The 2005 Nashville Reunion was held at the Holiday Inn Select and was absolutely marvelous. In attendance were 240 members (72 cancellations
due to Hurricane Katrina). Dick Obidinski, President, and Jerry Mangas, Secretary coordinated the reunion. Bobby (Stu) and Marcey Sturdevant arranged a great force of volunteers to work the hospitality room. The stalwarts, Monika Wilson, Ute Sparks, Traudl and Jim Riggin, Monika Nickerson, C.A. Russell, Barry and Sue Springsteen, Pat Schiermeister, Eadie Patterson, Dick Obidinski, and Don Riverkamp were right in the midst of handling the registration packages, hat and t-shirt sales, arranging the banquet seating, the tours, and answering all questions members had about the reunion.
The business meeting was held the first afternoon with the election of officers and changes to our constitution and by-laws. The big changes were eliminating the office of 3rd Vice President, creating the office of Adjutant; adding the position of Web Master to the Executive Board; the Executive Board reduced from all past Presidents as advisors, to just the outgoing President as Board Advisor. Officers moving up and/or elected were: Jim Riggin, President; Don Riverkamp, Vice President; Stu Sturdevant, 2nd Vice President; Chuck Wilson, Adjutant; Jerry Mangas, Secretary; Nate Spark, Treasurer; CA Russell, Membership Chairman; Barry Springsteen, Web Master; and Board Advisor, Dick Obidinski. A motion was made for a donation of $1000 to the Air Force Enlisted Foundation and approved. The finalist cities for the 2007 Reunion were announced: Austin, Denver, Ogden, and Reno. Also announced was a reminder the 2006 Annual Reunion would be held in Hof, Germany with Robert Hoerath, and Chuck Wilson as the reunion coordinators.
The daily tours were very well received. There was the “Discover Nashville” tour providing an excellent overview of the city. The Grand Ole Opry, with the Martha White flour commercials, and “Little” Jimmy Dickens performing. The “General Jackson Riverboat Cruise” down the Cumberland River offered great entertainment with equally great southern food.
The Tuesday afternoon social was hit pretty hard do to “Katrina”. The entertainment was centered on
Tanja Riggin, however, FEMA decided to take her away to work with the Katrina victims and disaster relief. The show had to go on, so, in-house performers, Traudl Riggin, Brenda and Archie Emery, and John Pace stepped up and did a superb job of singing. Ralph Glover did a little song and dance and some comedy; JoAnn Fukumoto provided a show of grace from the Hawaiian Islands. Let us not forget the wonderful talk given by Margot Payne. She described the “shock and awe” upon arriving in America from Germany for the first time.
Andy Brads, attending his first Hof Reunion ever, conducted a real live auction instead of our planned “Silent Auction”. Andy took the stage, and the rest is history. He got the members into a competitive bidding war, a really fun time and generated loads of cash for our Biloxi Hurricane Relief Fund. The top items were a beautiful, patriotic themed, handmade quilt by June Parnell, and a large pair of “Hummel’s” made and hand-painted by Hilde Middendorf. The live auction was a very big success.
BeefRouladen - with red cabbage and Bavarian dumplings.
Hunter Schnitzel- with mushroom gravy and homemade Spätzle.
PorkRoast-in beer gravy with Sauerkraut and Bavarian dumplings.
Vegetarianmeal-Vegetable Lasagna
The Thursday night semi-formal banquet was outstanding. The 118th Military Airlift Wing of the Tennessee Air National Guard, led by SMSgt Steve Williams, went way beyond the presentation of the Colors. He and his team provided a historical program about our Flags, and what they mean. It was the best presentation of colors our reunion has ever experienced and witnessed. After the presentation, SMSgt Williams led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chaplain
Francis Fukumoto, assisted by Tom Bryson and Brent Scott, performed a memorial service for our former colleagues with Barry and Sue Springsteen providing a memorial plaque honoring them. Mrs. Billie Townsend, widow of the late
Chaplain James Townsend (Hof 1961-64) gave the Invocation.
We enjoyed a great dinner and some short talks. The band brought in by Archie Emery, called, “The
Bandaleroes”, took over, entertained us and got the majority of people up to dance. During the band breaks, we had the 50/50 drawings. Set up by Stu Sturdevant, with 50% going to the Biloxi Disaster Relief and 50% going out as cash prizes. ALL winners in the 50/50 drawing donated their share back to the relief fund. The total amount the HOF Reunion donated to the hurricane relief fund was
$4,137.50. Art Everhart and Peggy Adams later presented an Association check for that amount to the Biloxi Salvation Army.
