University of bayreuth master of Arts: Intercultural Anglophone Studies

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Master of Arts: Intercultural Anglophone Studies


Preliminary Remarks

Contents of courses, lectures and seminars: see Course Commentary published each semester

Module grades: see § 15 MA Examination Regulations

Workload: 1 ECTS credit point (CP) equals ca. 30 working hours; this underlies the workload calculation of average working hours

Re-sitting a module: see § 18 sect. 1, 3-6 MA Examination Regulations

Designation of module

ANG-M1.1 First level (stage 1)



Literary studies


The module will help acquire the following abilities: the ability to explain literary and cultural problems at a sophisticated level and present solutions in exemplary fields of research, which are increasingly incorporated into studies; the ability to apply important theories and methods of literary and cultural studies independently, with regard to the analysis of English literary texts and cultural contexts. British, North American, and postcolonial or New English literatures (including a special focus on Africa and on comparative diaspora research) may be studied, and intermedial analyses may form a part of the programme. The topics will pertain mostly to Cultural Otherness in Anglophone literature of various genres and periods; Literary discourses in different media; Literary in relation to other cultural discourses.
The competence acquired in this module is important for the extension in ANG-M1.2 and forms a basis for ANG-M4. The knowledge gained may, after consultation with the chosen supervi­sor, form a basis for the oral or written examination or for a thesis. Preparatory research leading to a thesis may begin early during studies.


1 semester


M1.1 Advanced Seminar: At least once per year

Elective course (MA level): At least once per year

Elective course: Each semester


Willingness to undertake intensive and extensive reading; distinct interest in independent and theoretically informed analysis of literary works and intercultural processes; willingness to undertake largely independent investigation of problems in literary and cultural studies


Chairs of English Literature and of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures

Requirements for successful completion

M1.1: Advanced Seminar, MA level. In an Advanced Seminar, research problems are treated in an exemplary way and in selected areas; scholarly methods are applied at an advanced level of complexity. Requirements: Selection of an Advanced Seminar from the range of those offered. Regular attendance and active participation; knowledge of relevant methods for independent analysis of literary texts or texts of cultural theory, making use of knowledge acquired in the compulsory and elective courses; knowledge of relevant research sources; completion of an individual task assigned by the professor (e.g. written assignment or short oral presentation). Moreover, the student will agree with the professor on a research topic of suitable scope, and will treat the topic (4 CP equivalent to ca. 120 working hours, in a paper of ca. 8500-9000 words) on the basis of independent research and using secondary sources.

Assessment according to adequate and independent use of analytical methods as evidence of the abilities mentioned above; independence and individuality of judgement; the conclusiveness of the structure of argumentation; and stylistic quality.

Elective courses

The competence acquired in M1.1 will be practiced in elective courses of the student's choice. Seminars (proseminar type) and lectures may be chosen from the range of those offered by the English Department. Active participation will be demonstrated by academic work, to be specified by the professor depending on the course type, amounting to the CP stated in Examination Regulations (e.g. 2 essays of about 2000 words each, with written exam or with oral presentation).



The module will help acquire the following abilities: the ability to explain linguistic problems at a sophisticated level and present solutions in exemplary fields of research, which are increasingly incorporated into studies; the ability to apply important theories and methods of linguistic studies independently, with regard to the analysis of English texts. The topics will pertain mostly to Language, cognition and culture; English worldwide—regional and cultural varieties of English (including a special focus on Africa); Corpus linguistics.
The competence acquired in this module is important for the extension in ANG-M1.2 and forms a basis for ANG-M4. The knowledge gained may, after consultation with the chosen supervi­sor, form a basis for the oral or written examination or for a thesis. Preparatory research leading to a thesis may begin early during studies.


