Welcome to the Franklin Congregational Church and our newsletter – The Crier. Below are a list of services, classes and events for the month

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Welcome to the Franklin Congregational Church and our newsletter – The Crier. Below are a list of services, classes and events for the month.

Sunday Services:
10:00 am Morning Worship

Prayer, Praise and Planning: Monday at 7 pm
Small Group Bible study at the parsonage:

Thursday 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Check out our website at



Deacons – First Monday of the month at 8 pm, after the prayer and planning small group.

Our Mission:

“To be a catalyst for ongoing revival, to become disciples of Christ, and to make disciples of our town, our state, and the nations, by the power of the Holy Spirit“.

Franklin Congregational Church
The Meetinghouse Crier

March - April 2015

Church: 860-642-7887

Parsonage: 860-924-5321

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A word from Pastor Ryan

The Importance of Pentecost

The Jews had three main festivals during the year that were “pilgrimage” festivals, and required that every male come to celebrate together before the Lord. Those festivals were Passover (Pesach), Feast of Weeks (Shavuot), and Tabernacles (Sukkot). Passover and Pentecost happened in the Spring and Tabernacles was in the Fall. These three festivals had major significance to Jews during the days of Jesus incarnation, and still have significance for us, the Church, today.

When Jesus was on the earth, He showed Himself to be Lord of the Feasts, and as we look back to the significance of Jesus’ life and actions, we can very easily see how Jesus fulfilled the purposes of these feasts. For example, we celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection around the time of the Jewish Passover. The original Passover happened when God had the Israelites sacrifice a lamb and put the blood over the doorpost of their homes while they were in Egypt, so the Destroyer would “Pass-Over” their house. All those who did not have the blood covering their doorpost, the Destroyer killed the firstborn male in each house. Passover is commemorated annually, remembering the first Passover, by bringing a lamb to be sacrificed in order that their sins would be covered over from the previous year. The spotless, perfect, lamb would suffer death instead of the people who committed the sins. Jesus was and is the ultimate Lamb of God, sacrificed at Passover, for the sins of the world.
Sukkot, the feast of Tabernacles, is celebrated during the fall (September or October). It is supposed to force the Israelites to remember when they lived in tents during the time when they wandered in the wilderness. It was also during this time when God’s presence was visibly manifest to the Jews in a cloud and pillar of fire. When Jesus came on the scene, the Gospel of John claims that He “tabernacled” among us—the same word. He pitched His tent with us. We call Jesus Immanuel, God with Us, and that is what “Tabernacles” is all about. There is even very good evidence that Jesus could have been born during the Feast of Tabernacles!
The third feast is Pentecost, or the feast of weeks. “Pentecost” comes from the Greek word for “fiftieth,” because it occurs the fiftieth day after Pentecost. There are seven “weeks” that are counted between Passover and Pentecost, the fiftieth day is the day of celebration—hence the term, Feast of Weeks. This feast is to remind the Jews that, at Passover, God delivered the Jews out of Egypt and then fifty days later, God gave them the Torah – the Law. Pentecost was also the time when the first fruits of the harvest were brought in and presented before the Lord.
After Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to the disciples for forty days. At the end of those forty days, He told them to wait in Jerusalem until they received power from heaven, the promised Holy Spirit poured out from God. They did just that; and, as Acts 2 records, it was on Pentecost Sunday that the Holy Spirit filled the 120 believers that waited for that promised blessing. On that day, the Holy Spirit filled the believers in the upper room, like a mighty rushing wind. They went out of the room to a gathering crowd, while speaking in tongues. The large crowd, very obviously there because of the Feast of Weeks, heard the people giving glory to God in their own languages. Peter, explained the entire occurrence and gave the first Christian invitation. On that day, 3000 were converted, baptized, received the gift of the Holy Spirit, and were added to the church. The Church was born!
I am finding that often Christians today live like Pentecost never happened! They realize that they must repent of their sins, even being baptized and joining a church, but Christians often live without the power that Jesus promised that grants them power over sin, the ability to participate in the gifts of the Spirit, the power to demonstrate and share the Gospel, and the unique ability to bring life to the Church. The significance of God coming to live inside of us, being filled with His Spirit, cannot be understated—what an incredible, unthinkable, unimaginable concept!
We began exploring in April some of the Old Testament promises of the Spirit of God in the New Covenant. In fact, we have seen that the Holy Spirit is a distinguishing mark of the New Covenant. We will continue that course in May, seeing how the Spirit and the Word are the ones that come to give life to a New Creation. The Spirit and the Word are the ones that gave birth to the infant church—and what a big baby did they produce, 3000 pounds, or was that people *smile*. The same will be true for us today as it was for them—it’s the same Word and the same Spirit!

