The daily digest Tuesday, November 25, 2008

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

News You Can Use

In This Issue

Bates MS Media Specialist Receives Grant for At-Risk Readers
Arundel MS Holds Career Day
Help Sought in Teacher-Recruitment Effort
Brain Based Teaching and Learning - Three Graduate Credits in Two Weekends
Caps Offering Discounted Tickets to Teachers
Parent, Bully Surveys Now Available On-Line
Applications Accepted for County Student Model Government Program
Georgetown East ES Making Plans for Annual Holiday Shopping Spree
Anne Arundel County Model Government Program Accepting Applications
Student Member

on the State Board of Education Sought

Speak Up Surveys Currently Online
Dancing for the Cure at South River High School
Technology Toolbox Course for Administrators
Check Out Marching Band Exhibition Today
Second Annual Parent Involvement Matters Award Program Kicks Off

During American Education Week

MICCA Grant Application Available for 2008 – 2009
Nominate Your Principal for the Washington Post Agnes Meyer Distinguished Educational Leadership Award
Nominate a Teacher from Your School for the Washington Post Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Awards
Nominations Being Accepted for Technology in Education Award

Note:  Some articles may require registration in order to be viewed. You may also read all issues of The Afternoon Digest on Minerva. (You must log in with your own ID and password to view this site.) All new entries are underlined.

Latest News

Bates MS Media Specialist Receives Grant for At-Risk Readers
The winner of Chesapeake Family's most recent Cash for Classrooms grant is Becki Hutchison, media specialist at Bates Middle School in Annapolis. Ms. Hutchison requested $484.89 to purchase an assortment of “playaways” – a new audiobook technology that will help encourage low-level, at-risk readers. In addition to her commitment to new technology, Chesapeake Family was impressed that Ms. Hutchison wished to expand the diversity of the library's collection by increasing the number of titles by African-American authors and those featuring African American characters. Since nearly half of her students are African-American, her desire to see every student represented in the books they read is commendable.
Initiated in 2008, the goal of the Cash for Classrooms Chesapeake Education Fund is to award quarterly mini-grants of $500 or less throughout the school year to preschool through high school teachers in area public, private, or parochial schools with a targeted need.  Grant recipients are announced quarterly in Chesapeake Family’s monthly magazine and online at
Grant requests are accepted from any teacher or learning specialist of any subject in grades K-12. To submit an entry or for more information about Cash for Classrooms, please visit Keep in mind that the project must be specific and target an immediate need in your classroom.  
Arundel MS Holds Career Day
Arundel Middle School held a school-wide Career Day on November 21 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. to help familiarize students with current and emerging career opportunities. A variety of speakers from the public and private sector (including parents) presented informative and enlightening descriptions of the challenges and rewards of their chosen fields. Students were able to attend a variety of presentations throughout the day featuring professionals working in areas such as applied technology, computer science, education, engineering, finance, the judicial system, and medicine. Following the presentations, speakers entertained questions so that students could further inquire about their specific areas of interest.
Help Sought in Teacher-Recruitment Effort
Attention teachers and administrators! Recruiting for the 2008-2009 school year is about to begin. If you would like to help AACPS draft more talented educators, register on ERO for the next Guest Recruiter Training to be held on Tuesday, January, 27, 2009, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Board Room at Central Office. Anyone interested must register on ERO. If you have any questions, please call 410-222-5066.

Brain Based Teaching and Learning - Three Graduate Credits in Two Weekends
Who:     RTC and Gratz College

What:    Brain Based Teaching and Learning  M5726

Where:  Annapolis High School

When:   January 16, 17, 18  and January 31, February 1 (only 1 Friday night)

            Friday, 6 p.m. to 9:15 p.m., Saturday and Sun., 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
For more information:  Call RTC at 1-800-433-4740 or Online:

Cost: $820, includes cost of text and materials.  $75 deposit required.

