PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 4G, 400M _pga_max_size, 333M _smm_px_max_size, 6 DOP
SQL> show parameter
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
__db_cache_size big integer 684M
__java_pool_size big integer 8M
__large_pool_size big integer 4M
__shared_pool_size big integer 224M
_pga_max_size big integer 400M
_smm_px_max_size integer 340992
active_instance_count integer
aq_tm_processes integer 0
archive_lag_target integer 0
asm_diskgroups string
asm_diskstring string
asm_power_limit integer 1
audit_file_dest string /home/oracle/DBHome1/rdbms/aud
audit_sys_operations boolean FALSE
audit_trail string TRUE
background_core_dump string partial
background_dump_dest string /home/oracle/admin/test/bdump
backup_tape_io_slaves boolean FALSE
bitmap_merge_area_size integer 1048576
blank_trimming boolean FALSE
buffer_pool_keep string
buffer_pool_recycle string
circuits integer
cluster_database boolean FALSE
cluster_database_instances integer 1
cluster_interconnects string
commit_point_strength integer 1
compatible string
control_file_record_keep_time integer 7
control_files string /home/oracle/oradata/test/con
trol01.ctl, /home/oracle/orada
ta/test/control02.ctl, /home/
core_dump_dest string /home/oracle/admin/test/cdump
cpu_count integer 2
create_bitmap_area_size integer 8388608
create_stored_outlines string
cursor_sharing string EXACT
cursor_space_for_time boolean FALSE
db_16k_cache_size big integer 0
db_2k_cache_size big integer 0
db_32k_cache_size big integer 0
db_4k_cache_size big integer 0
db_8k_cache_size big integer 0
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_block_buffers integer 0
db_block_checking boolean FALSE
db_block_checksum boolean TRUE
db_block_size integer 8192
db_cache_advice string ON
db_cache_size big integer 0
db_create_file_dest string
db_create_online_log_dest_1 string
db_create_online_log_dest_2 string
db_create_online_log_dest_3 string
db_create_online_log_dest_4 string
db_create_online_log_dest_5 string
db_domain string
db_file_multiblock_read_count integer 32
db_file_name_convert string
db_files integer 200
db_flashback_retention_target integer 1440
db_keep_cache_size big integer 0
db_name string test
db_recovery_file_dest string /home/oracle/flash_recovery_ar
db_recovery_file_dest_size big integer 2G
db_recycle_cache_size big integer 0
db_unique_name string test
db_writer_processes integer 7
dbwr_io_slaves integer 0
ddl_wait_for_locks boolean FALSE
dg_broker_config_file1 string /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/dr1hf
dg_broker_config_file2 string /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/dr2hf
dg_broker_start boolean FALSE
disk_asynch_io boolean TRUE
dispatchers string (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=testX
distributed_lock_timeout integer 60
dml_locks integer 2924
drs_start boolean FALSE
enqueue_resources integer 3000
event string
fal_client string
fal_server string
fast_start_io_target integer 0
fast_start_mttr_target integer 0
fast_start_parallel_rollback string LOW
file_mapping boolean FALSE
fileio_network_adapters string
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
filesystemio_options string none
fixed_date string
gc_files_to_locks string
gcs_server_processes integer 0
global_context_pool_size string
global_names boolean FALSE
hash_area_size integer 131072
hi_shared_memory_address integer 0
hs_autoregister boolean TRUE
ifile file
instance_groups string
instance_name string test
instance_number integer 0
instance_type string RDBMS
java_max_sessionspace_size integer 0
java_pool_size big integer 0
java_soft_sessionspace_limit integer 0
job_queue_processes integer 10
large_pool_size big integer 0
ldap_directory_access string NONE
license_max_sessions integer 0
license_max_users integer 0
license_sessions_warning integer 0
local_listener string
lock_name_space string
lock_sga boolean FALSE
log_archive_config string
log_archive_dest string
log_archive_dest_1 string
log_archive_dest_10 string
log_archive_dest_2 string
log_archive_dest_3 string
log_archive_dest_4 string
log_archive_dest_5 string
log_archive_dest_6 string
log_archive_dest_7 string
log_archive_dest_8 string
log_archive_dest_9 string
log_archive_dest_state_1 string enable
log_archive_dest_state_10 string enable
log_archive_dest_state_2 string enable
log_archive_dest_state_3 string enable
log_archive_dest_state_4 string enable
log_archive_dest_state_5 string enable
log_archive_dest_state_6 string enable
log_archive_dest_state_7 string enable
log_archive_dest_state_8 string enable
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
log_archive_dest_state_9 string enable
log_archive_duplex_dest string
log_archive_format string %t_%s_%r.dbf
