The kermit file transfer protocol march 1989 Kermit is an error-correcting protocol for transferring sequential files be- tween computers of all sizes over ordinary asynchronous telecommunication lines

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THE KERMIT FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL March 1989 Kermit is an error-correcting protocol for transferring sequential files be- tween computers of all sizes over ordinary asynchronous telecommunication lines. Kermit is non-proprietary, thoroughly documented, and in wide use. The protocol and the original implementations were developed at Columbia University and have been shared with thousands of other institutions all over the world, many of which have made significant contributions of their own. Kermit programs are presently available for about 300 different machines and operating systems, written in a wide variety of programming languages. See page 4 of this flyer for a complete list of currently available Kermit programs. New and revised Kermit versions are always under development. All Kermit programs perform file transfer using the Kermit file transfer protocol. In addition, Kermit programs for personal computers also provide terminal emulation, usually of the DEC VT52, VT100, or other terminal, and some of the mainframe Kermit programs are capable of initiating connections, acting as dumb terminals to remote systems. Kermit programs work over asynchronous RS-232 direct or dialup connections, or connections that simulate them. For file transfer to take place, there must be a Kermit program running on each end of the connection, one on each computer. Here are some details about the several most popular Kermit programs: - IBM PC Kermit Version 2.32/A runs under PC-DOS version 2.0 and later on the entire IBM PC and PS/2 family, as well as on IBM "clones" and compatibles. It provides nearly complete emulation of the DEC VT102 character terminal and the Tektronix 4010 graphics terminal at speeds up to 19.2Kbps, and Kermit file transfer at speeds up to 56Kbps or greater. Version 2.32/A also includes support for long packets, Net- bios LAN operation, color displays, key redefinition, compatibility with MS-Windows, a script language, and much more. There are also versions of MS-Kermit specifically tailored for a variety of other MS-DOS systems, including the DEC Rainbow, HP-150, and others, and there is a "generic" MS-DOS Kermit for systems not explicitly covered. - Macintosh Kermit Version 0.9(40) runs on the Apple Macintosh family, except for the original 128K Mac, providing fairly complete VT102 emulation at speeds up to 9600 bps, and file transfer speeds up to 56Kbps. Version 0.8(34) is included on the disk for use with 128K Macs. - UNIX Kermit 4E is distributed only in C-language source form. It may be built for nearly any machine running practically any post-V6 variation of UNIX, including V7, Berkeley 2.x and 4.x, AT&T System III and System V, Ultrix, SUNOS, Xenix, and so on. The same source also serves as a basis for VAX/VMS, Macintosh, Amiga, and other Ker- mit programs. - VAX/VMS Kermit 3.3 is written in Bliss, but it is also distributed in Macro-32 and hex form, so that a Bliss compiler is not required. Other versions exist in C and Pascal. - IBM mainframe Kermit programs for VM/CMS and MVS/TSO work with asynchronous ASCII TTY connections through 3705 or equivalent front ends, through Series/1, 7171, or similar protocol converters that support the Yale ASCII Communications System, and others. Version 4.1 of "portable 370" Kermit for CMS, TSO and MUSIC supports many of the advanced features of the Kermit protocol. DOCUMENTATION: Documentation includes the Kermit User Guide and the Kermit Protocol Manual; one printed copy of each is included free with any tape order. The User Guide includes chapters for most of the popular Kermit versions, some also available separately (see order form). Other documents may be ordered separately, in- cluding additional copies of the manuals, the manuscript of the BYTE Magazine Kermit article by Frank da Cruz and Bill Catchings (June-July 1984, 36pp), the manuscripts of two Data Communications Magazine articles on communication packages and their use with digital PBX's by Frank da Cruz and Christine Gianone (December 1987, October 1988) and the book Kermit, A File Transfer Protocol by Frank da Cruz, 379pp, Digital Press (1987). The Kermit book is a comprehensive introduction and guide to Kermit; it in- cludes an overview of what Kermit is for and how it works, with tutorials in computer file systems and data communications, a generalized command reference, a troubleshooting guide, a complete protocol specification with program ex- amples, a glossary, an index, and numerous tables, figures, and illustrations. If you order the book, you won't need the Protocol Manual but you will still need the User Guide. The Info-Kermit Digest is an electronic Kermit newsletter, with announcements of new Kermit versions, questions and answers, hints, progress reports, etc. It is available in printed form, fully paginated and indexed. POLICY ON COMMERCIAL USE AND DISTRIBUTION OF KERMIT The Kermit file transfer protocol has always been open, available, and free to all. The protocol was developed at the