Vintage Viewpoint Vol. 42 No 8

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Vintage Viewpoint

Vol. 42 No 8 Vintage MG Car Club August 2008

The next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 13,

at the Pizza Joynt, 39 W. North Avenue, Northlake, IL, 8 p.m. – 708-562-5334

By Jerry Cihak
The Editor asked me to report on the GOF held in Auburn, Indiana. Around 25 VMGCC members attended. The Old Octagons of Indiana hosted the GOF and did a magnificent job in making us feel comfortable and welcome. The hotel was located close to all the events and we were the only occupants during the four days. Eighteen states and one from Canada were represented at the GOF and more than 100 cars were on display. The venue was perfect for a car display, at the park near the Auburn-Cord-Deusenburg Museum (ACD). There was a good showing of triple-M cars (MMM), as well as 19 TCs. The Rally/tour was a 72 mile course through the countryside and around three lakes. The views were magnificent and the roads were perfect for our MGs. There was a good selection of vendors and the auction was interesting and fun.

The awards banquet was held at the ACD Museum. We had nearly two hours to tour the museum and see the cars on display. The museum is considered one of the five best automobile museums in the U.S. The 100,000th MG built, a 1962 MGA, was on display, lending class to the museum.
The VMGCC was well represented in the awards that were presented:
Vintage: Lou Louchios, 1st

MMM 6 cyl: Bob Sterling, 2nd

TC: Jerry Cihak, 2nd

TD: John Hubbard, 2nd; Bob Hanselman, 3rd

TF: Gerry Risner, 2nd

MGA: Earl Campbell, 1st

First-timer: Bob Hanselman, 1st TD; Bill Latham, 1st MGA
We had a wonderful drive home along Route 6, a perfect road for our MGs. Unfortunately, Gerry Risner blew a head gasket and had to hitch a ride on a flat bed for over 135 miles. I heard from Bob Figenskau in Minnesota. He broke a crank shaft about 65 miles from home and also arrived home on a flat bed.

At the hotel next to ours there was a meeting of the Nash club. My first car was a ’48 Nash. I was able to find one (see photo). I bought it for $100 in 1955 and used it until I graduated High School, when I sold it for $100.00. Not much profit, especially since it burned more oil than gas. Anyway, it’s very nostalgic to find your first car.
Everyone had a great time (even Gerry Risner).

More Pictures inside!

Bits and Pieces
By Jennifer Smith


Our next meeting is on August 13th. The July meeting was cancelled due to a conflict with the GOF. Hopefully, we will have some members at the August meeting who can fill us in on the details of the GOF and share photos of the event.
Vice-President, Doug Clark, also has an announcement in this issue about this year’s President’s Picnic and about his program for this month’s meeting.
There was some discussion at the last meeting about making a contribution to charity in John Fee’s memory with the proceeds received from the sale of his two donated MG TDs. I have received word from our Board members to please defer any action until the Board has met and made a decision on this issue. After such time, they will present a recommendation to the club members.
Until the next meeting,
Safety Fast

Driving an MG can be

a pain in the …. foot

By Ric Maitzen

It doesn’t take long to get uncomfortable in a T-type. Your passenger can at least shift around a little. But the driver is pretty much stuck in one spot. And the high position of the gas pedal can lead to a cramped foot.
I know at least one person who shortened the rod, in the cockpit that has the pedal roller at the end, I think by about 2 inches. He claims this was a big help.
I have also seen where people have shortened the linkage in the engine compartment between the pedal rod and the carburetor linkage. This is the approach I took. It was easier, and reversible.
The rod is 3/16 inches in diameter. Get a coupling nut at the hardware store: either 10-24 or 10-32. Get two corresponding nuts. Cut the rod in the middle. I removed about half an inch. Thread the cut ends to match your new hardware. Assemble as per the picture. Adjust to your comfort. Tighten the lock nuts against the coupling nut.
This should help. But keep in mind, nothing will keep you from cramping up when you are on the Borman Expressway!

Other Upcoming MG Driving Events for VMGCC Members – With Our Cars!

From Doug Clark, Vice President

  • August 23: Lucas Memorial Night Rally, Addison, Ill.

  • September 13-14: Beer, Wine, Cheese and Architecture Tour, Wisconsin

These are driving events on the schedule of our friends at the Chicagoland MG Club – and we would be welcome to participate. Let’s help them support these events by driving our cars in them.

Details for each, including where to meet, the cost, and how to make reservations are available at the CMGC web site (

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