512, 3006
Park's "How I Got Started" (article), 1285–1286
Parliament burned, 1154
Parliamentary Copy wts, 812
Parliamentary Standard wts, 812
Parnall, egg sc mkr, 415
Parnall see catalogue
Parnall, H & Sons
retailer of earthenware wts, 143
wt mkr, 83, 143, 386, 415
Parnall & Sons
cheesemongers sc mkr, 1456
grocers sc mkr, 1452, 1456
parcel sc mkr, 1258, 1456
pork curers sc mkr, 1456
portable beam sc, 1456
pot plate, 1452
stand sc mkr, 1454
tea dealers sc mkr, 1456
trade sc mkr, 1452, 1454
wholesalers beam sc, 1456
Parnall & Sons Ltd, 83, 143
bread, sc mkr, 1089
counter sc mkr, 1645
dates, 1447
pot plate, 1447
steelyard mkr, 1458
trade sc mkr, 1447
weight mkr, 386, 732
see also catalogue
anglers sc mkr, 199
parcel sc mkr, 199
postal sc mkr, 199, 428, 1253
shop sc mkr, 3031
Parnell, W H, American ccd patentee, 1019
Parry, Walter, bread, sc mkr, 1089
Parsons, Sir Charles, 2691
Partridge, John
apprentice of Lind, John, 1732
apprentice of Vincent, Robert II, 1729
coin sc mkr, 1729
partner of Astill, Susannah, 1732
sc mkr, 3086–3087
successor of Astill & Partridge, 1732
Pascal, Dominique, French sc mkr, 1422
Paschal, Thomas, Colonial American inspector of coin wts, 1470
Passer, Henry
apprentice of Vincent, Robert II, 1732
dates, 1732
father of Passer, James, 1736
wrongly connected with Williams, Thomas, 1732
Passer, James
apprentice of Schooling, James, 1736
son of Passer, Henry, 1736
agate beam, 1442
beam end, 111
béranger sc, 1664
bilateral pendulum see patent, pendulum bilateral
bismar flat rule with notches, 704
bismar in pen, 276, 704–706, 931, 992
bismar on feed-fork, 669
bismar on stand, 568
bismar walking-stick, 298, 680
bismar with letter-cord, 427–428
bismar with letter-opener, 1408
bismar with multiple pivots, 400, 454, 680
bow-front, 1259
candlestick, 1373
candlestick hydraulic, 1373
candlestick with cord & wheel, 1373
candlestick with tapering helical spring, 1375
ccd list, 276
coin-bender, 621, 841
coin-operated pendulum sc, 1629
coin-ringing, 841
compound bal, 661
cord & weight, 1373
counter platform sc, 2621–2622
with multiple poises, 2621–2622
dates, 396
decimal sc, 887–888
egg, 376–377, 389, 415, 1659
egg tester, 416
equal-arm precision bal, 1020
equal-arm with arrestment, 263, 271
equal-arm with captive wt, 380–381
equal-arm with poise, 1400
equal-arm with sliding hammers, 103
equal-arm with steelyard, 692, 698
Fairbanks list, 110
first patent for bread, sc, 1088
flexure spring, 1376, 1401, 1904–1907, 1931, 1964
gauge, 276
graduations wide for small units & narrow for large units, 1657–1658
half roberval & pendulum, 379, 484
half roberval & spring, 651, 981, 1404
half roberval & spring scoop, 490
half roberval & steelyard, 232, 537, 539, 930, 1028, 1260, 1403–1404, 1677
half roberval & telescopic steelyard, 482, 1021
half roberval & weight lifter, 133, 383, 399, 483, 538–539, 566, 595, 1223
hydraulic, 425–426, 510, 679, 963, 1373
hydraulic candlestick, 1373
hydrostatic steelyard, 268–269, 276
ladle, 1945
mass stabilised pan, 427
moving load, 454, 650
moving load clip pulling out of pen, 454
moving load for coin & steelyard for letters, 400
moving load for gold & moving poise for silver, 990
moving load inside pen, 1399
moving load with 3 fulcrums & slots for coins, 875
moving load with coin platters, 13, 78, 276, 621, 786