Columbia University Center for Comput- ing Activities, as were the first several Kermit programs. Columbia has shared these programs freely with the worldwide computing community since 1981, and as a result many individuals and institutions have contributed their own improve- ments or new implementations in the same spirit. In this manner, the number of different systems supporting Kermit implementations has grown from three to over 300. If Columbia had elected to keep the protocol secret, to restrict ac- cess to source code, or to license the software, the protocol would never have spread to cover so many systems, nor would the programs be in use at so many sites, nor would the quality of many of the implemementations be so high. Although Kermit is free and available to anyone who requests it, it is not in the "public domain". The manuals, the Columbia implementations, and many of the contributed implementations bear copyright notices dated 1981 or later, and include a legend like: Copyright (C) 1989, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or redistribute this software so long as it is not sold for profit, provided this copyright notice is retained. The copyright notice is to protect Kermit, Columbia University, and the various contributors from having their work usurped by others and sold as a product. Kermit material can be passed along to others; we ask only that profit not be your goal, credit be given where it is due, and that new material be sent back to us so that we can maintain a definitive and comprehensive set of Kermit im- plementations. Within this framework, it is acceptable to charge a reproduction fee when sup- plying Kermit to others. The reproduction fee may be designed to recover costs of media, packaging, printing, shipping, order processing, or any computer use required for reproduction. The fee should not reflect any program or documen- tation development effort, and it should be independent of how many implemen- tations of Kermit appear on the medium or where they came from. It should not be viewed as a license fee. For instance, when Columbia ships a Kermit tape, there is a $120.00 reproduction fee which includes a 2400' reel of magnetic tape, printed manuals, various flyers, a box, and postage. The tape includes as many versions of Kermit, including sources and documentation, as will fit. Commercial institutions may make unlimited internal use of Kermit, and Kermit may be installed on timesharing systems where customers are charged for system use, so long as they are not charged more for using Kermit than for using any other program. A question raised with increasing frequency is whether a company may incor- porate Kermit into its products. A hardware vendor may wish to include Kermit with its standard software. A software house may wish to incorporate Kermit protocol into its communications package, or to distribute it along with some other product. A timesharing vendor or dialup database may wish to provide Kermit for downloading. All these uses of Kermit are permissible, with the following provisos: - A Kermit program may not be sold as a product in and of itself. In ad- dition to violating the prevailing spirit of sharing and cooperation, commercial sale of a product called "Kermit" could violate the trade mark which is held on that name by Henson Associates, Inc., creators of THE MUPPET SHOW. - Existing Kermit programs and documentation may be included with hardware or other software as part of a standard package, provided the price of the hardware or software product is not raised significantly beyond costs of reproduction of the Kermit component. - Kermit protocol may be included in a multi-protocol communication pack- age as one of the communication options, or as a communication feature of some other kind of software package, in order to enhance the attrac- tiveness of the package. Kermit protocol file transfer and management should not be the primary purpose of the package. The price of the package should not be raised significantly because Kermit was included, and the vendor's literature should make a statement to this effect. - Credit for development of the Kermit protocol should be given to the Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, and customers should be advised that Kermit is available for many systems for a nominal fee from Columbia and from various user group organizations. Columbia University may grant permission to any person or institution to devel- op a Kermit program for any particular system. A commercial institution that intends to distribute Kermit under the conditions listed above should be aware that other implementations of Kermit for the same system may appear in the standard Kermit distribution at any time. Columbia University encourages all developers of Kermit software and documentation to contribute their work back to Columbia for further distribution. Finally, Columbia University does not warrant in any way the Kermit software nor the accuracy of any related documentation, and neither the authors of any Kermit programs or documentation nor Columbia University nor any other con- tributing institutions acknowledge any liability resulting from program or documentation errors. These are general guidelines; this is not a