The Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust (dbat)

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The Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust (DBAT)

Job Title:

Schools and Academies Effectiveness Officer

Job Summary:

To work within the strategic plans of DBAT and the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) to support and improve schools and academies.

To lead on school and academy governance.

To support the academy programme; building capacity within the Department and schools in the area of school improvement.

Accountable to:

Senior Schools and Academies Effectiveness Officer

Responsible For:

Key relationships:

CEO/Director of Education

DBAT Directors and Departmental staff

BCAT Company Secretary

The National Society

LA Officers and Board Members


Neighbouring Dioceses and their Academy Trusts

The National College of School Leadership

Named Partner organisations

Other Diocesan Departments

Academy (and school) staff and governors

External Partners e.g. DfE, NCSL, EFA

All people connected with schools, including pupils, staff, Head teachers, governors and parents


To work with the Senior Schools and Academies Effectiveness Officer (SSEO) and the Directors to take responsibility for the improvement of all academies and schools, so that all achieve and sustain judgements of Good or better with both Ofsted and SIAMS

To give advice on educational, organisational, leadership and management issues in connection with the role of the Diocese. This includes raising standards by challenging, supporting and assisting schools with their own self- evaluation.

Specifically -

  • Challenge and support schools to improve outcomes for pupils:

  • Evaluate data at an individual pupil level to identify pupils that are underachieving or at risk / on margin or receiving inadequate provision

  • Support the review of the school’s Integrated Support Plan

  • Agree the process for improvement with schools

  • Support the production of action plans to improve outcomes

  • Monitor the progress of pupils and the delivery of key outputs

  • Support schools in developing a “whole school” approach to policy and practice

Use a combination of their generic and specialist skills to adopt a variety of strategies to increase school capacity to deliver improved outcomes for children and young people with an emphasis on achievement and standards, teaching and learning and curriculum, including:

  • Identifying groups and individual pupils that are under-performing

  • Support teachers to improve performance, e.g. through observation, paired/co-teaching, and reflective practice sessions

  • Challenging and supporting school leaders to enable them to ensure their colleagues teach in a highly effective way.

  • Delivering training and support packages to increase the knowledge of teaching staff and other professionals

  • Providing practical guidance

  • Monitoring and evaluation of the quality of learning and teaching

  • Facilitating and encouraging better communication with and involvement of parents

  • Where appropriate, engage with their colleagues to deploy others’ specialist skills

  1. Support early intervention in schools causing concern, to achieve improved progress, attainment, achievement and skills outcomes for children.

  2. Provide reports/data to support the Senior School Effectiveness Officer / SIP judgement of school performance.

  3. Support and enable collaborative working between schools and disseminate best practice to maximise support to schools.

  4. Monitor, evaluate and report the impact and effectiveness of school based support, particularly in the areas of leadership, teaching, learning and standards.

  5. Support school self-assessment that will link to Integrated Support Plan particularly through the development of systematic self-evaluation of student behaviours and progress, quality of teaching and effectiveness of leadership.

  6. Support the development of and commission or provide CPD / coaching / inset training to schools and individual members of staff.

  7. Support schools in the development of their Christian Ethos to meet the requirements of SIAMS

  8. To provide a strategic lead for Diocese and DBAT in ensuring effective education and care for all children and young people.


  1. With specific responsibility for the Diocesan improving schools/academies programme and development of stronger management systems, to improve teaching and learning at KS1 and KS2.

  2. To develop subject leaders, including the development of stronger management systems to improve teaching and learning at KS1 and KS2.

  3. To develop middle and senior leaders to improve educational outcomes, including the development of stronger management systems to improve teaching and learning at KS1 and KS2.

  4. To take a strategic lead in identifying and helping schools to narrow gaps in the performance of specific groups of children and young people, including SEN, EAL, FSM, BME, Gender, G&T, LAC.

