Fo'ks k 'kL= cy 'kk[kk Particulars of Organization, Function and Duties 1 Objective

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Particulars of Organization, Function and Duties
2.1 Objective :-
2.1 The basic role of Special armed Force (SAF) is that of a supporting force which acts as a striking reserve to assist the state police in providing security, maintaining law and order, communal harmony and in operations against left wing extremism or other militant activities. The role of SAF has assumed greater importance in the emerging internal security scenario where no region or state remains untouched by the results of globalisation of terrorism. This places extra demands on expectations from SAF in terms of being fully prepared to meet squarely the challenge of present day terrorism. Training of SAF, therefore, would have to keep in mind this fact. They very nature of the job keeps this force perpetually on the move. Hence any plan to train this force needs to take into account the frequent movement of this force. To appreciate the training needs of the force, broad spectrum of duties performed by SAF and its frequently changing deployment need to be considered.

  1. Duties Performed:

    • Role in Internal security

    • Duties related to maintenance of law and order

    • Anti-dacoity operations

    • Counter-terrorist operations.

    • Dealing with left wing extremism

    • Security duties for protection of VIPs and important institutions

    • Role in disaster management

The Special Armed Force has been constituted as per M.P.Police Regulation for suppressing armed disturbance of the peace, quelling riots and furnishing escorts in special cases. The duty to prevent offences involving a breach of peace of danger to life & property and to search and apprehend persons concerned in such offences, or who are so desperate and dangerous as to render their being at large hazardous to the community, is considered to be an "active duty" for a member of the Special Armed Force. The duty to take all adequate measures for extinguishing a fire or to prevent damage to person of property on the occasion of such recurrences as fires floods earthquakes enemy action or riot and to restore peace and preserve order on such accasions is also included in "active duty"

A Bill to provide for the constitution regulation & role of the Special Armed Force was passed by the legislature in Vidhan Sabha in the year 1968, called the Madhya Pradesh Vishesh Shastra Bal Adhiniyam 1968. This was followed subswquently with framing of the Madhya Pradesh Vishesh Shastra Bal Niyam 1973. The SAF Act. (Adiniyam) and SAF Rules ( Niyam) came into effect from the year 1974.

2.2 Mission/ Vision :


The mission of the Madhya Pradesh Special Armed Force Training Branch is to upgrade the existing force to a force to a force having highest standards of professionalism, strength and commitment to fight any kind of militancy.

It is envisaged that the force leaders would be sensitised, through appropriately focused training, to the basic welfare, better living conditions and to uplifting morale of the personnel of the force .

There would be special emphasis on improving operational skills while ensuring maintenance of highest physical standards .
It would focus on instilling in the personnel core values of respect for human rights, pride, dedication and devotion towards duty, force and the nation .
To make the Madhya Pradesh Special Armed Force (SAF) a professionally efficient, physically fit, highly skilled and invincible armed force competent to handle any kind of terrorist/naxalite or any other extremist violence and capable of maintaining peace and harmony in the state by inculcating amongst SAF personnel a sense of pride and esprit-de-corps .