moving load with coin slots, 14, 275–276, 307, 621, 762–763, 840, 875, 962–964, 1018
moving load with coin slots for rolls of coins, 1019
moving load with egg-holes, 379
moving load with folding beams, 764, 2061
moving load with letter slots, 276
moving load with spirit-level & graduations, 1619
moving load with U-slot, 566
pendulous chart, 1655
pendulum & cam, 483
pendulum & cord, 427
pendulum bilateral, 360–361, 1260, 1629–1634
pendulum bilateral heavy-duty, 1633
pendulum bilateral with central hanging pan, 1629–1630
pendulum bilateral with coin-in-slot, 1630
pendulum bilateral with counter-rotating graduations & pointer, 317–318, 1629
pendulum comma-shaped, 199, 428, 455–456, 707, 990
pendulum sc coin-operated, 1629
pendulum sc first patent, 269–270, 597–598
pendulum single & telescopic load arm, 483, 1405
pendulum single hand-held, 484, 1361–1362, 1376, 1402, 1405, 1409
pendulum single hydrostatic, 269, 1684
pendulum single in lbs per bushel, 80
pendulum single with 2 double pointers, 677–678
pendulum single with brake, 1408
pendulum single with buffer, 512, 1410–1412
pendulum single with cam for hanging poise, 483
pendulum single with circular dial, 399, 426, 1223, 1362, 1405, 1410–1412, 1649
pendulum single with circular dial & 2 load-positions, 1405
pendulum single with circular dial & fluid level, 427
pendulum single with curved board behind graduated arc, 1409
pendulum single with damper, 415
pendulum single with elbow, 559, 1657–1658
pendulum single with fancy pillar, 1372
pendulum single with hanging poise, 1375
pendulum single with hydraulic ring, 425–426
pendulum single with loose poise, 707
pendulum single with multiple graduations, 510–511, 622, 677–678, 990
pendulum single with offset pointer, 510–511
pendulum single with pin-stops, 652
pendulum single with self-correcting pivot, 1655
pendulum single with sliding poise, 1650
pendulum single with tape-measure, 540
pendulum single with telescopic arm, 1405
pendulum single with tiny ball holding pointer in position, 1255, 1361, 1406, 1410–1412
pendulum single with turn-over poise, 1650
pendulum single with two graduations, 559, 1657–1658, 1917–1923
pendulum single with two load-positions, 540
pendulum single with two pointers, 455–456, 1408–1409
pendulum single with vertical slot for pointer, 484
pendulums single two on one stand, 1660–1661
pendulums two singles tied together, 1917–1923
platform as part of lever-system, 722
platform centesimal sc, 886–887
platform decimal sc, 227, 887, 1664
platform sc, for wagon weighing, 2821–2822
platform sc on balls & inclined plane, 549
platform sc with 2 poises, 1664
platform sc with adjustment screw, 723, 727
platform sc with compound levers, 1664
platform sc with dial-face, 549
platform sc with flexure springs, 549
platform sc with loose-wt steelyard, 1636
platform sc with pan & wts, 698
platform sc with pendulum, 698
platform sc with relieving & locking mechanism, 549
platform sc with spring, 698
platform sc with steelyard, 698, 2821–2822
pointer revolving 5 times, 1630
poise, 416, 2609–2610
poise on disc, 1405
poise on elbowed arm, 1658
poise sliding, 1650
poise turn-over, 1650
poise with rotating dial, 2609–2610
postal see "Patent Postals"
pot plate, 1463
printing scales, 2216
punched out folded steel, 2045
roberval, 717, 2600–2601
