For further proof - What did Adam and Eve do when they disobeyed God by eating of the forbidden fruit The Bible says they hid themselves among the trees of the garden, this is a characteristic of the CAT. The LEOPARD, LEO (Lion, PAN (PANther) all come from the same word. Here are words
with a similar meaning PARD; panther panthera;
CUSH; NIMROD. Each of these were HOLY CATS and were worshiped
in their area and today, the cat is worshiped worldwide. In Central and South America it is the JAGUAR. But note carefully that the CAT is named after CUS H. This is what the Jews call "transmigration of the soul" The cat, according to them, is actually CUSH living in the CAT. This is why many Africans call themselves CUSHITES. When I was a Game Warden in Ethiopia, 1958-62, I was impressed by the reverence the animist worshipers of the spirits of nature natives had for the Hyena, called "fisi," which is one of the most horrible of the animals God created.
In this part of the country, when a manor woman becomes too old to work, or benefit the family, they are often left outside the village fence and become living prey for the hyenas. The natives themselves, will not
kill these horrible animals, although they prey on both human and cattle, because they believe the spirits of their ancestors, who the hyenas have devoured, live on in the animal - ED)
The big CAT is the LION. The mouth of the LION is its most dangerous part and the MOUTH of the ancient family was called the PATRIARCH. This opens a fact which has been hidden for thousands of years. We know that Catholics literally worship ST. PETER, he his called PATRA-arch, which means ANCIENT STONE.
Page 66It is interesting to note that the word HAM is HA'MER or STONE. The
PATRA-arch of the family is the ANCIENT STONE of the family. Since the head of the family, HAM was called the LION, therefore the church calls itself CATholic. If you will look closely at any picture of
the Great CAThedral of Babylon, some call it the TEMPLE you will notice on each side of the entrance, a large stone lion with a man's head. The word "
HEDRA," from which the last part of the word CATHEDRAL comes, means "head" orin most
cases "cats head" This does not refer to leopards or cheetah's
but to the King of Beasts, the
LION. Thus the head of the
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