1 semester


M1.1 Advanced Seminar: At least once per year

Elective course (MA level): At least once per year

Elective course: Each semester


Distinct interest in in-depth reflection on linguistic structures and phenomena; willingness to undertake largely independent investigation of problems in linguistic studies


Chair of English Linguistics

Requirements for successful completion

M1.1: Advanced Seminar, MA level. In an Advanced Seminar, research problems are treated in an exemplary way and in selected areas; scholarly methods are applied at an advanced level of complexity. Requirements: Selection of an Advanced Seminar from the range of those offered. Regular attendance and active participation; knowledge of relevant methods for independent analysis of linguistic phenomena, making use of knowledge acquired in the compulsory and elective courses; knowledge of relevant research sources; completion of an individual task assigned by the professor (e.g. written assignment or short oral presentation). Moreover, the student will agree with the professor on a research topic of suitable scope, and will treat the topic (4 CP equivalent to ca. 120 working hours, in a paper of ca. 8500-9000 words) on the basis of independent research and using secondary sources.

Assessment according to adequate and independent use of analytical methods as evidence of the abilities mentioned above; independence and individuality of judgement; the conclusiveness of the structure of argumentation; and stylistic quality.

Elective courses

The competence acquired in M1.1 will be practiced in elective courses of the student's choice. Seminars (proseminar or advanced seminar type) and lectures may be chosen from the range of those offered by the English Department, also partly those offered by other departments. Active participation will be demonstrated by academic work based on students' own reading; tasks are specified by the professor depending on the course type, amounting to the CP stated in Examination Regulations (e.g. 2 essays of about 2000 words each, with written exam or with oral presentation).


Active participation in courses, with tasks as

described above 300 hours

M1.1 Paper 120 hours

Sum: 420 hours

Designation of module

ANG-M1.2 First level (stage 2)



Literary studies


The module will help acquire the following abilities: the ability to explain literary and cultural problems at a sophisticated level and present solutions in exemplary fields of research, which are increasingly incorporated into studies; the ability to apply important theories and methods of literary and cultural studies independently, with regard to the analysis of English literary texts and cultural contexts. British, North American, and postcolonial or New English literatures (including a special focus on Africa and on comparative diaspora research) may be studied, and intermedial analyses may form a part of the programme. For topics, see M1.1.
The competence acquired in this module forms a basis for ANG-M4. The knowledge gained may, after consultation with the chosen supervi­sor, form a basis for the oral or written examination or for a thesis.


1-2 semesters


M1.2.1, M1.2.2: Normally once per year

Elective course (may be selected from courses offered in other disciplines, wherever possible at postgraduate level): Each semester


Willingness to undertake intensive and extensive reading; distinct interest in independent and theoretically informed analysis of literary works and intercultural processes; willingness to undertake largely independent investigation of problems in literary and cultural studies


Chairs of English Literature and of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures

Requirements for successful completion

M1.2.1: Advanced Seminar, MA level. The topic will pertain to Cultural Otherness in Anglophone literature of various genres and periods; or Literary discourses in different media; or Literary in relation to other cultural discourses.

Regular participation and academic work, based on students' own reading and amounting to 4 CP (usually 3 essays with oral presentation or with written exam of adequate scope). A supporting contribution to research projects, to preparing publications or academic conferences, may gain credit if approved by the professor who offers this option in any semester.

Elective course: see M1.1

M1.2.2: This special seminar will introduce as well as enhance students' knowledge of important theories and methods of literary and cultural studies, with regard to the analysis of English literary texts and cultural contexts. Requirements: Regular attendance and active participation; knowledge of relevant methods for independent analysis of texts of cultural theory or of methodology; knowledge of relevant research sources; knowledge of literary methods and competence gained from the compulsory and elective courses may be integrated with M1.2.2. Completion of individual tasks, assigned by the professor and based on students' own reading, amounting to 4 CP (usually 3 essays with oral presentation or with written exam of adequate scope). The student will agree with the professor on research topics of suitable scope, and will treat these using relevant and independently researched materials.

Assessment according to adequate use of analytical methods as evidence of the abilities mentioned above; the conclusiveness of the structure of argumentation; independence and individuality of judgment; and stylistic quality.



The module will help acquire the following abilities: the ability to explain linguistic problems at a sophisticated level and present solutions in exemplary fields of research, which are increasingly incorporated into studies; the ability to apply important theories and methods of linguistic studies independently, with regard to the analysis of English texts. For topics, see M1.1.
The competence acquired in this module forms a basis for ANG-M4. The knowledge gained may, after consultation with the chosen supervi­sor, form a basis for the oral or written examination or for a thesis.


