. Four men were injured (M/Sgt Leiten, Cpl Mahoney, Pvt Lanham,________) by snipers. Our tanks were well able to cope with the horse drawn Arty and scattered Infantry that we encounte-red.

8 Aug 44

Bn closed in position 2 miles E. of Spay at 0030. Lt Martin, our Ln Off to CCB missed our CP and drove into Le Mans. He was the first American into Le Mans. Waiting for orders. At 1245 Bn moved out in order of A, Hq,B;C,Sv. Bn closed in position near St Georges, S.E. of Le mans at 1530, supporting CCB’s attack on Le Mans.

9 Aug 44

Bn in position supporting CCB’s attack on Le Mans. CC attacking in two columns; one from the South and the other from the South East. Bn Captured 7 prisoners. Cpl Bennet, Hq Btry, took one sniper and C Btry captured 6 in a woods near their position area. Le Mans taken at 1620. This Bn used three observers; 2 on the ground and one in the air.

March Warning Order received from CCB at 2130.

10 Aug 44

Bn moved out at 0030 in the order C,Hq,B,A,Sv; to follow TF Wintermute. Arrived in position 3 miles N.W. of Bonnetable at 0745. Btrys took 4 prisoners as they went into position. Bn registered by Air OP and expended 16 rounds. Sv Btry fuel and lube section captured 9 prisoners on their return trip from the gas dump 142 miles behind us.

11 Aug 44

Bn relieved from direct support of CCB and ordered to reinforce the 95th AFA Bn which is in direct support of CCR. We are now under XII Corps Control. Bn moved out at 1850 in the order A,Hq,B,C,Sv and followed the 95th AFA. Column was fired on by snipers and auto-weapons 4 miles S. of Lamele Ser Sarthe and also in the town. This town was badly shot up and damaged by our column and approximately 1/3 of it was afire when the Bn went thru.

12 Aug 44

Bn in position at 0415 , 3 miles N.W. of Lamele Ser Sarthe. After daylight a large woods on our right flank was found to contain approx 40 abandoned German supply vehicles which were fully loaded with equipment and supplies. Bn moved out at 1210 in the order of B,Hq,C,A, Sv. We were to move forward by bounds leap-frogging the 95th AFA Bn. The Bn CO went forward with the Surv O and BC parties and got tied up in a traffic jam in Sees. The town was rejoicing its liberation by the unit on our left - the French 2nd Armd Div. Bn Closed in position 2 miles N of Marmouille and 3 miles S. of Nonet Le Pin at 1715. At about this time a radio report stated that the French Armd Div. had fallen back and that we were in eminent danger of a tank attack on our left flank. Bn sent out 3 bazooka teams to block the roads from the West that ran near our position area.

Bn CO, Surv O and BC parties left on reconnaisance at 2100 and left instructions that they were going N. of Nonet Le Pin and South of the road junction in Gace. Bn moved out at 2145 in the order C,Hq,A,B,Sv and closed in positionat 2245 near St Germain, 2 miles N. of Nonet Le Pin. Expended 87 rounds for the day on observed targets.

13 Aug 44

CCR’s mission is to gain and control the CR on the S. edge of Gace which is also the objective of the British and Canadians, who are coming from the North. The 10th Tank Bn established a road-block at this CR with our B22, Lt Harrison (our forward observer).

Bn shelled at 0930 by 75mm roving gun. Approx. 45 rds fell in our area. B Btry, commanded by Capt Crowell, smoked the ridge 2000 yards to our front. This enabled the Bn to displace to its alternate position without too much difficulty. B Btry’s RO, Lt Al Davies, was injured in the leg as was Sgt Holland of A Btry. We lost A Btry’s kitchen truck and trailer in this shelling. At 1010 Bn was complete in its alternate position about l mile S.W. of our original position. In this position we received sporadic harassing fire during the night and expended 355 rounds for the day.

14 Aug 44

Lt Harrison, B22, lost his tank Cmdr, Sgt Dickey, to enemy mortar fire. Direct hit with a mortar round. Bn expended 494 rounds and the Bn received 40 rounds of incoming 105mm How. shelling.

