Tips for choosing a career ajayi, amos kehinde tips for choosing ajayi, amos kehinde

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Tips for Choosing A Career
© Ajayi, Amos Kehinde
First Published, All right reserved
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For further enquiries, write to the author:
Ajayi, Amos Kehinde
Banselian Books Services,
No 17, Banse Compound,
Ogbooro, Oyo State.
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Contents .................................................................... iii
Acknowledgment ..................................................... iv
1: Introduction ......................................................... 1
2: Factors That Determine Your Career ............... 3
3: Tips For Choosing A Career ............................... 7
4: Interest Or Passion ............................................. 9
5: Ability ................................................................. 12
6: How To Choose A Right Career ...................... 14
7: Courses Offered In Universities ..................... 20
8: Counsel For Choosing A Career. 26
Conclusion ............................................................... 29
References ............................................................... 31

I give special thanks to God Almighty who has been my source of inspiration, forgiving me the grace, knowledge, wisdom and understanding to put this beautiful work together. Glory and praise be to HIM alone.
Also, my sincere gratitude goes to my parents, Deacon Emmanuel Olagunju Ajayi (of blessed memory) and Mrs.
Rebecca Adepate Ajayi for the laudable roles played in my life. And to my indispensable and indefatigable siblings, friends, and colleagues in the department.
I can't find the best words to describe the woman I called my 'Super Star' Elizabeth, you area perfect gift from God to me.
I am indebted to the authors of the books I made references both local and international. I have acknowledged their assistance in this work by putting them as my references.
Finally, I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to the publisher for his advice, contribution and support in printing this book.

Some students are confronted with the problems of choosing careers in this contemporary day of ours. These problems are not solely on how to choose a career but on the other issues that affect their future and fortune. Because of this problem, some have totally lost hope, frustrated, confused and downcast
The time of choosing a career is the prime time in anyone's life. And the choices at this prime time of life are such that make indelible marks on one's life and destiny. Many old people wish they could return to being youth again purposely to correct their youthful mistakes. Unfortunately, being young comes only once in lifetime.
However, choosing a career is a process and it takes time and thought. This time of career choosing is a period of making choices, encountering peculiar challenges and laying foundations for your future. This Choice makes indelible marks on one's life and destiny.
What this booklet aims to do is to help you make a start in this process by outlining the different tips for making career choice, the issues that a student should think about and examine during the process of choosing a career and some resources that will help you to find out more about yourself and your opinions. Therefore, based on this context, choosing a career involves ability, interest, awareness, counsel, self-
determination, etc.
What is Career?
The Dictionary meaning of career has been put as 'ones calling in life a person's occupation one's profession' It is the series of jobs that a person has in a particular area of work, usually involving more responsibility as time passes. It can be defined as an individual's work and life roles over one's life span.”
Career is a pattern of work experiences comprising the entire lifespan of a person and which is generally seen with regard to a number of phases or stages reflecting the transition from one stage of life to the next. It helps a person to develop the knowledge and skills they need to choose and pursue a career path.
The term 'career' can also be defined as a sequence of interaction of individuals with society, education and organizations throughout their lifespan. There is a special need to take up a profession to embark upon which will betaken more serious than anything else.
In the same vein, choosing a career is the most important decision every individual has to make in life. However, a career is that which we do fora longtime during which we occupy different positions and do different jobs on the same line.

Failure to determine your career as early as possible could serve as hindrance to all other life's events and successes. Successor failure in career does not just come there are some factors responsible for it. In this chapter, the major factors that students should be considered are discussed. They are presented as follows:
1. Passion or Interest
Generally, the most common factor that determines a career is your passion or interest. For instance, I want to become a Political Scientist simply because of preferential treatment people always give to the field of study or because of the honour and the prestige therein. Your interest will determine your career i.e. what you love to do, therefore, a student should follow his/her passion.
2. Family Background
Your family background has to do with your career. Mostly, families that are in rural areas or parents who are illiterates or not interested in education, the zeal for their children to build their career quickly is likely to be zero. However, those who are from better family are likely to build their career earlier than those who are from poor or indigent ones.
In another development, children from polygamous family, divorced or separated family are at the risk of having good career. Therefore, family background determines the successor failure of your career.