1-2 semesters


M1.2.1, M1.2.2: Normally once per year

Elective course (may be selected from courses offered in other disciplines, wherever possible at postgraduate level): Each semester


Distinct interest in in-depth reflection on linguistic structures and phenomena; willingness to undertake largely independent investigation of problems in linguistic studies


Chair of English Linguistics

Requirements for successful completion

M1.2.1: Advanced Seminar, MA level. The topic will pertain to Language, cognition and culture; or English worldwide—regional and cultural varieties of English (including a special focus on Africa); or Corpus linguistics.

Regular participation and academic work, based on students' own reading and amounting to 4 CP (usually 3 essays with oral presentation or with written exam of adequate scope). A supporting contribution to research projects, to preparing publications or academic conferences, may gain credit if approved by the professor who offers this option in any semester.

Elective course: See M1.1

M1.2.2: This special seminar will introduce as well as enhance students' knowledge of important theories and methods of linguistic studies, with regard to the analysis of English linguistic phenomena. Requirements: Registration in a suitable seminar from those offered by the English Department, also partly those offered by other departments. Regular attendance and active participation; knowledge of relevant methods for independent analysis of texts of cultural theory or of methodology; knowledge of relevant research sources; knowledge of linguistic methods of analysis and competence gained from the compulsory and elective courses may be integrated with M1.2.2. Completion of individual tasks assigned by the professor and amounting to 4 CP (usually 3 essays with oral presentation or with written exam of adequate scope). The student will agree with the professor on research topics of suitable scope, and will treat these using relevant and independently researched materials.

Assessment according to adequate use of analytical methods as evidence of the abilities mentioned above; the conclusiveness of the structure of argumentation; independence and individuality of judgment; and stylistic quality.

Literary studies / Linguistics


Active participation in courses 180 hours

M1.2.1 Academic work 120 hours

M1.2.2 Academic work 120 hours

Further academic work, elective course 60 hours

Sum: 480 hours

Designation of module

ANG-M2 Style and register




The module is designed to enhance the ability to write English texts for presenting complex topics, with adequate command of style and register.
The competence acquired in this module is important and helpful for ANG-M1 and ANG-M4, the written examination and the thesis.


1 semester


Normally each winter semester


Distinct interest in the active use of language competence in English, and in written presentation


Head of the English Department, Language Centre

Requirements for successful completion

Registration in the Language Centre before or at beginning of lecture time in the semester. Regular attendance and participation in the course; assignments and an essay within a fixed time (equivalent to 2 CP) based on the subjects of the course, as evidence of the abilities specified above.

Assessment according to the stylistic adequacy of the treatment of the assigned topic.


Active participation in course 60 hours

Essay 60 hours

Sum: 120 hours

Designation of module

ANG-M3 Second foreign language




The module will help acquire or improve the ability for oral and written communication in the chosen language, at the level of skill which can be acquired in this module. Depending on the language chosen, the module comprises two consecutive two-hour courses or one composite four-hour course.
The competence acquired in this module is important and helpful for life in Germany, if German is chosen, or to maintain and extend the language proficiency gained at undergraduate level. This enhances a candidate's vocational skills.


2 semesters


Normally each semester, unless regulated otherwise by the Language Centre


Willingness to acquire or improve one's skills in the chosen language


Director of the Language Centre

Requirements for successful completion

Consultation about the choice of courses at the Language Centre. Registration in the Language Centre before or at beginning of lecture time in any semester. Regular attendance and participation; written assignments and exam in each course within a fixed time based on the subjects of the course, as evidence of the abilities specified above.

Assessment according to the linguistic accuracy of the solution presented.

Module grade

Average of the grades from two courses or one grade in a composite course


Active participation in course(s) 120 hours

Assignment(s)/exam(s) 120 hours

Sum: 240 hours

Designation of module

ANG-M4 Second level




The module serves the acquisition of the following abilities: understanding classical and recent methodical and analytical approaches to literature or linguistics, and their applicability for specific research projects within a cultural studies perspective; enhancement of one's understanding by exchanging information and opinions about specific research projects and problems; adequate presentation of complex topics.

