Union pines high school 2016 2017 Student Handbook

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2016 - 2017 - Student Handbook
Andy McCormick, Principal

Nick Capps, Assistant Principal

Susan Rodriguez, Assistant Principal

Travis Kemp, Assistant Principal

1981 Union Church Road Cameron, NC 28326

Phone: 910-947-5511 Fax: 910-947-5117

Mission Statement

The Viking mission is to provide engaging experiences so that our graduates become responsible and productive global citizens.
Vision Statement

The Viking mission is to create a safe, exciting environment where students become ethical, productive citizens and lifelong learners.

viking picture.jpg


This handbook is a simple guide to help ensure student success. Opportunities abound for students willing to work, get involved in extracurricular activities and/or athletics and make the commitment to focus on their education.

In order to maintain a safe and orderly school students are required to follow the Moore County Schools Student Code of Conduct. Two main concepts to remember are:

(1) The rules are not new. They are the same ones you learned since kindergarten.

(2) The consequences are strictly enforced.
I look forward to working with students and staff to make this year one of the best yet. We can all work together to be Viking Strong!!!
-Mr. McCormick

The school day for students begins at 8:40 a.m. Students who arrive to class after 8:40 are tardy. Students are not to arrive on campus before 7:45 a.m. and must be off campus by 4:00 p.m. unless directly supervised by a staff member.

“The guiding mission of the North Carolina State Board of Education is that every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st Century.”
Union Pines High School’s focus is to provide a safe and orderly environment in which learning takes place without disruption. We encourage our students and their parents to share in our efforts to create a safe learning environment.
Schedules 2016-2017

UPHS UPWARD Daily Schedule

7:55-8:35 Zero Period

8:25 Buses on


8:35 First Bell

8:40-10:10 1st Period

10:15-11:40 2nd Period

11:45-1:35 3rd Period

11:45-12:10 1st Lunch

12:30-12:55 2nd Lunch

1:10-1:35 3rd Lunch

1:40-2:10 UPWARD

2:15-3:40 4th Period

3:45 Buses Depart

Two Hour Delay Schedule

10:25 Buses on Campus

10:35 First Bell

10:40-11:25 1st Period

11:30-12:15 2nd Period

12:20- 3rd Period

12:20-12:45 1st Lunch

1:05-1:30 2nd Lunch

1:50-2:15 3rd Lunch

2:20-3:40 4th Period

3:45 Buses Depart


Monday 1st Period

Tuesday 2nd Period

Wednesday 3rd Period

Thursday 4th Period

Friday Homeroom/Club Meetings


Early Release Schedule

7:55-8:35 Zero Period

8:25 Buses on Campus

8:35 First Bell

8:40-9:35 1st Period

9:40-10:30 2nd Period

10:35-11:25 3rd Period

11:30-12:20 4th Period

12:20-12:40 Grab and Go Lunch

12:40 Buses Depart

Afternoon Assembly Schedule

7:55-8:35 Zero Period

8:25 Buses on Campus

8:35 First Bell

8:40-10:10 1st Period

10:15-11:40 2nd Period

11:45-1:20 3rd Period

11:45-12:20 1st Lunch

12:45-1:20 2nd Lunch

1:25-2:25 4th Period

2:30-3:40 Assembly

3:45 Buses Depart

Academic Information

“Preparing students for the 21st Century”

Union Pines’ students will “graduate globally competitive. Every student will excel in a rigorous and relevant core curriculum that reflects what students need to know and demonstrate in a global 21st Century environment, including a mastery of languages, an appreciation of the arts, and competencies in the use of technology.”

-North Carolina State Board of Education- Future-Ready students

For purpose of class rank and college admissions, Union Pines places additional “value” to some academic classes. This enables students who take a rigorous course of study to be rewarded in their grade point average. If you are interested in this, talk with your counselor. GPA Beginning with Freshmen Entering 2015-2016.
AP, IB, and college courses– 5 quality points

Honors courses- 4.5 quality points

Standard courses- 4 quality points
Interim Reports

Tuesday, September 20

Tuesday, October 11

Tuesday, November 22

Tuesday, December 20

Tuesday, February 14

Tuesday, March 7

Tuesday, April 25

Tuesday, May 16
Grading Scale:

A 90 – 100

B 80 –89

C 70 – 79

D 60 – 69

F 0 – 59


See your guidance counselor and scholarship coordinator, Mrs. Cadell to plan early for college acceptance and scholarship opportunities.

