The united methodist church the business of the annual conference

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The Minutes of the Alabama-West Florida Annual Conference Held in Montgomery, AL from June 5, 2011, through June 8, 2011 Bishop Paul L. Leeland, Presiding Date When Organized: 1829; Number of This Session: 183rd

1. Who are elected for the quadrennium (¶¶603.7, 618):

Secretary? Dr. Shirley H. Woodie

Mailing Address: 171 Meadowview Drive, Ozark, AL 36360

Telephone: 334-774-5516

Statistician? Frank S. Dunnewind

Mailing Address: 100 Interstate Park Drive, Suite 106, Montgomery, AL 36109

Telephone: 334-274-1051

Treasurer? Frank S. Dunnewind

Mailing Address: 100 Interstate Park Drive, Suite 106, Montgomery, AL 36109

Telephone: 334-274-1051

2. Is the Annual Conference incorporated (¶603.1)? Yes

3. Bonding and auditing:

What officers handling funds of the conference have been bonded, and in what amounts (¶¶618, 2511)?

Frank S. Dunnewind, Treasurer – Blanket Position Bond: $100,000 and Excess Commercial Blanket Bond: $1,000,000.

Have the books of said officers or persons been audited (¶¶617, 2511)? Yes (See Conference Audit, Journal.)

4. What agencies have been appointed or elected?

a) Answer Yes or No for each of the councils, boards, commissions, or committees listed:

(1) Board of Ordained Ministry (¶635)? Yes

(2) Board of Pensions (¶639)? Yes

(3) Board of Trustees of the Annual Conference (¶2512)? Yes

(4) Committee on Episcopacy (¶637)? Yes

(5) Committees on Investigation (¶2703.2, .3)? Yes

(6) Administrative Review Committee (¶636)? Yes

b) Indicate the name of the agency (or agencies) in your annual conference which is (are) responsible for the functions related to each of the following general church agencies (¶610.1):

(1) General Council on Finance and Administration? Council on Finance and Administration

(2) General Board of Church and Society? Board of Church and Society

(3) General Board of Discipleship? Board of Discipleship

(4) General Board of Global Ministries? Board of Global Ministries

(5) Higher Education and Campus Ministry? Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry

(6) General Commission on Archives and History? Commission on Archives and History

(7) General Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-religious Concerns? Board of Global Ministries

(8) General Commission on Religion and Race? Board of Advocacy and Ethnic Ministries

(9) General Commission on the Status and Role of Women? Board of Advocacy and Ethnic Ministries

(10) United Methodist Communications? Office of Communications

c) Indicate the conference agencies which have responsibilities for the following functions:

(1) Criminal Justice and Mercy Ministries (¶655)? Board of Church and Society

(2) Disability Concerns (¶653)? Board of Advocacy and Ethnic Ministries

(3) Equitable Compensation (¶625)? Commission on Equitable Compensation

(4) Laity (¶631)? Board of Laity

(5) Native American Ministry (¶654)? Board of Advocacy and Ethnic Ministries

(6) Small Membership Church (¶645)? Town and Country Commission

d) Answer Yes or No for each of the following conference or district organizations:

(1) Conference United Methodist Women (¶647)? Yes

(2) Conference United Methodist Men (¶648)? Yes

(3) Conference Council on Youth Ministry (¶649)? No

(4) Conference Council on Young Adult Ministry (¶650)? No

(5) District Boards of Church Location & Building (¶2518)? Yes

(6) Committees on District Superintendency (¶668)? Yes

(7) District Committees on Ordained Ministry (¶665)? Yes

e) What other councils, boards, commissions, or committees have been appointed or elected in the annual conference? Committee on Standing Rules, Committee on Resolutions and Petitions, Committee on Nominations, Conference Policies and Personnel Committee, Committee on Courtesies and Introductions, Committee on Journal, Joint Committee on Incapacity, Annual Conference Session Planning Committee, Committee on Arrangements, Committee on Consent Agenda, Editorial Committee, Blue Lake Assembly Grounds Board of Trustees, Board of Pastoral Counseling, Care and Training, Episcopal Residence Committee, AWF United Methodist Foundation, AWF United Methodist Development Fund, AWF Methodist Federal Credit Union, United Methodist Homes for the Aging Board of Trustees, Noah’s Ark Board of Directors, Birmingham-Southern College Board of Trustees, Huntingdon College Board of Trustees, and the following Wesley Foundation Boards of Directors: Auburn University, Troy University, University of South Alabama, and University of West Alabama.

5. Have the secretaries, treasurers, and statisticians kept their respective records according to the prescribed forms (¶606.8)? Yes

6. What is the report of the statistician? See Statistician’s Report, Journal.

7. What is the report of the treasurer? See Financial Reports, Journal.

8. What are the reports of the district superintendents as to the status of the work within their districts? See District Reports, Journal.