3. Environment
Environment where a child is living has much impact on career choosing. For instance, the children in urban or metropolitan cities will likely go ahead of their counterparts in rural area. However, students in mega-city are likely to have access to tangible course of study like Law, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Engineering, Political Science, Accounting, Piloting, etc. While their counterparts in rural area will have access to Marketing, Primary Education, Religion Studies, Business Studies, Social Studies, Education and Psychology, etc. therefore, environment determines your career.
4. Poverty
Some students experience delay in their course of studies due to poverty. Sometime, those who are from poor family could not get easy passage towards greatness, in a situation where the fees are not paid on time or money is not thereto complete assignments or projects, there could be failure or postponement of graduation which will affect the educational career. Poverty can be a setback to the educational pursuit of event.
5. Peer Group
Some students have the opportunity of making successful career as fast as possible, but due to moving with bad friends who are not ready to make it in life, their vision and future have been jeopardized. The peer group you are moving with has something to do with your career, this is because it can either make or mar your career in life. On other hand, it can help you to live a fulfilled life and not to be among the wasted generation.
I remember when I was in the university, four of my course mates two boys, two girls, were influenced by their friends in the campus. Instead of concentrating on their studies, they used to leave the campus during lectures period and involved themselves in immoralities and social vices.
However, before we graduated, the two girls became pregnant, one of the boys dropped out of school and the other boy that managed to complete his course of study graduated with 0.89 CGPA (graduate without honour. That was how they spoiled their future and career. Therefore, peer group you are moving with determines your career.
6. Awareness
Awareness in career choosing is a state of consciousness where sense can be confirmed by an observer, it is a state of being aware of your educational career. A student that wants to succeed in building his/her career needs to be conscious about the course he/she wants to study. I mean, you must have in- depth knowledge about what you want to do.
To be frank, awareness plays a vital role in career choosing because it enables students to be conscious and more proactive about what they want to do. A Student's level of exposure will determine and influence his/her career choice.
In another development, awareness makes a student to be well oriented about his/her career. Let me give you another case study that relates to my personal life. As an Art student in secondary school, I had passion to study Political Science, but there was a brother that had studied
Economics/Political Science in College of Education. I told him Sir, I have passion to study Political Science, please advise me. He told me to rewrite SSCE and sit for science subjects in order
to study Political Science. I was given a wrong orientation. Assuming I did not have proper orientation before, I would have failed woefully. However, wrong orientation may affect a student to lose interest about his/her career.
7. Financial Status
Before a student chooses a career, understand the cost of your educational career and consider the available resources. What I mean by this is that, your financial status has to do with your career this concept has cordial correlation with poverty I have explained in No 4. So, the financial resources available determined education career.
A student who lives in abject poverty that has passion to study Medicine or Law in the university will be affected. I will use a story of a student named Oladapo whose poverty affected his passion to become a medical practitioner to explain what I mean. In 2013/2014 academic session, Dapo was given admission to study Medical Rehabilitation in university.
Despite the fact that Dapo was brilliant student that was given admission to study Medical Rehabilitation, poverty affects his passion to become a medical practitioner. Immediately he was given admission, OAU increases the school fee afresh student pays N99,840:00.
The increment in fee jeopardized his passion to become a medical practitioner till today because he lives in abject poverty and he could not pay the amount of money. Kindly understand the amount of money you will use for particular course of study. Therefore, your financial status determines your educational career.

Success in career is an optimal goal and expectation of every student, even the prayer of their parents, neighbours or relatives is to be a successful one. However, every student develops a dream deep inside their inner recesses. I mean, they begin to nurture one dream or the other of what he or she wishes to become in life. Several students will even dramatize the dream person they wish to become.
To be frank, there is a great journey in-between dream and reality. The challenge of translating your thoughts of being a mere dream to practical reality is a journey that usually involves climbing high mountains and going down deep valleys. Therefore, success in career cannot be accomplished on the planter of gold it has to belaboured for.
There is an urgent need for the students of nowadays, the youth seekers of admission into higher learning, and the school leavers that want to go into apprentice, to ponder upon it, before taking decision.
In order to achieve their dreams, students have to be crafted and molded by other handsome may unfortunately get wounded or crippled along the way, many never eventually make it in life, many students eventually have their dream die unborn, some others have end up as mere fantasies, existing only within their own minds and never ever becoming a reality.
Students are encouraged to work hard in order to achieve their feat and make their career to be pleasurable and enjoyable. I know you have a dream too, and you will not want your dream die without becoming reality. I am sure you would
want to know how to translate the beautiful dream in your heart into tangible reality in your own personal experiences. In addition, students should know what they are good at. If you have knew that, life decision will be easy for you but if you have not found it yet, you have to give your best to know what it is.
In society today, some decided to be Lawyers, Lecturers, Medical Doctors, Pastors, Accountants, Dentists, Politicians, Engineers, Political Scientists, Economists, Pilots, Soldiers, Nurses, Journalists, Teachers, etc. but some do not know the road-map to their great destination despite the fact that they have vision and passion to be great in life.
To excel in any field that you are involved in, first of all, have proper idea about the field of study you want to choose. However, I have discussed this matter clearly in chapter seven of this book don't hesitate to go through it for proper understanding. Stay focused and gets to know more about the specific field you belong to. Nothing will be possible if you don't give your best, as I have said earlier, stay focused and do everything to get to the place that you want.
Don't let anything in life distract you because it will obstruct your path to success. If you have a good attitude and good mindset, you will be able to go all the way through to reach success.