Friday morning brought the Auf Wiedersehen breakfast, one last omelet from Walter, the Cajun Omelet King, and everyone saying their goodbyes until next time. Thanks Nashville, we had a great time.
2006 – Hof, Germany
The 2006 HRA Reunion was held at the Quality Inn in Hof/Saale, Germany, September 17-23, 2006. A special thanks to Robert and Hanna Hoerath, our German Affairs Representative and his wife whom coordinated the hotel accommodations, tours, transportation, guides, dining facilities, and much more for the 221 members and family members who made the trip to Hof, Germany.
Registration was on Sunday, September 17 at the hotel and went very smoothly with the assistance of board members and their wives, plus Greg and Sandy Krcma. On Monday, the day started with a
briefing in the hotel foyer, followed by a reception at the Hof Rathaus with Oberbürgermeister, Dr. Harald Fichtner; then a short walk to Fernweh Park, Klaus Beer’s sign forest where over 50
signs were presented to Mr. Beer for posting; then a trip to the Teddy Bear Museum, and a souvenir shopping tour by Christa Devine.
On Monday evening, the general membership meeting was called to order by President Jim Riggin at 5 PM. After opening prayer by association Chaplain, Francis Fukumoto, introduction of current Board of Directors by President Riggin, reading of the 2005 business meeting by Jerry Mangas, and the treasurer’s report by Nate Sparks, new business was
Kaserne mission in the old Chapel. We walked the Kaserne to visit the old stomping grounds, and then a wonderful lunch at the chow hall. After lunch, we headed to Moedlareuth, a small by the old Zonal Border and Fence. On Wednesday night, group dinners were held at the Quality Inn, the Falter
Hotel, and the
discussed. Chuck Wilson moved that the association
donate $1500 to the Air Force Enlisted Foundation and the motion was approved. Nominations for board of directors and voting were then conducted. The following personnel were elected as the new board: President – Don Riverkamp; 1st VP – Bobby (Stu) Sturdevant; 2nd VP – Chuck Wilson; Adjutant – Joe Kessler; Secretary – Jerry Mangas; Treasurer – Nate Sparks; Membership Chairmen –
A. Russell; Webmaster – Barry Springsteen; and Executive Advisor – Jim Riggin. The meeting was
Kaserne/HofAirStationisrenamedbyGermanauthoritiesasGeneralHuettnerKaserne,inhonorofGeneralmajorHansHuettner, who hadcommandedthe38thInfantry Supplemental(Reserve)BattalioninHofintheAutumnof1935,beforetheoutbreakoftheSecondWorldWar.
Metzgerei Herpich.
On Thursday, four buses were off to Kulmbach. The day started off with a reception at the Kulmbach Rathaus with Bürgermeister, Henry Schramm; then up to Plassenburg
turned over to new president, Don Riverkamp, and Don gave the members a briefing on plans for the 2007 Reno Reunion. Dick Obidinski gave a briefing on the sites in contention for the 2008 reunion. Chuck Wilson then provided information on money exchange, group dinners, bus tours, bus leaders, and general information concerning the reunion. The members in attendance than sang Happy Birthday to Ralph Glover in honor of his “88th” birthday. Meeting was adjourned and members turned loose for a night in town.
The following were the tours and destinations Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of reunion week.
Tuesday was filled with two major tours – one to Berlin (3 buses) and one to Dresden (1 bus). The Berlin Tour included entry into the Reichstag. The Dresden Tour provided insights to the beautiful town; its culture and heritage.
Wednesday, we loaded four buses and toured Doebraberg, where the group received a mission statement briefing from German officer, Lt Ruppert; next we toured the old Operations Site and then onto Kingsley Kaserne, now called the General Hüttner Kaserne. Kommandant Oberst Norbert Reineke, and briefing officer Kaptain Dieterman provided an excellent briefing of the current
Castle; then lunch at the Kulmbacher Sports Café. After lunch, the next stop was Vierzehnheiligen, Church of the Fourteen Saints. We returned to Hof and onto Baron von Waldenfels’ Gasthaus just outside Hof.
