The Rosary hour archives are currently (June 2011) in a state of transition. Part of the building is under reconstruction to make a retirement home for elderly friars. Some of the materials will be moved to St

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Inner cover: Passport of Fr. Justin’s Father, Jacob Figas

  1. Certified letter in the German language headed, “Militaria”

  2. A recommendation note for Jacob Figas from A.W. Szmigiel, Pastor of St. Joseph’s Church. A certificate of dismissal from military for Jacob Figas.

  3. The termination of a housing contract from a tenement owned by McClure Coke Company for Jacob Figas dated April 15, 1891, Everson, Penna.

  4. An undeciferable letter dated December 20, 1887

  5. A letter from Mrs. Jan Jakubowski with salutation, “Kochany Kolego”. Dated Detroit, November 4, 1889

  6. A letter from McClure Pa., dated 1896 pleading for help (unsigned, unfinished)

  7. A letter from Fr. Justin (Michael) to his parents dated “Trenton, NJ, August 8, 1901.

  8. A letter from Fr. Justin to his Brother dated Trenton, NJ, 13go Wrzesnia, 1906

  9. A letter from Fr. Justin to his parents dated Rome, 127 Wrzesnia, 1909

  10. Document: Naturalization of Jacob Figas, dated March 13, 1890

  11. Annual Expense accounts for Michael Figas (Fr. Justin)

  12. Ibid..

  13. Ibid.

  14. Blank

  15. A letter from Marcien Wardynski

  16. A letter from Jakub Szymanski, from Buffalo, N.Y.

  17. A letter from Jan Skowronski to his brother dated March 18, 1888

  18. A letter from Mcclure, PA dated March 26, 1886 to his brother

  19. Two small notes written by Jacob Figas tracing the major events of his life.

  20. An expense account written by Jacob Figas

  21. Blank

  22. Photographs. 1. Photo is titled: Tatus I sp Joz. Szelagowski po Kandyjkiej Stronie. 2. Fr. Justyn przy Teutonia Parku w roku 1913. 3. Brat Akexander, Taus i Joz Szelagowski.

  23. Western Union Telegram to Fr. Justin announcing death of father signed Steve

  24. Western Union Telegram to Fr. Justin announcing death of father signed Fr. Michael.

  25. Western Union Telegram to Fr. Justin expressing condolences at death of father from the Rosary Hour members

  26. Ibid.. from Rosary Hour drivers.

  27. Ibid.. from Dr. and Mrs. John P. Boroszewski.

  28. Ibid.. from B. S. Kamienski.

  29. Ibid.. from Prezes, Jan Romaszkiewicz.

  30. Ibid.. from Bernard and Blaise

  31. Ibid.. from Rev. Stephen and Ted.

  32. Ibid.. from Rev. A J. Majewski

  33. Ibid. from Norbert

  34. Ibid.. from Archbishop and Metropolitan Chapter signed Mgr. Deschamps

  35. Ibid.. from Father Marian and Fathers.

  36. Ibid.. from Janusz Lindener.

  37. Ibid.. from Fr. Norbert

  38. Letter from Manufacturers and Traders Trust Co., Buffalo, NY signed by William Pogonzala expressing sympathy.

  39. Sympathy letter from the Koronika Seraficka signed by Fr. Jozef, franciszkanin. Sympathy letter from Fr. Eugieniusz, OFMConv.

  40. Sympathy letter and note.

  41. Sympathy letter from Fr. Bernand and Fr. Blasé.. Sympathy note from Fr. Lawrence Cyman.

  42. Sympathy letter and note.

  43. Sympathy cards.

  44. Sympathy cards.

  45. Western Union Telegram expressing sympathy fro Franciscan Fathers of Rochester.

  46. Ibid.. from Father Charles

  47. Ibid. from Roy L. Albertson

  48. Ibid.. from “Członkowie Stowarzyszenia Opieki godziny Różańcowej.

  49. Ibid.. From Stanley Zabłonski.

  50. Ibid.. from Jozef I Aleksander Ruszkiewicz.

  51. Ibid.. from Edwin L. Kantowski

  52. Ibid. from H. H. Howell

  53. Ibid.. from Franciscan Sister Mary Joseph.

  54. Ibid.. from the Drivers.

  55. Ibid.. from A. Sakowski

  56. Ibid.. from Nowiny Publishing Company

  57. Ibid. from Mr. And Mrs. Kaz Urban

Ibid.. from Franciscan Sisters in Chicopee. Ibid.. from Fr. Marian.

