Working Group C

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29 May 2002


Working Group C

Montréal, Québec, Canada

May 27-30 2002

Agenda Item 4: Report to AMCP 8

Work Plan toward drafting Chapter 8 and 9

Prepared by Alain Delrieu on behalf of SDG (Brent Phillips, Philippe RENAUD

  1. Chapter 8: Identification of ATM operating concepts to be supported, from now till 2015, by aeronautical communications and surveillance services

a) Note: material from the current (by WC4 ) chapter 8 will be transferred into chapter 5, (“Present situation”) wherever relevant and will be replaced by material summarized from the EUROCONTROL MACONDO WP1 study (Mobile Aviation Communication infrastructure Supporting ATM beyond 2015 (?)) and other relevant source documents, e.g. ATMCP report, F.A.A. documents (see source document section), etc…

b) Chapter contents:

    1. Identification of classes of airspace, homogeneous for a given ATM concept , level of air-traffic density and aircraft required avionics equipage , (HCA)

    2. Definition of operating concepts

    3. Mapping of operating concepts onto homogeneous airspace classes
      in a tabular format , including the time dimension : years 2005, 2010 and 2015

    4. Transition between operating concepts and systems:
      a) transition in time , from a given concept to a future one, for a given HCA

b) spatial transition : from one to another HCA

c) transition to new systems and compatibility with legacy systems

    1. Sources : reference and applicable documents

c) Work-plan and time-frame:

  • Get MACONDO’s WP1 executive summary from EUROCONTROL and generate draft v1 by 15th June

  • Review, consolidate with other sources, disseminate to FAA and other AMCP WGC Members with the objective of getting additional inputs ( FAA ADS-B concepts of operation) and comments by 1st July

  • Consolidate above into draft v 2 and disseminate prior to KOBE meeting, by mid-September

  1. Chapter 9 : Communication service requirements:

  1. Scope: this is definition of communications operations requirements to support the above-identified concepts and airspace classes from a ATS provider’s perspective. It includes the identification of required communication enablers, such as point to point and broadcast modes, air-ground and air to air voice and data communications

  2. AOC concepts and communication requirements are expected to come from IATA and other aircraft owners/operators representative bodies. If and when available the AOC class of requirements will be consolidated together with ATS class into the AMCP/8 report with the goal of maximizing technical and economic users’ benefits.

  • Contents : synthesis from MACONDO’s study WP 2 augmented with relevant extracts from other sources

  • Work-plan:
    a) Obtain executive summary of above-mentionned study by mid July

  1. Generate draft v1 by 1st week of September and disseminate to AMCP Members

  2. Get comments and consolidate into draft V2 by 3rd week of September in time for KOBE meeting


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