log_archive_local_first boolean TRUE
log_archive_max_processes integer 2
log_archive_min_succeed_dest integer 1
log_archive_start boolean FALSE
log_archive_trace integer 0
log_buffer integer 524288
log_checkpoint_interval integer 0
log_checkpoint_timeout integer 1800
log_checkpoints_to_alert boolean FALSE
log_file_name_convert string
logmnr_max_persistent_sessions integer 1
max_commit_propagation_delay integer 700
max_dispatchers integer
max_dump_file_size string UNLIMITED
max_enabled_roles integer 150
max_shared_servers integer
nls_calendar string
nls_comp string
nls_currency string
nls_date_format string
nls_date_language string
nls_dual_currency string
nls_iso_currency string
nls_language string AMERICAN
nls_length_semantics string BYTE
nls_nchar_conv_excp string FALSE
nls_numeric_characters string
nls_sort string
nls_territory string AMERICA
nls_time_format string
nls_time_tz_format string
nls_timestamp_format string
nls_timestamp_tz_format string
object_cache_max_size_percent integer 10
object_cache_optimal_size integer 102400
olap_page_pool_size big integer 0
open_cursors integer 300
open_links integer 4
open_links_per_instance integer 4
optimizer_dynamic_sampling integer 2
optimizer_features_enable string
optimizer_index_caching integer 0
optimizer_index_cost_adj integer 100
optimizer_mode string ALL_ROWS
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
os_authent_prefix string ops$
os_roles boolean FALSE
parallel_adaptive_multi_user boolean TRUE
parallel_automatic_tuning boolean FALSE
parallel_execution_message_size integer 2148
parallel_instance_group string
parallel_max_servers integer 40
parallel_min_percent integer 0
parallel_min_servers integer 0
parallel_server boolean FALSE
parallel_server_instances integer 1
parallel_threads_per_cpu integer 2
pga_aggregate_target big integer 4G
plsql_code_type string INTERPRETED
plsql_compiler_flags string INTERPRETED, NON_DEBUG
plsql_debug boolean FALSE
plsql_native_library_dir string
plsql_native_library_subdir_count integer 0
plsql_optimize_level integer 2
plsql_v2_compatibility boolean FALSE
plsql_warnings string DISABLE:ALL
pre_page_sga boolean FALSE
processes integer 600
query_rewrite_enabled string TRUE
query_rewrite_integrity string enforced
rdbms_server_dn string
read_only_open_delayed boolean FALSE
recovery_parallelism integer 0
remote_archive_enable string true
remote_dependencies_mode string TIMESTAMP
remote_listener string
remote_login_passwordfile string EXCLUSIVE
remote_os_authent boolean FALSE
remote_os_roles boolean FALSE
replication_dependency_tracking boolean TRUE
resource_limit boolean FALSE
resource_manager_plan string
resumable_timeout integer 0
rollback_segments string
serial_reuse string disable
service_names string test
session_cached_cursors integer 0
session_max_open_files integer 10
sessions integer 665
sga_max_size big integer 1G
sga_target big integer 1G
shadow_core_dump string partial
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
shared_memory_address integer 0
shared_pool_reserved_size big integer 11744051
shared_pool_size big integer 0
shared_server_sessions integer
shared_servers integer 1
skip_unusable_indexes boolean TRUE
smtp_out_server string
sort_area_retained_size integer 0
sort_area_size integer 65536
sp_name string test
spfile string /home/oracle/DBHome1/dbs/spfil
sql92_security boolean FALSE
sql_trace boolean FALSE
sql_version string NATIVE
sqltune_category string DEFAULT
standby_archive_dest string ?/dbs/arch
standby_file_management string MANUAL
star_transformation_enabled string TRUE
statistics_level string TYPICAL
streams_pool_size big integer 100M
tape_asynch_io boolean TRUE
thread integer 0
timed_os_statistics integer 0
timed_statistics boolean TRUE
trace_enabled boolean TRUE
tracefile_identifier string
transactions integer 731
transactions_per_rollback_segment integer 5
undo_management string AUTO
undo_retention integer 900
undo_tablespace string UNDOTBSP2
use_indirect_data_buffers boolean FALSE
user_dump_dest string /home/oracle/admin/test/udump
utl_file_dir string
workarea_size_policy string AUTO
SQL> @get_undocs
Parameter Description Value
---------------------------------------- ------------------------- ----------
_pga_large_extent_size PGA large extent size 1048576
_pga_max_size Maximum size of the PGA 419430400
memory for one process
_smm_advice_enabled if TRUE, enable TRUE
_smm_advice_log_size overwrites default size 0
of the PGA advice
workarea history log
_smm_auto_cost_enabled if TRUE, use the AUTO TRUE
size policy cost
_smm_auto_max_io_size Maximum IO size (in KB) 248
used by sort/hash-join in
auto mode
_smm_auto_min_io_size Minimum IO size (in KB) 56
used by sort/hash-join in
