Vojenské rozhledy 1/2000, Czech Military Review [vr no 1/2000] English Annotation The Alliance Dimension of Conceptual Frame of Security And Defence Policy of the Czech Republic

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The Rules of Fire Application of Arty Regt and Bty by Prof. Ing. Ladislav Potužák, CSc. The purpose of this article is to explain methods of the application of artillery fire, according to the width and shape of targets by artillery regiment (without rocket battery) and by artillery battery, if components/data for effective fire are set by substitute means, without computer with respective SW. The assignment of optimal method of artillery fire and its professional implementation has a great influence on FFE (fire for effect). For the sake of economy, live firing practice is executed only to a limited extend. Most of activities are carried out only in the field of command skills, keeping documents, commanders’ performance and training gun crews; their reactions to commands and orders. The article is accompanied by several tablets with data concerning application of artillery fire, variable data for aiming devices, adjusted ranges of fire, widths of target divided into several sheaves of fire (converge sheaf, sheaf for target width), their corrections. [VR No 4/2007]
The Current Automated Fire Control System of Artillery Regt ASPRO and the Concept of its Further Development by 1stLt. Ing. Michal Sorbaňa, Ph.D. The article deals with contemporary conditions of automated Fire Control System called ASPRO which was introduced into the ACR in the late 90s. It is a classical computer network of enforced computers with commercial operational system Windows 95, with special applications for command, control, communication, intelligence at the level of artillery regiment. It is the so-called C3I system that is divided into three program modifications designated for individual components ASPRO system: Artillery Tactical Computer, FO Tactical Computer, Gun Tactical Computer, and Meteo Tactical Computer. The connections and ties among individual elements of system are depicted on several detailed charts and schemes. The issue was discussed at the Artillery Conference in January 2007; the visions of ASPRO support to mechanized units were presented by the Chief of Joint Force Artillery. This essay covers only the main elements (procedures) of above mentioned problems. [VR No 4/2007]
Environmental Aspects of Military Training and the Impacts Classification on Living Surroundings by Capt. Ing. David Řehák, Ph.D., Maj. Ing. Milan Haška, Ph.D. The main objective of the ACR is the most effective and best defence of the country, with the use of principles of collective defence. But the military activities are accompanied by damages, wastes in living environment. The classification of those effects is being done by the method called Hazard and Impact Index that enables to set probable damages in advance and to adopt preventive measures to prevent them.. The process starts with evaluating objects that might be endanger, materials, vehicles, activities, energy, together with impact on environment. Impact groups are divided roughly into two groups: natural surrounding, and socio-cultural surrounding. Some are expected, other unexpected, frequently they are mixed. Most of military damages are unintended, accidental. The article is accompanied by the tables introducing figures of Hazard and Impact Index. [VR No 4/2007]

The Post-Conflict Stabilization: Iraqi Example by PhDr. Antonín Rašek. The reviewed book analyses the local wars of the last decades and demonstrates that the problem number one is not their military solutions, but consequent peace arrangement. It is not only a case of Iraq, the authors mention the role of France/US in Vietnam, Russian activities in Chechnya and Afghanistan, Israel in Lebanon, Allied forces in Kosovo. For that reason we can welcome this publication, written and published by the team of authors from the Institute for Strategic Studies, University of Defence, Brno. The book summarizes the experiences from conflicts above, namely the lessons from Iraq. The end of armed conflict in 2003 meant simply the transition to another conflict. A very serious and open problem is the question, whether the system of democracy is suitable for Muslim world. The situation in this country could be openly labelled as a civil war. The authors predict even the desintegration of Iraq into three independent countries. Iraqi conflict is an example of asymmetric warfare, in which more soldiers died in time of “peace” (to this date 3,600 soldiers) than during military operations (139 American soldiers). [VR No 4/2007]


Captain (ret.) Karel ZmijaVeteran World War II by Dr. Petr Majer. 81 years old Karel Zmija was born in Moravia, nearby Polish state borders. At the beginning of war, his native townlet was occupied by Polish troops. When the Polish Republic was defeating by Nazi Germany, he and his parents were forced to accept “temporary German Citizenship”, the so-called “Volkslist No 3”. In 1944 Mr Zmija was enrolled into German army and after a short but very hard military training he was sent to France. After the Allied Invasion began, he immediately went over to the other side. After several examinations he was send to bury the deads, then he got a chance to join the Czechoslovak Force in England, Armour Unit, where he became tank driver. At the battle of Dunkerque, his unit suffered heavy losses, so that the unit couldn’t be engaged in battle again. After the war, in liberated Czechoslovakia, he served shortly as a tank instructor at the School for Non-Commissioned Officers; in May 1946 he retired and began to work at ironworks at Třinec, Moravia. Here he worked till his retirement age. [VR No 4/2007]
VOJENSKÉ ROZHLEDY 1/2008, Czech Military Review [VR No 1/2008]

