Welcome to the new style Quality and Safety e-Bulletin

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Issue 1: 24 May 2012

Welcome to the new style Quality and Safety e-Bulletin

The new look e-Bulletin will continue to bring you the latest news from key national agencies and initiatives across the UK, and arranged under themed headings.

 As we bed down the new style over the coming weeks do please send us your feedback to qualityandsafety@rcn.org.uk.

We hope you enjoy it.

Ross Scrivener, Claire Constable and Deborah Fisher

RCN Quality, Standards and Innovation Unit

RCN highlights

RCN Congress 2012. Read about and view highlights from RCN Congress, Harrogate 13-17 May 2012. 

Frontline First: Congress 2012 update (PDF 743.7KB). The RCN’s Frontline First campaign has been monitoring the effect of the economic downturn on the NHS for two years now. In this last report the number of NHS posts at risks as at 2 May 2012 stands at 61,113. This includes posts that have already been removed since the campaign began in April 2010 or are still earmarked to be lost by April 2015.

‘This is nursing’ film shown at RCN Congress. The film, supporting the RCN’s ‘This is Nursing’ work, offers an insight into the critical role nursing staff play in restoring the health and wellbeing of their patients. It shows nurses and health care assistants offering care and support in various clinical areas and in both acute and community settings. It was filmed on location in NHS and independent sector organisations around the country.  

Chair and Vice Chair of Congress elections open. Nominations close 4.30pm on 4 June.

Human rights and nursing. RCN position statement (PDF 507.4KB). The RCN and its members have long been involved in human rights activities, both nationally and internationally. The RCN is committed to supporting and advocating human rights for the positive and practical difference they make to people, patients and nursing. This document sets out the RCN’s position on nursing, health and human rights and also provides the legal and ethical background to the position.

Multimedia: Using technology to complement nursing practice (PDF 1.1MB). This range of publications has been developed to help nursing staff utilise technology to complement their clinical practice. This guidance provides an overview, covering the broad principles and key issues to consider for safe and effective eHealth services. It complements the separate, short guides which cover telephone advice lines (publication code 004 229), text messaging (publication code 004 230), websites (publication code 004 231) and telehealth monitoring (publication code: 004 232). For more details see the eHealth section of the e-Bulletin.

Tools of the trade quick reference guide (PDF 574.1KB). The protection of health care workers’ hands is crucial for both their own protection and the protection of patients. It lies at the heart of a holistic approach to infection prevention, occupational health and safety policies and strategies. This guidance focuses on contact dermatitis, the main work-related skin condition affecting health professionals’ hands, glove use, infection prevention and control practice as well as the importance of considering glove use. The glove use resource comprises two documents:
Full version (PDF 3.6MB) covering the content in more detail, including case studies and appendices to support readers with further information.

NICE consultation gateway
The NICE consultation gateway pages have been updated and include all the details about current consultations and how to get involved that previously appeared as a separate section within this bulletin. We will highlight these pages in every bulletin.
You can find out about the NICE consultations the RCN is involved in at Current consultations.

RCN events
The RCN organises an annual programme of events and conferences, including RCN Congress, to support all health care professionals with their personal and professional development. See: 

  • RCN national events

  • England regions and branches

  • Northern Ireland

  • Scotland

Quality and safety news

BBC Health: NHS trusts ‘rationing cataract surgery’.  “A growing number of areas are placing restrictions on access to eye surgery, figures obtained by campaigners show”.

Care Quality Commission (CQC): CQC prosecutes cosmetic surgery company for failure to register. A company providing cosmetic surgery treatment at independent clinics in Wakefield and London without being properly registered has been ordered to pay a fine of £40,000 by magistrates in Wakefield. 

Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS): Our Place – Safe Space’. This strategy, launched jointly with the Department of Education has been developed to demonstrate a strategic and innovative vision for children and young people who experience, or may be at risk of experiencing, domestic and sexual violence.

DHSSPS: Oral statement to the Assembly by Health Minister Edwin Poots – health and social care shared services. A report on the consultation on the ‘Model of Shared Services for Implementation in Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland’. The proposals it contained were designed to increase value for money in the health and social care budget, with the money saved being taken out of administration and put into front line treatment and care.

DH: Draft Bill to modernise adult care and support in England in Queen’s Speech. The Queen’s Speech included a draft bill to modernise adult care and support in England, setting out what support people could expect from government and what action the government would take to help people plan, prepare and make informed choices about their care.