auto mode
_smm_bound overwrites memory manager 0
automatically computed
_smm_control provides controls on the 0
memory manager
_smm_freeable_retain value in KB of the 5120
instance freeable PGA
memory to retain
_smm_max_size maximum work area size in 204800
auto mode (serial)
_smm_min_size minimum work area size in 1024
auto mode
_smm_px_max_size maximum work area size in 340992
auto mode (global)
_smm_retain_size work area retain size in 0
SGA for shared server
sessions (0 for AUTO)
Parameter Description Value
---------------------------------------- ------------------------- ----------
_smm_trace Turn on/off tracing for 0
SQL memory manager
15 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
SQL> set autotrace traceonly
SQL> get test_parallel
1 select /*+ parallel(test_pga 6) */
2 * from test_pga
3* order by district_name,name
SQL> /
4547752 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:04:45.62
Execution Plan
0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=24593 Card=4547752
2 1 PX SEND* (QC (ORDER)) OF ':TQ10001' (Cost=24593 Card=454 :Q1001
7752 Bytes=513895976)
3 2 SORT* (ORDER BY) (Cost=24593 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895 :Q1001
4 3 PX RECEIVE* (Cost=2880 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976) :Q1001
5 4 PX SEND* (RANGE) OF ':TQ10000' (Cost=2880 Card=454 :Q1000
7752 Bytes=513895976)
6 5 PX BLOCK* (ITERATOR) (Cost=2880 Card=4547752 Byt :Q1000
st=2880 Card=4547752 Bytes=513895976)
660 recursive calls
64 db block gets
79861 consistent gets
155978 physical reads
680 redo size
253759906 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
3335525 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
303185 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
3 sorts (memory)
5 sorts (disk)
4547752 rows processed
SQL> spool of
SQL> select * from test_results;
----- -------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------
616 1013760 1013760 868352 868352 050905123536
631 7056384 7056384 6414336 6414336 050905123536
628 8547328 8547328 7176192 7176192 050905123536
617 22234112 22234112 21561344 21561344 050905123536
632 3964928 3964928 3833856 3833856 050905123536
615 4806656 4806656 4136960 4136960 050905123536
616 1234944 1234944 1196032 1196032 050905123537
631 8547328 8547328 8519680 8519680 050905123537
628 10350592 10350592 9961472 9961472 050905123537
617 32572416 32572416 30621696 30621696 050905123537
632 5824512 5824512 5570560 5570560 050905123537
615 7056384 7056384 5849088 5849088 050905123537
616 1503232 1503232 1425408 1425408 050905123538
631 12532736 12532736 10608640 10608640 050905123538
628 12532736 12532736 12369920 12369920 050905123538
617 39420928 39420928 36487168 36487168 050905123538
632 7056384 7056384 6930432 6930432 050905123538
615 8547328 8547328 7151616 7151616 050905123538
616 1827840 1827840 1556480 1556480 050905123539
631 12532736 12532736 12288000 12288000 050905123539
628 15173632 15173632 14049280 14049280 050905123539
617 47708160 47708160 40943616 40943616 050905123539
632 8547328 8547328 7708672 7708672 050905123539
615 8547328 8547328 8011776 8011776 050905123539
616 2220032 2220032 1851392 1851392 050905123540
631 15173632 15173632 13164544 13164544 050905123540
628 18368512 18368512 15261696 15261696 050905123540
617 47708160 47708160 45031424 45031424 050905123540
632 8547328 8547328 8462336 8462336 050905123540
615 10350592 10350592 8953856 8953856 050905123540
616 2220032 2220032 2105344 2105344 050905123541
631 15173632 15173632 14065664 14065664 050905123541
628 18368512 18368512 16629760 16629760 050905123541
617 57735168 57735168 48709632 48709632 050905123541
632 10350592 10350592 9183232 9183232 050905123541
615 10350592 10350592 9773056 9773056 050905123541
616 2695168 2695168 2236416 2236416 050905123542
631 15173632 15173632 14630912 14630912 050905123542
628 18368512 18368512 17973248 17973248 050905123542
617 57735168 57735168 52404224 52404224 050905123542
632 10350592 10350592 10084352 10084352 050905123542
615 12532736 12532736 10567680 10567680 050905123542
616 2695168 2695168 2383872 2383872 050905123543
631 18368512 18368512 15917056 15917056 050905123543
628 22234112 22234112 19185664 19185664 050905123543
617 57735168 57735168 56336384 56336384 050905123543
632 12532736 12532736 10747904 10747904 050905123543
615 12532736 12532736 11444224 11444224 050905123543
616 2695168 2695168 2498560 2498560 050905123544
631 18368512 18368512 16244736 16244736 050905123544
628 22234112 22234112 19554304 19554304 050905123544
617 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 5242880 050905123544
632 12532736 12532736 10952704 10952704 050905123544