Interest in career choosing is the primary concept that a student needs to consider before choosing a career. Passion means what you love to do, however, interest or passion is the primary factor that determines your career. Firstly, study what you love to do, I mean, what you love to do always.
An activities or a subject you enjoy doing or studying is called interest. It seems like hobby, i.e. what you are doing at leisure hour or recreation time, in which you must have interest.
You must have interest in a hobby, but not all things in which you have interest are hobby, sometime your hobby may not be your interest. For instance, my hobby is to play musical instruments, people advise me to go and study music, I too know that I spend all my time on musical instrument but my hobbies do not correspond with my interest because I had passion to study Political Science.
Furthermore, I will assert that, what anyone gains after his or her career as a result of his/her interest. I mean, the gain, not the grade you come outwith, but rather what you have acquired or gained or stored has become your potentials as a result of your interest. However, interest in choosing a career is very distinct from ability, I will use this illustration to explain what I mean. You want to become a Medicine Doctor not because you are good in Biology and other science subjects, but because of the lucrativeness of the course, that is the prestige always given to the Medical practitioner (this is called interest).
I mean, you want to study Geophysics, Pharmacy, Petrochemical, Geology, Law, Engineering, Political Science, Accountancy, and Economics not because you are good in the subjects for the course of your choice, but you are interested in the courses because of the gain therein. Therefore, students are urged to follow their passion.
In the same vein, interest can lead to ability. I will use a story of Akinbowa Adeolu Tope of faculty of Clinical Science, Obafemi
Awolowo University, Ile-Ife to explain what I mean by interest.
Adeolu is a first class graduate with 15 prizes. So, he was the best student in physics, in fact people thought he was going to study Engineering, but he used to tell them that his passion is not even inline with Physics.
Eventually, he followed his passion and studied Medicine. At the end of his study, he became the overall best graduating student in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. Therefore, interest is the first and primary factor to be considered before choosing a career. So, having interest may lead to ability.
Before you will choose a career, firstly, consider your passion rather than ability study what you love to do always. You should follow your passion, don't allow parents or elders to impose or choose a career for you, it is problematic.
This is what I mean having interest in a course of study may result to having ability in the long run. For instance, you want to become a legal practitioner simply because of the preferential treatment always given to lawyers, because of honour and prestige therein. But you are not good in English language and very weak in speaking fluently. You may struggle as a result of your interest in pursuing the course eventually develops ability.
However, towards one's life success, to succeed in life you
will continue struggle until your good becomes better and your better becomes best. Therefore, Odekunle (2010) contends that where determination prevails nothing can discriminate the flag of success' In summary, develop interest in lucrative courses and let's interest leads you to do the course of your choice.