roberval wt-lifting, 538–539, 566
rocker multi-beam, 274
rocker multiple, 269, 411, 413, 763, 787, 820, 842, 902, 930, 1019
rocker with 2 sets feet, 763, 931
rocker with 3 bob-ups, 379
rocker with add-on poises, 381, 389
rocker with rotating poise, 904
rocker with turn-over poise & loose poises, 379
scale-plates, 1445
scoop, 488, 492, 2429
semi-self indicating, 715
sliding beam, 454
spring see half-roberval & spring
spring & dial-face, 425
spring & dial-face with linkage-legs, 491
spring & dial-face with side-hanger, 547
spring & quadrant, 623
spring & tape-measure, 538, 547
spring & tipped pan, 528
spring & two half-roberval linkages, 455, 528
spring & unequal arm beam, 425
spring & wt-indication, 515
spring 1 light & 2 strong, 517
spring bow-front, 622, 1259, 1407
spring C-spring, 1867
spring candlestick, 404
spring candlestick & desk-set, 481
spring Chatillon list, 88
spring compressed inside handle, 489
spring compression candlestick, 1373
spring cone-shaped candlestick, 1375
spring curved plates, 1931
spring dial & hanging scoop, 488
spring dial & slide, 521
spring elliptical, 1905
spring flexure with bow additions, 1376
spring flexure with coin hanger, 962
spring flexure with platform, 549
spring flexure with top-pan, 517
spring fork inverted to use, 667–668
spring fork with exposed spring, 669–670
spring fork with spring & dial-face, 670
spring in pen, 565, 568, 650
spring ladle, 1945
spring pointer revolving 5 times, 1630
spring Salter list, 549
spring scoop & quadrant-chart, 487
spring spiral, 1405
spring tension candestick, 1373
spring top-pan dial-face & half-roberval linkage at 90 degrees, 1262
spring tubular & scoop, 491
spring with folding handle, 509–510
spring with foot-plates on pillar, 554
spring with multiple graduations, 567
spring with quadrant-dial, 525
spring with reverse dial & mirror, 554
spring with scissor-grab, 667
steelyard accelerating, 624, 678
steelyard folding, 2038–2049
steelyard for letters & moving load for coins, 400
steelyard graduated in A B C & cylindrical card with moisture loss, 384
steelyard hydrostatical, 268
steelyard in desk set, 453
steelyard inside handle, 490
steelyard patents by Fairbanks, 110
steelyard with 3 loose poises, 389
steelyard with 4 sets graduations, 1147
steelyard with brake, 1092
steelyard with cover over knife-edges, 539–540
steelyard with detachable beam, 1039
steelyard with double beam, 14, 537, 1028
steelyard with extending beam, 13, 482, 763, 818, 820
steelyard with mass-stabilised pan, 427, 903
steelyard with micrometer, 505, 1373
steelyard with moving poise for silver & moving load for gold, 990
steelyard with platform, 1664
steelyard with poise each side of fulcrum, 143
steelyard with poise moving round an arc, 841
steelyard with raised diameter-checker, 931
steelyard with rotating beam, 652
steelyard with rotating poise, 14, 903, 2060
steelyard with swivelling pan, 1092
steelyard with turn-over beam, 509–511
steelyard with turn-over poise, 1091
steelyard with two poises, 1374
steelyard within 4 legged-frame, 819
swan neck end, 1442
top pan spring, 455
torsion, 998, 2610
unequal arm beam, 379, 400, 566–567, 661, 708, 921
unequal arm beam with coins as poises, 991
US, photo, 2818
walking-stick steelyard, 298
weighbridge, 655–661, 692–699, 723–724, 2211–2212