9. What is the schedule of minimum base compensation for pastors for the ensuing year (¶¶342, 625.3)?

Full Connection - $36,500

Provisional Member (serving full time) - $36,500

Associate Member - $35,290

Full Time Local Pastor – $30,535

10. What amount has been apportioned to the pastoral charges within the conference to be raised for the support of the district superintendents for the ensuing year (¶614.1a)? $909,072

11. a) What amount has been apportioned to the pastoral charges within the conference to be raised for the support of the pension and benefit programs of the conference for the ensuing year (¶¶614.1d, 1507)? $2,660,000

b) What are the apportionments to this conference for the ensuing year:

(1) For the World Service Fund? $1,837,516

(2) For the Ministerial Education Fund? $609,653

(3) For the Black College Fund? $243,163

(4) For the Africa University Fund? $54,422

(5) For the Episcopal Fund? $559,715

(6) For the General Administration Fund? $209,863

(7) For the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund? $48,258

12. If the annual conference apportions to the local church a fund that combines two or more general apportioned funds with one another, or that combines one or more general apportioned funds with funds other than a general apportioned fund, list below for each combined fund: a) the name and amount of each general fund included in the apportionment; b) the percentage of the combined fund total that corresponds to each general fund apportionment (¶¶614.3d, 615.4). N/A

13. Conference and district lay leaders (¶¶603.9, 659):

a) Conference lay leader: Name: Dr. Steve Furr

Mailing Address: 214 Plantation Trace, Jackson, AL 36545

b) Associate conference lay leaders: Robert Powell

c) District and associate district lay leaders:

Baypines: Ed Hand

Demopolis: Billy Dozier

Dothan: Dan Deloney

Marianna-Panama City: Antonius Barnes

Mobile: Tom Williams

Montgomery-Opelika: Anne Varner

Montgomery-Prattville: John Sherrer

Pensacola: Beverly Maddox

14. What local churches have been (Indicate district):

a) Organized or Chartered?

(1) New Church Start (¶259.2,.3)

Engulf (2008) in the Baypines District; The Grace Place (2006) in the Mobile District;

and The Journey UMC (2011) in the Pensacola District.

(2) Mission Congregation (¶259.1a)

Daybreak (2007) and the San Pedro Mission (2003) in the Baypines District; Greystone (2006) in the Dothan District; Hiland Park (2007) and New Vision (2004) in the Marianna-Panama City District; the New Life Church (2011) in the Mobile District;

and the Pensacola District Hispanic Mission (2009).

(3) Chartered Local Church (¶259.5) (List only churches chartered this

year.) The Lord’s Church of Montgomery (2011) in the Montgomery-Opelika District.

b) Merged (¶¶2545, 2546)?

(1) United Methodist with United Methodist

Name of 1st church Name of 2nd church Name of merged church

St. Francis Street Fulton Heights New Life UMC

(2) Other mergers

Name of 1st church Name of 2nd church Name of merged church


c) Discontinued or abandoned (¶¶229, 341.2, 2548)? (State which for each church

listed. Indicate district)

(1) New Church Start (¶259.2,.3)

The Moundville African-American New Church in the Demopolis District, which began

in 2008 is discontinued.

(2) Mission Congregation (¶259.1a)

The Demopolis District Hispanic Mission, which began in 2008, is discontinued.

(3) Chartered Local Church (¶259.5)

Repton (1320) in the Baypines District has been discontinued. Mt. Nebo (2305) in the Demopolis District has been discontinued. Eight Mile (5105) in the Mobile District has been discontinued.

d) Relocated and to what address? None

e) Changed name of church? (Example: "First" to "Trinity") None

Former Name New Name Address

f) Transferred this year into this conference from other United Methodist conference(s) and with what membership (¶¶41, 260)? None

Name Membership Conference from which transferred

g) What other changes have taken place in the list of churches? None

15. Are there Ecumenical Shared Ministries in the conference? (¶208)

a) Federated church None

Name of church District Other Denomination(s)

b) Union Church None

Name of church District Other Denomination(s)

c) Merged Church None

Name of church District Other Denomination(s)

d) Yoked Parish None

Name of church District Other Denomination(s)

16. What changes have been made in district and charge lines?

Baypines District: The Owens Chapel Charge is dissolved {Owens Chapel (1285)/Mt. Pleasant
(1260)}. Owens Chapel (1285) joins Bermuda (1035) to become the Bermuda (1035)/Owens
Chapel (1285) Charge. The Peterman Charge is dissolved {Peterman (1295)/Centenary
(1075)/Pine Orchard (1300)}. Pine Orchard (1300) and Centenary (1075) join Mt. Pleasant

(1260) to become the Mt. Pleasant Charge{Mt. Pleasant (1260)/Centenary (1075)/Pine Orchard

(1300)}. Peterman (1295) becomes a station church. The Repton Charge {Repton

(1320)/Hartwood (1165)/Springhill (1355)/Woodlawn (1405)} is dissolved. Repton (1320) is

discontinued. Hartwood (1165), Springhill (1355) and Woodlawn (1405) join to form the

Woodlawn Charge {Hartwood (1165)/Springhill (1355) /Woodlawn (1405)}. The Summerdale

(1380)/Daybreak Mission Charge is separated. Summerdale (1380) becomes a station church

and Daybreak Mission continues to be a mission congregation.
Demopolis District: Mt. Sinai (2310) joins the Union Circuit Charge, which consists of
Johnson Hill (2225), Mt. Sinai (2310), and Springfield (2410). With the closing of Mt. Nebo
(2305), the Heiberger Charge consists of Bethlehem (2035) and Heiberger (2200).

