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Domestic Export Incentive Schemes in Africa and in Asia

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Harry G. Broadman - Africa\'s Silk Road China and India\'s New Economic Frontier (2007, World Bank Publications) - libgen.li
Morley, David - The Cambridge introduction to creative writing (2011) - libgen.li
Domestic Export Incentive Schemes in Africa and in Asia
While the preceding subsections dealt with formal trade policies in the form of tariff and nontariff barriers that restrict trade flows, many developing countries have a number of domestic incentives, fiscal or nonfiscal,
granted to exporters for the purpose of promoting exports by domestic producers. Box 3.2 describes such incentives provided by the Indian government. These incentives can be generally categorized as (i) duty relief on imported inputs, such as duty drawback and duty exemption systems (ii)
domestic fiscal incentives, such as value-added tax exemptions (iii) export processing zones (EPZs) and bonded factories or warehouses and (iv)
trade finance. Clearly, incentive schemes for export promotion are quite diverse and complicated. They are often used to attract foreign investors to produce export products in EPZs or as tools for trade facilitation. Trade finance is discussed in chapter 5.
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The effectiveness of export incentive schemes is widely debated it also varies among different schemes. Because many fiscal incentive schemes are cumbersome, efficient domestic institutions for fiscal administration area prerequisite for their effective management. In particular, duty drawbacks are information-intensive and usually utilize cumbersome
African LDCs and Non-LDCs Tariff Rates on Top 10 Imports from China and
India, 2004
a. African LDCs tariff rates
on top 10 imports from China
0 5
10 15 20 25 30 textile yarns and fabrics textile yarns and fabrics textile yarns and fabrics iron and steel iron and steel petroleum products petroleum products medicinal and pharmaceutical products medicinal and pharmaceutical products cereals and cereal preparations cereals and cereal preparations textile yarns and fabrics electrical machinery and apparatus electrical machinery and apparatus road vehicles road vehicles road vehicles road vehicles manufactures of metal manufactures of metal manufactures of metal manufactures of metal iron and steel machinery specialized for particular industries machinery specialized for particular industries general machinery and industrial equipment general machinery and industrial equipment nonmetallic mineral manufactures articles of apparel and clothing articles of apparel and clothing articles of apparel and clothing artificial resins, plastic material, cellulose telecommunications and sound recording equipment telecommunications and sound recording equipment footwear footwear miscellaneous manufactured articles miscellaneous manufactured articles miscellaneous manufactured articles miscellaneous manufactured articles tariff rate share of total imports

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