Experiences in Project Preparation, Detailed Design, and Construction Supervision of Infrastructure – I’ve been engage in different project types and various stages of project cycle prior to handing over to the Employer (meaning, excluding operations). My involvement as environmental specialist in Feasibility Studies (PPTAs/TRTAs), Contract Preparation and Tendering, and Construction Supervision/Implementation, enabled me to appreciate the relevance of the having consistency of environmental safeguards and to provide better guidance to project implementers. This technical skill will be valuable in reviewing environmental requirements of different projects and within the project-cycles.
Design of Environmental Parametric Monitoring and Management of Environmental Quality – During actual construction, Contractors are required to conduct environmental quality parametric measurements. As consultant in the design stage I’ve formulated EMP/EMoP frameworks, which are site adapted by Contractors. The actual field adaption, with respect to actual sites and frequency of performance are entirely project and site-specifics. I consider my experience in both designing frameworks and supervising actual implementation as technical skill that can serve to better guiding in establishing a better and practical Environmental Monitoring Systems.