Dothan District: The Pleasant Ridge (3315)/Post Oak (3330)/Ariton (3015) Charge is
dissolved. Post Oak (3330) becomes a station church. Ariton (3015) and Pleasant Ridge (3315)
join to form the Ariton (3015)/Pleasant Ridge (3315) Charge. Big Creek (3040) and Madrid
(3215) join to form the Big Creek (3040)/Madrid (3215) Charge. The Webb (3410)/Kinsey
(3185) Charge is dissolved. Webb (3410) joins with Mt. Zion (3250) to form the Webb
(3410)/Mt. Zion (3250) Charge. Kinsey (3185) joins with Columbia (3080) to form the Columbia (3080)/Kinsey (3185) Charge.

Marianna-Panama City District: The Galilee Charge of Galilee (4140) and New Hope (4225) is dissolved. Galilee (4140) and Campbellton (4065) join to form the Galilee (4140)/Campbellton (4065) Charge. New Hope (4225) becomes a station church. Lakeview (4195) and New Vision (TBD) join to form the New Vision (TBD)/Lakeview (4195) Charge.
Mobile District: Aldersgate (5010) and Deer Park (5095) join to form the Aldersgate (5010)/Deer Park (5095) Charge. Calvert (5035) and Satsuma (5215) join to form the Satsuma (5215)/Calvert (5035) Charge. The St. Francis Street-West Wilmer (5305)/Whistler (5290) charge is dissolved. Whistler (5290) becomes a station church. St. Francis Street and Fulton Heights (5125) merge to become the New Life UMC (5125). New Life (5125) and West Wilmer (5305) join to form the New Life (5125)/West Wilmer (5305) charge.

Montgomery-Opelika District: The Banks Charge of Union Hill (6485), Pleasant Hill (6360), and Banks (6045) is dissolved. Banks (6045) is closed, Pleasant Hill (6360) is closed, and Union Hill (6485) becomes a station church. The LaPine (6220)/Bradleyton (6065) Charge is dissolved. LaPine (6220) is closed, and Bradleyton (6065) joins with Murphy’s Chapel (6280) to form the Murphy’s Chapel (6280)/Bradleyton (6065) Charge.
Montgomery-Prattville District: The Autaugaville (7015)/Ivy Creek (7205) Charge is
dissolved. Autaugaville (7015) becomes a station church. Ivy Creek (7205) joins with Mt. Zion
(7290) to form the Ivy Creek (7205) /Mt. Zion (7290) Charge. Friendship (7160) and Wesley
Chapel (7522) join to form the Friendship (7160)/Wesley Chapel (7522) Charge.

Pensacola District: None


(Note: A (v) notation following a question in this section signifies that the action or election requires a majority vote of the clergy session of the annual conference. If an action requires more than a simple majority, the notation (v 2/3) or (v 3/4) signifies that a two-thirds or three-fourths majority vote is required. Indicate credential of persons in Part II: FD, FE, PD, PE, and AM when requested.)

17. Are all the clergy members of the conference blameless in their life and official administration (¶¶604.4, 605.6)? Yes

18. Who constitute:

a) The Committee on Investigation (¶2703.2)? (v)

Clergy Members:

Larry Teasley (2008), Reba Wiley (2008), Robert Spicer (2008), David Pierce (2008)
Lay Members:

Beverly Maddox (2008), William Hill (2008)
Clergy Alternates:

Al Harbour (2008), Paula Roane (2008), Levi Morrow (2008)
Lay Alternates:

Anne Varner (2010), Ed Hand (2010), Pat Caylor (2010)

b) The Administrative Review Committee (¶636)? (v)

Clergy Members: Lance Moore, Chairperson; John Bratcher

Clergy Alternates: John Brooks, John King

19. Who are the certified candidates (¶¶311, 312)

a) Who have been certified as candidates for ordained or licensed ministry since the last session of the annual conference? (List the names of all those who have been certified, including those who are also listed in questions 20 and 21.)



Date Certified

Baypines District:

Carrie Lynne Reece


Demopolis District:

Virginia Kagoro


Dothan District:

Brandon Bures


Jeff Burnett


Gillian Lisenby


Marianna-Panama City District:

Christopher Ackerman


Richard Hutchinson


Mobile District:

Brenda Stutz


Montgomery-Opelika District:

Molly Cross


Emily Lutz


David Waldrop


Montgomery-Prattville District:

William Michael Cobb


David Anthony Mullins


Pensacola District:

Peggy Ackerman


Marc Baker


Ann Gonzalez


Chris Hawkins


Johnathan Joseph McDaniel


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