  1. Sympathy cards.

  2. Sympathy Cards

  3. Sympathy letter from Sister M. Agata

  4. Headline: Jakub Figas Ojciec Ks. Justyna Zmarł w Czwartek w Everson Pa. Jakób Figas, Ojciec Ksiedza Justyna Zmarłw Everson, PA

  5. Sympathy letter.

  6. Sympathy card signed by Vincent Boruszewski. Fr. Justin wrote in margin: “Ze Stanowego Wiezienia w Attica. NY

  7. Sympathy letter from the bishop of the Diocese of Rockford, Edward Hoban.

  8. Headline: Ojciec O. Prowincijała Justyna Zmarł.

  9. Published Sympathy Notes

  10. Ibid..

  11. Ibid..

  12. Ibid..

  13. Ibid..

  14. Headline: Mass for Rev. Figas’ father to be Sung.

  15. Sympathy letter from Fr. Marcel, OMC

  16. Ibid.. from Fr. Ignatius.

  17. Headline: Swiąteczne Dary Biskupa Dla Klery

  18. Headline: Jak Przyjęty Został Komitet Parafjalny w Kancelarji Biskupiej.

  19. Headline: Jeszcze Jeden Dowód Równotraktowania Polskiego Kleru.

  20. Headline: Pogoń Za Dolarem Pod Płaszczem Religji

  21. Ibid.

Headline: W Scrantońskiej Diecezji Zakazano Odprawiać Pasterkę o Północy

  1. Ibid..

Headline: Nadszedł Czas Działania

  1. Ibid..

  2. Ibid..

Headline: Nie Trzeba Przekształcać Faktów

  1. Ibid..

  2. Ibid..

  3. Headline: Czy Posłannictwo Nasze Spełnimy.

  4. Headline: Gdzie Jest Prawda?

  5. Ibid..

  6. Ibid..

Headline: Rzymski Jastrząb I Polski Gołąbek

  1. Ibid..

  2. Ibid..

  3. Headline: Rozmyslania “Górnika” O Rzymskim Jastrzębiu

  4. Headline: Kto Zwycięży – Polski Dawid, Czy Rzymski Goliat Radjowy?

  5. Ibid.

  6. Ibid..

  7. Ibid..

  8. Headline: Słuszny bunt w Diecezji

  9. Ibid..

  10. Ibid..

  11. Ibid..

Headline: Lepsza Słomiana Zgoda Jak Złoa Kłótnia

  1. Headline: Powróżnik i Pokutnik

  2. Ibid.

  3. Ibid.

  4. Headline: Ideał Wiary w Pętach Materjalizmu

Headline: Wiara w Pętach Materjalizmu

  1. Ibid..

  2. Ibid..

  3. Headline: Czy Sieroty Otrzymają $1,000? (Footnote by Fr. Justin)

  4. Headline: Pod Pręgierz Opinji Publicznej

  5. Ibid..

  6. Ibid..

Headline: Ktos Ty Jest?

  1. Headline: Doroczna Afera Na Godzinę Różańcową. Rosary Hour League Ready for Social. Program Ku Czci Matek w Niedzielę. Photographs: Fr. Justin, Leon Kolipiński

  2. Headline: O. Justyn Figas Wygłosi Jutro Mowę Ku Czci Matek w Broadway Auditor. Photographs: Fr. Justin and individual photos of drivers.

  3. Headline: Rosary League Names Workers. W Broadway Auditorjum Uczci Polonja w Niedzielę Wszystkie Matki.

  4. Headline: Hundreds Head Father Justyn Laud Mothers.

  5. Headline: Wielkie Powodzenie Pięknej Zabawy.

  6. Photographs: “Rekordowe Poparcie Zabawy Na Dochód Godziny Róża ncowej O. Justyna

  7. Ad for Old God Cigarettes featured Fr. Justin Figas.

  8. Headline: Spełnijmy Swój Obowiązek Względem Sierot.

  9. Headline: O. Prowincjał Justyn Na Zakończenie Misji Sw. W Par. Sw. Wojciecha B.M.

  10. Headine: Wiadomosć I Podziękowanie od Godziny Różańcowej

  11. Headline: Polacy w Diecezji Scrantońskiej Żądają Swych Praw.

  12. Headline: Wrogowie Postępu i Tradycji Polskiej.

  13. Headline: Prawda w Oczy Kole

  14. Headline: Apel Do Komitetów Parafjalnych

  15. Headline: Odpowiedż Na List Księdza F. X. Kurkowskeigo

  16. Ibid..

  17. Headline: Co Wolno Księciu To Nie Wolno Prosięciu

  18. Headline: Prymicja Ks. Kleofasa Sikorskiego

  19. Headline: Odpowiedż w Dalszym Ciągu Na List Ks. Kurkowskiego

  20. Headline: Walka z Ciemiężcami w Toku..

  21. PROGRAM: Evening of Magic, presented by Goofus Club of Springfield; benefit of Father Justin’s rosary Hour League, Chicopee High School Auditorium




  1. Photograph: Fr. Cornelian with Bingo-Picnic group: 1968.

  2. Headlines: DIAL-DOPE by Les Ryder: The Story of Michael Figas. Ojciec Justyn Odwiedza Nazaret, June, 1939, Nazareth, Pennsylvania. Drajwerzy Rozpoczęli Pracę Przygotowawczą Balu Dobroczyn.