615 12532736 12532736 11698176 11698176 050905123544
616 2695168 2695168 2498560 2498560 050905123546
631 18368512 18368512 16244736 16244736 050905123546
628 22234112 22234112 19554304 19554304 050905123546
617 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 10485760 050905123546
632 12532736 12532736 10952704 10952704 050905123546
615 12532736 12532736 11698176 11698176 050905123546
616 2695168 2695168 2498560 2498560 050905123547
631 18368512 18368512 16244736 16244736 050905123547
628 22234112 22234112 19554304 19554304 050905123547
617 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 16777216 050905123547
632 12532736 12532736 10952704 10952704 050905123547
615 12532736 12532736 11698176 11698176 050905123547
616 2695168 2695168 2498560 2498560 050905123548
631 18368512 18368512 16244736 16244736 050905123548
628 22234112 22234112 19554304 19554304 050905123548
617 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 23068672 050905123548
632 12532736 12532736 10952704 10952704 050905123548
615 12532736 12532736 11698176 11698176 050905123548
616 2695168 2695168 2498560 2498560 050905123549
631 18368512 18368512 16244736 16244736 050905123549
628 22234112 22234112 19554304 19554304 050905123549
617 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 29360128 050905123549
632 12532736 12532736 10952704 10952704 050905123549
615 12532736 12532736 11698176 11698176 050905123549
616 2695168 2695168 2498560 2498560 050905123550
631 18368512 18368512 16244736 16244736 050905123550
628 22234112 22234112 19554304 19554304 050905123550
617 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 35651584 050905123550
632 12532736 12532736 10952704 10952704 050905123550
615 12532736 12532736 11698176 11698176 050905123550
616 2695168 2695168 2498560 2498560 050905123551
631 18368512 18368512 16244736 16244736 050905123551
628 22234112 22234112 19554304 19554304 050905123551
617 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 40894464 050905123551
632 12532736 12532736 10952704 10952704 050905123551
615 12532736 12532736 11698176 11698176 050905123551
616 2695168 2695168 2498560 2498560 050905123552
631 18368512 18368512 16244736 16244736 050905123552
628 22234112 22234112 19554304 19554304 050905123552
617 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 47185920 050905123552
632 12532736 12532736 10952704 10952704 050905123552
615 12532736 12532736 11698176 11698176 050905123552
616 2695168 2695168 2498560 2498560 050905123553
631 18368512 18368512 16244736 16244736 050905123553
628 22234112 22234112 19562496 19562496 050905123553
617 7110656 7110656 74752 57737216 53477376 050905123553
632 12532736 12532736 10952704 10952704 050905123553
615 12532736 12532736 11698176 11698176 050905123553
616 3269632 3269632 2727936 2727936 050905123554
631 18368512 18368512 17711104 17711104 050905123554
628 22234112 22234112 21569536 21569536 050905123554
617 7110656 7110656 6095872 57737216 55574528 050905123554
632 12532736 12532736 12230656 12230656 050905123554
615 15173632 15173632 12713984 12713984 050905123554
616 3269632 3269632 2883584 2883584 050905123555
631 22234112 22234112 18718720 18718720 050905123555
628 26911744 26911744 22896640 22896640 050905123555
617 7110656 7110656 4326400 57737216 59768832 050905123555
632 15173632 15173632 12771328 12771328 050905123555
615 15173632 15173632 13459456 13459456 050905123555
616 3269632 3269632 2965504 2965504 050905123556
631 22234112 22234112 19226624 19226624 050905123556
628 26911744 26911744 23478272 23478272 050905123556
617 7110656 5079040 6030336 57737216 65011712 050905123556
632 15173632 15173632 13066240 13066240 050905123556
615 15173632 15173632 13631488 13631488 050905123556
616 3269632 3269632 3080192 3080192 050905123557
631 22234112 22234112 19955712 19955712 050905123557
628 26911744 26911744 24928256 24928256 050905123557
617 7110656 5079040 254976 57737216 68157440 050905123557
632 15173632 15173632 13844480 13844480 050905123557
615 15173632 15173632 14295040 14295040 050905123557
616 3269632 3269632 3162112 3162112 050905123558
631 22234112 22234112 20692992 20692992 050905123558
628 26911744 26911744 25886720 25886720 050905123558
617 7110656 5079040 4318208 57737216 72351744 050905123558
632 15173632 15173632 14639104 14639104 050905123558
615 15173632 15173632 14802944 14802944 050905123558
616 3964928 3964928 3276800 3276800 050905123559
631 22234112 22234112 21692416 21692416 050905123559
628 32572416 32572416 27205632 27205632 050905123559
617 7110656 5079040 4826112 57737216 75497472 050905123559
632 18368512 18368512 15409152 15409152 050905123559
615 18368512 18368512 15548416 15548416 050905123559
616 3964928 3964928 3596288 3596288 050905123600