This class includes information and hands-on activities to help teachers:

  • Learn when to present new material

  • Understand the power & impact of transfer in the teaching/learning process

  • Improve processing and retention

  • Learn about brain preferences & developing higher level thinking

Gratz College offers a master’s degree program in education with classes available throughout the year at Anne Arundel County Public Schools locations. Call RTC for more information.

Caps Offering Discounted Tickets to Teachers
The Washington Capitals are pleased to announce their first Teacher Appreciation Night on Wednesday, November 26, 2008, for the 7 p.m. game against the Atlanta Thrashers.
Teachers receive a special discount on tickets. For this game, Lower Preferred tickets are $65 (all tickets are $15 off the regular price); Mezzanine Center, $35; and Mezzanine End for $25. Tickets must be purchased in advance of the game.
At a special December game to be announced, AACPS will have its own special night with discounts going to all school system employees, not just teachers.
For further information, contact Washington Caps account executive Michelle Mooney at 202-527-7959.
Parent, Bully Surveys Now Available On-Line
AACPS parent-teacher conferences provide an important time to learn how each child is doing academically and socially. This year, a new Community Engagement: Parent Survey and the annually offered Bullying Survey will be conducted at the same time on-line and at the parent-teacher conferences.  Officials are asking parents/guardians in every household to complete these two surveys so that they can use the information to maintain quality service in areas. AACPS wants each parent to BE COUNTED. 
The “BE COUNTED” initiative began on November 16, 2008, with a county-wide Connect-Ed message informing parents/guardians they could access the survey from home or any available computer immediately. During parent conference days, paper forms for the Parent Survey are available for those parents who do not have access to a computer or who choose not to complete the on-line survey. The Bullying Survey is only available on-line, and parents are encouraged to complete both surveys on-line during the parent conferences at their child's school. For parents unable to make the parent conferences, a paper form of the Community Engagement: Parent Survey may be requested from their child’s school. Surveys will be available through December 23. The goal is 100 percent parent participation.

    • November 25: Paper form and on-line surveys available to parents at parent-teacher conferences

    • November 25 through December 23: Surveys available to parents on-line or paper forms (Parent Survey only) on request at school

    • December 23: Last day to complete surveys. All paper forms due to Science & Technology Office.

    • February 1: System-wide and school results to principals

Applications Accepted for County Student Model Government Program

County Executive John R. Leopold is inviting all 10th and 11th grade students to compete for the chance to be County Executive, Councilman, or Department Head for a day.
Students can now apply to participate in the annual Student Model Government Program. Applications are due by December 1. A mock County Council hearing will take place on February 17, 2009.
Entrants must submit a short essay describing what the student would hope to accomplish if given the chance to serve as County Executive or as a County Councilman. Whether it is making our streets safer, bringing jobs to our county, or addressing environmental concerns, this is a great opportunity for our students to let us know their priorities.
More than 30 students will be selected to participate in Model Government. Entry forms and instructions are available from Constituent Representative Joan Harris, who can be reached at 410-222-1323.
Georgetown East ES Making Plans for Annual Holiday Shopping Spree
Georgetown East Elementary School is having its Fourth Annual Holiday Shopping spree for students.  Children use earned PBIS Super Seahawk Dollars to buy holiday gifts for their families. You can help make Holiday Shopping a success by cleaning out your closets. Send in items that students could buy with Seahawk Dollars for their parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends. Please send in donations by Friday, December 7, 2008.
If you would like more information or have questions, please contact Georgetown East Elementary School at 410-222-1610.
Anne Arundel County Model Government Program Accepting Applications
This program gives sophomores and juniors a chance to gain a first-hand understanding of what it means to be an elected official. Students will be selected to shadow the County Executive, members of the County Council, department heads, and other key government officials. The program culminates with a mock county council meeting on February 17, 2009, where students debate mock resolutions and conduct county business prior to a scheduled County Council meeting.