Friday night was the closing banquet at the Hof Bürgergesellschaft. A wonderful evening of food, drink, entertainment, memorial services honoring our lost ones by Francis Fukumoto, Jerry Mangas, and Dick Obidinski, presentations, and dancing. Tanya and Traudl Riggin, the Volkstanzgruppe Lichtenberg, and dance music by Bernd Bahn provided entertainment. Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to: Tom Bryson, Francis Fukumoto, Robert Hoerath, Jerry Mangas, Phil Murray, Dick Obidinski, Jim Riggin, Don Riverkamp, C.A. Russell, Nate Sparks, Barry Springsteen, Bobby (Stu) Sturdevant, and Chuck Wilson. The MC’s for the evening were Mark Clemons, Don Riverkamp, and Jim Riggin. The 260 people in attendance had a great time.
On Saturday morning, we had our Auf Wiedersehen Breakfast at the Quality Hotel; said our thanks and goodbyes for the wonderful week and fabulous reunion.
In December 2006, as a result of our $1500 donation to the Air Force Enlisted Foundation, the
Hof Reunion Association was awarded a brick with its name and website address engraved on it. The brick was permanently placed on the Encircle Angel of Hope in the Garden of Hope, Bob Hope Village, 92 Sunset Lane, Shalimar, Florida.
The 2007 Hof Reunion will be held in Reno, Nevada, at the Eldorado Hotel/Casino, September 2-7, 2007. All are looking forward to seeing a great turnout of members, family, and guests. Look at your 2007 January Hof Connection Newsletter for details and forms. Also remember, visit our website for many memories and pictures.
2007 – Reno,Nevada
The Hof Reunion Association held its 6th annual reunion at the Eldorado Hotel/Casino in Reno, Nevada, September 2-7, 2007, with 248 members, spouses, and guests in attendance. The following are the events, which took place during the reunion week.
On Sunday afternoon, the HRA Executive Board met and conducted their yearly meeting. President, Don Riverkamp, called the meeting to order at 5 PM. Don welcomed all to Reno, took roll call, and introduced the invited guests, Bill Ward, Tom Mikloiche, and Phil Murray. All members of executive board were present with the exception of C.A. Russell, our Membership Chairman. Jerry Mangas than read the minutes of the meeting conducted in Hof, Germany in 2006, and they were approved as read. Nate Sparks presented the treasurer’s report on HRA financial status, and they
were reviewed and approved. Approved to present to the membership at our General Membership Meeting were a donation of $1500.00 to the AF Enlisted Foundation; changes to the Constitution & By-Laws; 2008, 2009, & 2010 Reunion Site
Locations; Report of Nominating Committee for 2008; and the week’s reunion activities. The business meeting was adjourned at 6:20 PM.
Registration began at 9 AM Monday morning and lasted until 4 PM for all attending the reunion. The Hospitality Rooms also opened at 9 AM, Monday morning for all registered attendees and guests to meet, relax, meet new and old fellow Hofers, and have refreshments. At 4 PM, President Don Riverkamp called the General Membership Meeting to order. The meeting kicked off with the Pledge of Allegiance, and then Don welcomed everyone and introduced the Executive Board and its staff. HRA Secretary, Jerry Mangas read the minutes of the 2006 Hof General Membership Meeting and they were approved as read. HRA Treasurer, Nate Sparks presented his report on the association’s financial status and they were approved as read. The minutes and treasurer’s report were available on paper for the membership to read and review. The chair then entertained a motion to donate
$1500.00 to the Air Force Enlisted Foundation. It was so moved and approved by the membership.
Next on the agenda were the proposed changes to the HRA Constitution and By-Laws. All members had been provided proposed changes in the 2007 July Hof Connection Newsletter, and a motion was made, seconded, and approved by the membership to accept the changes. Therefore, with approval by the membership, two positions were added to the executive board, Hof Connection Editor, and German Affairs Representative. Prior to the election of officers, Chuck Wilson resigned his position on the Executive Board due to personal reasons. Election of officers for 2008 was conducted and the
following are the results and your new Executive Board members: President, Stu Sturdevant; 1st Vice President, Bill Ward; 2nd Vice President, Tom Mikloiche; Adjutant, Joe Kessler; Secretary, Jerry Mangas; Treasurer, Nate Sparks; Membership
Chairman, C.A. Russell; Webmaster, Barry Springsteen; Newsletter Editor, Phil Murray; German Affairs Representative, Robert Hoerath; and Don Riverkamp, Executive Board Advisor. Don turned the meeting over to the new HRA President, Stu Sturdevant. Stu briefed the membership on the 2008 Charleston Reunion Site (which has since been changed to Myrtle Beach, SC due to cost and hotel availability). President Sturdevant reported on the sites selected by the
committee for the 2009 reunion for vote by membership in the 2008 January Hof
Connection Newsletter. The sites were, Green Bay, WI; Rapid City, SD; and Shreveport/Bossier City, LA. (Since Reno, one site has been dropped and two sites have been added) On the ballot in 2008 January Newsletter, the sites for membership to vote on will be, in alphabetical order, Branson, MO; Green Bay, WI;
Shreveport/Bossier City, LA; and Tunica, MS). The changes were made and agreed upon by the executive board in December after much discussion and investigation of sites. The next topic brought up to the membership was to have a show of hands
for the 2010 Reunion to be held in Hof/Saale, Germany. A majority of members raised their hands in approval. Some announcements were made about the week’s bus tours, buffet luncheon, banquet dinner, two for one show tickets, and the hospitality room. The meeting adjourned at
approximately 6 PM.