legal document to be searched for loopholes. To date, Kermit has been freely shared by all who have taken the time to do work on it, and no formal legalities have proven necessary. The guidelines are designed to allow commercial enterprises to participate in the promulgation of Kermit without seriously violating the Kermit user community's trust that Kermit will continue to spread and improve at no significant cost to themeselves. The guidelines are subject to change at any time, should more formal detail prove necessary. Commercial organizations wishing to provide Kermit to their customers should write a letter stating their plans and their agreement to comply with the guidelines listed above. The letter should be addressed to: Kermit Distribution Columbia University Center for Computing Activities 612 West 115th Street New York, NY 10025 KERMIT PROGRAM CONTRIBUTORS A large number of individuals, organizations and universities from around the world have contributed Kermit programs, bug fixes and various types of documen- tation to Columbia University's Kermit Distribution. Many thanks to each and every contributor. Space does not permit us to list all of the people who have been involved with Kermit over the years, nevertheless such work is encouraged and much appreciated. Contributors Include: Brigham Young University, USA, Bucknell University, USA, Cal State, USA, Colorado School of Mines, USA, Columbia University, USA, Cornell University, USA, Dartmouth University, USA, Grinnell College, USA, John Chandler, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA, Indiana/Purdue University, USA, Lehigh University, USA, Louisiana State University, USA, McGill University, USA, MIT, USA, Oakland University, USA, Oklahoma State University, USA, Rice University, USA, Rutgers University, USA, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA, University of California at Davis, USA, University of California at Irvine, USA, University of California at San Diego, USA, University of Kansas, USA, University of Maryland, USA, University of Michigan, USA, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, USA, University of Southern California, USA, University of Texas, USA, Brian Nelson, University of Toledo, USA, University of Vermont, USA, University of Virginia, USA, University of Washington, USA, University of Wisconsin, USA, Joe R. Doupnik, Utah State University, USA, Worcester Polytech Institute, USA, University of New South Wales, Australia, University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, Canada, Queen's University, Ontario, Canada, G. W. Selke, West Germany, Technical University of Berlin, Germany, Technical University, Darmstadt, Germany, Bologna University, Italy, Japan National Lab for High-Energy Physics, University Groningen, Netherlands, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, Norwegian Institute of Technology, ABC-Klubben, Stockholm, Gothenburg University, Sweden, Stockholm University Computer Center, Sweden, University of Bern, Switzerland, University of Zuerich, Switzerland, Bath University, UK, Birmingham University, UK, Brighton Polytech, UK, Brunel University, UK, Imperial College, UK, Lancaster University, UK, Liverpool University, UK, Loughborough University, UK, Sheffield City Polytechnic, UK, Nottingham University, UK, University College, London, UK, University of Manchester, UK, University of York, UK, Acorn Computers, Digital Equipment Corporation, E-Systems Inc, Environ- mental Protection Agency, Honeywell Information Systems, Hughes Aircraft, Johnson Control, Leigh Instruments, Lisp Machines Inc., Los Alamos National Lab, Marconi Space, Merrell-Dow, Metacomco Ltd., National Institutes of Health, Perkin-Elmer, Planning Research Corporation, Polaris Inc, Quest Research, RCA Labs, RTI, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Informatics Division, SAS Institute, Simulation Associates, Soft Machines, Sphere Holdings, Norsk Hydro Data, Naval Ocean Systems Center, The Source, TransEra Corp., UNISYS Corp., WRIST Inc. KERMIT VERSIONS LISTED BY MACHINE AND OPERATING SYSTEM Prefix, Operating Program Program Released Tape Machine System Language Version yy/mm/dd CK C (various 68000) OS-9 C 4E 70 88/03/21 OS9 C (various 68000) OS-9 C 1.5 85/09/20 FLX C (various 6809) Flex 9 6809 Asm - 86/04/17 OS9 C (various 6809) OS-9 C 1.5 85/09/20 UCP C (various Pecan) UCSD p-Sys Pascal 1.0 88/08/20 CX A (various) CPM80 LASM 4.09 87/08/06 TRI C (various) TRIPOS BCPL - 87/07/10 UX B (various) Unix C 3.0 84/08/02 CUC D (various) Unix 2xBSD C - 86/04/10 CUC D (various) Unix 4xBSD C - 86/04/10 CK B (various) Unix Sys 3 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CK B (various) Unix Sys V C 4E 72 89/02/02 CUC D (various) Unix Sys V C - 86/04/10 CP A (various)Generic CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A (various)Generic CPM80 3.0 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 MS A (various)Generic MS-DOS MASM 2.32A 89/01/24 UF C 6809 UniFLEX C 1.4 89/02/02 CP A Access Matrix CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 BBC C Acorn BBC B OS1.20 6502 Assem. 1.45 87/05/19 BBC C Acorn BBC B+ OS 2 6502 Assem. 1.45 87/05/19 BBC C Acorn BBC B+128 OS 2 6502 Assem. 