631 26911744 26911744 22937600 22937600 050905123600
628 32572416 32572416 28811264 28811264 050905123600
617 6094848 6094848 5293056 57737216 76546048 050905123600
632 18368512 18368512 15958016 15958016 050905123600
615 18368512 18368512 16285696 16285696 050905123600
616 3964928 3964928 3653632 3653632 050905123601
631 26911744 26911744 23683072 23683072 050905123601
628 32572416 32572416 29786112 29786112 050905123601
617 6094848 6094848 2548736 57737216 80740352 050905123601
632 18368512 18368512 16572416 16572416 050905123601
615 18368512 18368512 16924672 16924672 050905123601
616 3964928 3964928 3776512 3776512 050905123602
631 26911744 26911744 24535040 24535040 050905123602
628 32572416 32572416 30728192 30728192 050905123602
617 6094848 6094848 762880 57737216 84934656 050905123602
632 18368512 18368512 17031168 17031168 050905123602
615 18368512 18368512 17547264 17547264 050905123602
616 3964928 3964928 3940352 3940352 050905123603
631 26911744 26911744 25567232 25567232 050905123603
628 32572416 32572416 32342016 32342016 050905123603
617 6094848 6094848 5809152 57737216 88080384 050905123603
632 18368512 18368512 17653760 17653760 050905123603
615 22234112 22234112 18587648 18587648 050905123603
616 4806656 4806656 4210688 4210688 050905123604
631 26911744 26911744 26435584 26435584 050905123604
628 39420928 39420928 33865728 33865728 050905123604
617 6094848 6094848 5235712 57737216 90177536 050905123604
632 22234112 22234112 18538496 18538496 050905123604
615 22234112 22234112 19677184 19677184 050905123604
616 4806656 4806656 4259840 4259840 050905123605
631 32572416 32572416 27262976 27262976 050905123605
628 39420928 39420928 34594816 34594816 050905123605
617 8126464 8126464 7332864 57737216 94371840 050905123605
632 22234112 22234112 19120128 19120128 050905123605
615 22234112 22234112 20013056 20013056 050905123605
616 4806656 4806656 4595712 4595712 050905123606
631 32572416 32572416 29614080 29614080 050905123606
628 39420928 39420928 37052416 37052416 050905123606
617 8126464 8126464 7078912 57737216 96468992 050905123606
632 22234112 22234112 20676608 20676608 050905123606
615 22234112 22234112 21446656 21446656 050905123606
616 4806656 4806656 4595712 4595712 050905123607
631 32572416 32572416 29630464 29630464 050905123607
628 39420928 39420928 37060608 37060608 050905123607
617 8126464 8126464 7078912 57737216 102760448 050905123607
632 22234112 22234112 20676608 20676608 050905123607
615 22234112 22234112 21446656 21446656 050905123607
616 5824512 5824512 4866048 4866048 050905123608
631 32572416 32572416 31473664 31473664 050905123608
628 39420928 39420928 39247872 39247872 050905123608
617 8126464 8126464 7840768 57737216 102760448 050905123608
632 22234112 22234112 21790720 21790720 050905123608
615 26911744 26911744 22781952 22781952 050905123608
616 5824512 5824512 4866048 4866048 050905123609
631 32572416 32572416 31498240 31498240 050905123609
628 39420928 39420928 39264256 39264256 050905123609
617 8126464 8126464 7840768 57737216 109051904 050905123609
632 22234112 22234112 21815296 21815296 050905123609
615 26911744 26911744 22806528 22806528 050905123609
616 5824512 5824512 5144576 5144576 050905123610
631 39420928 39420928 33439744 33439744 050905123610
628 47708160 47708160 42033152 42033152 050905123610
617 9142272 9142272 8889344 57737216 111149056 050905123610
632 26911744 26911744 23027712 23027712 050905123610
615 26911744 26911744 24371200 24371200 050905123610
616 5824512 5824512 5144576 5144576 050905123611
631 39420928 39420928 33439744 33439744 050905123611
628 47708160 47708160 42033152 42033152 050905123611
617 9142272 9142272 8889344 57737216 117440512 050905123611
632 26911744 26911744 23027712 23027712 050905123611
615 26911744 26911744 24371200 24371200 050905123611
616 5824512 5824512 5554176 5554176 050905123612
631 39420928 39420928 35463168 35463168 050905123612
628 47708160 47708160 44679168 44679168 050905123612
617 9142272 9142272 8889344 57737216 118489088 050905123612
632 26911744 26911744 24526848 24526848 050905123612
615 26911744 26911744 25600000 25600000 050905123612
616 5824512 5824512 5611520 5611520 050905123613
631 39420928 39420928 35561472 35561472 050905123613
628 47708160 47708160 44892160 44892160 050905123613
617 9142272 9142272 508928 57737216 124780544 050905123613
632 26911744 26911744 24559616 24559616 050905123613
615 26911744 26911744 25673728 25673728 050905123613
616 7056384 7056384 5931008 5931008 050905123614
631 39420928 39420928 38043648 38043648 050905123614
628 57735168 57735168 48242688 48242688 050905123614
617 9142272 9142272 8635392 57737216 124780544 050905123614
632 26911744 26911744 25788416 25788416 050905123614