  3. Copy: Definitorium Parvum in Custody of St. Bonaventure, Buffalo, N.Y., October 15, 1948: 10 A.M.

  4. A clarification of some misunderstanding and criticism about the Intercommunity Hospital by Henry V. Morelewicz, M.D.

  5. A three-page manuscript entitled, “Who Are the Drivers?” (unsigned)

  6. A list of Radio Stations of the Fr. Justin Rosary Hour Network beginning November 4, 1956. A greeting card from Jan Lubecki

  7. Headline: ‘Rosary Hour’ to Begin 28th Year. Photographs: Students leaving St. Francis High School in Athol Springs, N.Y. Bishop Smith. Miss Skotnicki. Fr. Justin with St. Francis High School choir members preparing for radio broadcast.

  8. A penciled note concerning newly formed Women’s Guild of the Intercommunity Hospital. Constitution Book of the Inter Community Hospital Women’s Guild. A Promissory note for elected officers to Guild.

  9. A pamphlet entitled, “Father Justin’s rosary Hour thirtieth Radio Series. A Note to the Ladies Auxiliary: Catholic Hospital Convention, June 2, 1959. Headline: Death Silences Voice of Noted Radio Speaker, Father Justin.

  10. The Polish Daily News, December 12, 1959, Cartoon: “Nowy Kierownik”. Headlines: Nowy Swiat, Novemeber 5, 1959: Godzina Różańcowa. Nowy Swiat, November 7, 1959: Buffalo: Jutro „Godzina Różańcowa. The Scranton Tribune, Thurs., Nov. 12, 1959: Scranton Native to Moderate ‘Rosary Hour’ Broadcasts. Photograph: The Rev. Cornelian E. Dende.

  11. Ibid.. Scranton Native…. Headlines: Polish American Journal, November 21, 1959: Rev. Cornelian Dende To Continue Rosary Hour Of Late Fr. Justin. American Echo, November 22, 1959: O. Kornelian Dende Kierownikiem Godziny Różańcowej sp. O. Justyna. Nowy Swiat, November 31, 1959: BUFFALO: “Godzina Różańcowa” z Powrotem w Programach Radjowych.

  12. St. Michael’s Parish Bulletin, November 8, 195: Announcement of New Director of Rosary Hour. Headlines: Kronika Katolicka: Ks. Cornelian M. Dende Obejmuje Kierownictwo Programu Radiowego “Rosary Hour. Wiersze Naszych Czytelików: Złóżmy Serca... Prowadzi Godzinę Różańcową Native of City Radio Program Moderator. A typewritten Note: Biographical data on Fr. Cornelian Dende, OFMConv.

  13. Congratulatory note from Fr. Emil from St. Anthony’s Church in Willimansett, Mass. Western Union Telegram from Father Philip from Peabody Mass.

  14. A congratulatory note from the Residence of the Auxiliary Bishop of Scranton. A Western Union Telegram congratulating Fr. Cornelian from Connie and Ed. Congratulations from Sabelle Szubka and Mother and Joe. (November 9, 1959.

  15. Congratulatory note from “Alfie”, Saint Adalbert’s R.C church in Elmhurst, LI. Congratulatory note from Fr.. Stanley from Ellicott City, Md. Congratulatory Note from Felix Bracikowski from Peabody, Mass.

  16. Congratulatory notes from “Henry j., Fr. Fidelis, Fr. Ed, and Gerry.

  17. s.p Ojciec Justyn Figas, OFM Conv. 1886-1959: Koznodzieja I Założyciel Godziny Różańcowej: Tekst pierwszych przemówie na Godzinie Różańcowej Ojca Justyna po pogrzebie sp. Ojca Justyna: PRZEDMOWA DOKTORA STEFANA GRACZYKA: 1-GO LISTOPADA, 1959R. GŁÓWNE PRZEMÓWIENIA OJCA JERZEGO ROSKWITALSKIEGO, PROWINCJAŁA PROWINCJI SW. ANONIEGO. WSTĘPNE SŁOWA OJCA KORNELIANA DENDE NA PROGRAMIE GODZINY RÓŻAŃCOWEJ W NIEDZIELĘ 8-GO LISTOPADA 1959 R.

  18. Listing of Radio Stations starting November 1, 1959. An article from Miesięcznik Franciszkański. An old newspaper clipping announcing Fr. Cornelian as new Director with photograph.

  19. Headline: Am Pol Eagle, July 28, 1960: Inter-Community Hospital Set For September Opening; Chapel to Be Memorial to Fr. Justin. A Christmas Card to Fr. Cornelian from Marya Wichowska. A pre-press typewritten text for Am Pol Eagle.