May 24th is Pentecost Sunday, and I would like us to celebrate Pentecost this year. As much as we celebrate the other two feasts, Jesus birth (Tabernacles) and Jesus death and resurrection (Passover), I would like us to celebrate the feast of Passover, the decent of the promised Spirit of God and the birthing of the Church. I will be preaching a special message on Acts 2, and let us expect that God will show up in the same way to us as He did with the disciples 2000 years ago.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Ryan

A Word from your Deacons:

Deacon Corner
This summer is going to be a busy one, and your deacons have already been busy preparing the way! There are several big events coming up shortly that we need everyone’s help with:

  • Spring Clean at FCC – May 23rd. Let’s get the church looking nice for Memorial Day. We’ll clean, eat together, and finish cleaning after lunch, if necessary.

  • Spring Chicken BBQ –June 13th – It’s “All Hands On Deck” for the Spring BBQ! We need donations; volunteers for the kitchen, serving, and clean-up; and, plenty of help in preparing and cooking the food.

  • Vacation Bible School –July 6th-10th – We have a good number of kids signed up already, and we need lots of help in one of our largest outreaches of the entire year.

In other news, as you know, the church has been supporting an indigenous missionary in Mali for about the last year. We recently added another missionary couple that is ministering right in our own back yard. Many of you met Kyle and Danielle VanEtten when they were at our church last year, and they are now our second and third missionaries to be supported out of our church. They are missionaries to the university campuses of UCONN and Eastern, respectively. How wonderful that, in just over a year, we have gone from supporting zero missionary efforts to three. Missions is something in which this church has a very rich history. It is awesome to see that history recovered!

For the deacons,

Pastor Ryan

Vacation Bible School 2015

SonSpark Labs

We are gearing up for VBS this summer on July 6-10. We want to reach the next generation of Franklin with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and VBS is one giant leap forward in doing just that. Every day, we get to present the Gospel in way that’s fun, exciting, and often times a bit goofy! This year will be no different, and we are pulling out all the sparks...uh, plugs...uh, stops. There will be wacky science experiments, fun songs, and a special appearance or two from un-renown scientist Dr. Peter Petri. We have already had a good number of kids sign up for VBS, and most of them are ones that did not attend last year! If we have all those from last year, and more from this year, we will have quite a crowd—HOW EXCITING! So, we need everyone’s help, and then some. Please see Ruth for more details how to help with this year’s Vacation Bible School—SonSpark Labs!

Pastor Ryan’s “Prayer of the Day”
I hope you are all receiving Pastor Ryan’s “Prayer of the Day” and praying that prayer every day.

When God’s people pray to him in unity, wonderful things can happen. Please make it a point to pray this prayer every day. You will be blessed by it and God will be glorified and will answer our prayers. Here is a recent prayer.


Let me be an instrument for you!  Lord, you have given me a voice, please use it for Your glory.  I have arms and legs, use them to carry me to people in need of You and to perform Your works.  You have given me eyes and ears to hear from You and to see You, and to hear the needs of those around me.  Use all of me to bring all of You to the lost and hurting in this world.  I will do whatever You say; I will go wherever You lead; I will perform Your works so others might see You through me.  Lord, let me say as Paul did, “It is not I who live, but Christ who lives through me.”