1.45 87/05/19 CP A Acorn BBC Micro CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A Acorn BBC Torch CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 BBC C Acorn Compact OS 3 6502 Assem. 1.45 87/05/19 BBC C Acorn Compact Panos C 4C 57 87/07/14 BBC C Acorn Master 128 OS 3 6502 Assem. 1.45 87/05/19 AC C AcornWorkstation PANOS C - 87/07/13 MS A ACT Apricot MS-DOS MASM 2.30 88/05/12 CP A Action Discovery CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 AM C Alpha Micro 68K AMOSL 1.2 AM68K Asm 1.0 85/02/11 CK B Altos 986 Xenix 3.0 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CP A Amstrad CPC 6128 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A Amstrad PCW 8256 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 APL C Apollo Aegis Pascal 2.7 87/03/04 APO C Apollo Aegis Pascal 2.8a 87/09/18 CK B Apollo Aegis C 4E 70 88/01/27 CP A Apple II CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 APP A Apple II DOS,ProDOS CROSS 3.85 89/01/17 UCA C Apple II UCSD p-Sys UCSD Pascal 1.0 86/04/08 CKM B Apple Macintosh Mac OS MPW C 0.940 88/05/26 CN8 C Argos Pro PC CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 CK B AT&T 3B Series Unix Sys V C 4E 72 89/02/02 MS A AT&T 6300 MS-DOS MASM 2.32A 89/01/24 CK B AT&T 7300 UnixPC Unix Sys V C 4E 72 89/02/02 ATA A Atari Home Comp. DOS Action! - 84/01/09 UCP C Atari MEGA ST2 UCSD p-Sys Pascal 1.0 88/08/20 AST A Atari ST Series GEM C 1.02 86/07/07 CK B BBN C/70 IOS 2.0 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CP A BigBoard II CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 B78 D Burroughs A Ser. Burroughs Algol 1.019 86/09/11 CT C Burroughs B20 BTOS C 1.07 88/07/11 B68 D Burroughs B6800 CANDE Algol - 85/02/15 B78 D Burroughs B7800 Burroughs Algol 1.019 86/09/11 B79 D Burroughs B7900 Burroughs Algol 5.2 85/11/27 BY E BYTE Mag Article - English - 84/06/01 CK B Cadmus 68000 Unix Sys V C 4E 72 89/02/02 CK B CallanUnistar300 Unix Sys V C 4E 72 89/02/02 CD3 D CDC Cyber NOS Fortran 5 3.4 88/05/10 CYB D CDC Cyber NOS 2.2 Compass 1.0 86/04/17 NOS D CDC Cyber NOS 2.4 Compass 1.30 87/05/19 CK B CDC Cyber VX/VE5.2.1 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CDC D CDC Cyber 170 NOS,NOS/BE Fortran-77 2.2 84/09/07 CIE C CIE 680/XX REGULUS C - 87/01/26 CP A Cifer 1886 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A Cifer 1886 CPM80 3.0 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CK B Codata Unix V7 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CP A Comart Communica CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 C64 A Commodore 64 DOS CROSS 1.7 85/09/20 C64 A Commodore 64 FORTH FORTH 1.5 85/02/08 C64 A Commodore 64/128 DOS CROSS 2.2 89/01/20 CKI B Commodore Amiga Intuition Lattice C 4E 70 88/01/29 CP A Compupro IF 3/4 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CVK D Computervision CGOS Fortran S 1.21 87/03/04 PER D Concurrent 3200 OS/32 Fortran 2.1 86/09/11 PE2 D Concurrent 3200 OS32MT72 Fortran 1.0 87/03/04 CT C Convergent NGEN CTOS C 1.07 88/07/11 CK B Convex C1 Unix 4xBSD C 4E 67 87/09/14 CP A CPT-85xx CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CR D Cray-1,Cray-XMP CTSS Fortran-77 - 85/02/08 CP A Cromemco CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CN8 C Daisy PCi CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 CKD B Data General AOS,AOS/VS C 4E 70 88/01/29 RD2 D DataGeneral 800 RDOS BASIC - 87/03/26 MS A DataGeneral DG/1 MS-DOS MASM 2.32A 89/01/24 AOS D DataGeneral MV AOS,AOS/VS SP/Pascal - 85/02/08 DGM D DataGeneral MV AOS/VSMVUX C - 85/11/27 RDO D DataGeneral Nova RDOS Fortran-5 - 84/09/14 AOS D DataGeneral S250 AOS Fortran-5 - 84/09/14 DC E DC Mag Article - English - 87/12/01 K11 B DEC PDP-11 IAS 3.1 Macro-11 3.58 87/09/14 MP B DEC PDP-11 MUMPS-11 MUMPS-1982 - 84/04/11 K11 B DEC PDP-11 RSTS/E Macro-11 3.58 87/09/14 K11 B DEC PDP-11 RSX-11/M Macro-11 3.58 87/09/14 K11 B DEC PDP-11 RSX-11/M+ Macro-11 3.58 87/09/14 K11 B DEC PDP-11 RT-11 Macro-11 3.58 87/09/14 RT D DEC PDP-11 RT-11 OMSI Pascal 2.2C 84/10/11 K11 B DEC PDP-11 TSX+ Macro-11 3.58 87/09/14 CK B DEC PDP-11 Unix 2xBSD C 4E 72 89/02/02 CK B DEC PDP-11, ... Unix V7 C 4E 72 89/02/02 K27 D DEC PDP-8 OS-278 PAL-8 - 86/06/11 K08 D DEC PDP-8 OS8, RTS8 PAL-8 - 85/07/26 K11 B DEC Pro-3xx P/OS Macro-11 3.58 87/09/14 PRO C DEC Pro-3xx P/OS Bliss, Macro 1.0 84/06/01 K11 B DEC Pro-3xx Pro/RT Macro-11 3.58 87/09/14 CK B DEC Pro-3xx Venix V1 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CK B DEC Pro-3xx Venix V2 C 4E 72 89/02/02 C86 A DEC Rainbow CPM86 ASM86 2.9 84/12/03 MS A DEC Rainbow MS-DOS MASM 2.32A 89/01/24 QNX C DEC Rainbow QNX 1.x C 1.0 85/09/23 CK B DEC VAX Ultrix-32 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CKV B DEC VAX VMS VAX-11 C 4E 70 88/01/29 VMS B DEC VAX VMS Bliss,Macro 3.3 87/04/06 VX D DEC VAX VMS Pascal 1.1E 84/10/11 CK B DEC VAX, ... Unix 4xBSD C 4E 72 89/02/02 MS A DEC VAXmate MS-DOS MASM 2.32A 89/01/24 CP A DEC VT-180 Robin CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A DECmate-II,III CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 MS A DECmate-II,III MS-DOS MASM 2.29 86/05/28 K10 B DECsystem-10 TOPS-10 Bliss, Macro 3.0 86/04/14 K20 B DECSYSTEM-20 TOPS-20 MACRO-20 4.2 88/01/25 CP A Delphi 100 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CK B DSI32 Unix Sys V C 4E 72 89/02/02 CP A Epson PX8 