  20. Headline: Nuns Lauded for Hospital. Photograph: Bishop Burke offers a blessing at hospital dedication ceremonies…behind him are the Rev. cornelian Dende and Rev. Gerald Forton. Headline: Hospital Dedicated. Photograph: Outside scene with crowd gathered for the Dedication of the hospital.

  21. Buffalo Evening News – Picture Page, Friday, August 26, 1960: Bishop Burke and dignitaries at dedication. Headline: Courage of Sisters Lauded as Bishop Dedicates Hospital. An Invitation from the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph for the Dedication

  22. Buffalo Evening News, August 27, 1960: New Hospital Is Memorial to the Efforts Of Those Who Worked – and Those Who Gave. Franciscan Sisters, Founded in 1897, Came Here in 1898. Father Justin Had a Great Idea…and Dr. Bukowski Helped It Grow. Photographs: Rev. Justin Figas, OMC, Dr. Edward Bukowski.

  23. A thank you note from the Residence of the Auxiliary Bishop of Scranton, Pa., to Fr. Cornelian Dende.

  24. Nowy Swiat, Wtorek, 20 Wrzesnia: Headline: Pamiątkowe Zdjęcia z Ceremomji Otwarcia Szpitala Sw. Józefa w Cheektowaga, N.Y. Non-news photograph: Bishop Burke and dignitaries at Ceremonies of dedication of Hospital.

  25. Nowy Swiat, November 1, 1960: Otwarcie Szpitala Sw. Józefa Intercommunity. Photograph: Façade of St. Joseph Intercommunity Hospital

  26. Headline: Bishop Klonowski’s Parish: Sacred Hearts Plans Diamond Jubilee. Rich in Vocations: Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Will Celebrate Diamond Jubilee.

  27. Headline: Parish Marks Diamond Jubilee: Photograph: Dignitaries. Mark Church Fete Oct. 30 Photograph: Fr. Cornelian. Headline: Friars Admire Craft of Japan, Granby: Priest to Discuss Problems in Japan. Photograph: Fr. Richard Murawski and other friars.

  28. Headline: Four Bishops to Participate: Diamond Jubilee Mass at Sacred Hearts. Photographs: Bishops Hannan, Klonowski, Archbishop O’Boyle and Bishop Schott. An Invitation to the solemn Pontifical Mass of Thanksgiving on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of the Parish.

  29. Headlines: Sacred Hearts: Impressive Ceremonies Mark Parish Jubilee. Auxiliary Bishop to Open 30the Year of Rosary Hour (Bishop Leo Smith), Photograph: Polish American Editors meet in Sherman Hotel.

  30. A note to Fr. Cornelian from Fr. Adam concerning some construction problems. A program entitled, “Welcoming Dinner in honor of Very Rev. Norbert Zonca, OFMConv. A note from Fr. Cornelian about the memorial marker at grave of Fr. Justin.

  31. A letter from Minister General, Fr. Basil M. Heiser to Fr. Cornelian. A Feast day Card from friars to Fr. Cornelian.

  32. Dziennik Chicagoski, November 4, 1960. Cartoon. Ads for Rosary Hour

  33. Photographs: St. Francis High School chapel with Fr. Cornelian and staff broadcasting the Rosary Hour. A letter to Fr. Cornelian from Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski.

  34. Ibid.. A listing of Stations broadcasting the Rosary Hour beginning November 6, 1960

  35. Am Pol Eagle, Buffalo, NY, October 6, 1960: Rosary Hour Readies 30th Season Largest Network of Kind in U.S.: Audience of Two Million Expected to Hear Program. Photographs: Fr. Cornelian Dende, Miss Estelle Ignaszak and Miss Mary Jung, Fr. Justin, Broadcast shot in SFHS Chapel

  36. Ibid..

  37. Ibid..

  38. Photographs: Pamiątkowe ZdjEcie z Uroczystego Poswięcenia Nowego Biura Pisma, “Nowy Swiat”, Feb 5, 1960. Z Wieczornicy Jubileuszowej Stow. Im Kopernida w Buffalo. John Aszkler and Fr. Cornelian, broadcasting.

  39. Ad from WALE: Rosary Hour. Headline: Jutrzejsza “Godzina Różańcowa” o Lidze Katolickiej. Photograph: Fr. Cornelian

  40. Ibid..

  41. Ibid..

  42. Ibid..

  43. Facts about the Father Justin Rosary Hour Program. Historical sketch of Father Justin Rosary Hour.

  44. Kronika Buffaloska, November 3, 1960. O. Kornelian Dende o Tysiącleciu: Przemówienie Ojca Korneliana Dende, OFMConv: Na Godzinie Róąańcowej Ojca Justyna Wygłoszone 27 marca 1960 r.

  45. Jan Aszkler and Fr. Cornelian: Broadcasting.



  48. Headline: Franciscans Form Radio and TV Institute Group: Father Romanus Dunne, Ave Maria Hour Producer, is Elected President. Letter: Edgar Holden, Renssalaer, NY. Recognition of Fr. Justin Figas.