Literature: for fields of study and topics, see M1.1.

Linguistics: for fields of study and topics, see M1.1.
The competence acquired in this module is important for further degree work. The knowledge gained may, after consultation with the chosen supervi­sor, form a basis for the oral or written examination or for a thesis.


2 semesters


M4.1, M4.2: Once per year

Elective course (may be selected from courses offered in other disciplines, wherever possible at postgraduate level): Each semester


Willingness to undertake intensive and extensive reading; willingness to work independently and in a theoretically informed way on literary and linguistic problems.
Institutional prerequisite:

Successful completion of M1 and M2. This prerequisite is controlled by the professor teaching M4.1.


Chairs of English Literature, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures; or Chair of English Linguistics

Requirements for successful completion

M4.1: This Colloquium is designed for in-depth information and discussion concerning classical and recent methodical and analytical approaches to literature or linguistics. Requirements: Regular attendance and active participation; attendance will be demonstrated by regular participation as well as academic work based on students' own reading and amounting to 4 CP (usually 3 essays with oral presentation or with written exam of adequate scope).
M4.2: This Research Seminar is designed for the exchange of information and opinions about specific research projects and problems. Requirements: Regular attendance and active participation; individual tasks assigned by the professor, based on students' own reading and amounting to 4 CP (usually 3 essays with oral presentation or with written exam of adequate scope). The student will agree with the professor on research topics of suitable scope, and will treat these with attention to knowledge gained from M4.1 and elective courses as well as relevant research materials. A supporting contribution to research projects, to preparing publications or academic conferences, may gain credit if approved by the professor who offers this option in any semester.

Assessment according to adequate use of analytical methods as evidence of the abilities specified above; the conclusiveness of the structure of argumentation; independence and individuality of judgment; and stylistic quality.
Elective course: See also M1.1.


Active participation in courses 180 hours

M4.1 Academic work 120 hours

M4.2 Academic work 120 hours

Further academic work (elective course) 60 hours

Sum: 480 hours

Designation of module

ANG-M5 Cultural studies (Anglophone world)




The module will help acquire the ability to treat complex and problem-oriented questions pertaining to the cultural development of the Anglophone regions of the world, the region(s) to be chosen by the student, from the perspectives of linguistics and literary studies (including the English Department), theatre studies, history, sociology, geography and other disciplines. Seminars or workshops outside the English Department will mostly be taught in German, and may be chosen if language proficiency is adequate. Seminars or workshops may all be chosen from the same discipline or from several disciplines; suitable seminars and workshops will be announced by the Programme coordinator and usually on the MAIAS website.
M5.1: Orientation (First selection from courses offered by various disciplines, wherever possible at postgraduate level)

M5.2: Consolidation (Selection from further courses in same discipline or in other disciplines, wherever possible at postgraduate level)

The competence acquired in this module is important and helpful to extend the cultural horizon for M1 and M4.


M5.1: 1 semester

M5.2: 1 semester


Each semester


Interest in becoming acquainted with and studying questions pertaining to the English-speaking regions and cultures from the perspectives also of other disciplines, with a considerable degree of independence


MAIAS Programme coordinator

Requirements for successful completion

Regular attendance and participation in the seminars/workshops chosen; acquiring the knowledge needed for independent analysis of topics relevant to each seminar/workshop; ability to use a selection of relevant research materials. M5.1: Individual tasks based on students' own reading and assigned by the professor, amounting to 4 CP in M5.1 (usually 3 essays with oral presentation or with written exam of adequate scope) and 2 CP in M5.2 (usually 1 essay with oral presentation or with written exam, or 2 essays), mostly during lecture times, making use of relevant research materials. The student decides whether a particular seminar/workshop should classify as M5.1 or M5.2.

Assessment according to (a) adequate application of suitable analytical methods as evidence of the abilities specified above and (b) conclusiveness of the structure of argumentation and presentation. Each partial module is assessed, owing to the range of contributing disciplines.

Module grade

Average of the grades from M5.1 and M5.2


Active participation in courses 120 hours

M5.1 Academic work 120 hours

M5.2 Academic work 60 hours

Sum: 300 hours

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