English Annotation
The Security as a Dimension of Sustainability and Quality of Life in Czech Perspectives (Reflections for the Year 2008) by PhDr. Libor Stejskal. The security is not very often mentioned in direct relation to the quality of life and sustainable development. The author introduces the security as their substantial element; he would like to offer an interesting approach towards examining mutual ties between both concepts. In fact, it is not a new idea; common knowledge that peace is more comfortable for life and culture, for economic development, is certainly older than quality of life concept. But, after an easy-going attitude to international background in the 90’s, today we again pay our attention to the security problems, even in a wider spectrum, in varied contexts: from changes in world’s climate, to differences between rich North and poor South, over international terrorism, efforts for integrated European position towards Common Foreign and Security Policy, NATO, security policy of the Czech Republic, till the individual feelings of safety. [VR No 1/2008]
Fourth Generation Warfare Evolves, Fifth Emerges. The key fact is that changes in the political, economic, social, and technical spheres are making it possible for a small group bound together by a cause to use new technologies to challenge nation-states. 4GW (Fourth Generation Warfare) uses all the shifts from a mechanical to an information/electronic society to maximize the power of insurgency. Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) will result from the continued shift of political and social loyalties to causes rather than nations. It will be marked by the increasing power of smaller and smaller entities and the explosion of biotechnology. The purpose of this article is to widen the discussion on what forms 4GW may take and to offer a possible model for the next generation of war: 5GW. Adapted from Military Review, May-June 2007. Prepared by Col. J. Nastoupil (ret.) [VR No 1/2008]
Accrual Accounting in MoD ARC: Revolutionary Look at Accounting Records by Ing. Jana Vodáková This article deals with accrual accounting concept in the terms of the public sector, where—in this context—accrual accounting is understood as a basis of accounting under which transactions and other events are recognized when they occur, and not only when cash or its equivalents are received or paid. Therefore, the transactions and events are recorded in the accounting records and recognized in the financial statements of the periods to which they relate. At first, the article introduces briefly the history of accrual accounting concept implementation in the area of public sector. Secondly, it summarizes main possible benefits and risks connected with the implementation of accrual concept to the public sector accounting. [VR No 1/2008]
Forces of the 21st Century: from Notion to Reality (Force XXI) by Ing. Jan Kotala. This article deals with the birth of a new concept in the field of the warfare—FORCE XXI, the long-terms vision that influenced all advanced militaries, among others the author introduces a list with names of programmes: USA (Land Warrior), Great Britain (FIST-Future Integrated Soldier Technology), Canada (ISSP-Integrated Soldier System Platform), Germany (IdZ-Infanterist der Zukunft), France (FELIN-(Fantssin à Equipement et Liaison Intégrés), the Netherlands (SMP-Soldier Modernisation Programme), Norway (NORMANS-Norwegian Modular Artic Network Soldier), Denmark (Danish Soldier Modernisation), Belgium (BEST-Belgium Soldier Technology), Italy (Soldato Futuro), Portugal (Sodado do Futuro), Slovakia (PIBS-advanced combat individual system) Poland (Tytan). The author underlines fundamental changes within this course of study, both technical—implementation of new technologies and weaponry—and doctrinal. He also describes current situation within the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic. [VR No 1/2008]
Operation EUFOR RD CONGO (Preparation, Planning, and Forming Forces for Operation) by Lt.Col. Ing. Jaroslav Kulíšek. This article covers the EUFOR RD Congo operation preparation phase and provides information on Military Strategic Planning Process, Military Operational Planning, Collaborative Planning, EU OHQ Potsdam activation and Force Generation Process. It describes planning period to highlight a pivotal role of training and education. Operation EUFOR RD CONGO was the EU second military intervention in the RDC, following Operation Artemis in 20003. The EUFOR RD CONGO mission was to support MONUC during running election process, in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolution 1671, authorizing the temporary deployment of an EU force in the RDC. The views expressed in this assessment are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of EU Military Structure or the Czech MoD. All information and data for this paper were drawn from unclassified sources. [VR No 1/2008]
Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan (New PRT Patterns) by Ing. Pavel Zona. The so-called Provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs) are a relatively new concept and element in coalition operations. Those teams have been operating in Afghanistan since the end of the year 2002. The evaluation and assessment of their work is very complicated and sometimes quite unambiguous. The main purpose of this article is to show to widest military community tasks and problems of PRTs; secondly to introduce main principles of work of PRTs under different conditions. Moreover, this article refers to fundamental problems that guide their PRTs development and work in countries that have some experiences with building and activities of PRTs. The author also describes the activities of 40 Czech military personnel PRT in Afghanistan (in the frame of German PRT, Badakshan Province, Fayzabad). [VR No 1/2008]

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