    1. Bricf history .


The idea of organising a Reserve Force for special emergent duties as distinct from the ordinary reserves for filling up leave & other vacancies was first formulated by the Police Commission of 1860 .
It took almost 3 scheme for providing Special Armed Reserves for the six cities of Nagpur, Jabalpur, Sagar, Mimar, Raipur & Sambalpur, in the end of 1889 . These reserves were provided by an addition of 75 men to the whole force in the province, together with a general redistribution in all districts . A total strength of 250 men was thus distributed in the cities. To start with, the Special Reserve was armed with breach loading Artillery Carbines. They were replaced in th4 year 1895 with snider rifles .
The Indian Police Commission (1902-03) reviewed the position of Special Armed Reserves. It found that the Reserves were for the most part inadequate in numbers, imperfectly drilled and disciplined and armed with inferior weapons .
As a result of the recommendations of the Police Commission (1902-03) eight sergeansts were appointed in the year 1910 for the purposes of training these Special Reserves. An important matter which concerned the special Armed Reserves was their pay scales. The advisability of sanctioning a special allowance to the men of special Reserves was stressed by successive inspectors General of Police. It was not until the year 1911 that the local administration was concerned of the justification of sanctioning special allowances to the men of the Special Reserves .
By the year 1939 , the Speial Armed Force consisting of 70 HCs and 854 Constables, came into being & was distributed in the districts of Nagpur, Jabalpur, Amravati, Akola, Raipur , Sagar, Hoshangabad and Chindwara . The outbreak of World war II in 1939 brought in its wake increased responsibilities for the Police Force . The Government realised that it would not be possible to control any large scale disturbance with this limited force and consequently increased the trength by 42 HCs and 508 Consts. The re-organisation of this force, as well as increase in the strength of the S.A.F. was undertaken and partially effected from the Ist April 1945, before Which the force consisted of detachments of various sizes without any office establishments. The force was re-organised on Army pattern into sections, Platoons & companies with provision for the requisite number of officers who were to be selected from the ex-military personnel .
Anticipating difficult times ahead, the inspector General of Police, suggested re-organizations of the SAF and raising of 4 Battalions of 24 Companies in 1946. This was pproved by the popular Ministry formed in 1946. Two posts of Additional Distt. Supdts. SAF were created as Nagpur, and Jabalpur in order to supervise the recruitment, organization and training of the new Coys . In 1947 a temporary post of DIG of SAF was sanctioned and was held till the end of the year by Shri B.G. Ghate, IP. The force consisting of 22 Companies together with two rectt. training Deposts, was organised into 4 Battalions .
The SAF was the then equipped with modern weapons like .303 rifles & automatic weapons, and provided with adequate notor transport, wireless telegraphy, followers & other arrangements to make it an effective & mobile striking force, It was not long after that the effectiveness and the striking power of the re-organized Special Armed Force was tested. Since the later part of 1947 armed bands of Razakars from the Hyderabad State had been giving trouble. To face this menace 10 Companies of SAF were posted at 21 centers right across the 450 mile border from Bhopalpatnam in the East to Dhamangaon in the West in the begining of 1948. They completely restored public morale & successfully protected Berar border against the Razakars. The merger of the 14 Chattisgarh States in M.P. in 1948 posed another problem for the forces of law & order. It was found necessary to reinforce the local police with strong detachments of the Special Armed Force .
In the recorded history of M.P. Police, the year 1950 is a landmark when the then PM Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, presented colours to the M.P. SpeialArmed Force. This honor was in recognition of the services rendered by the SAF .
In 1951, the State Government appointed a Committee under the chairmanship of Shri Kunjilal Dube, MLA "to examine th existing structure and organisation of the Police Force and to suggest changes or modifications. needed to increase the efficiency and effetiveness. keeping in view the need for economy" . As a result of its recommendations Special Armed Constabulary was merged with the Special Armed Force .
two Battalions conisting of 12 Companies were re-organised into 31 Companies by reducing the strength of each Coy from 145 Officers & men to 121 Officers & Men . Thus, two Battalions consisting of 12 coys each were sanctioned at Raigarh (1st Bn) Chindwara (2nd Bn) . The Third Battalion was sanctioned at Jabalpur and eonsisted of 6 active rifle coys and the Recruit Training Depot. The " district duty companies" also became a part of these battalions although, their operational Command remained with the District Superintendent of Police .
In Nov. 1956, the organization of state gave birth to the new State of M.P. The new state inherited Special Armed Force from all the four integrating units - that of SAF of Gwalior state, Madhya Bharat, Vindhya Pradesh, and Bhopal. The new State consisted of 17 districts taken out of the old M.P. called the Maha Koshal area, the whole of Madhya Bharat State which ws part B state under the consistitution formed with the merger of 22 Princely states, the State of Vindhya Pradesh which was a Part C state formed with merger of 21 Princely State and also the State of Bhopal which was a Part C state . A small area of kota district of Rajasthan, Sironj sub-division, was also merged with this State .
During the first ten years of Independence, the role of special armed forces of all the states of India had been gradually changing from that of a state polie to that of the armed force, which was required to perform the duties of a semi military nature. Large contingents of the armed force from all the states of India were serving on the Kashmir/Tibet/Nagaland and Indo-Pak border. These factors led the state government to sanction the creation of a new permanant post of Deputy Inspector General of Police incharge of the special armed force in January 1954 .
A very less known fact of the M.P. SAF is that 3rd & 20th Battalions took part in the indo-Pak War of 1965 & acquited itself with credit .
Based on the needs of the Stte, the State Govt. accorded sanction for raising more battalions in the following years .