DH: Statement on decision to veto the disclosure of the Transition Risk Register. The Secretary of State has made a statement to Parliament explaining his decision to veto the disclosure of the Transition Risk Register.
DH: Risk Register will not be published.
Information Commissioner’s Office: Ministerial veto on disclosure of the Department of Health’s transition risk register. This report to Parliament from the Information Commissioner outlines the ministerial decision to veto the publication of the NHS risk register.

DH: Food labelling consultation launched. A UK-wide consultation on front-of-pack labelling will make choosing healthier foods easier. UK health ministers want to see all food manufacturers and retailers using the same system to show – on the front of packs – how much fat, salt and sugar, and how many calories, is in their products. The consultation closes on 12 August 2012. 

DH: Corporate Plan 2012-2013. The Department of Health’s Corporate plan sets out priorities for the year ahead. The Department’s enduring purpose is to achieve better health, better care, better value: working to help people live better for longer.

Mental Health Foundation: Mental Health Awareness Week 2012. The week runs from 21-27 May and the theme is ‘Doing good does you good’.

NHS Choices: Coughing could be a sign of lung cancer. A new campaign to raise awareness of the symptoms of lung cancer urges people to go and see their GP if they have had a cough for more than three weeks.

NHS Education for Scotland (NES): Scotland’s Dementia Awards. Launch of the first ever Scotland’s Dementia Awards, a partnership between Alzheimer Scotland, NHS Education for Scotland, NHS Health Scotland and Scottish Social Services Council, which will celebrate the work of both professionals and community groups who are committed helping people with dementia and their families. There are six award categories.

NHS Employers: NHS Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Week 21-25 May 2012. The NHS Employers organisation is coordinating this first ever NHS Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Week which aims to demonstrate what organisations are doing to create a fairer more inclusive NHS for patients and staff.

NICE: Medicines and prescribing support from NICE. The primary objective of the newly launched Medicines and Prescribing Centre will continue to be the provision of support for those using medicines across the NHS, including information on medicines, prescribing advice, training and education, governance and decision-making. All future medicines and prescribing outputs will be published on the NICE website and signposted from the Medicines and prescribing homepage.

Welsh Government:  Achieving excellence - The quality delivery plan for the NHS in Wales 2012 – 2016. The plan details how new quality assurance and improvement arrangements will operate.  It details ambitions for achieving excellence in Welsh healthcare by 2016. It aims to provide services that are: safe; effective; accessible; affordable; and sustainable – reducing harm, variation and waste. 

Welsh Government: Consultation on the draft document 'Together against stroke' a national delivery plan for the NHS up to 2016. The draft delivery plan sets out the Welsh Government’s vision for the population of Wales and what this means for NHS stroke services. The consultation closes on 2 August 2012. 

Welsh Assembly Government: Services in Wales come ’Together for Mental Health’. Health Minister Lesley Griffiths has launched Together for Mental Health, the Welsh Government’s strategic approach to mental health and mental wellbeing. The consultation closes in 12 weeks.

Quality improvement

Audit, reviews, legislation

Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS): Evaluation of the 2009-2011 Bamford Action Plan. Evaluation report. “This Evaluation establishes that over the last two years the joint working across Government Departments and the Health and Social Care sector has achieved much, and 80% of the actions have been delivered. It also highlights areas where services can still be improved and the need for more of a focus on outcomes rather than outputs.” 
News. Announcement on the evaluation report.

DH: Substance misuse services in prisons, immigration and removal centres. A dear colleague letter that sets out policy for provision of services related to substance misuse in prisons, immigration and removal centres and the children and young people’s secure estate in England. Responsibility for funding of these services transferred to the Department during 2012. 

DH: Department teams up with doc2doc forum to gather views on long term conditions. The Department of Health is working with doc2doc, the BMJ Group’s online community for health professionals, to gain input into its long term conditions strategy. This is a cross-government strategy being drafted by the Department of Health. 

DH: Establishment of the NHS Trust Development Authority. This impact assessment outlines the issues relating to the establishment of a new body which will be responsible for supporting the development of foundation trusts in the NHS.

DH: Changes to ambulance response time categories. Changes to prioritise the most critically ill patients, increase the number of vehicles available to reach patients most in need and reduce the number of cancelled ambulances have been announced.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland: Neurological Health Services - NHSScotland local reports. This report presents the findings of the neurological health services standards review panels. The results provide baseline information about the quality of neurological health services in NHSScotland and identify specific areas for improvement.

Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP): HQIP Clinical Audit Awards 2013: call for entries. HQIP has opened the submission period for entries to the Clinical Audit Awards 2013 ahead of its Clinical Audit Conference to be held on 12 and 13 February 2013 at the Hallam Conference Centre, London.   

