Title: stem application in a public library Abstract

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Title: STEM application in a public library

As new technologies evolve there is a need for public libraries to develop and provide new ways of engaging the younger generation with hands-on learning programmes. This presentation introduces how Cumberland Council Libraries is providing a STEM programme for young children that will encourage young children in understanding the concepts of science and engineering.
The basic tools used are Arduino microcontrollers, solderless breadboards, light emitting diodes, resistors and laptops to run a visual programming language. Participants are introduced to basic electrical concepts and learn to build simple circuits and program them using different parameters In addition the children are introduced to a SPRK+ (Schools, Parents,Robots,Kids).It is a robotic “toy” that is controlled using a smartphone which has an Android app. It is definitely an excellent method to teach children mathematics and science skills.
The pilot programme looked at electronics and in response to the children’s feedback, the next series (to be run during Summer School Holidays) will involve robotics (SPRK+).
This will present opportunities for the primary and secondary schools to promote these activities in their classrooms and for public libraries to extend these activities on a regular basis by working with the educational establishments.
Author’s Name: David Samuel

Professional affiliation: None

Postal Address: Auburn Library, 1 Susan Street, Auburn NSW 2144

Email address: david.samuel@cumberland.nsw.gov.au

Biographical statement:
David has worked in a public library for 8 years and has a Master of Information Studies from Charles Sturt University. He is a Life Member of IEEE, USA and is currently promoting electronics to young children in public libraries. He is currently based at Auburn library and provides system support and other library services within the Cumberland Libraries.

This paper introduces two Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) based activities that could be implemented in a public library, using minimal space. The paper describes the necessary tools required to implement STEM based programs, using an electronic based activity such as Arduino microcontroller and a robotic based activity Schools, Parents, Robots, Kids (SPRK+). The challenges faced in providing this activity at library branches were identified and reflected upon in this paper. The activities were evaluated at the end of each session using feedback forms to identify their interests for future STEM activities.
Currently public libraries in Australia are facing a challenge in trying to promote STEM programs to the community especially to school aged children, to further promote engagement with science and engineering related projects. Libraries have previously utilised Coding Clubs and robotic activities. Cumberland Libraries have trialled using Arudino as a new innovative approach to engage school aged students (10 to 18 years) through short one and a half hours’ sessions during the January 2017 school holidays. This program was offered at 6 of the 8 library branches, with the requirement that all participants had to be library card holders to promote continual engagement with the library. These programs were free and held in places like small children’s area, multi-purpose room (used for English classes, community events), community halls, and small meeting rooms. Reflecting its versatility to be adapted as a model program for other libraries to utilise.

The equipment utilised were laptops, Arduino microcontroller board, breadboard, resistors and light emitting diodes (LEDs) which all can be easily transported to each venue. The concept of using Arduino as a STEM activity within a public library environment originated from an ALA technical services group discussion. One of their posts mentioned Raspberry Pi (microprocessor based intelligent system) and Arduino (micro controller system), as potential devices to be utilised further to promote STEM activity. Arduino was selected due to its simpler format to manipulate and program for a basic. It was also found to be more cost effective. Brian Huang, an Education Engineer from Sparkfun did a presentation on YouTube about Arduino and programming using Scratch4A. It was an interesting presentation that demonstrated the ability for Arduino to be implemented in a library environment.

Further research revealed a graphical program called ArduBlock (Ridley, 2015) could be used in conjunction with the Arduino device. This program is easier to implement as it utilises javascript. Although ArduBlock is still a beta version, it was found to be a good interface to use for programming.
A programming method was selected over coding due to it being more user-friendly, hence easier for younger aged children to understand. There is a difference between “programming” and “coding”. Programming is based upon graphical blocks that already exists, with the user needing to drag and drop them in the correct sequence to get the program to work (Tara Linney, 2015). Some of these examples are ArduBlock, Code Studio, Scratch and Tynker. Coding is more complex and requires strict punctuation and syntax to function. Typical examples are C++, Python, HTML, Ruby and Wiring(used in Arduino). Programming is used as a starting point for younger students to get a basic understanding, without having to possess coding knowledge.

Arduino with ArduBlock workshop activity
The lesson plan for the activity was as follows:

  1. Download appropriate software

The laptops that were used to provide basic computer classes for the seniors during school term were used. These laptops are only available during school holiday periods. The open-source software Arduino Software (IDE) was downloaded from http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software website. The version downloaded is Arduino 1.6.8 as the latest version is not currently supported by ArduBlock.The url is provided at the sourceforge (2017) found at the reference section and it is recommended to download ardublock-beta-20131031.jar. The ArduBlock javascript was also installed and tested. This eliminated the need to have internet access for the Arduino software to operate, making it easier to provide this activity at branch libraries where internet access is sometimes slow. Acknowledgement is made to the IT department for assistance in installing the appropriate software on the laptops.