Ability is another factor to consider when choosing a career. Though, interests are primary, ability is another, the two concepts are interrelated, which are walking together in building your career. When we are talking about the ability of a person, we are referring to his or her skill or intelligence. It is a capacity to do a thing or enablement to door perform a thing.
When we are talking about ability in choosing a career, the question that will come to one's mind is what ability has to do with choosing a career But there are some areas where one is talented and gifted, good enough to handle. Therefore, in choosing a career, ability is your capability, strength, enablement in the area you want to specialize. What I mean is that, there are some areas in which you know that you are very skillful, that is, the area that you are best. For instance, what anyone got after his or her educational career as a result of his/her ability i.e. the grade you come outwith at the end of your education.
I will like to use this illustration to explain what I mean by ability in career choosing. You want to study Civil Engineering in university because you are good in Physics, Mathematics and other science subjects. You do not study it because of the prestige always given to Civil Engineer. You want to study Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Philosophy, International Relations, Biochemistry, English Studies, Microbiology, Botany, Mass Communication, Philosophy, etc. because you are best in the discipline and you are good in the subjects for the course and because you have best grade in the subject.
There are some areas where one is talented and gifted. A man gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men. What I mean is that, you should endeavor to detect where you are best fitted, gifted, talented and exceptional good.
Your ability determines the area you are best fitted or your area of specialization for instance, you maybe very skillful in Mathematics, therefore, you need not to go to a seer before knowing where you are best fit or your area of specialization. If you are fluent in speaking, you know where you are supposed to be. If you area good writer, you know where your service will be needed. If you are good in speaking and oratory wizardry, you know where you belong to. If you are born to teach, you know your automatic ticket is to the field of teaching, lecturing and preaching.
In career choosing, there is a great correlation between Interest and Ability however, to have interest in a course of study may lead to ability while ability builds on the interest you have developed. Therefore, your ability is your strength, skill, intelligence, enablement, power and capacity to do a thing, that is where you are at apogee or excel.

Deciding a career is a big deal, it is not the easier thing to do. There are many tough hurdles as well as many naysayers and misguides. So, how do you objectively take a decision?
As a student, if your parents say this what do you aspire to be in future You know they really mean it. It is time to put down the steppingstone of your dream and future, however, it is time to take your dreams to the next level by taking a step to fulfill it.
How to know the right career to choose is a tick question that has been bothering almost all students. Nevertheless, with the right plan and self-analysis, it will give you one step closer to fulfill your dream.
I propose a plan here that has worked for me and probably, for thousands of university graduates. So, consider the following:
1. What do I love?
To choose aright career, first consider what you love to do always. To find out what you love, ask yourself the following questions:
What subjects or activities at school do I like doing?
Which activities out of school do I enjoy most?
What are the things I enjoy doing for long periods of time?
Hence, shortlist a few activities or interests. This may include reading, chatting with friends, solving puzzles, studying and thinking about history, discovering places on
maps, etc. These activities need not be known careers like Medicine, Engineering, etc. Each career has certain traits which are necessary. If you do not have the ability to do what you like, you will never succeed, however, if you choose simply because it is playing career, or because it is available or someone say so, you will never be happy.
2. What is my talent?
Talent is another step you need to discover your talents. These mayor may not include the above activities. You maybe good in Mathematics but not like it. Never mind, include it in the list. When thinking of your talents do not be biased by what you like doing or what is a "hot" career. To discover your talents, simply ask yourself the following questions:
In which subjects at school do I score highest Am I better than most of the class in these, if not then maybe they are not really a talent. e.g your highest marks are in English, say
50%, while the class highest is at 80%, then English cannot be your talent.
In which activities outside school, or those in school but not associated with academics, do I excel e.g. you maybe good at dance or running. Again, if you haven't won any awards in these, therefore, it may not be your talent.
What are the things that I do in my free time, which are productive, like teaching other kids, making handicraft items, helping Dad in his shop or mum in the kitchen, or like to philosophize on how people think and usually be right in predicting their actions.
Usually, the students of nowadays ignore the last of these. And yet, it is through these free-time activities which have no
public recognition we can find our careers, e.g. teaching, small scale industry, entrepreneurship, counseling and philosophy. You may not enjoy doing some of these things the most, but if you are good at them, you can still make a decent career.
3. Should I take advice?
Experience is the teacher of all things. One should seek guidance from people who have made the right choices. What I mean is that you should talk to people who have better understanding about the career you want to choose and know you as well. The decision should rest on you because you know yourself better. Talk to your counselor about career guidance and option.
Moreover, understand your parents' financial condition and ask for their opinion. Think either it is a wise move for your parents to fund your studies or not, because some parents have more expectations from their children than others do.
If you believe you can live up to their expectation by going ahead with your choice then do so. Otherwise, look for other options to finance your passion.
Usually, a question that comes out here is, should I decide on what our elders say NO! Allow the elders to come in Elders can only help you to refine these thoughts. However, what careers demand in such personalities is something only an elder who has been through that stage can know, though their decision or advice can influence your career but don't allow them to choose for you because it is your choice. So, be wise, make a choice road-map to go ahead with your decision and stand on it. Don't allow your parents or elders to impose a course of study on you. In another development, if you like to interact with people a
lot, and you can convincingly argue on certain topics, and academically sound inline with English language and Government, you can make a career in Law, Political Science, Philosophy, etc. but if you are not really sound, but you are very shrewd in choosing people and make friend with, you can make a career in marketing, entrepreneurship, etc.
A student who is very quiet and reserved, like to think a lot about the world around and is only interested in talking with adults and too wise that can educate at length on different topics, you can find a good path as a writer, philosopher, theologian, etc.
If a student enjoys working with his hands and accepts or understands the science in the books only after he performs the experiments himself, you can work well in a practical industry like manufacturing industry (Kedar 2014).
4. What is accessible?
One may find a career for which he is passionate and has talent and they will pay him well however, the courses you want to choose may not be easily available. For example, you may want to become a pilot and there maybe no course in any nearby university which trains you to be so.
So, you may not want to take a long-cut like do a regular graduation and then try to go too far-way place for this course. Let me give an illustration on this. A student that wants to attend the aviation school in Nigeria has along way to go. Because the only aviation school in Nigeria is located in Zaria,
Kaduna State.
However, to be a pilot in Nigeria, especially a southern Nigerian needs to travel to Zaria in Kaduna State because there is no aviation school in southern Nigeria that is giving the
award of Bachelor degree.
You may want to be a Medical Doctor, but you score a few marks less than required to get admissions due to the cutthroat competition or the course fees are exorbitant. So, think about the following:
What courses would you need to do to realize your career Sometimes, you may not need a course but rather a particular kind of person to teach you the ropes of the career like an apprentice.
Are such courses available at a convenient place?
Are such courses affordable?
Is the time required to finish these courses not a problem for you For instance, if you need to earn in a hurry as your Dad is retiring and you are to enroll onto years degree programme.
Are you capable of putting the efforts that the course demands e.g. Engineering demands 5 years course of study and 10 hours of lectures with practical works per day. The question is, can you handle that?