weighbridge with bearings in oil-boxes, 692
weighbridge with fusee cam & hanging poise, 692
weighing machine for locomotives, 1664
weighing scoops list, 492
weight-depositing, 982
weight-lifting, 383, 399, 410, 483, 538–539, 566, 596
patent model, 2736–2738, 2819–2820, 2821–2822
Daniels, William, patentee, 2821–2822
Fairbanks & Co, 1114
history of, 2736–2738, 2819
Howes Scale, 2736–2738
museum, 2819–2820
Reynolds, W W, patentee, 2736–2738
Usher, John H, patentee, 2822
Patent Office, US, 2819
"Patent Postals" (article by Crawforth), 398–400, 425–428, 453–456, 481–484, 509–512, 537–540, 565–568, 595–596, 621–624, 650–652, 677–680, 704–708
Patent system
British, def, 396–397
French, 1367–1376
Allender, J, 13, 78–79, 788
American Machine Co, 982
Amet, Edward, 2430
Atwater, J B, 963
Bachmann, E, 964
Baker, A J & Simonton, J W, 903
Baldwin, Leroy W, 2431
Bartlett, L, 492
Becker, Christian, 1002
Bensinger, J M, 492
Bernstein, Aaron David, 1950
Berquist, P J, 492
Berrian, 754
Blackhart, J W, 667, 671
Bragin, L, 875, 1018
Carter, Charles D, 2609–2610
Chandler, E C, 671
Chapman, M E, 382
Chatillon, 88, 650, 1463
Chatillon, John & Sons, 1557, 1594–1596
Clark, M, 963
Clay, A B, 671
Clupka, D J, 492
Computing Scale Co, 216
Conway, George, 2613, 2614
Corbin, 2230
Crofford, C B, 491, 492
Culmer, J W, 217, 217
Culmer, Woodruff, 2205
Cummings, D, 2061
Daniels, William, 2821–2822
Davenport, 2424
Davidson, W H, 489, 492
Davies, W G, 492
Dearborn, Benjamin, 2064, 2639–2640
Dearborn, Benjamin & West, U & Loring, D, 2064
Deland, P, 492
Dodge Scale Co, 505
Doherty, P, 874, 876
Douglas, N S, 492
Du Brul, Napoleon, 2615–2616
Dunn, 2230
Ellis, T T, 492
Emanuel, B D, 492, 2230
Ernst, H, 492
Eschemann, W & Co, 958
Fairbanks, 143, 1017
Fairbanks, E & T, 110, 550, 723–724, 1017, 2344
Fairbanks, Henry, 110, 724
Fairbanks, Thaddeus, 110, 143, 396, 426–427, 723, 1169, 3061
Fairbanks, Thaddeus & Horace, 110
Fairbanks, Thaddeus & Paddock, H, 110
Farnum, William, 2412–2414, 2823–2824
Felix, L, 671
Field, S A, 930
Finch, F E, 1019
first read American Patent Models, 1113–1115
Fitch, Dr Calvin H, 1039, 2039–2048
Fox, H H, 492
Fries, Alfred, 2612–2613
Gaston, Augustine, J, 2979–2983
Gibson, Donald, 2914–2918
Gilfillan, E N, 2878–2879
Granat & Lamott, 492
Haas, W W, 991
Hansen, Marius, 2952–2955, 2972–2973
Hanssen, Stan, 2974–2977
Harris, William F, 2227–2228, 2230
Heaney, D, 670–671
Heizer, E L & A I, 492
Herper, F J, 819
Hibbard, 2639
Himottu, A, 49, 492
Hoag, G, 14, 930, 932
Hoover, Clem, 2230
Hopkins, Isaac Stiles, 2812
Howe, F C, 489, 491, 492
Howe Scale Co, 1527
Hunter, J W, 492
Hurd, A B, 492
Jiffy-way, 378
Keeler, J F, 2688, 2703
Kent, William, 2612–2613
Klippert Vogt & Weiland, 492
Knight, E, 990, 2061
Kohn, G, 492
Kopp, Reinhold A, 3095
Kronenberg, E, 763, 902
Lamott see Granat & Lamott
Langer, G, 492
Laurence, 2825
Leary, J I, 492
LeBert, C A, 492
Leuders, E, 931
Mandolf, H I & Morrow, J R, 2945–2946
Maranville, H, 13–14, 818–820, 903, 2060
Marston, N B, 669, 671
Martin, F H, 492
Maul, Philipp Jakob, 361
Maxwell, W, 490, 492
McKiernan, B, 492
McNally, J T & Harrison W H, 15, 962, 2410
Mery, M L, 489, 492
Michalis, Clarence, 2612–2614
Moore & Thompson, 492
Morehead, J H, 492
O'Neil, J K, 488, 492, 666, 671
Owens, T D Jnr, 492
Ozias, A N, 2206
Ozias, O O, 217, 2204–2206