Prior to this, a pilot Arduino workshop was conducted at 2 library branches during Winter 2016 school holidays. This was well received by 10 to 12 years’ age group students, reflected by the high attendance rate. Cumberland Libraries decided due to the high attendance to offer this activity to 6 of the 8 library branches during the January 2017 school holidays period for students aged between 10 to 18 years.

Students were paired into groups of two per laptop in a maximum class size of 8. The equipment provided were an Arduino microcontroller with breadboard, USB A-B cable which is used to connect between the laptop and the Arduino board, resistors, LEDs and jumper wires. Students introduced themselves and the session last about one and a half hours.

  1. Presentation containing Key Concepts

A brief presentation was provided to explain the STEM concepts behind using the Arduino. This included an introduction to Ohm’s Law and the relationship with voltage, current and resistance. Theoretical concepts were presented as a slideshow using either an overhead projector or TV screens available at certain library locations.

  1. Practical Application

The resistor colour coding was introduced and handouts provided to each student on how to read the value of a resistor. In addition, each student took turns in reading the value of a resistor using a portable digital multimeter to verify the value of the resistor they had with them. The LED was introduced in the session and was shown how to connect this component in the correct order for it to work. The breadboard was introduced and they were shown how to install components on the breadboard.

This is a hands-on activity whereby the student is given the opportunity to build the circuit and then connects the self-built circuit to the laptop using the Arduino board. Students were introduced to ArduBlock programming and shown basic principles on how to create a simple program to get one LED to turn on and off. The students were shown how to “clone” the program, i.e. to copy the same steps for other digital outputs. As the session progressed, the students started to be creative in getting 3 LEDs to work like a set of traffic lights and some went even further to create Knight Rider effect and ventured into more complex programming by extending the programming length, experimenting to see what else this could do and the period until when the human eye could not detect the speed of blinking the LED.

Some of the students experienced problems with circuit building initially, however after some collaboration and exchanging of ideas, they were able to solve the issue. Majority of the participants were very pleased with their actions and felt a great sense of pride at achieving something they never expected to do before coming for the session.
SPRK+ Demonstration
The SPRK+ is a robotic waterproof ball programmed by a range of apps on devices such as iPad, iPhone, Android phone and tablet. It can reach speeds of more than 2 metres per second. This robot can be used to introduce students to coding and robotics, as it allows the user to control the robot in real time. SPRK has its own C-based language called OVAL. It allows the user to trace a path to direct the robot with an app using their finger tips or can provide block-based programming through the use of Lightning Lab. The lesson plan was as follows

  1. How to control SPRK+ and setting the course

Smartphone driving the robot was used to turn on the Lightning Lab app and connectivity with the Sphero was done through Bluetooth. This permitted the user to control the robot. Initially, a maze was created with an area of 2 metres by 2 metres with some obstacles in place. The students were provided with a brief explanation on how to drive the robot through the obstacles course set by the maze.

  1. Practical Application

As a group, they recreated the maze, altered the obstacles and took turns in driving the Sphero through the maze. The smartphone was under the student’s control and they were simply enjoying this extra activity as part of a learning curve without realising that they were using mathematical skills in manoeuvring the ball and stopping it before it hit an object. This is intended for students in a class whereby they can learn basic mathematical skills such as speed, distance and time or starting at a particular point and ending at another point by calculating and working out the speed over a particular defined distance for example by measuring the time taken to travel between the points.

This activity could be very a popular educational tool to establish interest in coding and robotics. This activity works best when there is more space such as in a community hall or even an empty room with all furniture removed or place aside. The Lightning Lab app contains community groups where people participate in a forum style discussion about possible activities and games that can be implemented using SPRK+. One of the games introduced was “Colour Grab” whereby the student has to grab the Sphero when it flashes to a certain colour and the audio output is provided by the android phone. There are several information sources available from Sphero’s website on classroom activities at various educational levels to be attempted by the user.