  5. To act as a critical professional friend to the schools, helping their leadership to evaluate their schools’ performance, identify priorities for improvement and plan effective change;

  6. To develop individual and groups of teachers/practitioners, drawn from within the schools and academies in the diocese on a rolling programme, to improve their pedagogy and practice.

  7. To liaise with Senior School Effectiveness Officer in intensive support and targeted schools, to bring about rapid progress in standards.

  8. To work with the Directors and Local Board members to improve and maintain the quality of Governance in Academies and schools, staging whatever training is necessary so that they hold their Academies and Schools to account for all aspects of performance

  9. To develop and support advisory groups.

  10. To coordinate and assist the SSEO to commission support for schools which do not demonstrate a capacity to improve on their own.

  11. To generate local capacity within and between schools, in this area.

  12. To work with the School Adviser in DCYP team to raise the quality of RE Teaching and Collective Worship in each Academy/School and ensure its Christian Distinctiveness

  13. To keep informed of national developments and policy direction in this area.

  14. To be aware of and fulfil statutory functions.


To work with schools to decide upon a vision and strategic direction for stronger management systems. To work with schools to decide upon the most appropriate actions in order to deliver that strategy.

RESOURCE CONTROLLED: (staff managed, budget controlled or budget impacted)

Advise SSEO and Head teachers on appropriate expenditure.


Diocesan Director of Education

Senior School Improvement Officer
School Effectiveness Officer (this Job)
There will be some out of hours working during the evenings and at weekends, for which the postholder will receive time off in lieu.
Requirement to attend regional and national meetings
Must have access to a vehicle as travel is required and provide insurance cover for business use.
An enhanced DBS check is essential.
The Aim of the Department for Children and Young People is to promote Education and Learning based on the Christian Faith and its Values and to be central in building communities of wholeness with Christ at the centre.

  1. To comply with terms and conditions of service.

  1. To comply with Health & Safety.

  1. To ensure that the principle of confidentiality and the requirements of the Data Protection Act are fully applied to all work of the Bristol Diocesan Board of Finance.

  1. To actively promote the Diocesan Board of Finance’s Equal Opportunities Policy in all aspects of your duties.

  1. To undertake such other tasks as may be reasonably requested by the post-holder’s direct line manager.


This is a description of the job as it is constituted at the effective date shown. It is the practice of the Diocesan Board of Finance to periodically review job descriptions, update them and ensure that they relate to the job performed, or to incorporate any proposed changes. This procedure will be conducted by the appropriate manager in consultation with the post holder.

In these circumstances, it will be the aim to reach agreement on reasonable changes, but if agreement is not possible, the Board of Finance reserves the right to make changes to your job description following consultation.

The Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust (DBAT)
Selection Criteria

To enable us to shortlist in a fair and unbiased way it is absolutely vital that you provide us with sufficient information to demonstrate how you meet or exceed the criteria outlined in the vacancy description.

  • Qualified teacher status, with a degree or equivalent.

  • Successful teaching experience, including senior leadership in the primary or secondary phase.

  • Experience of training and supporting teachers, support staff and others in bringing about improvements in their practice.

  • Detailed knowledge of the requirements of the current Ofsted evaluation schedule and practice and experience of supporting schools through Ofsted inspections.

  • To be able to advise the SSEO and schools of strengths and weaknesses, using a range of information and detailed data analysis and to be able to identify suitable strategies for improvement.

  • To be able to evaluate whole school performance using a range of information.

  • To be able to make consistent and accurate judgements of the performance of schools and to identify key priorities for improvement, including the development of stronger management systems to improve teaching and learning at KS1 and KS2.

  • To have a working knowledge and experience of assessment and reporting requirements for schools.

  • Knowledge of legislation currently or about to be applied to schools (including that pertaining to safeguarding).

  • To be able to communicate effectively with a range of audiences and to write concise and evaluative reports to LA guidelines.

  • To be able to utilise ICT effectively.


The Diocese of Bristol Academies Company is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment.

Visual Display Equipment – regular use

School and Academies Effectiveness Officer

September 2013

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