15 Aug 44

Bn Co left at 1415 for a unit commander’s meeting at CCB and returned at 1510. The 5th Armd Div is being relieved by the 3rd Armd Div and the 5th Armd is ordered to attack Druex, 62 miles to the S.E., tomorrow morning. The 71st is in direct support of CCB. Bn moved out, under the Exec at 15l0 in the order C,Hq,A,B,Sv and halted for refueling at 2200 near Les Chatelets. Now in XX Corps.

16 Aug 44

Bn in position at 0745 near Imbernais and 5 1/4 miles S.E. of Druex.The 400th Armd FA Bn is to reinforce our fires. At 1010 CCB attacked Druex in two columns and the town was liberated at 1615. Our A Btry was strafed at 1630 by a single ME109 which was shot down in flames by our AA. This plane crashed in the middle of A Btry’s position. Bn expended 61 rounds for the day.

17 Aug 44

At 1225 Bn moved out in order A,Hq,B,C,Sv and at 1425 was closed in position l mile West of Florenville and La Chapelle. Bn expended 23 rounds for the day.

18 Aug 44

At 0930 Bn received a Warning March Order from Div Arty and at 1200 moved out under Exec in order B,Hq,C,A,Sv. At 1235 Bn closed in position 1 mile W. of Champagne near Brone.

At 1500 Bn Co, Surv O and BC parties left on reconnaissance .Bn moved out at 1530 in the order C,Hq,B,A,Sv. The 400th Armd FA Bn was to reinforce our fires and to leap-frog on the march. At 2045 Bn closed in position l mile N. of Lammoye and 3/4 mile S.E. of Chaufeur. Bn bypassed leading elements of CCB and liberated Chaufeur. Cpl Hardesty fired 3 rounds from the MG on his Peep and took one prisoner in Chaufeur - the remainder went East towards Bonnaires using any availab-le transportation. At this point the 81st Tank Bn interrupted their flight and slaughtered Nazis and horses like flies. Bn expended 169 rounds and CCB completed the Seine River cut-off. Lt Leo Kokeley, C Co, 81st Tank Bn destroyed the Div’s first MK V Panther tank.

19 Aug 44

Lt Nicol cracked up his L4 during take-off on a small rough fenced in field. Bn fired on tank, infantry and vehicle concentrations. Bn expended 521 rounds.

20 Aug 44

At 1100 the Bn CO left for a CCB unit commanders meeting and returned at 1345. The 79th Div is to cross the Seine River and establish bridgeheads at Bonnairs and Mantes. The 5th AD will support by fire and disrupt all enemy traffic and communications. This includes barge traffic on the Seine River and also to protect the left flank of the 79th Inf. Div. Bn expended 507 rounds during the day on tank and infantry concentrations.

21 Aug 44

Bn Co, Surv O and BC Parties went forward on reconnaisance at 0840 to select new positions as we are nearly outranged. They returned at 0930 Bn moved out at 1400 in order A,Hq,B,C,Sv and closed in position at 1510 1 mile SE of Douains; astride old RR tracks. Bn expended 332 rounds.

22 Aug 44

Bn Co, Surv O and BC parties left on reconnaisance at 0755. At 0920 the Bn moved out under the Exec in the order B,Hq,C,A,Sv and closed in position 1/2 mile NW of La Heuniere in a field covered with destroyed German Panther and Tiger tanks. These belonged to the 130 Panzer Lehr Div and were knocked out by our tanks and the AF on the 21st of Aug.

Bn Co, Surv O and BC parties left on reconnaisance at 1325. Bn moved out at 1340 in order C,Hq,A,B,Sv and closed in position l mile SW of St. Pierre De Baellen at 1515. At 1500 we were bombed and strafed by 9 FW190s as we were going into position. Our attached AAAW downed one and damaged two. Bn suffered 8 casualties: T/5 Fitzgerald in C Btry and 7 of the attached AAAW Btry. Three vehicles were damaged, includi-ng the Bn 10 ton M1 wrecker. Bn expended 483 rounds during the day and broke up a large tank and infantry counter-attack by the 130 Panzer Lehr and Hitler Jugend Divisions.