  1. 1st to 14 Bns. (including 7 Bns of Pre 1956)

  2. 3 Bns. (viz. 15th, 16th and 17th Bns.)

  3. 18th Bn.

  4. 3 Bns (viz. 19th,20th and 21st Bns)

  1. 3 Bns.(viz. 22nd,23rd and 24th Bns.)

  1. 4 Bns. (25th,26th,27th and 28th Bns.)

    1. 2 Bns (viz. 29th and 30th Bns)

    1. 31st Bn.

    1. 2 Bns. (32nd and 33rd Bns)

During this period the 3rd, 4th, 19th, 20th and 21st Bns. were given to Govt. of India. As Deputation Battalions, but later on these Bns. were declared Indian Reserve(I/R) Bns. and merged with the Central Para Military Forces of the Govt. of India. Later for certain reasons 27th and 28th Bns. were disbanded by the State Government .

    1. Duties :


1. Zonal Officer :- The State Government may appoint Zonal Officers who shall be responsible for the training, administration and maintenance of discipline and efficiency of all officers of the Special Armed Force in the Group . He shall supervise all duties performed by those under his command . He shall be responsible for the security of all arms ammunition and equipment in charge of the group. He shall issues such orders from time to time as re found necessary for the regulation and administration of the group under his charge .

2. Commandant :- The Commandant shall help the Zonal Officer if and when appointed by the State Government in the performance of his duties . He shall be responsible for the training administration, discipline efficiency, moral health and welfare of all men under his command. As the executive head of the Battalion he shall subject to the order of the Zonal Officer issue standing orders and instructions in all matters which lie within his competence including the duties to be performed by his subordinates. He shall be responsible for the training of all officers under him and the security of all arms, ammunition and property in charge of the Battalion. He shall also be responsible for the proper functioning of all welfare activities like the Welfare Centre, Agriculture, Diary, Canteen, Grain shop and for the maintenance of proper accounts thereof , shall exercise proper control over expenditure from the Battalion Fund, the Mess Improvement Fund and other such Funds, and shall be responsible for preventing their misuse. He hall see that the Messes and the Langars in the Battalion are run properly and economically, He hall attend ofice, parades, take round of the lines and hold Orderly Room at the prescribved hours, whenever he is at headquarters.

3. Adujtant :- The Adjutant shall be responsible mainly for the administration of the Headquarters wing under his control, and the discipline, training, health and welfare of all men under his command, He shall be responsible for the maintenance of proper accounts of stores, arms and ammunition. He shall be responsible for security of all property in the Campus and to look after the sanitation and cleanliness of the Campus. He shall be responsible for the mounting of guards, their turn out and inspections . He shall attend parades regularly and shall be responsible for all arrangements at and organisation of general of ceremonial parades. He shall do all other work entrusted to him by the Commandant and Assistant Commandant.

4. Assistant Commandant: - The Assistant Commandant shall help the Commandant in the performance of his duties and do all work entrusted by the Commandant subject to the control of the Commandant, he hall be responsible for the discipline administration performance, training efficiency morale and welfare of his subordinate, the security and sanitation of the Camp . proper running of the Langars, the maintenance of proper accounts of all cash, arms ammunitions and other property in charge of the battalion. It shall be the duty of the Assistant Commandant to run the welfare activities of the Battalion. He shall assist the Commandant in every manner to keep the standard of administration discipline , training , effieiency, morale the help and well being of the Battalion and it personnel at a high order and carry out all orders of the Commandant .