  49. Invitation to Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving offered by Fr. Eustace Bartoszewicz on the occasion of his 60th anniversary of Religious Profession. Miesiecznik Franciszkanski – 1959

  50. Headline: Inter-Community Hospital observes 15th Anniversary. Raffle tickets.

  51. Letter from Genesee Monument company to Fr. Cornelian

  52. Pamphlet from Franciscan Institute of Radio and Television sent to South Park Residence Chaplain. Headline: Parishioners Welcome Father Stelmach To St. Adalbert’s With Warm Reception: November 3, 1961.

  53. Articles and photographs of Fr. Cornelian on upcoming season of broadcasting.


  55. Headlines: Dr. Graczyk Honored as „Man of ‘60”. List Kard. Wyszyńskiego Będzie Odczytany Na Godzinie Różańcowej. Jutrzejsza „Godzina Różańcowa” o Lidze Katolickiej.

  56. Headline: Godzinę Różańcową” O. Justyna nadaje 50 rogłosnio w Stanach Zjednoczonych.

  57. Am Pol Eagle, Buffalo, N.Y., April 5, 1962: Cardinal Wyszynski’s Voice To Be Heard For First Time in U.S.A. Headline: Mrs. Adamczyk, Mrs. Murray List Aides. Article on Intercommunity Hospital. Article on Fr. Henry Senft and Fr,. Felix Mazur on European Trip.

  58. Typed Biographical Highlights of Dr. Stephen A. Graczyk, K.S.G. Buffalo Evening News: May 3, 1962: 600 to Honor Dr. Graczyk At Testimonial Dinner. Program for Testimonial Dinner honoring Dr. Stephen A. Graczyk.

  59. Documents dealing with Tax Free policy for the Province.

  60. Headline: Z Zycia Polonji Amreykańkiej: Trzydziesty Drugi Rok Istnienia Godziny Różańcowej O. Justyna. Western Union Telegram congratulating Fr. Cornelian. Blurb from St. Michael’s Parish Bulletin, October 28, 1962.

  61. Headline: Polska Godzina Radiowa Ojca Justyna Rozpoczęła 32-gi Rok Istnienia. Nie Ma w Chicago Godziny Radiowej O. Justyna. Godzina Rożańcowa Od Jutra Na Fali 1490 w Chicago.

  62. Headlines: Rosary Hour on 44 Stations Has Two Million Audience. Radiowa Godzina Rożańcowa Rozpoczęła 32-gi Rok Istnienia. Kącik Wydaczyni: BLIŻSZA CIAŁU KOSZULA NIŻ (CUDZA) SUKMANA.

  63. Letter and Ad for Rosary Hour from station WJVA, South Bend, Indiana November 2, 1962. Headline: Dziennik Chicagoski, October 31, 1962: Trzydziesty Drugi Rok Godziny Różańcpwej.

  64. American Journal, November 22nd, 1958: The Rosary Hour.

  65. Headlines: Radjostacja WWOL w Buffalo, N.Y. Nadal Nadaje Programy Polski: Nowi Własciciele Wyrażają Przekonanie, Że Programy Obcojęzyczne Służą z Korzyscią Grupom Etnicznym. Rosary Hour on WAMO in Pittsburgh. Nowy Swiat, January 21, 1963: Godzina Różańcowa O. Justyna. Listy do Redakcji: Fr. Cornelian congratulates Editor for being chosen Man of The Year.

  66. Ameryka-Echo, 17-go Marca, 1963: Droga życia: Dobra Robota Na Falach Radia

  67. Polish Am., Chicago, 1963: Fr. Justin’s Radio Rosary Hour Returning to the Air. Pittsburgh, 1963:Godzina Różańcowa Rozpoczyna Się 3-go Listopada Gwiazda Polaris, 1963. Rosary Hour Begins Season Nov. 1 On 41 Stations; Has 2 Million Audience. Photograph: John Aszkler, Fr. Cornelian Dende, Dr. Steven Graczyk, Fr. Felix Mazur, and Fr. Jacek Rosinke. Am Pol Eagle, November 7, 1963: Rosary Hour Begins 33rd Year.

  68. Headline: Program Radiowy “Godzina Różańcowa Powraca Na Fale Etera 3 Listopada. St. Paul, Minn.: Nowiny Minnesockie. The Immaculate, May 1963: Cardinal Wyszynski Addresses father Justin Holy Hour Audience.