HQIP: HQIP Clinical Audit Networks fund invites applications. The fund is to support the important work of regional networks and events in promoting clinical audit. Regional clinical audit networks can apply for up to £2,500 to cover the cost of events and £1,000 for network administration over the course of a financial year.  

National Services Division (NSD): Review of Children’s Congenital Cardiac Services at Yorkhill Glasgow February 2012. Children's congenital cardiac services are commissioned on a national basis by National Services Division (NSD) and are delivered by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. "Evidence demonstrates the service is safe - results are on a par with other centres in the UK. It is also highly regarded by patients and their families".  

NHS information Centre for health and social care (NHS IC): National Diabetes Inpatient Audit (NaDIA) 2011. According to the report "nearly one in three hospital patients with diabetes are affected by errors which can result in dangerously high blood glucose levels ...During the seven day audit period, the patients with errors suffered more than double the number of severe hypoglycaemic – “hypo” - episodes compared to patients without errors". 
News. Medication errors for inpatients with diabetes.

Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA): RQIA Independent Review of Reporting Arrangements for Radiological Investigations - Phase 2 Report, May 2012. This phase of the review examined the circumstances leading to delays in handling and reporting of radiological investigations in the Southern and Western Trusts and how these delays were managed. 

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH): RCPCH embarks on major review of child deaths. With child mortality in the UK amongst the highest in Europe and limited current data on the causes of death, the national clinical outcome review programme - Child Health Reviews-UK, led by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, will provide new insights into the conditions with which children die. The two-year programme is funded by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership.

Royal College of Physicians (RCP): Back pain management: occupational health practice in the NHS in England - a national clinical audit – round 2. This report highlights the need for all NHS staff to be given good advice about back pain. It finds that musculoskeletal problems such as back pain account for 40 per cent of sickness absence amongst NHS staff and costs approximately £400 million per year. It looks at how occupational health professionals cared for NHS staff who are experiencing back pain and found that the care and management occupational health professionals give to staff suffering with back problems has improved in the three years since the previous audit in 2008.

Guidance, innovation, tools

ABPI: Joint working – a quick start reference guide for NHS and pharmaceutical industry partners. This guide aims to address the challenges that can arise when initiating joint working projects. It includes a simple seven step flow chart that maps the journey of a joint working project from the idea generation stage to the development of a joint working agreement.

DH: Start4Life partners Hollywood film to support healthier pregnancies. The latest phase of the Start4Life campaign is launched today with cinema advertising and a partnership with the Hollywood film ‘What to expect when you’re expecting’, to help mothers-to-be have healthier pregnancies.

DH: How to maintain quality during the transition - preparing for handover (PDF 716KB). This guide, produced by the National Quality Board, sets out the steps to be taken to ensure that any risk to quality is reduced during transition and that business continuity is maintained is published. It ensures that information about quality is not lost as organisations change. 

DH: Heatwave plan for England 2012. This plan and accompanying guidance is intended to raise public and professional awareness on how to prepare in case of severe hot weather and potential heatwaves this summer. The accompanying letter contains details of key changes in this year’s plan compared to that issued in 2011 and the arrangements that will apply, and the actions recommended in advance of, and during, a heatwave. 

DH: Medicines Use Review (MUR). New data capturing and reporting arrangements, are to be used from the 1 July for MUR. A MUR takes place between a pharmacist and a patient, and covers the patient’s medication and the support they need to get the most from their medicines. These changes are being published now to give pharmacy contractors preparatory time before the changes come into effect.

DH: An Outcomes Strategy for COPD and Asthma: NHS Companion Document. A new action plan for treatment of respiratory problems outlines 45 best practice actions for the treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and asthma. The two can be confused due to similar symptoms and understanding the similarities and differences will help doctors provide better treatment. A key part of the new strategy is reducing the variation in COPD diagnosis and care around the country. 

DHSSPS: Developing advocacy services: a policy guide for commissioners (PDF 272.16KB). This provides practical guidance on what advocacy is and how advocacy services in a health and social care context can be commissioned, supported, monitored and evaluated. There is also an accompanying action plan. 
Action plan 2012/2013 (PDF 31.87KB) .   

England Centre for Practice Development Newsletter, Issue 1. First newsletter from the Centre which “works regionally, nationally and internationally to help individuals, teams and organizations provide health care services that are person-centred and effective, through using approaches that develop and sustain workplace cultures”.

Grow Your Wellness: a non-communicable diseases (NCDs) resource centre for health professionals. This site, launched by the International Council of Nurses, provides a variety of educational, assessment, intervention and advocacy materials to support health professionals engaging in prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) -  diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, some cancers and chronic respiratory diseases. ICN launches the Wellness Tree.