In Jesus’ Name,

Bible Reading Challenge

This year I am giving two challenges: first, a challenge to read the New Testament through by the last day of May. The New Testament is much shorter than the Old Testament. If you are just starting a plan to read through the Bible this year (or, if you are still working on the one you started last year), you can skip ahead to the New Testament. You should be able to finish the New Testament easily by the end of May. We will celebrate all those who finish their NT reading around the first of summer!
Second, I am challenging everyone to read the Bible all the way through this year. For those who complete the entire reading, we will have a slightly larger celebration around the third or fourth week of January next year!
Yes, it is possible that a person can attend both celebrations: read the entire NT first, then the entire OT! The second challenge (to read the entire Bible) is a bit tougher, so we’ll have a slightly larger celebration for those who complete this challenge.
Even though I want to recognize those who complete one or both of these challenges and to celebrate with you, you’ll actually end up with a greater reward. God will be pleased; your life will be changed; and, your understanding of God will be so much greater.
God’s richest blessings,

Pastor Ryan


Please take a turn at cleaning the church; if we all work together the task will not fall

on just a few people.

Many Hands Make Light Work and more fellowship with frien

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Please join us for the 2015 National Day of Prayer.

Here on Thursday, May 7th. at 7:00 pm

Bible Study
Have you ever wanted to share your faith with someone, but you are concerned with what they would say? Or, are you concerned about what you would say? What if they are an atheist and have an argument? What if they ask questions back? What if they don’t want to talk? What if....?
Gregory Koukl presents some very easy ways to direct a conversation with grace and power in order to bring the truth of the Gospel to people. His “tactics” are not simply a way to win your case, but a way to be graceful in sharing. With this grace, we should present the Gospel in a thoughtful and logical fashion. Just as Jesus says, we should be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Beyond the tactics, you will gain confidence in how to share what God has done in your life, and how to present that logically, with passion and conviction.
The books will be provided, and discussion will be a must. Each week we will have a chance to practice the tactics we just learned in the book. This should be a very fun and interactive study—with awesome rewards. Please let me know if you will be attending!

Pastor Ryan

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The cartoon this month reminds us that we need to be observant. Pastor Ryan, in our Bible study described above, got our attention with his mode of dress and tested us on our powers of observation. Please join us.

Are You a Disciple?

by Greg Laurie

Are you a disciple? Just because you are a Christian doesn’t necessarily mean that you are a disciple. Every disciple is a believer, but not every believer is a disciple.

Jesus gave us the definition of a disciple in Luke 14. Three times in this passage, He said that if we do not do these things, we cannot be His disciples.

First, Jesus said, “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple” (verse 26). A statement like that is shocking, but let’s understand what Jesus was saying. He obviously was not telling us to hate in the traditional sense. Rather, Jesus was saying that your love for God should be so strong, so intense, that all other loves would be like hatred in comparison.

Second, Jesus said, “And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple” (verse 27). If you want to live life to its fullest, then you must deny yourself and put Christ first. You take your goals, desires, dreams, and aspirations, and you present them to God. And ultimately you will discover that God’s plans for you are always the best.

Last, Jesus said, “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it? . . . So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple” (verses 28, 33). You must count the cost to follow Jesus. Yes, it costs to follow Jesus. But it costs more not to follow Him.

Jesus called us to go and make disciples (see Matthew 28:19). But it takes one to make one.

Taken from “Are You a Disciple?” from Harvest Ministries (used by permission).

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Monday Night Praise, Prayer and Planning
(Until further notice, our Monday nights will be devoted to praising the Lord, prayer and church planning.)

7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

This is now a church vision meeting where we try to listen to the Holy Spirit and his will for our church.

We start with prayer and songs of praise and we end with prayer. Beverages and treats are sometimes available. Please join us.

