Here are a few tips that will help make using the Voice Mail system easier.
You do not have listen to the entire message in order to DELETE or SAVE message. Press 3 3 quickly on your key pad and that will advance you to the end of the message. You can then perform the function you need. The way this system works, you must advance to the end or… listen to the message entirely in order to perform any function.
This system has a feature that allows you to speed up or slow down the voice within the system. To change the speed you must be listening to a message. Press 4 to slow down the voice or press 4 4 for the slowest speed. Press 6 to speed up the voice or Press 6 6 for the fastest speed. You may have to play with those buttons a few times in order to adjust the voice to suit you.
3) The * key allows you to go back to the previous menu. If you are at the main subscriber menu, the * key will exit you from you voice mailbox.
A Quick Reference Guide that can be printed out and put under your telephone has been provided on page 2 of this document.
For more Features print out the Voice Mail User Reference.