Health Protection Agency (HPA): Public health map for Europe taking shape. The foundations for a public health map for Europe, with a focus on environmental factors, have been laid, as part of an innovative HPA led project. So far scientists have compared, among other things, deaths and injuries caused by road traffic incidents and health effects of environmental factors such as noise and air quality. The investigation team has now finished its three year long project and is finalising a report which will be published later this year.

NHS Confederation: Falls prevention: new approaches to integrated falls prevention services. This Briefing shares the learning and recommendations from a workshop for members held by the NHS Confederation and the Ambulance Service Network on falls prevention strategies for the older population. It is intended to help the NHS and local government think about new approaches to the commissioning and provision of comprehensive, integrated falls prevention services.

NHS Confederation: Acronym buster. Includes many of the acronyms used in the NHS. This is  taken from the NHS Handbook.  

Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) Research briefing 41: Factors that promote and hinder joint and integrated working between health and social care services. This briefing updates a previous systematic review. It provides an overview which includes descriptions of different models, evidence of effectiveness, perspective of people who use services and their carers.

SCIE report 59: Sustainable health and social care: a briefing for commissioners and health and wellbeing boards. This briefing provides a summary guide for busy commissioners and health and wellbeing board members. It sets out the key policy and operational drivers for a sustainable development approach to health and social care design and delivery.

SCIE report 58: Therapeutic approaches to social work in residential child care settings. Following a regional review of residential child care in 2007, the five health and social Care (HSC) Trusts in Northern Ireland introduced 'therapeutic approaches' in a number of children's homes and in the regional secure units. This report gives the results of an evaluation of these approaches.
SCIE Social Care TV: Therapeutic approaches to residential child care in Northern Ireland. This film shows how therapeutic approaches have been introduced. “The approaches help staff to have a better understanding of how children's experiences affect them, to consider their emotional needs and foster resilience. It focuses on the experience of staff and young people at the Lakewood Secure Unit”. 

Reports, commentary, statistics

Adam Smith Institute: The wages of sin taxes. This report argues that taxation on commodities seen as harmful to health, such as cigarettes or alcohol, are ineffective in reducing consumption and are not necessary for recouping lost revenue.

BMC Health Services Research: Community-based post-stroke service provision and challenges: a national survey of managers and inter-disciplinary healthcare staff in Ireland. As part of the Irish National Audit of Stroke Care (INASC), a national survey of community-based allied health professionals and public health nurses was conducted. The aim was to document the challenges to service availability for patients with stroke in the community and to identify priorities for service improvement. 

British Medical Association (BMA): What we know so far…. A series of briefing papers on a range of key topics related to the Government's health reforms, and where questions remain unanswered. The series includes: Health and Social Care Act at a glance; The NHS Commissioning Board; Local accountability.

Centre for Mental Health: Mental health care and the criminal justice system (PDF 789 KB). This briefing paper examines the provision of mental health care for adults in the criminal justice system. It looks at what has been achieved to date and identifies priorities for further work.

Centre for Social Justice (CSJ): Transforming social care for the poorest people. “The CSJ breaks with the political consensus by urging Ministers to prioritise the poorest over the competing claims of asset-rich old people who are forced to sell their homes before they qualify for state subsidy”.

Consumer Health Powerhouse: Euro health consumer index 2012 (PDF 2.4MB) . This report ranks 34 national European health care systems on 42 indicators, covering five areas that are key to the health consumer: patients’ rights and information, accessibility of treatment (waiting times), medical outcomes, range and reach of services provided and pharmaceuticals.

Deloitte: Primary Care: Today and Tomorrow - Improving general practice by working differently. This examines the capacity and capability of general practice now and in the future, with a focus on GPs and general practice nurses. The report highlights the need for general practice to work differently to cope effectively with the increasing demands it faces.

DH: News and publications for May 2012

DH: Transition Programme Risks. This document describes and explains the areas of risk contained in the transition risk register of November 2010. Its release follows a review of the material contained in the risk register, carried out by the Department of Health in April 2012, following the passage of the Health and Social Care Act. There are nine areas in total, covering subjects such as legislation, communications, people transition, finance and the management of the organisational changes. 

DH: NHS pledges more support for women with postnatal depression. Women who have postnatal depression or who have suffered a miscarriage, stillbirth or the death of a baby will get more support from the NHS.

Diabetes UK: State of the Nation 2012. “Diabetes healthcare in England has drifted into a "state of crisis" where less than half of people with the condition are getting the basic minimum care they need”.  