615 32572416 32572416 27271168 27271168 050905123614
616 7056384 7056384 5931008 5931008 050905123615
631 39420928 39420928 38043648 38043648 050905123615
628 57735168 57735168 48242688 48242688 050905123615
617 9142272 9142272 8635392 57737216 131072000 050905123615
632 26911744 26911744 25788416 25788416 050905123615
615 32572416 32572416 27271168 27271168 050905123615
616 7056384 7056384 6266880 6266880 050905123616
631 47708160 47708160 40247296 40247296 050905123616
628 57735168 57735168 50913280 50913280 050905123616
617 10665984 10665984 8438784 57737216 132120576 050905123616
632 32572416 32572416 27090944 27090944 050905123616
615 32572416 32572416 28876800 28876800 050905123616
616 7056384 7056384 6307840 6307840 050905123617
631 47708160 47708160 40534016 40534016 050905123617
628 57735168 57735168 51470336 51470336 050905123617
617 10665984 10665984 10142720 57737216 137363456 050905123617
632 32572416 32572416 27369472 27369472 050905123617
615 32572416 32572416 29155328 29155328 050905123617
616 7056384 7056384 6488064 6488064 050905123618
631 47708160 47708160 41205760 41205760 050905123618
628 57735168 57735168 52183040 52183040 050905123618
617 10665984 10665984 2614272 57737216 141557760 050905123618
632 32572416 32572416 27959296 27959296 050905123618
615 32572416 32572416 29433856 29433856 050905123618
616 7056384 7056384 6725632 6725632 050905123619
631 47708160 47708160 43032576 43032576 050905123619
628 57735168 57735168 54427648 54427648 050905123619
617 10665984 10665984 9364480 57737216 141557760 050905123619
632 32572416 32572416 29155328 29155328 050905123619
615 32572416 32572416 30564352 30564352 050905123619
616 7056384 7056384 6782976 6782976 050905123620
631 47708160 47708160 43139072 43139072 050905123620
628 57735168 57735168 54771712 54771712 050905123620
617 10665984 10665984 9888768 57737216 145752064 050905123620
632 32572416 32572416 29188096 29188096 050905123620
615 32572416 32572416 30687232 30687232 050905123620
616 7056384 7056384 7012352 7012352 050905123621
631 47708160 47708160 44097536 44097536 050905123621
628 57735168 57735168 55828480 55828480 050905123621
617 10665984 10665984 4105216 57737216 149946368 050905123621
632 32572416 32572416 29720576 29720576 050905123621
615 32572416 32572416 31227904 31227904 050905123621
616 8547328 8547328 7290880 7290880 050905123623
631 47708160 47708160 45596672 45596672 050905123623
628 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 2097152 050905123623
617 10665984 10665984 10396672 57737216 149946368 050905123623
632 32572416 32572416 30711808 30711808 050905123623
615 32572416 32572416 32227328 32227328 050905123623
616 8547328 8547328 7290880 7290880 050905123624
631 47708160 47708160 45596672 45596672 050905123624
628 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 7340032 050905123624
617 10665984 10665984 10396672 57737216 149946368 050905123624
632 32572416 32572416 30711808 30711808 050905123624
615 32572416 32572416 32227328 32227328 050905123624
616 8547328 8547328 7290880 7290880 050905123625
631 47708160 47708160 45596672 45596672 050905123625
628 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 13631488 050905123625
617 10665984 10665984 10396672 57737216 149946368 050905123625
632 32572416 32572416 30711808 30711808 050905123625
615 32572416 32572416 32227328 32227328 050905123625
616 8547328 8547328 7290880 7290880 050905123626
631 47708160 47708160 45596672 45596672 050905123626
628 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 19922944 050905123626
617 10665984 10665984 10396672 57737216 149946368 050905123626
632 32572416 32572416 30711808 30711808 050905123626
615 32572416 32572416 32227328 32227328 050905123626
616 8547328 8547328 7290880 7290880 050905123627
631 47708160 47708160 45596672 45596672 050905123627
628 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 25165824 050905123627
617 10665984 10665984 10396672 57737216 149946368 050905123627
632 32572416 32572416 30711808 30711808 050905123627
615 32572416 32572416 32227328 32227328 050905123627
616 8547328 8547328 7290880 7290880 050905123628
631 47708160 47708160 45596672 45596672 050905123628
628 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 31457280 050905123628
617 10665984 10665984 10396672 57737216 149946368 050905123628
632 32572416 32572416 30711808 30711808 050905123628
615 32572416 32572416 32227328 32227328 050905123628
616 8547328 8547328 7290880 7290880 050905123629
631 47708160 47708160 45596672 45596672 050905123629
628 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 37748736 050905123629
617 10665984 10665984 10396672 57737216 149946368 050905123629