5. Quarter Master :- The Quarter Master shall be responsible for ident and issue of clothing and other articles of uniform, arms, ammunition, tentage and other store, buildings and their maintenance, purchase of stores subject to the Commandant's orders, and the maintenance of stock registers, and all correspondence relating to them. He shall also be responsible for the administration, discipline training, performance, morale, welfare and health of his subordinates "and the distribution of duties amongst them. He hall give all required assistance to the Adjutant in the administration of the Headquarter .

6. The Headquarter Company Commander :- The Headquarter Company Commander shall work under the direction of the Adjutant and will be in command of all the Subordinate officers of the Headquarters who aare not working under the Quarter Master. Hre shall also be the Sports Officer of the Battalion and it will be his responsibility to prepare and train team's for various sports and competitions. He shall himself set an example of smartness, energy and devotion to duty to all ranks of the Battalion and will instantly check all slackness and indiscipline without fear or favour. His knowledge of drill, procedure, dress regulations and standing orders of the Battalion must be complete and up-to-date. He shall keep the Adjutant and the Commandant informed of the general temper of the Battalion so that grievances and complaints may be speedily rectified. He shall observe losely the character and conduct of the Platoon Commanders and under officers and will inform the Commandant and the Adjutant if anything, howsoever slight happens which may reflect on the good name of the Special Armed Force. He shall maintain rosters for the various Battalion duties and social service (Shramdan parties). He shall be present on all guard mounting parades. He shall parade all ranks attending the Commandant's orderly room at the prescribed time and shall hand them over to the Adjutant with details of the cases for disposal. He shall collect and secrutinise the daily parade statements and reports and shall keep himself acquainted at all time with the strength and distribution of the companies.

In the absence of the Headquarter Company Commander or when none has been appointed to a Battalion, the Commandant may authorise any other officer to perfo5rm the functions of the Headquarter Company Commander .

7. Company Commander Platoon Commander and Section Commander:- The Company Commander Platoon Commanders and the Section Commanders hall be responsible for the welfare, administration training, discipline efficiency, morale and the health of the personnel under their command, the sanitation of the camp of their sub-units, the security of the arms, ammunition, cash and other property the maintenance of proper accounts in respect of them, the proper and economical management of the langars and shall daily attend parades, impart training to their men, and play games with them and shall hold orderly rooms daily at the prescribed hours and shall set an example for discipline, smartness, energy and devotion to their subordinates .
8. Subedar Adjutant. The Subedar Adjutant shall assist the Adjutant in the office and perform such of his routine duties as are assigned to him by the Adjutant.
9. Subedar Quarter master. Subedar Quarter Master shall work under the direction and supervision of the Quarter Master and shall be assisted in his duties by the quarter master staff.

10. Battalion Mechanical Transport Offcer :- The Battalion Mechanical Transport officer shall be responsible for the maintenance of stock book for the Government vehicles and trailers stock book of tools and spare parts a general stock book for petrol oil and lubricants stock book of condemned stores and log books of vehicles in the prescribed from. He shall be responsible for the custody and safety of all vehicles stores tools petrol oil and lubricants on charge with the unit the condition efficiency and turn out of motor vehicles and personnel cleanliness and neatness of the garage store rooms and barracks the administration training efficiency performance moral and health of the personnel under his command and for through inspection in the prescribed manner of each motor vehicle and noting the result briefly in the relevant register and the proper maintenance of all vehicles and their repairs. He shall be responsible for the enforcement of all standing orders on the use of Motor Transport. He shall work under the supervision of the Head Quarter Company Commander unless the Commandant appoints any other gazetted officer to supervise his work.