23 Aug 44

Bn moved out at 1615 in the order parties, A,Hq,,B,C,Sv and closed in position one mile N of Les Noes at 1900. The weather was rainy and mud was everywhere. The Bn expended 149 rounds on infantry concentrations and marking targets for our supporting P47 fighter bombers.

24 Aug 44

At 1300 the Bn Co left for a meeting at CCB and returned at 1530. CCB to march to vicinity of Paris and wait until the French 2nd Armd Div can get there to liberate the city. Bn moved out at 1615, under the Exec in the order A,Hq,b,C,Sv and closed in position 3 miles S. of Mantes and 1/2 mile S of Guerville at 0715 hours 25 Aug 44. This was a march of 72 miles under adverse road and weather conditions. There was practically no enemy resistance.

26 Aug 44

Bn registered N of the Seine River and in bivouac 1/2 mile S of Guerville performing necessary maintenance of equipment and material. Btrys are so located in position to be able to fire if necessary. From 2200 to 2400 Bn fired two Corps Serenades and numerous interdiction and harassing missions. Expended 884 rounds for the day.

27 Aug 44

Between 0001 and 0445 this Bn fired in 4 Corps Serenades to help break up an enemy counter-attack against the XIX Corps which was N of the Seine River. At 1300 the Bn Co, Surv O and BC parties went forward on reconnaissance at 1330 to pick some positions. Bn displaced by Btry starting at 1500 and completely in position at 1610 and registered by Air OP by 1640. Div now in V Corps, 1st US Army. At 1810 Bn Co left for unit commander’s meeting at CCB and returned at 1950. Bn as a part of CCB will march to an assembly area in Versailles at 0800 tomorrow morning. CCB to parade in Paris. Expended 924 rounds on Infantry and tank concentrations.

28 Aug 44

At 0210 CCB called to say that movement and parade were delayed for 24 hours and that same details as yesterday would pertain. Bn performing necessary maintenance of vehicles and equipment.

29 Aug 44

Move to and parade in Paris by CCB cancelled. One combat team from each of the 4th and 28th Infantry Divisions will parade. At 1750 Gen Oliver, the Division Commander, made presentations of the Bronze Star medal for gallantry in action to Capt Rowlands and Lt Frazer. He also read the order awarding same to Lt Davies, who was absent in hospital, WIA.

All maintenance services have been completed and the Bn is now capable of another extended operation with few vehicular casualties caused by maintenance. Bn is carrying a 20% basic overload of combat ammunition.

At 2050 Bn Co left for unit commanders meeting at CCB and returned at 2230. The 5th AD to move at 0600 30 Aug; to relieve the 28th Inf Div and the French 2nd Armd which are N of Paris and then to spearhead the drive to the Corps objective (the Belgium border). CCB to move in three columns; 71st to march with TF Anderson and leave here at 0800; will pass thru Paris.

30 Aug 44

At 0745 the Bn moved out under the exec in the order B,Hq,A,C,Sv and passed thru Paris at 1030. Thus far this Bn has travelled 398 miles in combat. Speedometers were re-zeroed in Paris.

At 1645 Bn went into position 1/2 mile N of Luzarches and the head of the Bn column received 7 rounds of 88mm AP fire. The roads were jam packed with vehicles as the CC had started to bypass elements of the

28th Inf Div. At 1710 Lt Harrison, B22, adjusted A Btry and fired a Btry 5 rounds for effect. This was a time concentration on dug-in Infantry and AT guns. The fire burned 4 ammo vehicles, killed many

infantry, the AT guns withdrew and the column passed. The Bn Co, Surv O and BC parties went forward at 1910 and the Bn followed at 1945. Bn closed in position at 2050 in a famous race track within the city limits of Chantilly. This race track accommodated the entire CCB.