  69. Nowy Swiat, 5-go Listopada, 1963: Radiowa Godzina Różańcowa Rozpoczyna 33 Sezon. Polish-Am: Primate’s Voice On Rosary Hour. Dziennik Chicagoski, April 21, 1963: Prymas Polski Przemówi do Polonii w Ameryce. A program entitled: Uroczysta Instalacja Tow. Opiekunek W. Szkoły Sw. Franciszka, Athol Springs, New York, 3 Listopada, 1963

  70. Dziennik Chicagoski, April 11, 1964: Archbishop J. Król Na Programie Godz. Różańcowej. United States of America International Motor Traffic International Driving Permit, May 18, 1963, issued to Edmund Dende. A note to Fr. Kornelian Dende from Warsaw, from the Secretariat of the Primate of Poland. A receipt from the Automobile Club of Buffalo issued to Edmund Dende.

  71. Dziennik Chicagoski: Przemówienie J.E. Ks. Arcybiskupa Króla Na Godzinie Różańcowej.

  72. The Polish American Journal, February 22, 1964. Plan Fr. Justin Bridge.

  73. Headlines: J.F. Aszkler Invested as Papal Knight. Paderewski Singing Society Banquest (photograph of the Singing Society Group) Nowy Swiat, Piatek, 17Lipca, 1964: Z Ceremonii Kosekracji Dwóch Nowych Biskupów. Pittsburghian, July 24, 1964: 40 Biskupów i 1000 Księży Na Konsedracji Polaka-Biskupa.

  74. Am-Pol Eagle,Thursday, August 27, 1964: New St. Francis Friary to Be Built. Fraternal Heads Cheer LBJ At white House Conference. Several articles on Fr. Cornelian on his chaplaincy at convention. Photographs: New St. Francis Friar construction. Michel Cieplingski, Fr. Cornelian Dende.

  75. Buffalo Evening News, October 17, 1964: Rosary Hour Returning to Air. Articles on chaplainry of Fr. Cornelian Dende.

  76. Banner, St. Francis High School, Fall 1964: New Faculty House Under Construction: completion Set for June. Czas, Brooklyn NY: New Chaplain of N.A.S. & N.M.D.A.

  77. Cartoon entitled: “Już W Niedzielę, 1-go List. Headlines: Rosary Hour Begins Season Nov. 1 on 41 Stations; Has 2 Million Audience. Głos Prymasa Polski do Polonii amerykańskiej.

  78. Ibid..

  79. Ibid..

  80. Ibid..

  81. Ibid..

Ibid.. Listing of Radio Stations.

  1. Ibid..

  2. Ibid.. Wyszyński talk.

  3. Published Condolences on the occasion of Fr. Justin’s death.

  4. Articles on Fr. Cornelian’s appointment as Chaplain Two non-news pictures of Fr. Cornelian Dende with Dignitaries

  5. Photo of group celebrating “Opłatek”. Portrait of Our Lady of Czestochowa At Corpus Christi is symbol of Poland. Dziennik Polski, “Czuj Duch”, Kącik Harcersk

  6. Am. Echo, May 2, 196 5: Czy Istnieje na Emigracji “Opinia Publiczna”?

  7. Pittsburghian: April 16, 1965. Jasinski Begins Sunday Polish Program on WMMJ. Opening Millennium Religious Observance To be First Showing of Our Lady’s Painting. Photograph: Fr. Sylvian Mucha, Fr. Celestine Rozewicz, Fr. Zonca, Fr. Eligius Szott, Fr. Corneliius Zak, and Fr. Gregory Grabka.

  8. Buffalo Evening News: July 17, 1965: A Painting Returns to Buffalo: Rosary Hour League’s gift on display in East side church. Photograph: Mrs. Jaquays, Fr. Zonca, and Msgr. Meloch. Polonia Professionals Urged to Cherish Heritage. Catholic Relief to Poland league Announces Tallies.

  9. Headlines: Rev. Cornelian Dende to be Chaplain of 1965 Convention. Capelan Krajowej Konwencji NMDA. Rosary Hour Head Confab Chaplain. A letter from Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski to Fr. Cornelian, Chaplain of Convention.

  10. Photograph: Philadelphia Archbishop Honored by Societies. Photo of Most Rev. John J. Król.

  11. Ibid..

  12. Am-Pol Eagle, Thursday, April 22, 1965. K of C Honors Rev. Justin Figas.

  13. Courier-Buffalo, July 17, 1965: Fr. Norbert Zonca with lay people honoring millennium Portrait of Our Lady of Czestochowa. Rev. Cornelian Dende: Apostle of the Airwaves. $350,000 Faculty House is Dedicated at St. Francis.

  14. Obituary of Casper C. Urban. Dedicate Fr. Justin Faculty House; Rosary Hour Audience Donate Funds. Cartoon entitled “Posłuchajmy”

  15. Buffalo Evening News, October 4, 1965; Before New Altar, Mural in St. Francis Faculty House. Rosary Hill Will Display School’s Sacred Art Works. Note from Japan, from Fr, Samuel Rosenbaiger.

  16. Large photo graph of Fr. Felix, Fr. Rufinus, Fr. Cornelian and Fr. Jacek at altar before mural in St. Francis Faculty chapel.