Feedback from January 2017 Workshop
The activity was aimed at school children between the ages of 10 and 18 years old who are current members of the Cumberland Library branches. Pre-booking was essential in order to ensure that sufficient hardware was available to support all the students. Six of the eight libraries were used to promote and provide this activity. The other two libraries were not included because the branch premises were not inspected for suitability due to time constraints. It is expected that suitability of these 2 facilities will be conducted in the near future when this workshop is presented to the library community. Most of the library branches were fully booked but attendance on the day of the event was 60 to 70 percent at some branches.
Statistically there were a total of 52 students who participated in the activity at the 6 library branches with 73% comprising of male and 27% female participants. The majority of the students were in the 10 to 11 years age group and this made up about 69% of the participants. The activities were well received. The majority of the participants agreed that it was well presented to the appropriate level and at an acceptable standard. All participants had no issue working in pairs to share the laptop.
Based upon the four characteristic of STEM principles for youth experience by The CONNECTORY (2016) the following observations were made:



Response by Students


New ways of solving problems and developing new ideas

Observation showed that there was under 20% of students willing to be bold to venturing in designing other aspects using existing hardware


Working with a group to achieve shared goals

Excellent characteristics in exchanging ideas and working together towards resolving problems jointly when the circuit does not work when the program is run


Attentively listening and sharing ideas effectively, using a variety of tools such as media and technology

There were some hesitant students who were reluctant to ask questions initially. As the session progressed, they felt more at ease and were freely engaging and exchanging ideas and information with other students

Critical Thinking

Making a decision or forming an opinion by exploring various ideas and sources of information

Students were comparing notes with other groups and worked collectively as a team to make the hardware and software work the way they wanted. Ideas were provided by other group students

Every student was provided with a feedback evaluation form and some of the responses and comments were:

  • Excited about electronics and programming

  • Would like a variety of electronic projects to build

  • Instructions not easy to follow initially

  • Strong interest in working on robots and programming these devices

  • Library environment was comfortable to engage in this activity

  • Very excited in driving the SPRK+ robot and the colour changing of the LEDs within the robot

  • Some parents came back with their children to enquire where they can purchase a SPRK+ robot

  • One student who used to be very quiet at home started to talk to his parents discussing how much he enjoyed the activity

Challenges facing the STEM activity in the public library
Public Libraries need to continue to provide more exposure to STEM activities such as starting Coding Clubs or Programming Clubs where students can meet once a week, engage in more complex projects that take a longer time to complete. Farkas(2015) points out that “libraries don’t necessarily need to invest in expensive tools like 3D printers and laser cutters to promote STEM. Tools like Makey Makey, Squishy Circuits, Cubelets and Raspberry P1 are affordable options to get kids engaged in creating and programming robots, game controllers and other cool technologies.” Amy Koester (2014) provides STEM activities without using technology, simply by engaging the kids in craft-building projects that teaches scientific concepts, reflecting the varying teaching STEM methods.

STEM content can be extended to engage adults in a library setting. The introduction of STEM based activities will promote opportunities for staff career development and knowledge in conjunction with increased community engagement opportunities for libraries. This can be done in partnership with other libraries, community organisations or vendors.

Children are naturally creative and the public library provides an ideal setting and atmosphere to nurture STEM engagement activities suitable for all ages, with varying capabilities.

The library should take into consideration these points when sourcing products to utilises STEM teaching:

  • Hardware and software is reliable, robust and affordable

  • Software installation is supported by the IT department as they are mainly responsible for installation of software at most libraries

  • Safety of students whilst participating in the activity

  • The activity is fun, educational and can be implemented readily and with ease

  • Select activities that fit the age group you are targeting

  • Ensure activities can be completed within the designated time frame

Public Libraries do have a very important part in contributing to the 21st century children by providing innovative, challenging and fun STEM activities at the library frequently to help enhance, raise awareness and interests in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This will help promote and prepare our school aged children to think more laterally.


Arduino (2017) Arduino: Download the Arduino IDE. https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software [Accessed: 15 November 2016]

THE CONNECTORY (2016) WHY STEM: Empower the next generation of innovators - The Youth Experience http://theconnectory.org/why-stem [Accessed 20 January 2016].

Farkas, M. (2015) Making for STEM Success: Creating a community of tinkerers, American Libraries May 2015 V.46 No.5 p.27-29 https://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/0515.pdf [Accessed 15 January 2016].

Koester, A. and Skokie Public Library (2014) STEAM Power Your Library http://www.ala.org/alsc/sites/ala.org.alsc/files/content/NI14Handouts/STEAM%20Power%20Your%20Library%20ALSC14.pdf [Accessed 6 December 2015].

Ridley, M. (2015) Arduino Basics - Intro to ArduBlocks https://bereabuilders.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/arduino-basics-course.pdf [Accessed 8 August 2015].

SPRK Lightning Lab (2016a) Lightning Lab - Welcome ot Lightning Lab http://edu.sphero.com [Accessed: 4 December 2016].

sourceforge (2017) Ardublock: Visual programming Environment For Arduino: https://sourceforge.net/projects/audublock/files [Accessed: 18 November 2016].

Why STEM: Empower the next generation of innovators - The Youth Experience (2016) http://theconnectory.org/why-stem [Accessed 15 January 2016].
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