11. Havildar Major - The Havildar Major shall be responsible for setting a good example to the Non-Commissioned Officers and men of the Battalion and the Company in all matters of discipline, dress and appearance and he shall instantly repress all slovenliness slackness and indiscipline. He must have perfect knowledge of the drill procedure dress regulations and standing orders and he shall be zealous in checking the slightest deviation from them and in achieving a uniform of high standard. He shall be responsible for parading all men who have to be put up in the orderly room. He shall parade and inspect all under officers and men joining or leaving the unit, take night roll call and report to the Day Officers. He shall be responsible for the smart turn out and drill of guards and to ensure that Commanders and Sentries know their duties and responsibilities.

12. Leading of units and sub units an active duty - The Commandant, the Assistant Commandant, Company Commander, Platoon Commander and Section Commander shall as rule, lead the units and sub-units under them on active duty and on any other special task assigned to it.

13. General duties of the Officer of the Special Armed Force:- Every Officer of the Special Armed Force shall see that he gains the confidence of his subordinates and makes them feel assured of due credit for their good work and he shall give a fair hearing and loyal support in all differences and have full knowledge of men under his command. He shall create such faith in his superior Officers that they would feel that he connot be swayed over by any templation or influence and that sincerity honesty hard work and efficiency are the only qualities which can earn promotions and advancements. It shall be the duty of every Officer of the Special Armed Force to be smart and to pay due compliments to his Superior Officers. He shall show due courtesy and talk politely and obey orders promptly. He shall have pride on the Special Armed Force and shall always see that he does nothing that may cast a slur on the good name of the Force.

Other activities


Brass Band Pipe Band

Pioneer Platoon

Bomb Disposal Squad

Special Task Force Flood Relief Column Top cop

M.T. Workshop

VIP Judges Security & PSO Duties

Mounted Troop Division

Unit welfare Centres Petrol Pump LPG Shop

Police Officers Mess

Women Company

Police Arms Repair Workshop


Police Dog Squad


2.7 Organizational structure Diagram at various levcles namcly state, directoratc, region district, blok ctc (whichever is applicable).

Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees

    1. Please provide details of powers and duties of officers and employs of the organization :




1. As per 3.1


1. M.P. Financial code

2. Book of financial power

3. As per Police Regulation and Govt.

Departmental circular orders

Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records, for Discharging Function
4.1 Please provide list of rules, regulations, instructions manual and records, held by piblic authority or under its control or used by its employees for discharging functions as par the following format, This format, This format has to be filled for each type of document.

    1. 4.1 Please provide list of rules, regulations, instructions, manual and records, held by public authority or under it is control or used by its employees for discharging functions as per the following format. This format has to be filled for each types of document

Name /title of the document: 1. M.P. Vishesh Sashastra Bal -Act

Adhiniyam 1968

2. M.P. Vishesh Sashastra Bal -Rules

Niyam 1973

3. M.P. Police Regulations -Regulation 4. GOP's -


Brief write up on the Document:

From where one can get a copy of rules,

Regulations, Instructions, manual and records: 1. SAF HQ/All Units

2. Police Headquarters

3. Police Library Bhopal

4. Market

Fee charged by the department for a copy of rules,

regulations, instructions, manual and record (if any)

The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers
8.1 Please provide contact information about the Public Information Officers , Assistant Public Information Officers and Departmental Appellate Authority of the Public authority in the following format.
8.1 At PHQ level :

Sr. No.

Name & Designation

official Address, Email, Fax, Phone Nos.


Nodal Officer and Appellate Authority

Shri Shailesh Singh, Inspector General of Police, Police Headquarters,Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal

Ph No. 0755-2443543, Fax. 0755-2443533 Email:


Public Information officer

Shri D.R Kori, Deputy Inspector Genral of Police, (Compliants) Police Headquarters,Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal Ph No. 0755-2443533, Fax. 0755-2443533 Email:


Assistant Public Information Officer

Shri Pranay Naggvanshi, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Police Headquarters,Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal Ph No. 0755-2444545, & 2443522 Ext 545

SAF Unit level:

Sr. No.