On Tuesday, September 3rd, 111 of our attendees went on a tour of Reno and Virginia City, Nevada. They toured the University of Nevada, downtown Reno, the Reno Arch, Truckee River, Casinos, and one park for a photo stop.
They went onto South Reno residential areas, and large estates in the valley. On the climb up to Virginia City on Highway 341 they stopped at a photographic lookout, and then into Virginia City. They boarded the buses for return trip to the Eldorado at high noon in order to have some time before the Tuesday afternoon luncheon buffet and program. The luncheon buffet program started at 1:30 PM with a welcome, introductions and plans for the afternoon by the MC of the day, Don Riverkamp. HRA Chaplain, Francis Fukumoto, gave the invocation and everyone was off to the buffet tables for a wonderful spread, and music by our DJ, The Musicman, Jack Barrett. After lunch, the program kicked off with Certificate of Appreciation Awards being presented to the following personnel: Bob Alekson, Tony Donofrio, JoAnn Fukumoto, Hanna Hoerath, Greg & Sandy Krcma, Pat Mangas, Jerry & Hilde Middendorf, Tom & Inga Mikloiche, Evi Obidinski, Traudl Riggin, Tanja Riggin Smith, Ute Sparks, Sue Springsteen, Marcey Sturdevant, and Monika Wilson. We had a live auction conducted by Andy Brads, door prizes drawings for gifts donated by the members, and some show and dinner tickets from the Eldorado Hotel/Casino, Harrah’s Hotel/Casino, and the Silver Legacy Hotel/Casino, plus loads of socializing, some singing and dancing with our new and old acquaintances. The festivities ended at 6 PM and all in attendance had a super time. Tuesday evening was free for whatever activities our members preferred.
On Wednesday, 135 of our members loaded onto three buses for an all day tour of Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe, and Carson City. We started off by going to historic Truckee, California, then onto the Olympic Village at Squaw Valley. Upon leaving Squaw Valley, we went to Fanny Bridge, and then proceeded onto the West Shore of Lake Tahoe, had
a photo stop at Emerald Bay Vista Point and then to Stateline, South Lake Tahoe where we had three hours of free time for lunch, shopping, sightseeing, and/or gambling. Then it was unto the capital of Nevada, Carson City. We toured the Historic District and drove by the Governor’s Mansion. This was a great trip and everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy the day. Returned to the Eldorado at 5 PM, and that evening, many of our personnel took in the show, “The Dancing Queens”, at the Eldorado Showroom.
Todream theimpossibledream,
To fighttheunbeatablefoe,
To runwherethe bravedarenotgo.
And Iknow,ifI’llonly betrue,
To thisgloriesquest,
To righttheunrightablewrong,
To lovepureandchasefromafar,To trywhen yourarmsaretooweary,
To reachtheunreachablestar!
Andtheworldwillbe betterforthis;
Thatoneman,scornedandcovered withscars,
Stillstrove withhis lastounceofcourage,
To reachtheunreachablestars.
No matterhowhopeless,nomatterhowfar;To fightforthe rightwithoutquestionorpause,
Tobe willingtomarchintohellforaheavenlycause!
Thursday, during the day, was a free day for members to partake in whatever their hearts desired and be rested for the evening Banquet Dinner Program. The doors opened at 5:30 PM for some socializing and cash bar cocktails.
Hotel/Casino provided an open complimentary happy hour from 8 PM to 9 PM. Jack Barrett, “The Music Doctor”, provided dance music and fun from 8 to 11 PM. ALL HAD A WONDERFUL TIME!
The Eldorado Hotel/Casino provided an open complimentary happy hour from 8 PM to 9 PM. Jack Barrett, “The Music Doctor”, provided dance music and fun from 8 to 11 PM. ALL HAD A WONDERFUL TIME!