105 E. Main Street
7:00 p.m.
Present: Fred
Farley Jody Price Absent:
John Phifer Pam Van Hook
Toby Benge
Others Present: Andy Emmert, Utilities and Street Superintendent, Building Commissioner
Melissa Cunnyngham, Attorney
Stu Savka, Triad Associates, Inc.
Amy Miller, Cornerstone Grants
Minutes: February 23, 2016: regular meeting,
March 3, 2016: executive session, approved
Water, Wastewater, & Streets: Andy Emmert
Building Commissioner: Andy Emmert
Amy Miller, Cornerstone Grants and Stu Savka, Triad Associates, Inc. Attended the meeting to discuss the availability of OCRA grants for a potential water project. The council will schedule a meeting with financial consultant Steve Brock to further discuss the feasibility and particulars of this.
There is a letter of intent due April 8th which will require a public hearing prior to that date.
Stu Savka, Triad Associates, reported that he just received the last of the bids for the remainder of the wastewater project and that he would have the results first thing in the morning.
Status Unsafe House on South Railroad Street. Mr. Phifer asked where we are as far as moving forward with having this house condemned Mrs. Cunnyngham said she would follow up with Mr. Culp.
Once this is complete, the Town will be able to move forward with the grant process to demolish this house and the old Cain property (which is now town property) on North Railroad Street.
Mr. Farley asked about a property with a caved in barn on South Central. Mr. Emmert responded that this property is in town limits. Mr. Phifer made a motion that this property owner be served proper ordinance violation notice. Mr. Benge seconded.
AYE: Mr. Farley, Mr. Benge, Mr. Phifer, Mrs. Price, Mrs. Van Hook
Local Resident Concern. Matt Dotson attended the meeting to discuss with the council concerns regarding speeding on Central Avenue and people running the stop sign at Central and Kaufman Streets.
The matter was referred to Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department. In addition the council discussed lowering speed limits. Mrs. Cunnyngham reported that there is still a case pending in the Indiana Supreme Court regarding this and that she and Aaron will have to look into it further.
Atlanta Public Library Centennial Celebration. Roberta Terry reported that this will be the weekend of August 27
th and 28
th with many events planned around this celebration. The annual Pie and Ice Cream Social and Street Dance is planned for the evening of August 27
th. The council unanimously approved the street closure for this. Mrs. Price made the motion and Mr. Phifer and Mrs. Van Hook seconded.
AYE: Mr. Farley, Mr. Benge, Mr. Phifer, Mrs. Price, Mrs. Van Hook
With no further business to discuss the claims were signed and the meeting adjourned.
Fred Farley, Council President
ATTEST: _____________________
Robyn Cook, IAMC, CMC