"Prayer strikes the winning blow; service is simply picking up the pieces."  S.D. Gordon

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This house is a house of Prayer 

The Deacons have a daily “Prayer Ministry.” Each day of the week, one deacon is scheduled to be in the sanctuary for one hour of prayer. We are praying for our church, community, state, nation, and the world, as well as anyone who would like prayer. This will include the communities surrounding Franklin. We have placed an article in the local community papers to offer our Prayer Ministry. We would love to have you be a part of this God-inspired service. Bathing our community and the surrounding area in prayer will bring a BLESSING to all.

If you would like to join us please call one of us and we will arrange for a time to meet at the church and pray together.

Irene Morgan 642-7036 Ray Morin 642-6404
Margaret Ayer 642-4318 David Ayer 642-4351
Marilyn Briggs 884-8340 Bob Wheeler 642-7668

May 1 - May Day

May Day, May 1st, consists of numerous holidays and celebrations around the world from spring celebrations to saint's feast day to a day for organized labor, etc. Check out listings for more detailed information and to find the May Day celebration of your choice. 

May 2 - Join Hands Day

Join Hands Day is a day to make a difference in your community through helpful projects that connect youths and adults. It is an opportunity to reach out through volunteer organizations and to connect generations and develop new relationships.

May 5 - Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo (the fifth of May) is a national holiday in Mexico and also celebrated in many areas of the U.S. It celebrates the legendary and victorious Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862.

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May 5 – National Teachers Day and Teacher Appreciation Week

National Teacher Day is part of a week-long celebration honoring our teachers. On Teacher Day, be sure to honor the special teachers in your life for the hard work they do each day.

May 7 – National Day of Prayer

May 10 - Mother's Day

Mother's Day is celebrated in the U.S. as a day to honor our mothers. It is a day to show thanks for all that our mothers do.

May 12 - International Nurses Day

Nurses Week begins on May 6th and ends on May 12th (Florence Nightingale's birthday) which has been designated as International Nurses Day. This week is celebrated to recognize the contributions that nurses and nursing makes to the community.

May 16 – Armed Forces Day

Armed Forces Day is a day to recognize and honor the military forces in your nation. Nations throughout the world participate in observing this day.

May 21 – National Maritime Day

National Maritime Day is a day for the U.S. to observe its proud maritime heritage and honor the men and women who serve and have served as merchant mariners.

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May 25 – Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a U.S. holiday commemorating the U.S. men and women who have died in military service to their country.


June 1 – Atlantic Hurricane Season begins.

June 14 – Flag Day

Flag Day is an American holiday celebrating and showing respect to our flag and the people who designed and created it. Our flag  represents our independence as Americans and our unity as a nation. The great history of our flag you can read about in Flags of America. It leads our soldiers in battle and many have died protecting it.  It even stands on the moon.

We Americans are proud of our nation, our culture, our people and our flag that represents all of those things. So raise your flag on Flag day and show your American spirit!

June 13 – FCC Chicken BBQ!




Saturday June, 13th

At the Church – 31 Meetinghouse Hill Rd, Franklin, CT

Sittings 5:00 to 6:30 pm

Tickets at the door

Eat with us and enjoy the good fellowship or Dinners to GO

June 19 - Juneteenth

Juneteenth is the oldest known holiday celebrating the end of slavery. It started on June 19, 1865, when the union soldiers, led by General Granger came to Galveston Texas and announced that the war was over, and the slaves were free. General Granger read the Emancipation Proclamation freeing about 250,000 slaves throughout Texas.

Some US States list it as an official holiday.

It is also called "Freedom Day" or "Emancipation Day."

June 21 - First Day of Summer
Summer Solstice - longest day of the year.

June 21 - Father's Day

Father’s Day is the day we celebrate our dads. It was invented by a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd who was raised by her father and thought that they should be celebrated just as much as mothers. Her dad was born in June so she chose to hold the first Father’s Day on June 19th in 1910. It was President Calvin Coolidge who decided to hold Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June, fourteen years later.

Every one has a different way of celebrating Father’s Day but basically, anything you would do for Mother’s Day you can do for Father’s Day; just make it a little more personalized for dad.