How Do I…

Get an A on my report card;

Keep my eligibility to play my favorite sport;

Win a school, state, or national competition;

Receive a scholarship to my college/university of choice;

Become a member of the National Honor Society;

Get my driver’s license;

Receive my high school diploma????????

It all starts with ACADEMICS!

Student Academic Support

As a learning community we believe that all students can be successful with support, perseverance, and dedication. A high school diploma and a successful life after Union Pines is attainable for all students.

Our academic staff is ready and willing to help any student who desires either extra help or extended opportunities for learning.

Student Quest for Success

Always take responsibility for your learning by staying aware of your grades, assignments, and attendance. Attendance in class is a tremendous factor for successful students.

Communicate with your teacher! Ask for help if needed during or after class. You are your best advocate and getting to know your teacher reinforces student confidence in the classroom.
Stay organized! Build a portfolio for yourself. Save important papers, use an agenda to keep up with important dates and keep a record of your grades.




If you struggle...don’t just sit there! Talk to your teacher, your parents, guidance counselor, or principal. Ask for help from a classmate or attend National Honor Society tutoring (see Mr. Caviness for more information).

Who do you contact?
Faculty - contact your teacher

Guidance Counselors:

Donna Everett ;A-G deverrett@ncmcs.org

Janice French; H-N jfrench@ncmcs.org

• Renee Portfilio; O-Z rportfilio@ncmcs.org

National Honor Society Tutoring - Glenn Caviness gcaviness@ncmcs.org

Academic Intervention - Scott Absher sabsher@ncmcs.org

Exceptional Education - Christy McKinnon cmckinnon@ncmcs.org

Academic information
Academic Integrity

Union Pines students are expected to hold themselves to the highest standards of academic integrity. The honor code is expected of students as they work in and out of the classroom by exhibiting good citizenship and integrity.

Students who give or receive information of any kind during a test are cheating and this behavior is unacceptable. Furthermore, the giving or receiving of information on other work, unless prior authorization is given, also constitutes cheating. Finally, work taken from the Internet or another source, without giving source credit, is plagiarism and is considered cheating.
A first offense will result in a grade of zero and a parent will be contacted. The teacher will also notify administration and a master list of students will be kept.
A second offense, not necessarily in the same class, will result in a grade of zero, and a conference with the teacher, assistant principal, and parent.
Second offenses may also result in removal from honor organizations, class and club office, scholarship consideration, etc. No student who falls in this category will be recognized with special honors at graduation. Two offenses for cheating will also result in automatic expulsion from the Honor Societies.
Media Center Services

HOURS: Mon-Thu, 8:00-4:00; Fri, 8:00-3:30


Your student ID card serves as your library cards. Check out period for fiction and non-fiction is 3 weeks; you may renew as needed. Reference books are too expensive to be checked out; however, you may copy the pages you need for your research. Please follow copyright privileges.


Students with overdue material are not allowed to check out materials until the overdue materials are returned to the library. There are no fines for overdue books. All students are required to return all library materials and/or pay all lost book fees at the end of each school year. Graduating students are required to return all library materials and/or pay all fines before they graduate.


All computers are for school activities ONLY. Color copies are 10 cents per page. Students are required to have a pass from their teacher if they come to the library from class. Library passes are required at lunch time.


You and your parent/guardian must sign a permission form for each school year in order to take your Chromebook home. You will receive your Chromebook in homeroom at the beginning of each school year and return it to your homeroom at the end of the school year. Any monies for damages will be added to your student fees. Remember to handle your Chromebook gently. The monitor screen is fragile and is $100 to replace, if cracked or broken.


You are expected to be studious in our library. Quiet respectful conversation is encouraged for collaboration on projects. Bottle your drinks with a snug top to prevent spills. Please eat BEFORE coming to the library. Food brings bugs. Bugs and books never mix.


We are happy to offer students the opportunity to use computer technology and the MCS network system to access information on the Internet for educational study. MCS has an Internet filter in place in accordance with Federal guidelines.


All students are required to follow the MCS Acceptable Use Policy. This policy is in place to provide an optimal educational environment for students. Student passwords are private and should not be shared with others. Students may not download music, software from the Internet, instant message, or access sites blocked by the Internet filter. Anyone engaged in these activities will have his/her computer privileges suspended and may be subject to disciplinary action.