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CN8 C Fallon 2000 CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 CP A Ferguson BigB.I CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CK B Fortune 16:32 For:Pro1.7 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CN8 C FTS PCi CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 C86 A Fujitsu Micro16s CPM86 ASM86 2.9 85/09/23 C86 A Future FX20/FX30 CPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 GEC D GEC 4000 Series OS4000 MUM/SERC 2.1 86/04/10 CK B GEC 63/40 Unix Sys V C 4E 72 89/02/02 OS9 C Gimex III OS-9 C 1.5 85/09/20 CK B Gould PN6000 Unix 4xBSD C 4E 72 89/02/02 CK B Gould PS2000 Unix Sys V C 4E 72 89/02/02 GM2 D Gould/SEL 32 MPX-32 Fortran 77+ 2.3 86/12/10 MS A GRiD Compass II MS-DOS MASM 2.32 89/02/08 H8 D Harris 800 VOS Pascal,Asm - 85/02/11 H1 D Harris H100-1 VOS 4.1.1 Fortran-77 1.06 88/03/17 CP A Heath H8 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A Heath/Zenith-100 CPM85 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 MS A Heath/Zenith-100 MS-DOS MASM 2.29 86/05/28 MST A Heath/Zenith-100 MS-DOS MASM 2.30 88/01/11 CP A Heath/Zenith-89 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CK B Heurikon MiniBox Unisoft5.2 C 4E 72 89/02/02 MU D Honeywell MULTICS PL/I 2.0h 84/09/20 DTS D Honeywell 6000 DTSS Virtual PL/1 29May 86/09/16 HD6 D Honeywell DPS6 GCOS6 ??? - 86/07/31 HL6 C Honeywell L6/10 MS-DOS MASM 1.20A 84/10/05 HDP D HoneywellDPS8 GCOS/TSS B 1.1 85/03/21 HG D HoneywellDPS8,66 GCOS3,8 C 3.0 84/10/05 HC6 D HoneywellDPS8,90 CP-6 PL/6 1.00 88/01/28 HCP D HoneywellDPS8,90 CP-6 Pascal - 85/04/04 CK B HP Integral PC HP-UX C 4E 72 89/02/02 MS A HP Portable Plus MS-DOS MASM 2.32A 89/01/24 HPM D HP-1000 RTE6,RTEA F77 & Asm 1.98 86/09/03 MS A HP-110 MS-DOS MASM 2.32A 89/01/24 MS A HP-150 MS-DOS MASM 2.32A 89/01/24 HP2 C HP-264x - 8080ASM 1.2 87/10/09 HP3 D HP-3000 MPE SPL 1.1 85/06/24 ST D HP-3000 SoftwTools Ratfor 1n 84/02/18 CK B HP-9000 S/500 HP-UX 3.25 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CK B HP-9836 S/200 HP-UX 200B C 4E 72 89/02/02 HP9 C HP-9845 BASIC/SAM HP BASIC 1.00 86/10/07 HP9 C HP-98xx UCSD p-Sys HP Pascal - 84/01/20 HP8 C HP86 HP BASIC HP BASIC 1.01 87/04/29 HP8 C HP87 HP BASIC HP BASIC 1.01 87/04/29 MT2 D IBM 370 Series MTS PLUS - 86/11/03 MTS D IBM 370 Series MTS Assembler - 84/01/06 MTS D IBM 370 Series MTS Pascal 1.0 84/01/06 IK B IBM 370 Series MUSIC Assembler 4.1 89/02/06 IMU D IBM 370 Series MUSIC Assembler 1.2 85/12/19 GUT D IBM 370 Series MVS/GUTS Assembler - 85/04/05 IK B IBM 370 Series MVS/TSO Assembler 4.1 89/01/24 TS2 B IBM 370 Series MVS/TSO Pascal/VS,.. 2.3 87/10/01 TSN B IBM 370 Series MVS/TSO ALP/Assem 1.1A 87/09/17 IK B IBM 370 Series MVSXA/TSOE Assembler 4.1 89/01/24 CM2 B IBM 370 Series VM/CMS Pascal VS - 85/11/01 IK B IBM 370 Series VM/CMS Assembler 4.1 89/01/24 IK B IBM 370 Series VM/CMS/HPO Assembler 4.1 89/01/24 IK B IBM 370 Series VM/CMS/SP3 Assembler 4.1 89/01/24 IK B IBM 370 Series VM/CMS/SP4 Assembler 4.1 89/01/24 IK B IBM 370 Series VM/CMS/SP5 Assembler 4.1 89/01/24 CK B IBM 370 Series VM/UTS 2.4 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CK B IBM 370 Series VM/UTS v5 C 4E 72 89/02/02 UCI C IBM PC UCSD p-Sys UCSD Pascal 0.1 84/05/23 MX B IBM PC family MINIX C 4D 61 88/05/17 TP4 A IBM PC family PC-DOS Turbo Pascal 1.1a 88/04/15 WK A IBM PC family PC-DOS Lattice C 1.18 86/05/22 CK B IBM PC RT ACIS 4.2 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CK B IBM PC RT AIX C 4E 72 89/02/02 QK A IBM PC,XT,AT PC-DOS Turbo Pascal 3.1 88/12/14 MS A IBM PC,XT,AT,jr PC-DOS MASM 2.32A 89/01/24 CK B IBM PC/AT Xenix/286 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CKO B IBM PC/AT & PS/2 OS/2 C 1.0b 88/10/10 CK B IBM PC/XT PC/IX C 4E 72 89/02/02 MS A IBM PS/2 Series PC-DOS MASM 2.32A 89/01/24 IBM E IBM370 Mail (various) English - 86-now VME D ICL 2900 VME S3 1.01 87/07/14 CN8 C ICL PC 2 CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 87/05/17 CN8 C ICL PC Quattro CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 87/05/17 PQK C ICL/Perq Perq OS Pascal 2.0 84/12/04 PQ2 C ICL/Perq POS D6/R2 POS Pascal - 85/06/24 MAI E Info-Kermit Mail - English - 83-now IMA E Info-Kermit Mail (indexed) English - 85-now MS A Intel 300 Series iRMX-286 MASM/ASM86 2.30 88/05/02 MS A Intel 300 Series iRMX-86 MASM/ASM86 2.30 88/05/02 CK B Intel 310 Xenix 3.0 C 4E 72 89/02/02 RMX C Intel 86,286 RMX 1.0 PL/M 1.0 85/10/25 I86 C Intel 86/380 iRMX-86 PL/M 2.3 85/09/23 IRM C Intel 86/380 iRMX-86 PL/M 2.41 87/03/04 MD2 C Intel MDS ISIS PL/M - 85/11/01 MDS C Intel MDS ISIS PL/M - 87/04/06 CP A Ithaca Intersys CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 UCJ C J LoeblMagiscan2 UCSD p-Sys UCSD Pascal - 86/06/23 CP A Kaypro 4 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A Kaypro II CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 GER E Kermit Intro - German - 87/10/08 NEW E Kermit News - English - 87/11/00 KP E KermitProtoManua - English 6 86/06/01 POR E KermitProtoManua - Portuguese 5 87/09/17 KU E KermitUserGuide - English 7 88/05/26 POR E KermitUserGuide - Portuguese 5 87/09/17 M2 C Lilith Worksta. Medos Modula-2 1.0 87/05/17 LM C LMI Lispmachine LMI-LAMBDA ZETALISP 1.0 85/09/12 CP A Lobo Max-80 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 LUX