Name of Unit and address

Assistant Public Information OfficerRank Name, Tele No Address

Public Information officer Rank Name, Tele No Address

Nodal Officer and Appellate Authority

Rank Name, Tele No (with Fax) Address


Ist , Battalion, Kevlary Line, Indore



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF, Indore Range, Indore 0731-2419853(o)2420355


2nd Battalion, Kampoo, Gwalior



Deputy Commandant

0751-2445352/ 2452821

IG SAF Gwalior

0751-2445350(0) 2445351(R)


5th Battalion Morena



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Gwalior 0751-2445350(0)2445351(R)


6th Battalion, Ranhji, Jabalpur



Deputy Commandant

0761-2676199/ 2676133

IG SAF Jabalpur




7th Battalion, Jehangirabad, Bhopal


0755-2443648/ 9826462101

Deputy Commandant

0755-2443648/ 94251016422

IG SAF Bhopala Range Bhopal 0755-2443643(o) 2773331(R)


8th Battalion, Chhindwara



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Jabalpur

0761 2676188(o)



9th Battalion, Bichhiya, Rewa



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Jabalpur

0761 2676188(o)



10th Battalion, Makronia, Sagar



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Jabalpur

0761 2676188(o)



13th Battalion, Kampoo, Gwalior



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Gwalior

0751-2445350(0) 2445351(R)


14th Battalion Kampoo,




Deputy Commandant

0751-2445365/ 5072160

IG SAF Gwalior

0751-2445350(0) 2445351(R)


15th Battalion, Mahes Guard Line Indore



Deputy Commandant

0731-2419902/ 2534727

IG SAF, Indore Range, 0731-2419853(o) 2420355


17th Battalion Bhind



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Gwalior 0751-2445350(0) 2445351(R)


18th Battalion, chandanpura, Shivpuri



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Gwalior

0751-2445350(0) 2445351(R)


23th Battalion, Bhadbhada Road, Bhopal


0755-2776247/ 9425025213

Deputy Commandant

IG SAF Bhopala Range Bhopal 0755-2443643(o) 2773331(R)


24th Battalion, Jaora (Ratlam)




07414-228218/ 220829

IG SAF, Indore Range, Indore


25th Battalion, Bhadbhada Road, Bhopal



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Bhopala Range Bhopal 0755-2443643(o) 2773331(R)


26th Battalion, Guna



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Gwalior 0751-2445350(0)2445351(R)


29th Battalion, Datia





IG SAF Gwalior 0751-2445350(0)2445351(R)


32nd Battalion, Nagjhiri, Ujjain



Deputy Commandant0734-2527155

IG SAF, Indore Range, Indore 0731-2419853(o)2420355


34th Battalion, Dhar



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF, Indore Range, Indore 0731-2419853(o) 2420355


Central Police Motor Transport Workshop, Jehangirabad, Bhopal

Dy.S.P. MT




IG SAF Bhopala Range Bhopal 0755-2443643(o) 2773331(R)


Motor Training School Rewa

Dy.S.P. MT




IG SAF Jabalpur

0761 2676188(o)



Rustamji Armed Police Training Centre, (RAPTC) Mahesh Guards lines, Indore


0731-2419771(O) 2418001(R)



IG (RAPTC) Mahesh Guards lines, Indore


Procedure followed in Decision Making Process

    1. What is the procedure followed to take a decision for various matters?

(A reference to secretariat Manual and Rule of Business Manual, and other rules/regulations etc can be made)

9.1 Office procedure. As laid down in Police Regulation, SAF Act 1969, SAF Rules 1973, GOP Departmental circulars, Financial Code, M.P. Civil Service Classification and Control 1966.

    1. Who are the officers at various levels opinions are sought for the process of decision making?

9.4 Commandants SAF





    1. Who is the final authority that the decision?

9.5 As above.

Directory of Officers and Employees
10.1 Please provide information district wise in following format.

Sr. No.