5. What to pay?
This has to do with family financial status. Understand the cost of your educational career and consider the available resources before choosing it.
If you choose a path which won't even pay for your basic necessities, you won't survive for long. So, with the information from the school websites and other elders around, it will enable you to have in-depth knowledge about how much they are paying for the course of your choice.
What I mean is that you should first understand your family resources before choosing a career. Therefore, ask yourself the following questions:
How much money do I need to survive for the success of my career?
How much can my parents afford to give me if I choose this career?
Students are urged to understand their parents' financial condition and ask for their opinion. Think either it is a wise move for your parents to fund your studies or not.

A student intending to enter the university is advised to obtain information from the institution about their entry requirements. To ensure that he/she has satisfied the requirements by the time he/she applies for the admission.
Applications for courses leading to first degrees must be made on the prescribed form obtainable from the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB. The minimum entry requirements to the first year is a Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) or equivalent with Credit passes in at least five subjects, chosen from a list approved from time to time by university senates. Provided that in each case all the five subjects are taken and passed at not more than two sittings.
One of the passes shall be a pass at 'O' Level or equivalent in English Language.
Except in the cases of students for admission to the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Law, and for the Bachelor of Arts in Education in the Faculty of Education, one of the credit passes shall be a pass at 'O' Level or equivalent in
A pass in the General Paper of the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) is regarded as equivalent to a credit pass in English Language at 'O' Level.
In addition, to satisfy the minimum requirements indicated in regulations 1 and 2 above, students for the courses listed below must, among the five subjects presented in fulfillment of minimum requirements, also include the subjects and satisfy
the other requirements indicated.
Courses Offered in Universities
This is a compiled comprehensive and general list of approved courses offered by universities and other tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Below the list is also an opinionated categorization of the courses:
Faculty of Administration
Accountancy, Actuarial Science, Business Administration, Business Management, Banking and Finance, Hospitality and Tourism, Marketing, Insurance, Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, International Relations, Local Government Studies, Public Administration, etc.
Requirement: Five (5) Credits pass in English, Mathematics, Economics, Government, Accounting, Marketing, or any other subject. It is four years programme.
Faculty of Agriculture
Agriculture, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, Agronomy, Animal Science, Crop Science, Food Science and Technology, Fisheries, Forest Resources Management (Forestry, Home Science, Nutrition and Dietetics, Soil Science, Food Science, Agricultural Engineering, etc.
Requirement: Five (5) Credits Pass in English, Mathematics, Agricultural Science, Animal Husbandry, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, or any other science subjects. It is five years programme.