632 32572416 32572416 30711808 30711808 050905123629
615 32572416 32572416 32227328 32227328 050905123629
616 8547328 8547328 7290880 7290880 050905123630
631 47708160 47708160 45596672 45596672 050905123630
628 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 42991616 050905123630
617 10665984 10665984 10396672 57737216 149946368 050905123630
632 32572416 32572416 30711808 30711808 050905123630
615 32572416 32572416 32227328 32227328 050905123630
616 8547328 8547328 7290880 7290880 050905123631
631 47708160 47708160 45596672 45596672 050905123631
628 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 49283072 050905123631
617 10665984 10665984 10396672 57737216 149946368 050905123631
632 32572416 32572416 30711808 30711808 050905123631
615 32572416 32572416 32227328 32227328 050905123631
616 8547328 8547328 7290880 7290880 050905123632
631 47708160 47708160 45613056 45613056 050905123632
628 7110656 7110656 66560 57737216 53477376 050905123632
617 10665984 10665984 10396672 57737216 152043520 050905123632
632 32572416 32572416 30720000 30720000 050905123632
615 32572416 32572416 32227328 32227328 050905123632
616 8547328 8547328 7290880 7290880 050905123633
631 47708160 47708160 45613056 45613056 050905123633
628 7110656 7110656 66560 57737216 53477376 050905123633
617 10665984 10665984 10396672 57737216 158334976 050905123633
632 32572416 32572416 30720000 30720000 050905123633
615 32572416 32572416 32227328 32227328 050905123633
616 8547328 8547328 7585792 7585792 050905123634
631 47708160 47708160 47251456 47251456 050905123634
628 7110656 7110656 2434048 57737216 53477376 050905123634
617 10665984 10665984 7980032 57737216 159383552 050905123634
632 32572416 32572416 31956992 31956992 050905123634
615 39420928 39420928 33546240 33546240 050905123634
616 8547328 8547328 7798784 7798784 050905123635
631 57735168 57735168 48455680 48455680 050905123635
628 7110656 7110656 4006912 57737216 53477376 050905123635
617 12697600 12697600 12174336 57737216 161480704 050905123635
632 32572416 32572416 32563200 32563200 050905123635
615 39420928 39420928 34357248 34357248 050905123635
616 8547328 8547328 7798784 7798784 050905123636
631 57735168 57735168 48455680 48455680 050905123636
628 7110656 7110656 4006912 57737216 53477376 050905123636
617 12697600 12697600 12174336 57737216 167772160 050905123636
632 32572416 32572416 32563200 32563200 050905123636
615 39420928 39420928 34357248 34357248 050905123636
616 8547328 8547328 8028160 8028160 050905123637
631 57735168 57735168 50356224 50356224 050905123637
628 7110656 7110656 6095872 57737216 54525952 050905123637
617 12697600 12697600 6022144 57737216 169869312 050905123637
632 39420928 39420928 33759232 33759232 050905123637
615 39420928 39420928 35430400 35430400 050905123637
616 8547328 8547328 8118272 8118272 050905123638
631 57735168 57735168 51077120 51077120 050905123638
628 7110656 7110656 1295360 57737216 58720256 050905123638
617 12697600 12697600 8840192 57737216 169869312 050905123638
632 39420928 39420928 34308096 34308096 050905123638
615 39420928 39420928 35782656 35782656 050905123638
616 8547328 8547328 8192000 8192000 050905123639
631 57735168 57735168 52076544 52076544 050905123639
628 7110656 7110656 2212864 57737216 58720256 050905123639
617 12697600 12697600 11920384 57737216 171966464 050905123639
632 39420928 39420928 35012608 35012608 050905123639
615 39420928 39420928 36298752 36298752 050905123639
616 8547328 8547328 8192000 8192000 050905123640
631 57735168 57735168 52076544 52076544 050905123640
628 7110656 7110656 2212864 57737216 58720256 050905123640
617 12697600 12697600 11920384 57737216 178257920 050905123640
632 39420928 39420928 35012608 35012608 050905123640
615 39420928 39420928 36298752 36298752 050905123640
616 8547328 8547328 8355840 8355840 050905123641
631 57735168 57735168 53706752 53706752 050905123641
628 7110656 7110656 3982336 57737216 58720256 050905123641
617 12697600 12697600 6030336 57737216 180355072 050905123641
632 39420928 39420928 36265984 36265984 050905123641
615 39420928 39420928 37412864 37412864 050905123641
616 10350592 10350592 8560640 8560640 050905123642
631 57735168 57735168 55558144 55558144 050905123642
628 7110656 7110656 6145024 57737216 58720256 050905123642
617 12697600 12697600 11666432 57737216 180355072 050905123642
632 39420928 39420928 37437440 37437440 050905123642
615 39420928 39420928 38658048 38658048 050905123642
616 10350592 10350592 8560640 8560640 050905123643
631 57735168 57735168 55558144 55558144 050905123643
628 7110656 7110656 6145024 57737216 58720256 050905123643
617 12697600 12697600 11666432 57737216 185597952 050905123643
632 39420928 39420928 37437440 37437440 050905123643