Name of Unit and address

Assistant Public Information OfficerRank Name, Tele No Address

Public Information officer Rank Name, Tele No Address

Nodal Officer and Appellate Authority

Rank Name, Tele No (with Fax) Address


Ist , Battalion, Kevlary Line, Indore



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF, Indore Range, Indore 0731-2419853(o)2420355


2nd Battalion, Kampoo, Gwalior



Deputy Commandant

0751-2445352/ 2452821

IG SAF Gwalior

0751-2445350(0) 2445351(R)


5th Battalion Morena



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Gwalior 0751-2445350(0)2445351(R)


6th Battalion, Ranhji, Jabalpur



Deputy Commandant

0761-2676199/ 2676133

IG SAF Jabalpur




7th Battalion, Jehangirabad, Bhopal


0755-2443648/ 9826462101

Deputy Commandant

0755-2443648/ 94251016422

IG SAF Bhopala Range Bhopal 0755-2443643(o) 2773331(R)


8th Battalion, Chhindwara



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Jabalpur

0761 2676188(o)



9th Battalion, Bichhiya, Rewa



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Jabalpur

0761 2676188(o)



10th Battalion, Makronia, Sagar



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Jabalpur

0761 2676188(o)



13th Battalion, Kampoo, Gwalior



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Gwalior

0751-2445350(0) 2445351(R)


14th Battalion Kampoo,




Deputy Commandant

0751-2445365/ 5072160

IG SAF Gwalior

0751-2445350(0) 2445351(R)


15th Battalion, Mahes Guard Line Indore



Deputy Commandant

0731-2419902/ 2534727

IG SAF, Indore Range, 0731-2419853(o) 2420355


17th Battalion Bhind



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Gwalior 0751-2445350(0) 2445351(R)


18th Battalion, chandanpura, Shivpuri



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Gwalior

0751-2445350(0) 2445351(R)


23th Battalion, Bhadbhada Road, Bhopal


0755-2776247/ 9425025213

Deputy Commandant

IG SAF Bhopala Range Bhopal 0755-2443643(o) 2773331(R)


24th Battalion, Jaora (Ratlam)




07414-228218/ 220829

IG SAF, Indore Range, Indore


25th Battalion, Bhadbhada Road, Bhopal



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Bhopala Range Bhopal 0755-2443643(o) 2773331(R)


26th Battalion, Guna



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF Gwalior 0751-2445350(0)2445351(R)


29th Battalion, Datia





IG SAF Gwalior 0751-2445350(0)2445351(R)


32nd Battalion, Nagjhiri, Ujjain



Deputy Commandant0734-2527155

IG SAF, Indore Range, Indore 0731-2419853(o)2420355


34th Battalion, Dhar



Deputy Commandant


IG SAF, Indore Range, Indore 0731-2419853(o) 2420355


Central Police Motor Transport Workshop, Jehangirabad, Bhopal

Dy.S.P. MT




IG SAF Bhopala Range Bhopal 0755-2443643(o) 2773331(R)


Motor Training School Rewa

Dy.S.P. MT




IG SAF Jabalpur

0761 2676188(o)



Rustamji Armed Police Training Centre, (RAPTC) Mahesh Guards lines, Indore


0731-2419771(O) 2418001(R)



IG (RAPTC) Mahesh Guards lines, Indore


The Monthly Remuneration Received By Each of its Officers and Employees, Including the System of Compensation as Provided in Regulations
11.1 Please provide information in following format




Monthly Remuneration




The procedure to deter mine the Remuneration in regulation

ADG - 22400-525-24500

I.G.P. - 18400-500-22400

D.I.G - 16400-450-20000

Commandant - 12000-375-16500

Dy. Commandant - 10000-325-15500

Asstt. Commandant - 8000-275-13500

Coy. Commander - 5500-175-9000

Platoon Commander - 4500-125-7000

Asstt. Platoon Commander - 4000-100-6000

Head Constable - 3500-80-4700-100-5200

Constable - 3050-75-3950-80-4590

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