Health-EU Newsletter: Prevention is key: European Week Against Cancer. Cancer is preventable! This is the important message being communicated by cancer leagues and partner organisations in European countries during the European Week Against Cancer held annually in May.

Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS): Redesigning support for care leavers: exploring the use of co-productive methods to collaboratively design and improve leaving care services (PDF 2.13MB). As a result of research conducted by IRISS on the state of innovation and improvement in Scottish social services sector, key barriers to innovation emerged. A lack of time, finance and political interests were the three main barriers that were reported by the sector – maintaining the status quo rather than focusing on the needs of service users.

ISD Scotland: Cardiac Rehabilitation in Scotland April 2010 to March 2011 (PDF 142.26KB). This publication relates to cardiac rehabilitation referrals, assessments, interventions and completions by NHS Board for initiating cardiac events in the year ending 31st March 2011. 

London Councils: Adult social care in London. This report warns that if the Dilnot Commission’s proposals are implemented, the costs of caring for adults with social care needs in the capital could potentially increase in real terms by £330m, within the first year.  This represents an 11.4 per cent rise from the current £2.8 billion a year, to £3.16 billion a year.

Mencap: Stuck at home: the impact of day service cuts on people with a learning disability. This report finds that nearly a third of local authorities have closed day services in the last three years which results in one in four adults with a learning disability now spending less than one hour a day outside of their home due to these cuts. 

Mental Health Foundation: Doing good? Altruism and wellbeing in an age of austerity. This report highlights the impact that helping others has on people’s mental health and wellbeing, following a public attitude survey which showed that people believe society has become more selfish. It makes various recommendations including that commissioners of services aiming to support vulnerable groups should invest in volunteering and peer support services for socially isolated groups. 

National end of life care Intelligence Network: What do we know that we didn’t know a year ago?  The report highlights the key findings from research and analysis on end of life care. Topics covered include what is now know about: preferences of place of care and place of death; inpatient hospital care in the last year of life; social care in the last year of life; different disease groups; workforce, competencies and training; quality of care. The report will be updated regularly to incorporate new end of life care intelligence that becomes available.

National end of life care Intelligence Network: End of life Primary Care Trust Profiles. The data against 40 indicators are presented in the InstantAtlas tool in table, chart and map formats.

New Local Government Network: Healthy places: councils leading on public health (PDF 3.6MB). This report draws on a survey of over 50 councils and interviews with 28 senior officials involved in setting up the new health and wellbeing boards. It argues that in order to be effective, health and wellbeing boards need to have strengthened powers and a wider scope.

NHS Confederation: Race equality in mental health. This Briefing summarises the findings and recommendations from a recent report, commissioned by the Department of Health, into race equality in mental health. The report is based on a series of interviews with NHS and local authority leaders.

NHS Improvement: A Better Journey for Patients, A Better Deal for the NHS: Transforming Surgical Care Pathways (PDF 58KB). Key Royal Colleges have signed a consensus statement at the national Enhanced Recovery summit, endorsing enhanced recovery as standard practice for most patients undergoing major surgery across a range of procedures and specialities.

NHS Improvement: Sharing the knowledge to improve the future (PDF 98KB) . NHS Improvement is currently under going a national scoping exercise collecting examples of best practice in the delivery of healthcare services for people with a long term condition (LTC). If you are a health care professional working in the field of LTC or someone who has a long term condition then they want to hear your story ‘good or bad’.

NHS IC: Adult Critical Care data in England - April 2010 to March 2011: Experimental Statistics. This is the third publication of adult critical care data, which forms part of Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) and is collected as part of the Critical Care Minimum Data Set (CCMDS). During the period covered by this report, not all NHS trusts with critical care capacity have completed data submissions, so data quality and coverage is variable in some cases.

Scottish Government: Growing up in Scotland: Overweight, obesity and activity: Research findings. Part of a series of reports, this describes the influences of parental factors and family and neighbourhood factors on children’s overweight/obesity, and levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviour. It also looks at factors associated with whether mothers recognise, and are concerned by their child being overweight. 

World Health Organization (WHO) Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC). The HBSC study collects data and produces an international report every four years on the health, well-being, social environments and health behaviours of 11-, 13- and 15-year-old boys and girls. 

Yorkshire & Humber Public Health Observatory (YHPHO): Mortality among inpatients with diabetes: key findings for England. This analysis of mortality among inpatients with diabetes used data on over 13 million hospital admissions to assess case-mix and risk factors for inpatient mortality and identify trust level variation in the risk of an inpatient with diabetes dying.The key finding of this analysis was that inpatients with diabetes are 10% more likely to die than those without the condition.

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