  17. Courier-Express, July 12, 1965: Sgrafitto Artist Returns to Area. Photographs: S closeup of one of the sgrafitto works by artist Joseph Slawinski. Polish artist Joseph Slawinski at work.

  18. Headline: Medico-Legal Group to Honor Archbishop Krol. St. Francis Dedication Set Monday. Food for Thought Invitation for Dedication of New Faculty house at St. Francis. Congratulations from Mother M. Leona and Sisters.

  19. Headline: From the Buflopole: Father Justin’s Rosary Hour: A Unifying Force in Polonia. Three depictions of Joseph Slawinski’s Sgraffito work in St. Francis Faculty House.

  20. Ibid.. Letter from Fr. Basil M. Heiser, Minister General to Fr. Cornelian Dende.

  21. Photograph: Franciscan Faculty Home Near Completion.

  22. Photographs: Two large photographs of Chapter Definitors: 1963.

  23. Knights of Columbus: ROSARIUM: February 1966: Father Justin – His Life and times.

  24. Headline: Rosary Hour Continues Father Justin’s Radio Apostolate. Rosariuim: 4th Degree Exemplification Named in Honor of Father Justin, St. Justin Day: April 14th.

  25. Program for Pulaski Day Dinner: Sunday, October 9, 1966. Headline: Rev. Krolikowski Is New Secretary to Fr. Justin Rosary Hr. Over 500 Attend Pulaski Day Dinner. Photograph: Fr. Cornelian and Group of dignitaries.

  26. Ibid.. Headline: Priest to Speak At Pulaski Event: Native of Scranton Escaped Nazis, Reds.

  27. Congressional Record – House: #25115: October 11, 1966. Headline: Father Justin Rosary Hour “Pride of Polonia” October 27, 1966

  28. Headlines: Father Justin’s Rosary Hour Begins 36th Year on the Air. Radiowa Godzina Różańcowa Ojca Justyna. Kalendarz Polonijny.

  29. Cartoon: W 36-ty Rok Istniena. Radiowa Godzina Różańcowa Ojca Justyna Wchodzi w 36-ty Rok Swej Działalnosci.

  30. Am-Pol Eagle, Thursday, December 29, 1966: Rev. cornelian Dende, OFMConv. Chosen National Citizen of the Year.

  31. Headline: Droga Życia: Dwie Kaplice: Z Duchem I Bez Ducha Polskiego.

  32. Ibid..

  33. Głos Polski, 22. XII. 1966: Mikrofon Ojca Justyna: Tygodniowy program radiowy:

  34. Program: Fund Raising Dinner: Benefit Building Improvement Fund Given by Father Justin’s Drivers: Sunday, November 6, 1966

  35. Western Union Telegram to Fr. Cornelian Dende: invitation to White House. Headlines: Pilgrimage Made by Society. Letter to the Editor: sincere Thanks to Rev. Cornelian Dende.

  36. Program: Seventh Annual Opłatek sponsored by combined societies of Corpus Christi.

  37. Congratulatory letters to Fr. Cornelian Dende for being chosen “Man of the Year”

  38. Ibid..

  39. Headlines: Judges and Police Executives Conv. Dinner. Mowa Prymasa Polski na Godzinie Różańcowej. Chopin Singing society Installs Offers. Photographs: Fr. Cornelian, George M Frauenheim, Knight of St. Gregory, and Frederick Platek, Inspector, Buffalo Police Dept.

  40. Program: Fredrick Chopin singing Society: 1899-1967: 68th Annual Installation Banquet, Saturday, March 4, 1967. Headlines: Combined Organizations to Observe Polish constitution Day. Chór Im Lachmana w Progr. Radiowych. Komunikaty Organizacyjne: Tablica Pamiątkowa Ks. Freyderyka Bałdygi.

  41. Headline: Głos Prymasa Polski, Kard. Stefana Wyszyńskiego.

  42. Ibid..

  43. Headlines: Dwie Kaplice z duchem i bez ducha Polskiego. Field Mass: June 25

  44. Am-Pol Eagle,Thursday, May 11, 1967: Buffalo’s Polish Constitution Day Observance Is a Fine Manifestation. Wspaniała Uroczystosć Unji Polek w Amerykańskiej Częstochowie w Doylestown, Pa.

  45. Headline: Franczyk to Head Fr. Justin Society Marker Campaign. Historical Marker for Fr. Justin Planned.

  46. Ibid..

  47. Headlines: Rev. C. Dende Chaplain of PUA Society. Father Justin Society Establishes Award at St. Francis High School. Heads of Franciscan St. Anthony’s Province Meet. David Kloc Wins Justin Society Award. Piękna Inicjatywa Tow. Im O. Justina. Photograph: Robert Pacholski, prezes.