The program is open to all 10th and 11th grade students who live in Anne Arundel County. Applications are due by Monday, December 1, 2008. Additional information and a copy of the application can be found online at:

Student Member on the State Board of Education Sought
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2009-2010 Student Member of the Maryland State Board of Education. The Student Member provides an informed student viewpoint to the State Board of Education. The position requires participating in all State Board of Education meetings, reviewing and analyzing larges packets of information, developing a thorough understanding of current statewide educational issues, and attending or speaking at various education and youth-related events.
Each public high school in Maryland can nominate one student for this position.  School nominations are due by Thursday, December 4, 2008, and student applications are due by Wednesday, December 10, 2008. Additional information and a complete copy of the application packet can be obtained online at:

Speak Up Surveys Currently Online
Speak Up, an online research project facilitated by Project Tomorrow, is an annual survey of K-12 students, teachers, parents, and school administrators about key educational issues.
The Speak Up surveys and findings are the intellectual property of Project Tomorrow. Each fall, the organizations that participate in Speak Up have online access to the surveys during the survey period, and the findings when they are released. Upon request, permission is granted to use the Speak Up findings for instructional, research, and educational purposes only. Email your request to
Each survey contains 15 to 25 questions, with one or two open-ended responses. Sixty percent are legacy questions carried over from year to year in order to track changes in attitude over time. Forty percent are created each year in an effort to gain insight into emerging technologies and innovations.
Student surveys are grade- and reading-level appropriate and are separated into grades kindergarten through 2nd, 3rd through 5th, and 6th through 12th. Surveys for parents, teachers, and school administrators take into consideration each group’s unique perspectives. Click here to view sample survey questions.
Speak Up 2008 surveys:

  • Students: G K-2 (Individual and Group)

  • Students: G 3-5

  • Students: G 6-12

  • Teachers

  • Administrators (School and District)

  • Parents

  • Parents (Spanish)

If you are interested in learning more about Speak Up or would like to request permission to use the survey findings, please contact us at

Dancing for the Cure at South River High School

South River High School Dance Company is participating in the 19th Annual Festival of Trees November 28-30 at the Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium. The event is a fund-raising event for Kennedy Krieger Institute, and is a family-oriented holiday festival that benefits the more than 13,000 children with disorders of the brain and spinal cord served by Kennedy Krieger each year. The funds support patient care, education, and research. The festival has raised over $10 million for these programs.
Dance Company, under the direction of Nicole Deming, is making a seven-foot theme tree – “Dancing for the Cure.” Valerie Dawson (captain and four-year company member) is making the Dance for the Cure ornaments. Dance Company is also creating three, three-foot trees with themes – Dr. Seuss, Alice in Wonderland, and Go Green!
Kudos to South River Dance Company for their continued participation in this event.
Technology Toolbox Course for Administrators
One MSDE credit will be earned upon completion of all Administrators’ Toolbox courses.
Introduction to Excel for Administrators

SRN# 3301209001

Basic data entry, formulas and formatting, saving, and printing will be the core of this introductory class. In addition, basic database management features including sorting, filters, and custom views will also be covered. Prerequisites: A working knowledge of Windows. Must be proficient in using the mouse. 
Date/Time:  December 8, 2008 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Location:     Carver

Second Annual Parent Involvement Matters Award Program Kicks Off During American Education Week
Maryland State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Nancy S. Grasmick and Comcast recently announced a call for nominations for the second annual Comcast Parent Involvement Matters Awards (PIMA). The award program, a joint partnership between the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and Comcast, honors parents and others with legal responsibility for a child whose exemplary contributions to public education have led to improvements for Maryland’s public school children, teachers, schools, programs, and/or policies.
The call for nominations was made during a special launch ceremony held at Mt. Hebron High School in Howard County, home of the first statewide Comcast Parent Involvement Matters Award winner, Larry Walker. 
The Comcast Parent Involvement Matters Award program was developed to highlight the positive impact parents have on public schools and to encourage all parents to get involved in any way they can. Themed “Choose Your Seat. Get Involved,” the program recognizes Maryland parents who have demonstrated excellence in the following areas of involvement: Communication, Volunteering, Learning, Decision Making, and Community Collaboration. 
Comcast Parent Involvement Matters Award nominees must be parents or legal guardians of children attending Maryland public schools, and cannot be employees of Comcast, MSDE, or the Maryland public school system. Twenty four semifinalists will be selected – one parent from each of the 23 Maryland counties and one from Baltimore City. Of the semifinalists, five finalists and one statewide winner will be named at an award celebration hosted by Comcast in the spring of 2009. The statewide winner will be awarded a cash prize of $1,000 and the five finalists will each receive $250 to further their efforts to improve their public schools. 
Nomination forms are currently available and can be downloaded at Nominations must be postmarked by Friday, January 16, 2009.
MICCA Grant Application Available for 2008 – 2009
Each year, Maryland Instructional Computers Coordinators Association (MICCA), the educational technology professional organization for Maryland educators, sponsors a grant award program. This program provides grants to Maryland educators to promote the integration of technology into teaching and learning. The grant application, with timelines/requirements and a copy of the rubric that is used by the grant award committee when selecting grant winners, can be found below:


Nominate Your Principal for the Washington Post Agnes Meyer Distinguished Educational Leadership Award

The Washington Post Distinguished Educational Leadership Awards seek to recognize principals who go beyond the day-to-day demands of their position to create an exceptional educational environment. They recognize that it is the combination of the principal’s ability to manage, their interest in staff and students, respect for learning, and vision of the future that set the tone for the school’s efforts to educate our children.

Recipients will be recognized at a ceremony in Spring 2009. The award includes significant professional development opportunities.
Nomination packets have been sent via email to all schools for the Washington Post Distinguished Educational Leadership Awards. The deadline for submission is December 1, 2008.
You may link to the nomination packet through the AACPS Development Office homepage at


Nominate a Teacher from Your School for the Washington Post Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Awards

Quality education is essential to the well-being of our society, and good teachers are the foundation of our educational system. The Washington Post Company Educational Foundation has established the Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Awards to recognize teachers who exemplify excellence in their profession.  Agnes Meyer, a staunch supporter and defender of public education, was the wife of Eugene Meyer, who purchased The Post in 1933.


The goals of the Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Awards are to recognize excellence in teaching, to encourage creative and quality instruction, and to contribute in a substantive way to the improvement of education in the Washington area.
Recipients will be awarded $3,000 at a ceremony in Spring 2009.
Nomination packets have been sent via email to all schools for the Washington Post Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Awards. The deadline for submission is December 1, 2008.
You may link to the nomination packet through the AACPS Development Office homepage at
Nominations Being Accepted for Technology in Education Award
In a continuing effort to recognize outstanding contributions by K-12 educators and district-level personnel in the field of Educational Technology, the Astronauts Memorial Foundation (AMF), in partnership with the Space Foundation and NASA, is pleased to present the Alan Shepard Technology in Education Award. The award recognizes outstanding contributions made by technology personnel or classroom teachers to technology education.
The Alan Shepard Technology in Education Award rewards excellence in the development and delivery of technology programs. Programs which focus on aerospace and/or aeronautics will be given priority over other programs.  Applicants must demonstrate how their programs ultimately benefit the students in a school or district.
Eligibility and the Award
The Alan Shepard Technology in Education Award is open to all K-12 school or district level educators from across the nation. The award will be presented by AMF, the Space Foundation, and NASA at the 25th National Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colorado in March 2009. The winner will be flown to Colorado Springs, where hotel accommodations will be provided. The winner will receive a commemorative trophy with his or her name engraved and a monetary award of $500. In addition the award winner’s name will be placed on a plaque honoring past recipients that is housed in the Center for Space Education at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
The candidate must be nominated by their school’s principal. The superintendent or deputy or assistant superintendent must nominate all district level personnel.
If you or someone you know would like to apply for this prestigious award, go to for detailed information on submitting an application, the review process, and selection criteria. While on the web site, you can also view information on past award winners and their contributions.
All applications must be postmarked on or before January 16, 2009. So get those applications filled out and submitted. The 2009 Alan Shepard Award winner will be announced on the web site ( on February 27, 2009.

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