C Luxor ABC-800 ABCDOS BASIC-II 2.2 84/05/08 MS A Macintosh/AST286 MS-DOS MASM 2.32A 89/01/24 MBF D MAI Basic Four BOSS/VS BASIC BB86 1.0 88/04/11 CK B Masscomp RTU 2.2 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CP A Merlin M2215 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 PIC D MicroDataREALITY PICK DATA/BASIC 0.2C 87/01/22 CP A Micromint SB180 MOD D MODCOMP Classic MAX IV Fortran/ASM A.0 87/01/26 CP A MorrowDecisionI CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A MorrowMicroDec.I CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CK B Motorola 4 Phase Unix Sys V C 4E 72 89/02/02 FL C Motorola 6809 Flex Assembler - 86/02/14 FL2 C Motorola 6809 FLEX-09 C 3.0 87/03/04 WIN A MS-Windows MS/PC-DOS Microsoft C 1.03 89/02/08 CP A NCR Decisionmate CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CK B NCR Tower OS 1.02 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CK B NCR Tower Unix Sys V C 4E 72 89/02/02 ND D ND-10/100/500 SintranIII ND-Pascal 3.1b 85/06/24 C86 A NEC APC CPM86 ASM86 2.9 84/12/03 MS A NEC APC MS-DOS MASM 2.29 86/05/28 MS A NEC APC III MS-DOS MASM 2.30 88/03/21 MS A NEC PC9801 MS-DOS MASM 2.31 88/08/06 CP A Nokia MikroMikko CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A NorthstarAdvanta CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A NorthstarHorizon CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A Ohio Scientific CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 MS A Olivetti M24 PC MS-DOS MASM 2.32A 89/01/24 CN8 C Orion PCi CCPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/04/10 K6 A OS9/68K Portable various Assembler 1.0 87/07/22 CP A Osborne 1 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 UCM C PascalMicroengin UCSD p-Sys Pascal III.0 84/12/03 QNX C PC,XT,AT QNX 1.x C 1.0 85/09/23 PER D PerkinElmer 3200 OS/32 Fortran 2.1 86/09/11 CK B PerkinElmer 3200 Unix V7 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CK B PerkinElmer 3200 Xelos C 4E 72 89/02/02 PE7 D PerkinElmer 7000 IDRIS C 1.1 0 86/12/08 CK B PerkinElmer 7350 Uniplus C 4E 72 89/02/02 CK B Plexus P/35,P/60 Unix Sys 3 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CP A PMC Micromate101 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 PRI D Prime PRIMOS PL/P 7.57 86/05/22 CK B Pyramid 90x Unix 4xBSD C 4E 72 89/02/02 CP A Rair Black Box CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CK B Ridge 32 ROS 3.2 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CP A RM380ZF CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A RM380ZM CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 RM C RML 480Z ROS 2.x C 1.22 86/11/03 RM C RML Nimbus MS-DOS? C 1.22 86/11/03 CP A Sanyo 1100 MBC CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 MS A Sanyo 550 MBC MS-DOS MASM 2.30 88/05/16 CP A ScreenTyper CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 MS A Seequa Chameleon MS-DOS MASM 2.32A 89/01/24 CK B Sequent Alliant Concentrix C 4E 72 89/02/02 CK B Sequent Balance DYNIX 2,3 C 4E 72 89/02/02 QL2 C Sinclair QL QDOS BCPL - 87/05/15 QLK C Sinclair QL QDOS C 1.10 87/05/15 UN D Sperry 1100 Exec Assembler 2.5 86/09/03 UN D Sperry 1100 Exec NOSC Pascal 2.0 84/10/08 ST D Sperry 1100 SoftwTools Ratfor 1n 84/02/18 SP9 D Sperry 90/60 VS9 Assembler - 86/04/09 CK B SUN Microsystems SUNOS 3.x C 4E 72 89/02/02 CK B SUN Microsystems SUNOS 4.x C 4E 72 89/02/02 CP A Superbrain CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 LM C Symbolics 36xx Lisp ZETALISP 1.0 85/09/12 TAN D Tandem Nonstop Guardian TAL 1.0 86/04/08 TA2 A Tandy 2000 MS-DOS MASM 1.20 84/02/16 TU E Tape Utilities (various) (various) - 88/06/06 C86 A Tektronix 4170 CPM86 ASM86 2.9 84/12/03 CP A Telcon Zorba CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A Teletek Skymaste CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A Teletek/ADM-22 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 UCT C Terak UCSD p-Sys UCSD Pascal - 84/04/11 EXP C TI Explorer LISP Common Lisp 1.0 87/03/04 CK B TI NU-Machine Unix Sys V C 4E 72 89/02/02 CK B TI Pro/Opus32016 Unix Sys V C 4E 72 89/02/02 MS A TI Professional MS-DOS MASM 2.29 86/05/28 TI9 D TI-990 DX10 Pascal 1.0 87/07/10 CP A Torch Unicorn 5 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CC A TRS-80 CoCo DOS EDTASM 1.1 85/03/21 OS9 C TRS-80 CoCo OS-9 C 1.5 85/09/20 TRS A TRS-80 I and III TRSDOS M80 3.5 84/08/08 CK B TRS-80 Model 16 Xenix C 4E 72 89/02/02 CP A TRS-80 Model 4 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 M4 A TRS-80 Model 4 TRSDOS ASM 5.2 86/10/29 CP A TRS-80 Model II CPM80 2.25 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 TR2 A TRS-80 Model II TRSDOS Assembler 1.2 87/03/26 UM C UMicro U-MAN1000 CP/M-68K C and Asm - 86/04/10 CP A USmicroSalesS100 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CK B Valid Scaldstar Unix 4xBSD C 4E 72 89/02/02 CP A Vector Graphics CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 C86 A Victor/Sirius 1 CPM86 ASM86 2.9 86/07/07 MS A Victor/Sirius 1 MS-DOS MASM 2.32A 89/01/24 VIC C Victor/Sirius 1 MS-DOS C 1.0 84/09/07 CP A Video Genie CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 MS A Wang PC/APC MS-DOS MASM 2.31 88/08/13 CK B Whitechapel MG-1 Genix-1.3 C 4E 72 89/02/02 CP A Xerox 820 CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CP