  48. Headlines: Immaculata College Breaks Ground at Graduation. Father Justin Society to Hold Memorial Mass and Breakfast. Photographs: Groundbreaking at Immaculata College, Fr. Cornelian Dende, PUA Officials.

  49. Letter to Fr. Cornelian from Bob Pacholski concerning Memorial Mass-Breakfast. Headlines: Polish Union Branch Urged To Preserve Faith in Future. Fr. Justin Society Lists Memorial Mass. Society Plans Mass Sunday. 4 Honored At Breakfast. Gorski and Mrs. Weber to Speak at Breakfast.

  50. Unia Polska, July 25, 1967: Founders of Fr. Justin Society Honored. National Officers Participate in Observance. Photograph: Profesor Joseph Sławiński.

Nowy Swiat: September 29, 1967: CHRZEST MIESZKA I

  1. Full page dedicated to John Cardinal Krol – Son of Polish Immigrants. Life photographs of religious Moments of Cardinal Krol.

  2. Joseph Slawinski’s Sgraffito work at St. Francis Faculty House.

  3. Headlines: Banquet to Hail 75th Anniversary. WMMJ Radio to Carry Father Justin Rosary Hour. Rosary Hour Begins 37th Season on 47 Stations: Has 2 million Audience. Sacred Heart Society to Hear Noted Priest. Radio: Ks. Kardynał K. Wojtyła przemówi na 1-szym Programie

  4. Ibid..

  5. Ibid..

  6. Ibid.

  7. List of Radio Stations.

  8. Headlines: Polskie Audycje Religijne w Kanadzie. Ks. Kardyal K. Wojtyla Przemówi Na 1-szym Programie.

  9. Kazanie O. Korneliana Dende w Kosciele Sw. Stanisława w Hamiltonie.

  10. Headline: Pamiętny Dzień w Hamilton. Kącik Wydawczyni: „Bliższa Ciału Koszula...” (Pittsburgh)

  11. Fund raising letter to Patrons.

  12. Obit: Ksiądz Prałat Wacław J. Filipowicz. Letter to Fr. Cornelian from Ks. Prałat J. Rybinski.

  13. Christmas is for Giving. (1967)

  14. Headline: Blind Am-Pol Jurist, Jankowski to Be Keynoter at Fr. Justin Society Banquet.

  15. Printed talk by Fr. Cornelian Dende entitled: Co to Jest Wolnosć I Jak Ją Przeżywać?

  16. Ibid..

  17. Ibid..

  18. Catholic League for Religious Assitance to Poland

  19. Listing of Radio Stations in the United States.

  20. L’osservatore Romano, April 13, 1968: Dal Mondo Cattolico.

  21. Dziennik Chicagoski, Sroda, Dnia 3-go Lipca, 1968: Mili Goscie w Muzeum Polskim. Goscie w Redakcji, Muzeum Polskim i w Biurach Zjednoczenia. Photograph: Fr. Cornelian with Very Rev. Lutoslaus Pieprzycki, Minister Provincial of the Warsaw Province and Father dominic Wisz, idotor of THE IMMACULATE.

  22. Headline: Pastor to Observe Jubilee of Vows: Father Norbert Zonca. Pastor Celebrated Jubilee. Father Justin Drivers sponsor third Annual “Stag Dinner” (Photo of Principals.)

  23. Headline: Zmiany w Konstytucji: Kadencja Tylko Dwuletnia. Polish Am., September 28, 1968: Catholic League Milestone: Religious, Civic Ceremonies at International Amphitheatre Photograph: Bishop Alfred Abramowicz.

  24. Headlines: Uczczenie Pamieci Ojca Figasa w Kosciele Bożego Ciała Catholic League Will Observe Silver Aniversary October 5-6. Mazewski is Elected President of Polish American Congress.

  25. Headline: 25-Lecie Ligi Katolickiej Dla Niesienia Religijnej Pomocy Polsce.

  26. Polish American, October 5, 1968: Catholic League Observes 25th Year of Assistance to Poland’s Churches. Photograph: Committee to the Catholic League Silver Anniversary.

  27. Ibid..

  28. Ibid..

  29. Ibid..

  30. Buffalo Evening News: October 7, 1968: Dotor, Meyer Mark 50-Year Tie: Dr. Stephen Graczyk Came to the Hospital as a Student. Hospital and Doctor Associated 50 years Czynne Tow. Ojca Justyna, No. UPA na Dniu Unijnym.

  31. Pulaski Day Parade: ticket and photo of dignitaries. Headlines: Jubil. Ligi Katolickiej a Znaczenie Parafii Polskich w Ameryce. Wydział Kobiet Podejmuje Nowy Kontest Werbunkowy: bogaty program prac Wydziału na rok 1969.

  32. Large photograph of Joseph Slawinski’s zgrafitti located in St. Francis Faculty House.

  33. Documentation of the Unveiling Ceremony of Historical Marker Honoring the Father Justin Rosary Hour: September 8th, 1968

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