31 AUG 44

Division to complete passing thru 28th Inf Div. and to continue on to Conde Belgium. B Btry left at 0700 as part of the advance guard of TF Anderson. At 0825 the remainder of the Bn displaced by Btry and by 1037 were closed in position l mile E of St. Maxim. B Btry was in position on a large burning airport at Los Plesus. Bn moved out at 1245 under the Exec to displace the remainder of the Bn forward to B Btry’s area; closed in position on the airport at 1355. At 1500 the Bn displaced forward to positions 1/2 mile NW of Flourines and closed there at 1610. Bn registered immediately by Air OP and fired several missions prior to darkness. Good results were obtained on dug in Inf. and AT guns. Marched 18 miles cross country through two heavily mined and booby trapped areas.

1 SEPT 44

Bn Co, Surv O and BC parties left at 0930 with the Bn moving at 0945 in the order C,Hq,B,A,Sv and closed in an assembly area S of the RR tracks and 1/2 mile N of Verberil. Bn moved out at 1130 and closed in position 300 yards NE of Royallieu on the edge of the Compiegne forest at 1235 after marching 22 miles. This is the forest in which the Armistice was signed thus ending WW 1. Bn registered by air OP at 1250 and fired 3 concentrations on dug in Inf. N. of Compiegne. Capt Wilcox (Hq Btry CO) and Col Cole (Commander CCB) were slightly injured by shell fragments.

Bn Co left at 1420 for unit commanders meeting at CCB and returned at 1505 with our Ln Officers and FOs. Our mission has been changed. The 71st is to support TF Gilson and march to the Corps objective (Conde Belgium). Bn moved out at 1847 in the order C,Hq,B,A,Sv and at 1920 crossed the pontoon bridge in Compiegne. Bn then moved forward by bounds with the firing batteries leap-frogging one another with one of them in firing position at all times. At 2142 B Btry was in position 2 miles S of Noyon. The column was held up by dug in Inf and AT guns in position on the S side of Noyon.

2 SEPT 44

Remainder of Bn closed in vicinity of B Btry’s position at 0020. Bn marched 14 miles. Bn registered and night survey complete at 0137. Bn fired several time concentrations on dug in Inf and on Noyon. During this action the 81st Tank Bn lost 3 tanks and Lts McWain, Martin, Frazer and Henschell received silver star medals for the adjustment of our fires. They were out ahead of our leading elements and were silhouetted by the light from the 3 burning tanks.

At 0745 the Bn Co, Surv O, BC parties and A Btry moved out followed by the Bn at 0825 in the order C,Hq,B,Sv. The column was held up by two blown bridges in Ham. Bn went into position on city limits of Ham at 0950. Travelled 16 miles. The 22nd Eng Bn (5th AD) put up two bridges across the canals. At 1217 the Bn moved out in order B,A,Hq,C Sv. The Bn Co and BC parties are preceeding the Bn by one mile.

After CCB crossed the bridges in Ham the German columns running E used them to good advantage. Bn closed in position area 1 mile N of Conde and 1 1/2 mile from the Belgium border at 2320 with only 3 straggler vehicles. Bn marched 69 miles from Ham for a total of 85 miles for the day. Our column bypassed San Quentin and went through the large town of Valcennes. The resistance encountered was unusually light but there were several firefights that the advance guard was able to handle. The column killed many German soldiers and horses; knocked out a large number of artillery pieces and motor vehicles.

3 SEPT 44

At 0830 a German column of 14 vehicles with three towed 105mm guns passed 200 yards in the rear of our position area. This column was firing all available small arms at us. They over ran the 22nd Eng road block and killed two machine gunners. Cpl Delap and Pvt Brown, in Hq Btry, were injured by small arms fire. Capt Wilcox, Hq Btry Co, had a bullet go through the seat of his pants. Our Ln planes arrived in the area at 1240. Bn had a field day firing on retreating German units. We destroyed 3 88mm towed guns and seven vehicles. These missions were all observed by air OP. At 1710 Bn displaced forward 2000 yards to a better position and fired interdiction and harassing fires throughout the night.

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