Faculty of Arts
Archeology and Tourism, Arabic and Islamic Studies, Christian Religious Studies, English and Literary Studies, Fine and Applied Arts (Creative Arts, Foreign Languages and Literature, History and International Studies, Linguistics and African Languages, Mass Communication (Communication and Language Arts, Music, Theatre and Film Studies (Dramatic Art, etc.
Requirement: Five (5) Credits Pass in English, Government, Literature, CRS/IRS, or any other art subjects. It is four years programme.
Clinical, Health Sciences & Technology
Health Administration & Management, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Medical Radiography and Radiological Sciences, Medical Rehabilitation, Nursing, etc.
Requirement: Five (5) Credits Pass in English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics or any other science subjects. It is five years programme.
Faculty of Dentistry
Child Dental Health, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Preventive Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, etc.
Requirement: Five (5) Credits Pass in English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics or any other science subjects. It is five years programme.
Faculty of Education
Adult Education and Extra-Mural Studies, Arts Education, Education & Accountancy, Education & Computer Science, Education & Economics, Education & Mathematics, Education
Physics, Education & Religious Studies, Education & Social Science, Education & Biology, Education & Chemistry, Education & English Language, Education & French, Education
& Geography, Education & Political Science, Education & Psychology (Guidance & Counselling, Physical & Health Education, Library and Information Science, Science Education, Vocational Teacher Education (Technical Education, Education and African Languages, Home Economics, etc.
NB. Education is divided into Art, Science, and Social Science.
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Agricultural and Bio-resources Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Electronic Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Piloting, Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Systems Engineering, Structural Engineering, Marine Engineering, Production and Industrial Engineering, etc.
Requirement: Five (5) Credits Pass in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or any other science subjects. It is five years programme.
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Architecture, Estate Management, Building, Quantity Surveying, Geo-informatics & Surveying, Urban and Regional Planning, Fine and Applied Arts, etc.
Requirement: Five (5) Credits Pass in English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Fine Art, Government, Economics or any other science or social science
subjects. It is five years programme.
Faculty of Law
Commercial and Property Law, Constitutional law, International and Jurisprudence Law, Private and Public Law, Business Law, Islamic/Sharia Law.
Requirement: Five (5) Credits Pass in English, Government, Literature, CRS/IRS, or any other art subjects. It is five years programme.
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Anatomy, Anesthesia, Chemical Pathology, Community Medicine, Dermatology, Hematology and Immunology, Medical Biochemistry, Medical Microbiology, Medicine & Surgery, Morbid Anatomy, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Physiology, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Pediatrics, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Radiation Medicine, Psychological Medicine, Child Dental Health, etc.
Requirement: Five (5) Credits Pass in English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics or any other science subjects. It is Six years programme.
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Management, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Industrial Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology and Industrial Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmaceutics, etc.
Requirement: Five (5) Credits Pass in English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics or any other science subjects. It is five years programme.

Faculty of Sciences
Biochemistry, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany, Microbiology, Marine Biology, Cell Biology & Genetics, Zoology, Computer Science, Geology, Biology, Geophysics, Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Statistics, etc.
Requirement: Five (5) Credits Pass in English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics or any other science subjects. It is four years programme.
Faculty of Social Sciences
Economics, Political Science, Politics Philosophy and Economics, Political Science and International Relations, Geography, Philosophy, Psychology, Public Administration, Local Government and Developmental Studies, Mass Communication, Social Work, Sociology and Anthropology, Demographic and Social Statistics, International Studies and Diplomacy, Criminology and Security Studies, etc.
Requirement: Five (5) Credits pass in English, Mathematics, Economics, Government, Geography or any other social sciences subject. It is four years programme.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Physiology/Pharmacology, Veterinary Anatomy, Animal Health and Production, Veterinary
Parasitology and Entomology, Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology, Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Veterinary Surgery, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Obstetrics and Reproductive Diseases, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, etc.
Requirement: Five (5) Credits Pass in English, Mathematics, Agricultural Science, Animal Husbandry, Chemistry, Biology, Physics or any other science subjects. It is five years programme.