Computers are available for academic study before and after school. Distance learning classes offered at UPHS by the North Carolina Virtual Public High School include courses not offered for classroom instruction. See your guidance counselor for more information.
ACADEMIC information - Student Services
Guidance Department:

• Mrs. Everett, 9th-12th grades A-G

• Mrs. French, 9th-12th grades H-N

• Mrs. Portfilio, 9th-12th grades O-Z

• Ms. Patterson, College and Career Promise Coordinator

• Mrs. Caddell, Scholarship Coordinator

• Jenn Kraft, Registrar
Students can plan their course registration at any time by selecting the registration link on our website at http://www.ncmcs.org/Page/7593 and login with their student number and date of birth.

2016-1017 Key Dates in High School Testing

2016-2017 Key Dates in High School Testing




TEST (First Semester)



August 29 - September 11, 2016

WIDA Access Placement Test (W-APT)

Newly enrolled students in grades K-12 with a language other than English listed on their Home Language Survey


September 12–23, 2016

Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (CDM) Phase 1 Assessments

Qualifying Students


Last day to drop year-long EOC courses according to the 10/20 day rule


October 1 - 31, 2016


All students enrolled in grade 10

College and Career Readiness Alternate Assessment


October 10 - 14, 2016

High School Interim Assessment #1

Students in grades 9-12


November 14, 2016–February 17, 2017

ACT® WorkKeys—Online Administrations

Seniors who are CTE Concentrators


November 14-18, 2016

SRI at risk window

Students in grades 2-8


December 5–9, 2016

ACT® WorkKeys—Paper-and-Pencil Standard and Accommodated Administrations

Seniors who are CTE Concentrators


December 5–9, 2016

High School Interim Assessment #2

Students in grades 9-12


FDF collection date - all student withdrawals must be complete BEFORE this date on any EOC students


January 13 - 20, 2017

End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments—Biology, English II, and Math I

Students enrolled in appropriate EOC course codes


January 13 - 20, 2017

NC Final Exams Middle and High Schools

Students enrolled in appropriate NCFE course codes


January 13 - 20, 2017

CTE Post Assessments High Schools

Students enrolled in appropriate CTE course codes

----------End of First Semester--------



TEST (Second Semester)



WIDA ACCESS Placement Test (W-APT™)

Initial assessment required within 14 calendar days if the student enrolls after the beginning of the school year.


November 14, 2016–February 17, 2017

ACT® WorkKeys—Online Administrations

Seniors who are CTE Concentrators


February 1–March 10, 2017

Access for ELLS Alternate ACCESS for ELLs

All currently identified LEP students in grades K-12


February 6–17, 2017

ACT® WorkKeys—Paper-and-Pencil Standard and Accommodated Administrations

Seniors who are CTE Concentrators


February 15–28, 2016

Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (CDM) Phase 1 Assessments

Qualifying Students



ACT®—Initial Test Date (Paper/Pencil)

All students currently enrolled in grade 11


February 28–March 14, 2017

ACT®—Accommodations Testing Window

select students enrolled in grade 11


February 28–March 14, 2017

College and Career Readiness Alternate Assessment at Grade 11

All students currently enrolled in grade 11 with appropriate documentation in their IEP for CCRA


February 28–March 14, 2017

NCEXTEND1 Alternate Assessment—Grade 11

All students currently enrolled in grade 11 with appropriate documentation in their IEP for X1


March 7 -10, 2017

High School Interim Assessment #3

Students in grades 9-12



ACT®—Makeup Test Date (Paper/Pencil)

All students currently enrolled in grade 11 and absent on Feb 28


FDS data collection for Year-long courses - all withdrawals for EOG and EOC students must be done BEFORE this date


May 8 - 12, 2017

High School Interim Assessment #4

Students in grades 9-12


May 26-June 9, 2017

NCEXTEND1 Reading, Math, and Science NCEXTEND1 EOC

Students in grades 3-8, and 10 with appropriate documentation in their IEP for X1


May 26-June 9, 2017

High School EOC Assessments (yearlong courses)

High school students enrolled in appropriate EOC course codes


May 26-June 9, 2017

High School NCFE Assessments (yearlong courses)

High School students enrolled in appropriate NCFE course codes


May 26-June 9, 2017

CTE Post Assessments High Schools

Students enrolled in appropriate CTE course codes


FDS data collection for EOC - all student withdrawals must be complete BEFORE this date on any EOC students


June 5-9, 2017

High School EOC Assessments - (4x4/semester courses)

High school students enrolled in appropriate EOC course codes


June 5-9, 2017

High School NCFE Assessments (4x4/semester courses)

High School students enrolled in appropriate NCFE course codes

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