A Z80MUdevelpmtSys CPM80 2.2 LASM 4.09 88/05/17 CK B Zilog Sys 8000 Zeus 3.20- C 4E 72 89/02/02 KERMIT ORDERING INFORMATION Kermit is distributed by Columbia University on 9-track magnetic tape, certain tape cartridges, and certain diskette formats. The tapes include source code and any available documentation in machine-readable form for each Kermit im- plementation, and in some cases also binaries (encoded in hex or other print- able format). Selected versions in formats that Columbia cannot produce are also available from diskette services, user groups, and individual volunteers, listed on a separate flyer. Kermit programs, including source code, are collected on five reel-to-reel 9-track tapes: A, B, C, D and E. All tapes are half-inch, 2400-foot, 1600bpi, odd parity. The Kermit programs are assigned to tapes A-D as shown in the second column of the enclosed Kermit version list, roughly as follows: Popular Micro and PC versions on Tape A, Popular Mini and Mainframe versions on B, and less popular micro/PC and mini/mainframe versions on tapes C and D respectively (exception: C-Kermit versions, including those for the Macintosh and Amiga, are on Tape B). Tape E contains machine readable copies of the Kermit User Guide, Protocol Manual, Byte Article, plus the Info-Kermit Digests, and other large documents. The tapes are available in a several formats: ANSI: ANSI labeled ASCII, format D (variable length records), blocksize 8192. Readable by many systems, including VAX/VMS. TAR: UNIX TAR format, blocksize 10240 OS: IBM OS standard labeled EBCDIC, format VB (variable length records), blocksize 8192 CMS: IBM VM/CMS VMFPLC2 format (unlabeled) TK50: Only for the DEC MicroVAX, in VMS BACKUP or Ultrix TAR format. Due to its larger capacity, each TK50 cassette holds three Kermit tape sets. 1/4": Tape cartridge readable on SUN computers, IBM RT PC and possibly others. NO OTHER FORMATS ARE AVAILABLE. DEC-20 DUMPER and DEC-10 BACKUP formats have been discontinued. We can NOT make 800bpi or 6250bpi tapes, or custom tapes of any kind. If none of the above formats looks familiar to you, then specify ANSI -- this is an industry standard format that should be readable by any com- puter system (ANSI specifications are provided on paper). TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The Kermit software -- including source code -- is furnished without software fee or license, and without warranty of any kind, and neither Columbia Univer- sity, nor the individual authors, nor any institution that has contributed Ker- mit material, acknowledge any liability for any claims arising from the use of Kermit. Since source code is available for all implementations, users may fix bugs, make improvements, or write documentation where it is lacking, and are encouraged to contribute their work back to Columbia for further distribution. Under certain conditions (described on page 2 of this flyer) software producers may include Kermit protocol in their products. Once you receive Kermit, you are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, with the following stipulations: Kermit should not be sold for profit; credit should be given where it is due; and new material should be sent back to Columbia University so that we can maintain a definitive and comprehensive set of Kermit implementations for further distribution. And please use Kermit only for peaceful and humane purposes. Although the Kermit software is free and unlicensed, Columbia University cannot afford to distribute it for free because the demand is too great. To defray our costs for media, printing, postage, labor, and computing resources, we re- quire moderate distribution fees from those who request Kermit directly from us. The schedule is given on the accompanying Kermit Order Form. You may also obtain Kermit programs from many other sources, including user groups, net- works, dialup bulletin boards, and you may copy them from friends, neighbors, and colleagues. In fact, you may obtain Kermit programs from anyone who is willing to share them with you, just as you may share them yourself. TO ORDER KERMIT FROM COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, fill out the attached order form. PREPAYMENT BY CHECK is encouraged; an additional ORDER PROCESSING FEE is re- quired if we must issue an invoice. North American orders are shipped by delivery service or first class US mail, with shipping costs included. Over- seas orders are shipped first class US (air) mail, with an additional shipping charge required. Orders are normally processed within 2-4 weeks of receipt, but firm delivery schedules or methods cannot be guaranteed. USA rush service is available for an extra fee. Call (212) 854-3703 for additional ordering information (telephone orders can not be accepted, nor can payment by credit card or bank transfer). KERMIT ORDER FORM: Date Ordered: _____/_____/_____ PLEASE NOTE: Prices, terms and items are subject to change. Before you order, check that the form is not dated more than 6 months prior. If so, please write to Kermit Distribution to request a new order form. Also, please order carefully since we cannot refund or exchange items. Orders are normally processed within 2-4 weeks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-TRACK MAGNETIC TAPE. All Kermit source is included, and each tape order comes with a printed copy of the Kermit User Guide and Kermit Protocol Manual. Price: $120 PER TAPE. Check each desired Kermit Tape: Tape Format: ANSI TAR OS CMS Tape A (popular micros): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Tape B (popular mainframes): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Tape C (other micros): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Tape D (other mainframes): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Tape E (documentation): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] PRIME Computers: Specify ANSI; Check here for free Fortran ANSI-tape-reader program listing. TAPE SUBTOTAL (number of tapes times $120) . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ Tape Cartridges (TK50 = MicroVAX / 1/4" = SUN), $250 EACH, manuals included: Important: Be sure to check BOTH "tape contents" & "tape cartridge type" boxes. [ ] Contents of Tapes A, B, and E [ ]TK50 VMS BACKUP [ ]TK50 ULTRIX tar [ ]1/4" SUN . . . $__________ [ ] Contents of Tapes C, D, and E [ ]TK50 VMS BACKUP [ ]TK50 ULTRIX tar [ ]1/4" SUN . . . $__________ Kermit programs on diskette (not copy-protected), no source code, $20 EACH, manual included: [ ] IBM PC, XT, and AT; PC-DOS (5.25 inch 360KB DS diskette) . . $__________ [ ] IBM PS/2 or PC Convertible; PC-DOS (3.5inch 720KB diskette). $__________ [ ] Apple Macintosh (3.5 inch SS diskette) . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] DEC Rainbow; CP/M-86 (RX50) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] DEC Rainbow; MS-DOS (RX50) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] HP-150; MS-DOS (3.5 inch diskette) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] DEC MicroVAX; VMS (RX50) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] DEC MicroVAX; Ultrix (RX50) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ Kermit source code on IBM PC 5.25 inch 360KB diskettes, manual included: [ ] MS-DOS IBM PC Kermit MASM Sources, 5 disks, $60 . . . . . . $__________ [ ] C-Kermit UNIX C-Language Sources, 2 disks, $30 . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] MacKermit MPW C-Language Sources, 1 disk, $20 . . . . . . . $__________ Printed documents, enter quantity: [ ] Book: Kermit, A File Transfer Protocol ($28) . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] Manual: Kermit User Guide ($20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] Manual: Kermit Protocol Manual ($10) . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] Separate chapters from the Kermit User Guide ($10 each): [ ] MS-DOS, [ ] UNIX, [ ] VMS, [ ] Macintosh . . . . . . $__________ [ ] BYTE Magazine article manuscript, 1984 ($5) . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] Data Communications Magazine article manuscript, 1987 ($5) . $__________ [ ] Data Communications Magazine article manuscript, 1988 ($5) . $__________ [ ] Info-Kermit Digest Volumes, paginated & indexed ($15 each): [ ] V3 1985, [ ] V4 '86, [ ] V5 '86 . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] V6 1987, [ ] V7 '88, [ ] V8 '88, [ ] V9 '89 . . . . $__________ SIDE 1 SUBTOTAL (please complete side 2 also) . . . . . . . . . . $__________ SUBTOTAL FROM SIDE 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] ORDER PROCESSING FEE: If you can NOT prepay with a check, please include 1. A $100.00 Order Processing (Billing) Fee: . . . . . . . $__________ 2. AND a Purchase Order (terms net 30, FOB origin): Purchase Order Number: __________________________ (not required if you prepay by check.) [ ] OVERSEAS SHIPPING: Outside North America, add $25.00 for postage. . . . . . . . $__________ Or provide your [ ] Federal Express or [ ] DHL account number: _______________________________(Warning: postal shipment may be slow) [ ] USA RUSH ORDERS (Priority handling, Federal Express), Add $30.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ [ ] VOLUNTARY TAX-DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION. . . . . . . . . . . . $__________ GRAND TOTAL, SIDES 1 AND 2 (Do Not Add Sales Tax): . . . . . . . $__________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: WRITE SHIPPING ADDRESS HERE, exactly as it should appear on mailing label. Please don't use a Post Office Box number, because UPS or other delivery services cannot deliver to PO Boxes. Name:_____________________________________ Organization:_______________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________State or Province:______________Zip or Postal Cod Country:__________________________________________________Phone:_______________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIL COMPLETED ORDER FORM TO: Kermit Distribution Columbia University Center for Computing Activities 612 West 115th Street New York, NY 10025 (USA) MAKE CHECKS IN US DOLLARS PAYABLE TO: Columbia University Center for Computing Activities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUCCA USE ONLY: Received:______________________Logged:________________________By:______________ Shipped:_______________________Via:___________________________By:______________ Shipper's Reference:___________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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