Paddock, H see patentee, American, Fairbanks, Thaddeus & Paddock, H
Painter, W, 820
Peck, 2639
Phinney, W H, 2210, 2638
Pitrat, 2205
Pitrat, Julius E, 2199–2208, 2232–2238
Porter, T I, 1018
Powell, E E, 379–380, 1280
Preston, William B, 508
Purnell, E E, 2061
Purnelle, E, 990
Reynolds, W W, 2736–2738, 2756
Rice, W H, 902
Richardson, G L, 669, 671
Richtmann, C, 990, 2061
Riess, R W, 275, 992
Roberts, C H, 490, 492
Roberts, D L, 514
Robinson, H G, 13, 1020, 2061
Roeder, Frederick A & Springer, Alfred, 997, 2610–2615
Rogers, S A, 2064
Ross, Thomas, 2756
Sachse, Herman Paul, 3093–3094
Saddler, M D, 1020
Sanderson, W H, 2205, 3012
Schmolz, W, 1020
Scott, M, 671
Shaler, Ruben, 2647–2649
Shipman, 487, 490
Smith, A U, 2205
Smith, Gideon B, 13, 787
Smith & Wells, 962
Snow, J H, 492
Sprague, Carleton W, 2501
Squyer, Oscar, 1905
Stevens, F M, 670–671
Stevens, Frederick M, 3095
Stewart, G A, 671
Stewart, J B, 667, 671
Stiebel, H G Jnr, 492
Street, E, 931
Strong, Francis M, 2756
Sutton, J W, 875, 904
Swank, A L, 492
Taylor, D O, 492
Thompson see Moore & Thompson
Thompson, A M & M D, 2342
Thompson, J A, 14, 761, 840, 876, 931
Triner, 651
Turnbull, 877, 981
Vogt see Klippert, Vogt & Weiland
Weaver, Henry M., 2511, 2512–2513
Weiland see Klippert, Vogt & Weiland
West, A A, 492
White, O C, 382, 389
Wiarda, J, 875
Willis, H M, 2407–2408
Zimmer, B, 2295
Zwiesler, L, 492
American, 361, 1633–1634, 1655, 1657–1658
Albracht, M F see Horn & Albracht; patentee, British, Horn & Albracht
Andrew, J, 276
Armaud, P, 426
Automatic Scale Co, 715
Avery, W & T, 726, 805
Avery & Timson, 677–678
Bache, E W see Bache, E W; Salter, Geo & Co Ltd
Bailey, W H see Wilson, R & Bailey, W H
Banks, J see Weerasinghe, B E & Banks, J
Beckman, O, 624
Béranger & Cie, 1664, 2602
Bergman & Slack, 1932
Bernstein, Aaron David, 1950
Berry, Miles, agent, 724, 2349
Betjemann, G W, provisional, 456
Bevis & Clayton, 1933
Blacklock & Hynes, 565–566, 622
Bonneville, H A, agent, 455
Boult, A J, 595
Bourne, T, 2216
Bradford see Hulls & Bradford
Bramall & Brookes-King, 453
British Duplex Seals Ltd, 1965
Brocklebank, T A, 483
Brookes, agent, 539
Brookhouse, R, 416
Brown, Alfred, 2932–2933
Brown, Isaac, 1414
Brussaut, P A, 2601
Burrows, P F M, 650
Butes, E, provisional, 454
Chappell, J, 596
Chatillon, 88
Clais, J S, 269–270, 276, 573, 597, 606–607, 1724
Clark see Gilmore & Clark
Clark, W, agent, 454
Clarke & Spinks, 276
Cook, M G, 539, 622
Cope & Cope Ltd, 415
Cotton, W, 103
Dampier, E, 398–399, 1223
Davis, G, 269, 274, 276, 717
Day, William Chambers, 1636, 2216
Day & Millward, 1442
DeGrave, 2331
Deschamps, J, 509, 510
Deyerlein, Johann Georg, agent, 888
Dowling, Edward, 1445
Downing, J S, 511
Duplex Handy Scale, 1945
Edgell, James, 661
Elfick, 2331
Evans, T, 2210
Everitt, P, 518, 549, 2216, 2423–2426
Exact Weight Scale Co, 704–705
Fairbanks, E & T, 723, 2344, 2349
Fairbanks, F, 396, 509, 511
Fanner, 2331
Fidler, M & J see Watkins & Fidler
Foley, J S see patentee, British, Salter, G & Foley, J S
Ford, Richard, 1508
Freeman, M, 399, 400
Gilfillan, E N, 622–623
Gilmore & Clark, 538
Golaz, J, 622
Greenbury, J, 565
Haddan, H J, agent, 539–540
Hall, N R, 147, 198, 428, 2209
Hall, R F, 549
Hamilton, G, 425–426
Hancock, A, 595
Harper, John & Co Ltd & Crowley, C,
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