The state of ICT/Computing delivery in Key Stage 3 and 4
During October 2013 a survey was completed of 8 schools in Somerset to examine the situation with the delivery of ICT/Computing. The survey was completed by interviewing Subject Leaders. Of the schools, 2 were Upper Schools and 6 were 11-16/18 schools, with 6 being Academies.
Key findings
All schools intended to follow the National Curriculum for Computing.
Key Stage 3
Most schools were teaching ICT/Computing to all Key Stage 3 learners. One Upper school had no delivery in year 9 and one 11-16 school delivered ICT in a cross-curricular fashion (and did deliver discrete sessions to a small minority of learners). One 11-18 school only delivered ICT to years 7 and 8.
Delivery at Key Stage 3 was for 1 hour a week in general.
Delivery of the subject was by teachers who had a history of teaching ICT. Most schools were confident of the ability of the teachers to deliver the ICT syllabus. The more ‘technical’ parts of the Computing curriculum were seen as a challenge, especially programming.
In most schools there were the beginnings of a change to include programming and/or coding including the use of Scratch and Python.
In the main e-Safety was embedded in the course structures although it was increasingly seen as a whole school issue.
Key Stage 4
Most schools were offering an option for the study of ICT/Computing with only one school delivering courses for all learners. In most schools the offering was through an optional subject.
There was a sharp increase in the number of schools offering or considering offering GCSE Computer Studies.
There was a large minority of schools who were trying to offer both ICT and Computer Studies exams but class sizes were on the small side.
The most common exam followed was Cambridge Nationals although there was an increasing variety of GCSE Computing, GCSE ICT, BTEC and Functional Skills exam followed.
Those students that did not opt for ICT or Computer Studies received no further ICT/Computing education.
Questions for schools to consider
Are non-specialist teachers confident and able to deliver the ‘technical’ parts of the new Programme of Study?
How are all teachers of ICT/Computing being supported to deliver the ‘technical’ parts of the new Programme of Study?
How are those learners in Key Stage 4 going to fulfil the Computing Programme of Study if they do not opt for a Computing option? The element of e-safety is most important in this respect.
Does inclusion of GCSE Computing in the performance tables for 8 subjects change the status of the subject?
How can the subjects be made attractive to increase take up in Key Stage 4?
How does the school stand if there is a subject inspection of Computing?
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