It is a known fact that choices are made at different points in life of an individual. Some of these include, the choice of what to study, whereto study, who to marry, what to eat, what to wear, etc. Counsel is needed to make the right choice about all of these issues.
A career is the series of jobs that a person has in a particular area of work, usually involving more responsibility as time passes It is that which we do fora longtime during which we occupy different positions, do different jobs on the same line.
Decision about one's career should start when you as student are making subject choice. Necessary information must be given at a time. This helps you to prepare for future.
Students are advised to seek for direction to know pathway towards success, consider those things you love to do first. Ask information about relevant subjects that are necessary for studying the course leading to the career of your choice and the period of training required.
You should find out every necessary information about your career, such as the job hazard, the pension scheme, retiring age, the prestige attached to the job, etc.
Before choosing a career, kindly consider the following factors according to Prof (Mrs) Feyisayo Agbelusi:
Interest: This is the expression of one desire to know or learn something i.e what you love to do.
Intelligence: This refers to the power of perceiving
learning, understanding and knowing.
Aptitude: These are natural abilities or gifts which can be used to acquire knowledge or skill.
Ability: This is special power to do something well.
Attitude: This is the way of thinking, feeling, or behaving.
Personality: These are qualities that makeup a person ch racter.
Availability of Fund: Poverty can be a setback to the educational pursuit of event.
Academic Performance Unseriousness about schoolwork can jeopardize high career aspiration.
Working Environment: Many people have preferences for where they can work. Some do not mind where their job can take them to, while others mind and can change job because of this.
Prestige: Many students choose subject combinations that would lead to some particular career purely for prestigious reasons For instance, Law, Medicine, Engineering, Political Science, Pharmacy, Piloting, etc.
Peer Influence: Some students choose subject combinations that would lead to some certain career simply because their friends belong to that particular group.
Parental Influence: Some parents in this contemporary society of ours dictate to their children on the type of career to choose. Many students have wasted several years battling with the subjects they could not cope within order to satisfy their parent's desires.
Special Attraction: Some attractions that can get a student carried away quite easily include fat salaries allowances
allowances, uniforms and other fringe benefits.
Students are urged to be diligent, it is said that a diligent man shall stand before king. Therefore, my advice for you is that you should be diligent and hardworking my prayer is that God will take you to your desired place.

Choosing a career is the most important decision every student has to make in life such decision should start when you are making subject choice. An adage says the journey of thousand miles start with a step.''
However, a student's journey depends on his/her determination. Don't be disturbed with any obstacle in the way of your journey because a journey to a great height is always rough. To embark on a career of life, you have to discover who you are. Those that are great discovered themselves.
The decisions that you make will decide on how successful you will be in life. Therefore, to succeed in life, you need to have a proper idea about who you really are. You have to know your passion and you should always follow your passion. If you feel that you are good at something, you should never give upon it.
Never make a mistake of going or embarking on a career with friends for friendship shake. I mean, you should not copy anybody because everyone has purpose to fulfill in life.
In society today, some students desired to be doctors because their friends also choose to be a doctor without discovering themselves. However, if they have what it takes to be a doctor, for example, a coward who can't even stay where there is blood, such person will end up becoming a failure.
My dearly students, if you have anything in you, try to discover it and make good use of it. Everything is not about education, not everybody will be like Prof Wole Soyinka. People like Bill Gate discovered his potential and invented Microsoft. Moreover, Bill was a student of University of Harvard when he discovered that he has nothing to do in university, and then he decided to dropout. Bill Gate invested Microsoft and he is the richest man in the world.
When it comes to the part when you have to make a decision on your professional life, the decision will not be easy to make. Reaching your goal will not be easy, you have to stay focused. The time will come that you will feel like you should give up but you should not let the negativity take control of you. When life gives you 100 reasons to give up, give life 1000 reasons not to give up.
Students are urged not to surrender to their failure. Always remember the journey to greater height do seem rough sometimes. Some students bowed for failure to win their journey.
Let me tell you the story of a man, not just a man but a great man indeed, Michael Faraday Faraday discovered himself and invented electricity he fails 99 times in the process of inventing it. It was 100 times that he made it. He never surrenders to failure and his name can never be flushed out of the world history. Therefore, you should not give up.
You must study yourself, as an individual, you have to study whom you are, study yourself and discover what gives you a pleasure when doing it. Try to know what people really admire in you.
Finally, a student that is looking forward to achieve his/her feat needs to work hard and trust himself/herself. I urge you to be focused and determined to beat the best and be the best in anywhere you find yourself.
I believe you have all learnt a great lesson. Once again I appreciate you all for your time and dedication. See you all in greater height. You are blessed as you choose.

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