9 Ways Satan Seeks Your Destruction Every Day

by Jen Thorn

Are you ever overwhelmed by how difficult it is be to live a life that is pleasing to God? If the temptations of the world and the sin within our own hearts isn’t enough, Satan is also working overtime to see to our destruction, downfall, or weakening. He has no compassion, he doesn’t care how hard life is for you or all the things you have gone through. He rejoices in our difficulties and only wants to add to them.

Satan is cunning and crafty. He is also more powerful than we give him credit for and therefore a being to be guarded against and fought against. He has the experience of all kinds of evil on his side as well as the fact that he never grows tired and never gives up spewing his hatred for Christ and his bride.

He hates them because . . .

they have escaped out of his hand,

they oppose his kingdom and government;

they hate sin, and pant, and pray, and strive for holiness.

James Smith

Here are some ways that our great enemy seeks our destruction.

1. He plants doubts and lies (Gen. 3)

One of the biggest doubts he plants in your heart is about the goodness of God. “How can a good God possibly let some of these horrible and hard things happen to you?”

2. He fights against your faith (Eph 6:12)

One thing the Devil is not is lazy. He is very active roaming around seeking to destroy. He has an arsenal full of tactics and will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to maim our faith.

3. He will tempt you with sexual immorality (1 Cor. 7:5)

Both in person and online sexual temptations abound and Satan will make sure to set them before your eyes. He would like nothing more than to take your purity and ruin your marriages.

4. He will try to cause disunity amongst Christians (Mt 13:38-39; 2 Cor 11:13-15).

Beware of even the smaller conflicts that arise between brothers and sisters. The Devil is well skilled at using such things to erode fellowship and breed discontent.

5. He will slander you before God (Rev 12:10)

Over and over, he will throw all your sins before the throne of God in an effort to discredit you. While he will not succeed, he won’t give up trying.

6. He will try to take you down through pride (1 Pet 5:6-8)

Pride is a dangerous sin because it gives birth to almost every other sin. So Satan will spend a lot of time trying to convince you of the fact that “self” is king.

7. He will persecute you for your faith (Rev 2:10)

The torture and murder of Christians thrills Satan in the most sickening way. But the persecution of Christian can also be brought about in a milder way, through shunning, discrimination, slander, injustice, and unkindness.

8. He will try to cripple your faith through fear (2 Cor 4:8-9)

Fear has its place--you are called to fear the Lord. But Satan will tempt you to fear earthly things instead. This kind of fear will blind you to the power, goodness and sovereignty of God. It will cause you to take your eyes off of Jesus and onto our circumstances.

9. He will try to sidetrack you with worldly things. (1John 2:15-16)

We are a people who are easily distracted especially by all the new, shiny and exciting things that world has to offer. Therefore Satan will use the beautiful things, even good things, to draw your attention and devotion from Jesus.

Satan can never take away our salvation.  God is greater and will lose none who belong to him. But he can do a lot of damage and cripple us in our quest for intimacy with God and personal holiness. Therefore we must be alert because Satan will attack when we are not ready (1 Peter 5:8-9), we must know the devils antics (2 Cor. 2:11), and we must stand firm against the attacks and deceits of the devil. (Eph. 6:11). God has not left us defenseless. He has given us an armor that we must know and wear at all times.

Someday we will be able trade in our armor for a royal robe and crown. Battles will be a part of the past and our future will hold nothing but peace and joy. But until then we must encourage each other to not give up in the fight, or to run away in fear. We have a most powerful God on our side!

"Hear, O Israel, today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not be terrified or give way to panic before them. For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." Deuteronomy 20:3, 4.


Jen Thorn lives in Illinois where she serves alongside her husband, Joe, at Redeemer Fellowship. She loves studying theology, reading the Puritans, and has a passion for all things chocolate.  Jen has 4 children and blogs at jenthorn.comas well as goodmorninggirls.org. Follow her on Twitter@jenlthorn or on Facebook: Jen Thorn

May God Bless you, your family, our church, and our country during this wonderful Spring and Summer season!

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