615 39420928 39420928 38666240 38666240 050905123643
616 10350592 10350592 8609792 8609792 050905123644
631 57735168 57735168 55803904 55803904 050905123644
628 7110656 5079040 6538240 57737216 59768832 050905123644
617 12697600 12697600 1745920 57737216 190840832 050905123644
632 39420928 39420928 37560320 37560320 050905123644
615 39420928 39420928 38871040 38871040 050905123644
616 10350592 10350592 8716288 8716288 050905123645
631 57735168 57735168 56516608 56516608 050905123645
628 7110656 5079040 1164288 57737216 65011712 050905123645
617 12697600 12697600 3974144 57737216 190840832 050905123645
632 39420928 39420928 37879808 37879808 050905123645
615 39420928 39420928 39247872 39247872 050905123645
616 10350592 10350592 8953856 8953856 050905123646
631 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 2097152 050905123646
628 7110656 5079040 2737152 57737216 65011712 050905123646
617 12697600 12697600 8299520 57737216 190840832 050905123646
632 39420928 39420928 38797312 38797312 050905123646
615 47708160 47708160 40402944 40402944 050905123646
616 10350592 10350592 8953856 8953856 050905123647
631 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 8388608 050905123647
628 7110656 5079040 2737152 57737216 65011712 050905123647
617 12697600 12697600 8299520 57737216 190840832 050905123647
632 39420928 39420928 38797312 38797312 050905123647
615 47708160 47708160 40402944 40402944 050905123647
616 10350592 10350592 8953856 8953856 050905123648
631 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 14680064 050905123648
628 7110656 5079040 2737152 57737216 65011712 050905123648
617 12697600 12697600 8299520 57737216 190840832 050905123648
632 39420928 39420928 38797312 38797312 050905123648
615 47708160 47708160 40402944 40402944 050905123648
616 10350592 10350592 8953856 8953856 050905123649
631 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 20971520 050905123649
628 7110656 5079040 2737152 57737216 65011712 050905123649
617 12697600 12697600 8299520 57737216 190840832 050905123649
632 39420928 39420928 38797312 38797312 050905123649
615 47708160 47708160 40402944 40402944 050905123649
616 10350592 10350592 8953856 8953856 050905123650
631 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 27262976 050905123650
628 7110656 5079040 2737152 57737216 65011712 050905123650
617 12697600 12697600 8299520 57737216 190840832 050905123650
632 39420928 39420928 38797312 38797312 050905123650
615 47708160 47708160 40402944 40402944 050905123650
616 10350592 10350592 8953856 8953856 050905123651
631 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 32505856 050905123651
628 7110656 5079040 2737152 57737216 65011712 050905123651
617 12697600 12697600 8299520 57737216 190840832 050905123651
632 39420928 39420928 38797312 38797312 050905123651
615 47708160 47708160 40402944 40402944 050905123651
616 10350592 10350592 8953856 8953856 050905123652
631 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 38797312 050905123652
628 7110656 5079040 2737152 57737216 65011712 050905123652
617 12697600 12697600 8299520 57737216 190840832 050905123652
632 39420928 39420928 38797312 38797312 050905123652
615 47708160 47708160 40402944 40402944 050905123652
616 10350592 10350592 8953856 8953856 050905123653
631 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 45088768 050905123653
628 7110656 5079040 2737152 57737216 65011712 050905123653
617 12697600 12697600 8299520 57737216 190840832 050905123653
632 39420928 39420928 38797312 38797312 050905123653
615 47708160 47708160 40402944 40402944 050905123653
616 10350592 10350592 8953856 8953856 050905123654
631 57735168 7110656 57737216 57737216 51380224 050905123654
628 7110656 5079040 2737152 57737216 65011712 050905123654
617 12697600 12697600 8299520 57737216 190840832 050905123654
632 39420928 39420928 38797312 38797312 050905123654
615 47708160 47708160 40402944 40402944 050905123654
616 10350592 10350592 9109504 9109504 050905123655
631 7110656 7110656 844800 57737216 53477376 050905123655
628 7110656 5079040 3982336 57737216 65011712 050905123655
617 12697600 12697600 11248640 57737216 190840832 050905123655
632 39420928 39420928 39100416 39100416 050905123655
615 47708160 47708160 41132032 41132032 050905123655
616 10350592 10350592 9191424 9191424 050905123656
631 7110656 7110656 1090560 57737216 53477376 050905123656
628 7110656 5079040 4375552 57737216 65011712 050905123656
617 12697600 12697600 12428288 57737216 196083712 050905123656
632 39420928 39420928 39305216 39305216 050905123656
615 47708160 47708160 41459712 41459712 050905123656
616 10350592 10350592 9191424 9191424 050905123658
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